We can't have electric cars for everyone.........

Perhaps those claiming our government is not trying to shut down oil and gas can explain why it cancelled all the leases and pipeline?
The pipeline should have never been approved, and leases weren't canceled. The sale of new leases are only temporarily delayed.
Perhaps those claiming our government is not trying to shut down oil and gas can explain why it cancelled all the leases and pipeline?
The pipeline should have never been approved, and leases weren't canceled. The sale of new leases are only temporarily delayed.
LOL sure thing, Biden Canceled all leases on federal land nothing about temporary in it. As for the pipeline it was legally approved and all needed laws were seen to.
Perhaps those claiming our government is not trying to shut down oil and gas can explain why it cancelled all the leases and pipeline?
The pipeline should have never been approved, and leases weren't canceled. The sale of new leases are only temporarily delayed.
LOL sure thing, Biden Canceled all leases on federal land nothing about temporary in it. As for the pipeline it was legally approved and all needed laws were seen to.
So all the existing leases with all those existing wells are just shut down now? You're an idiot. Trump issued a presidential permit for keystone, and then an executive order requiring approval of it as well. That is not our normal procedure for approval.
The fairy tale of electric cars.......now the truth....

Toyota warns that the grid and infrastructure simply aren’t there to support the electrification of the private car fleet. A 2017 U.S. government study found that we would need about 8,500 strategically-placed charge stations to support a fleet of just 7 million electric cars. That’s about six times the current number of electric cars but no one is talking about supporting just 7 million cars. We should be talking about powering about 300 million within the next 20 years, if all manufacturers follow GM and stop making ICE cars.
But instead of building a bigger boat, we may be shrinking the boat we have now. The power outages in California and Texas — the largest U.S. states by population and by car ownership — exposed issues with powering needs even at current usage levels. Increasing usage of wind and solar, neither of which can be throttled to meet demand, and both of which prove unreliable in crisis, has driven some coal and natural gas generators offline. Wind simply runs counter to needs — it generates too much power when we tend not to need it, and generates too little when we need more. The storage capacity to account for this doesn’t exist yet

But the truth is this......the democrat party doesn't care about any of this...they don't want everyone being able to drive anywhere, anytime....the thought of that makes them crazy.....they want people to be forced onto public transportation....which will drastically limit lifestyle choices..while democrat party royalty will have all the energy and vehicles they want.......
Don't ignore the good in favor of the perfect.

An EV is a perfectly good choice for a daily driver. Most people drive less than 50 miles a day and wouldn't need to charge their cars anywhere but at home overnight.

EVs have their place

EVs should be a consumer choice.. NEVER A MANDATE to try and jam deadlines for eliminating choices to "save the planet"... The plan to put that burden on the electrical grid will come with a heavy toll in deaths, damage to the economy and the ENVIRONMENT ITSELF....

IF -- the architects of this nightmare are politicians and the minions of morons in govt bureaucracy pushing wind and solar as our only path to survival...
Where did i say it would be a mandate?

You didn't say it.. You're the one ignoring the cliff jumping mandates that BACK this move. I'm fine with EVs -- especially electrics, especially HYBRIDS, but the moronic plan to FORCE A COMPLETE SHIFT with a battery centric grid alongside a battery centric vehicle fleet solution is bad ju-ju for health/safety and the environment.,
The fairy tale of electric cars.......now the truth....

Toyota warns that the grid and infrastructure simply aren’t there to support the electrification of the private car fleet. A 2017 U.S. government study found that we would need about 8,500 strategically-placed charge stations to support a fleet of just 7 million electric cars. That’s about six times the current number of electric cars but no one is talking about supporting just 7 million cars. We should be talking about powering about 300 million within the next 20 years, if all manufacturers follow GM and stop making ICE cars.
But instead of building a bigger boat, we may be shrinking the boat we have now. The power outages in California and Texas — the largest U.S. states by population and by car ownership — exposed issues with powering needs even at current usage levels. Increasing usage of wind and solar, neither of which can be throttled to meet demand, and both of which prove unreliable in crisis, has driven some coal and natural gas generators offline. Wind simply runs counter to needs — it generates too much power when we tend not to need it, and generates too little when we need more. The storage capacity to account for this doesn’t exist yet

But the truth is this......the democrat party doesn't care about any of this...they don't want everyone being able to drive anywhere, anytime....the thought of that makes them crazy.....they want people to be forced onto public transportation....which will drastically limit lifestyle choices..while democrat party royalty will have all the energy and vehicles they want.......
Don't ignore the good in favor of the perfect.

