We are heading into the new Dark Ages.


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2011
First off, let's define what the Dark Ages were. According to Wikipedia, "The "Dark Ages" is a term for the Early Middle Ages or Middle Ages in Western Europe after the fall of the Western Roman Empire, characterizing it as marked by economic, intellectual, and cultural decline."

Of them, "the Tuscan scholar Petrarch in the 1330s.[14][17] Writing of the past, he said: "Amidst the errors there shone forth men of genius; no less keen were their eyes, although they were surrounded by darkness and dense gloom".[18]"

"Petrarch wrote that history had two periods: the classic period of Greeks and Romans, followed by a time of darkness in which he saw himself living. In around 1343, in the conclusion of his epic Africa, he wrote: "My fate is to live among varied and confusing storms. But for you perhaps, if as I hope and wish you will live long after me, there will follow a better age. This sleep of forgetfulness will not last forever. When the darkness has been dispersed, our descendants can come again in the former pure radiance."[19]"

Dark Ages (historiography) - Wikipedia

Unlike the last time, Globalist entities are using the COVID-19 pandemic to create a "Great Reset", and steer the world into the new Dark Ages. Klaus Schwab's World Economic Forum called it "An era in which human beings are treated as chattel property. In which people are conditioned to love their slavery, as long as they can have their devices to stare into while they are going about life in robotic fashion. They will "own nothing and be happy."

Archbishop Vigano Warns The World: Coming Cyber Attack Will Devastate Economies, 'Target Individuals' and Usher in The Great Reset | Worldview Weekend Broadcast Network.

Dr. Joseph Mercola explained in even more detail how the Globalist "Great Reset" will bring about a new Dark Age:

"Not one area of life will be left untouched by The Great Reset plan, which aims to reform everything from government, energy and finance to food, medicine, real estate, policing — even how we interact with our fellow human beings."

  • The globalist technocracy is using the COVID-19 pandemic to bypass democratic accountability, override opposition, accelerate their agenda and to impose it on the public against our will
  • The Great Reset refers to a global agenda to monitor and control the world through digital surveillance. You’ll be tied to it through an electronic ID linked to your bank account and health records, and a social credit ID that will end up dictating every facet of your life
  • The Great Reset is about getting rid of capitalism and free enterprise, and replacing them with technocracy, publicly referred to as “sustainable development” and “stakeholder capitalism”
Who Pressed the Great Reset Button?
First off, let's define what the Dark Ages were. According to Wikipedia, "The "Dark Ages" is a term for the Early Middle Ages or Middle Ages in Western Europe after the fall of the Western Roman Empire, characterizing it as marked by economic, intellectual, and cultural decline."

Of them, "the Tuscan scholar Petrarch in the 1330s.[14][17] Writing of the