An EV is a perfectly good choice for a daily driver. Most people drive less than 50 miles a day and wouldn't need to charge their cars anywhere but at home overnight.

EVs have their place

EVs should be a consumer choice.. NEVER A MANDATE to try and jam deadlines for eliminating choices to "save the planet"... The plan to put that burden on the electrical grid will come with a heavy toll in deaths, damage to the economy and the ENVIRONMENT ITSELF....

IF -- the architects of this nightmare are politicians and the minions of morons in govt bureaucracy pushing wind and solar as our only path to survival...
Where did i say it would be a mandate?

You didn't say it.. You're the one ignoring the cliff jumping mandates that BACK this move. I'm fine with EVs -- especially electrics, especially HYBRIDS, but the moronic plan to FORCE A COMPLETE SHIFT with a battery centric grid alongside a battery centric vehicle fleet solution is bad ju-ju for health/safety and the environment.,

It's going to be a long long time before we move to all electric vehicles.. It just can't be done in the next couple decades like some of these idiots think. But It will eventually happen
The fairy tale of electric cars.......now the truth....

Toyota warns that the grid and infrastructure simply aren’t there to support the electrification of the private car fleet. A 2017 U.S. government study found that we would need about 8,500 strategically-placed charge stations to support a fleet of just 7 million electric cars. That’s about six times the current number of electric cars but no one is talking about supporting just 7 million cars. We should be talking about powering about 300 million within the next 20 years, if all manufacturers follow GM and stop making ICE cars.
But instead of building a bigger boat, we may be shrinking the boat we have now. The power outages in California and Texas — the largest U.S. states by population and by car ownership — exposed issues with powering needs even at current usage levels. Increasing usage of wind and solar, neither of which can be throttled to meet demand, and both of which prove unreliable in crisis, has driven some coal and natural gas generators offline. Wind simply runs counter to needs — it generates too much power when we tend not to need it, and generates too little when we need more. The storage capacity to account for this doesn’t exist yet

But the truth is this......the democrat party doesn't care about any of this...they don't want everyone being able to drive anywhere, anytime....the thought of that makes them crazy.....they want people to be forced onto public transportation....which will drastically limit lifestyle choices..while democrat party royalty will have all the energy and vehicles they want.......
Don't ignore the good in favor of the perfect.

An EV is a perfectly good choice for a daily driver. Most people drive less than 50 miles a day and wouldn't need to charge their cars anywhere but at home overnight.

EVs have their place

EVs should be a consumer choice.. NEVER A MANDATE to try and jam deadlines for eliminating choices to "save the planet"... The plan to put that burden on the electrical grid will come with a heavy toll in deaths, damage to the economy and the ENVIRONMENT ITSELF....

IF -- the architects of this nightmare are politicians and the minions of morons in govt bureaucracy pushing wind and solar as our only path to survival...
Where did i say it would be a mandate?

You didn't say it.. You're the one ignoring the cliff jumping mandates that BACK this move. I'm fine with EVs -- especially electrics, especially HYBRIDS, but the moronic plan to FORCE A COMPLETE SHIFT with a battery centric grid alongside a battery centric vehicle fleet solution is bad ju-ju for health/safety and the environment.,

It's going to be a long long time before we move to all electric vehicles.. It just can't be done in the next couple decades like some of these idiots think. But It will eventually happen
The fairy tale of electric cars.......now the truth....

Toyota warns that the grid and infrastructure simply aren’t there to support the electrification of the private car fleet. A 2017 U.S. government study found that we would need about 8,500 strategically-placed charge stations to support a fleet of just 7 million electric cars. That’s about six times the current number of electric cars but no one is talking about supporting just 7 million cars. We should be talking about powering about 300 million within the next 20 years, if all manufacturers follow GM and stop making ICE cars.
But instead of building a bigger boat, we may be shrinking the boat we have now. The power outages in California and Texas — the largest U.S. states by population and by car ownership — exposed issues with powering needs even at current usage levels. Increasing usage of wind and solar, neither of which can be throttled to meet demand, and both of which prove unreliable in crisis, has driven some coal and natural gas generators offline. Wind simply runs counter to needs — it generates too much power when we tend not to need it, and generates too little when we need more. The storage capacity to account for this doesn’t exist yet

But the truth is this......the democrat party doesn't care about any of this...they don't want everyone being able to drive anywhere, anytime....the thought of that makes them crazy.....they want people to be forced onto public transportation....which will drastically limit lifestyle choices..while democrat party royalty will have all the energy and vehicles they want.......
Don't ignore the good in favor of the perfect.

An EV is a perfectly good choice for a daily driver. Most people drive less than 50 miles a day and wouldn't need to charge their cars anywhere but at home overnight.

EVs have their place

EVs should be a consumer choice.. NEVER A MANDATE to try and jam deadlines for eliminating choices to "save the planet"... The plan to put that burden on the electrical grid will come with a heavy toll in deaths, damage to the economy and the ENVIRONMENT ITSELF....

IF -- the architects of this nightmare are politicians and the minions of morons in govt bureaucracy pushing wind and solar as our only path to survival...
Where did i say it would be a mandate?

You didn't say it.. You're the one ignoring the cliff jumping mandates that BACK this move. I'm fine with EVs -- especially electrics, especially HYBRIDS, but the moronic plan to FORCE A COMPLETE SHIFT with a battery centric grid alongside a battery centric vehicle fleet solution is bad ju-ju for health/safety and the environment.,

It's going to be a long long time before we move to all electric vehicles.. It just can't be done in the next couple decades like some of these idiots think. But It will eventually happen

But its NOT gonna be "a long long time". The eco-frauds are in charge. California has a 2035 Mandate on the EVs sold in California. The Biden Admin is hell bent to beat that edict and time frame.

YES -- they are idiots pretending to be power system engineers and environmentalists. And they ARE GONNA screw everything up by PUSHING phony alternatives and "battery centric everything". Just like they pushed those squiggly little CFLight bulbs that were a flash in the pan.. Or MTBE as a gas additive that polluted many Cali city water tables and supplies with a carcinogen..
Perhaps those claiming our government is not trying to shut down oil and gas can explain why it cancelled all the leases and pipeline?
The pipeline should have never been approved, and leases weren't canceled. The sale of new leases are only temporarily delayed.
LOL sure thing, Biden Canceled all leases on federal land nothing about temporary in it. As for the pipeline it was legally approved and all needed laws were seen to.
So all the existing leases with all those existing wells are just shut down now? You're an idiot. Trump issued a presidential permit for keystone, and then an executive order requiring approval of it as well. That is not our normal procedure for approval.
the pipeline was approved under Obama.
The fairy tale of electric cars.......now the truth....
??? But it is true that you can't have electric cars for everyone... I mean... For a damn good while yet. Not only would we have to figure out how to build NEW battery technology as current flat out isn't possible for everyone to have one, we'd have to mass produce them at god knows what rate that we aren't even close to even with the wrong type of battery.

I'm actually writing an article right now that touches on this dangerous plan of mandates, schedules and phase out.. There's multiple moving parts here.. The religious zealotry to purge all "carbon based" generation is being put forward before anyone sane figures out how wind and solar as the prime "alternatives" will guarantee demand on the grid 24/7/365. This is not practical or feasible for the next several decades if at alll. WHY? Because solar only generates 6 to 9 hours a day and is subject to location, lattitude and weather. Some days even in the most prime regions like say Tucson, there are at least 40 days a years where solar production will be 50% of peak or less. In a NON arid belt, That number of days increases to more than 100 days.

So -- the wet dream is "grid scale battery storage".. A facility being built at Moss Landing in Cali will provide just 4 hours of storage for 300MWatts.. This is the EQUIVALENT of charging 17,000 electric vehicles.. So to EXTEND this to a primary reliance on solar and wind, you'd have to TRIPLE the Production during prime solar hours just to charge enough "grid scale storage" to STRETCH solar out to 24 hours a day..

That one facility uses 92 TONS of just the lithium element in the batteries at that facility.. Thats about 4 months of MINING in Sonora Mexico (one of the largest lithium mines in the world). And equivalent to the amount of lithium in those 17,000 Tesla Model S cars.

The idiocy of all this is the ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT of making the entire TRANSPORT energy sector AND grid generation Battery Centric at the same time. NONE of that ADDS grid generation capacity -- in reality it's a drain on real grid generation capacity..

And the morons in charge of this cluster fuck will hav batteries charging batteries if we let them proceed with this greenie jihadist conquest plan.. And PEOPLE WILL DIE, the ENVIRONMENT WILL SUFFER and we will WASTE TRILLIONS of dollars on this hare-brained scheme.

Who is advocating elimination of all internal combustion cars before we have developed other sources of energy that work just as well? Lots of people want to make the change as soon as possible, but who is saying " do it before it is feasible"?
AOC,John Kerry and others i the Biden admin. and they want it by 2030 or 2035 at the latest,

None of them said do it before we are prepared to do it. Setting a goal is a perfectly reasonable thing, but nobody will eliminate a needed source of energy before a suitable replacement is secured. Quit being so silly.

Know the diff between GOALS and MANDATES? Dont think you do.. With Mayor Pete Buttigieg in charge of transportation, we're in GREAT hands...

Excitement over electric vehicles flows from the president-elect himself, who promoted two distinct EV policies in his campaign climate plan. First, his Day One "unprecedented executive actions" include moving the federal government procurement system toward 100 percent "clean energy and zero-emissions vehicles" as well as making sure U.S. fuel-economy standards are set so they get "100 percent of new sales for light- and medium-duty vehicles [to] be electrified" alongside annual improvements for heavy-duty vehicles.

Second, Biden's "Year One Legislative Agenda" is to include accelerating the deployment of electric vehicles by working with governors and mayors to deploy over 500,000 new public charging outlets by the end of 2030. The plan also calls for restoring the federal government's electric-vehicle tax credit and targeting it toward middle-class consumers while prioritizing electric vehicles made in America when possible.

Dont have to mandate EVs -- JUST OUTLAW any ICE vehicle from the manufacturers fleet mileage requirements. Crank up the EPA gas mileage requirement to 60 miles/gallons and we're done...
Given that conventional engines run fine on hydrogen, they might stick around quite a long time, and the cars they are in as well. Just needs a little solar powered hydrolysis plant at home and you have heating and cooking as well. The cost of those three energy uses is high now and dirty to boot. Changing would eventually pay for itself and be squeaky clean.
One thing is certain; we can't have oversized, inefficient fuel guzzlers for everyone.
The fairy tale of electric cars.......now the truth....
??? But it is true that you can't have electric cars for everyone... I mean... For a damn good while yet. Not only would we have to figure out how to build NEW battery technology as current flat out isn't possible for everyone to have one, we'd have to mass produce them at god knows what rate that we aren't even close to even with the wrong type of battery.

I'm actually writing an article right now that touches on this dangerous plan of mandates, schedules and phase out.. There's multiple moving parts here.. The religious zealotry to purge all "carbon based" generation is being put forward before anyone sane figures out how wind and solar as the prime "alternatives" will guarantee demand on the grid 24/7/365. This is not practical or feasible for the next several decades if at alll. WHY? Because solar only generates 6 to 9 hours a day and is subject to location, lattitude and weather. Some days even in the most prime regions like say Tucson, there are at least 40 days a years where solar production will be 50% of peak or less. In a NON arid belt, That number of days increases to more than 100 days.

So -- the wet dream is "grid scale battery storage".. A facility being built at Moss Landing in Cali will provide just 4 hours of storage for 300MWatts.. This is the EQUIVALENT of charging 17,000 electric vehicles.. So to EXTEND this to a primary reliance on solar and wind, you'd have to TRIPLE the Production during prime solar hours just to charge enough "grid scale storage" to STRETCH solar out to 24 hours a day..

That one facility uses 92 TONS of just the lithium element in the batteries at that facility.. Thats about 4 months of MINING in Sonora Mexico (one of the largest lithium mines in the world). And equivalent to the amount of lithium in those 17,000 Tesla Model S cars.

The idiocy of all this is the ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT of making the entire TRANSPORT energy sector AND grid generation Battery Centric at the same time. NONE of that ADDS grid generation capacity -- in reality it's a drain on real grid generation capacity..

And the morons in charge of this cluster fuck will hav batteries charging batteries if we let them proceed with this greenie jihadist conquest plan.. And PEOPLE WILL DIE, the ENVIRONMENT WILL SUFFER and we will WASTE TRILLIONS of dollars on this hare-brained scheme.

Who is advocating elimination of all internal combustion cars before we have developed other sources of energy that work just as well? Lots of people want to make the change as soon as possible, but who is saying " do it before it is feasible"?

By 2030 or near that companies like Uber are requiring their drivers to switch to electric cars, so it is coming faster than you think and the U.S. infrastructure is not ready for these changes and truthfully we are twenty to thirty years behind schedule as it is!
Perhaps those claiming our government is not trying to shut down oil and gas can explain why it cancelled all the leases and pipeline?
The pipeline should have never been approved, and leases weren't canceled. The sale of new leases are only temporarily delayed.
LOL sure thing, Biden Canceled all leases on federal land nothing about temporary in it. As for the pipeline it was legally approved and all needed laws were seen to.
So all the existing leases with all those existing wells are just shut down now? You're an idiot. Trump issued a presidential permit for keystone, and then an executive order requiring approval of it as well. That is not our normal procedure for approval.
the pipeline was approved under Obama.
Idiotic consumer choices combined with idiotic voter choices are clear evidence of defective choice making. This addiction to excess and irresponsibility is the problem. When wisdom is replaced with whim, the outcome is dim.

So you're in the "we are all idiots camp" and need Big Government to reduce our choices and design everything we buy? Even if it destroys standard of living or makes this one party country?
One thing is certain; we can't have oversized, inefficient fuel guzzlers for everyone.

Whats a "fuel guzzler"?? Is that like the leftist vision of "military style assault weapons" that dont exist on the consumer market?

The H2 aka Hummer ( should not be confused with the sexual reference ) would not be consider gas efficient but it was halted in production...

In my personal opinion a balance must be struct so the U.S. and World can move forward and away from fossil fuel usage but as I stated we as a society are still far away from what is needed and we are twenty to thirty years behind schedule.

Many people from all sides need to chill and look at the issues we face...

First off the grid is old and need replacing across the nation and it will take decades before we can get the grids up to scale.

Next, lack of infrastructure plan has hurt us for decades now. We as a Nation haven’t had someone like Ike to push us into the future and it is time to start working on future projects.

Finally, until we meet the infrastructure needs the idea of hitting the lofty goals of the left will be impossible and bring massive hurt on the poor and middle class which during this crisis is not needed...
The fairy tale of electric cars.......now the truth....

Toyota warns that the grid and infrastructure simply aren’t there to support the electrification of the private car fleet. A 2017 U.S. government study found that we would need about 8,500 strategically-placed charge stations to support a fleet of just 7 million electric cars. That’s about six times the current number of electric cars but no one is talking about supporting just 7 million cars. We should be talking about powering about 300 million within the next 20 years, if all manufacturers follow GM and stop making ICE cars.
But instead of building a bigger boat, we may be shrinking the boat we have now. The power outages in California and Texas — the largest U.S. states by population and by car ownership — exposed issues with powering needs even at current usage levels. Increasing usage of wind and solar, neither of which can be throttled to meet demand, and both of which prove unreliable in crisis, has driven some coal and natural gas generators offline. Wind simply runs counter to needs — it generates too much power when we tend not to need it, and generates too little when we need more. The storage capacity to account for this doesn’t exist yet

But the truth is this......the democrat party doesn't care about any of this...they don't want everyone being able to drive anywhere, anytime....the thought of that makes them crazy.....they want people to be forced onto public transportation....which will drastically limit lifestyle choices..while democrat party royalty will have all the energy and vehicles they want.......
Don't ignore the good in favor of the perfect.

An EV is a perfectly good choice for a daily driver. Most people drive less than 50 miles a day and wouldn't need to charge their cars anywhere but at home overnight.

EVs have their place

EVs should be a consumer choice.. NEVER A MANDATE to try and jam deadlines for eliminating choices to "save the planet"... The plan to put that burden on the electrical grid will come with a heavy toll in deaths, damage to the economy and the ENVIRONMENT ITSELF....

IF -- the architects of this nightmare are politicians and the minions of morons in govt bureaucracy pushing wind and solar as our only path to survival...
Where did i say it would be a mandate?

You didn't say it.. You're the one ignoring the cliff jumping mandates that BACK this move. I'm fine with EVs -- especially electrics, especially HYBRIDS, but the moronic plan to FORCE A COMPLETE SHIFT with a battery centric grid alongside a battery centric vehicle fleet solution is bad ju-ju for health/safety and the environment.,

It's going to be a long long time before we move to all electric vehicles.. It just can't be done in the next couple decades like some of these idiots think. But It will eventually happen
The fairy tale of electric cars.......now the truth....

Toyota warns that the grid and infrastructure simply aren’t there to support the electrification of the private car fleet. A 2017 U.S. government study found that we would need about 8,500 strategically-placed charge stations to support a fleet of just 7 million electric cars. That’s about six times the current number of electric cars but no one is talking about supporting just 7 million cars. We should be talking about powering about 300 million within the next 20 years, if all manufacturers follow GM and stop making ICE cars.
But instead of building a bigger boat, we may be shrinking the boat we have now. The power outages in California and Texas — the largest U.S. states by population and by car ownership — exposed issues with powering needs even at current usage levels. Increasing usage of wind and solar, neither of which can be throttled to meet demand, and both of which prove unreliable in crisis, has driven some coal and natural gas generators offline. Wind simply runs counter to needs — it generates too much power when we tend not to need it, and generates too little when we need more. The storage capacity to account for this doesn’t exist yet

But the truth is this......the democrat party doesn't care about any of this...they don't want everyone being able to drive anywhere, anytime....the thought of that makes them crazy.....they want people to be forced onto public transportation....which will drastically limit lifestyle choices..while democrat party royalty will have all the energy and vehicles they want.......
Don't ignore the good in favor of the perfect.

An EV is a perfectly good choice for a daily driver. Most people drive less than 50 miles a day and wouldn't need to charge their cars anywhere but at home overnight.

EVs have their place

EVs should be a consumer choice.. NEVER A MANDATE to try and jam deadlines for eliminating choices to "save the planet"... The plan to put that burden on the electrical grid will come with a heavy toll in deaths, damage to the economy and the ENVIRONMENT ITSELF....

IF -- the architects of this nightmare are politicians and the minions of morons in govt bureaucracy pushing wind and solar as our only path to survival...
Where did i say it would be a mandate?

You didn't say it.. You're the one ignoring the cliff jumping mandates that BACK this move. I'm fine with EVs -- especially electrics, especially HYBRIDS, but the moronic plan to FORCE A COMPLETE SHIFT with a battery centric grid alongside a battery centric vehicle fleet solution is bad ju-ju for health/safety and the environment.,

It's going to be a long long time before we move to all electric vehicles.. It just can't be done in the next couple decades like some of these idiots think. But It will eventually happen

But its NOT gonna be "a long long time". The eco-frauds are in charge. California has a 2035 Mandate on the EVs sold in California. The Biden Admin is hell bent to beat that edict and time frame.

YES -- they are idiots pretending to be power system engineers and environmentalists. And they ARE GONNA screw everything up by PUSHING phony alternatives and "battery centric everything". Just like they pushed those squiggly little CFLight bulbs that were a flash in the pan.. Or MTBE as a gas additive that polluted many Cali city water tables and supplies with a carcinogen..

It will be because we don't have the infrastructure and we won't have the infrastructure for a long time. And no one has yet said that every car will have to be an EV not even in CA
One thing is certain; we can't have oversized, inefficient fuel guzzlers for everyone.

Draw me a line on this graph where the "gas guzzlers" live. How many miles/gallon does a HYBRID SUV get? How about a full ICE passenger SUV? Wanna know? or just keep plopping out generalizations?


Which of these "gas guzzling" SUVs do you want to PREVENT "bad consumers making bad choices"?

Best Gas Mileage SUVs: Most Fuel-Efficient SUVs for 2021 | Edmunds
The H2 aka Hummer ( should not be confused with the sexual reference ) would not be consider gas efficient but it was halted in production...

The Hummer has been resurrected as a FULL ELECTRIC vehicle.. Good luck with that. Not EVEN a hybrid.. Now THOSE consumers -- might be idiots. LOL....

THAT is a wagon load of toxic, UNSUSTAINABLE, and almost impossible to recycle battery waste with a lifetime of about 12 years MAX...
The H2 aka Hummer ( should not be confused with the sexual reference ) would not be consider gas efficient but it was halted in production...

The Hummer has been resurrected as a FULL ELECTRIC vehicle.. Good luck with that. Not EVEN a hybrid.. Now THOSE consumers -- might be idiots. LOL....

I didn’t know this seeing I do not really follow car makers and their stupidity but I should seeing they are part of the problem.

Many people like the idea of going into the future and living like Star Trek but do not understand the steps that are required to do so and may not even be possible.

The amount of Humans on this plant and the idea of moving forward to a all green society with the advancement of humanity is at this time impossible and most likely never happening.

Humanity need to focus on balance and not one way or the other.

Yes, we can do so much to change the way we use energy but many times we end up with a toilet that we must flush three times which defeated the purpose of why the water saver toilet was made for...

Wonderful ideas are thought of daily but can they put in practical usage and is it viable and most times it is not...

Uber plan is not happening until the U.S. can upgrade it grid and as of now we are decades behind fixing what should have been done in the 1990’s...

My apologies for the rant but it seem the left want to put the cart before the horse as usual!

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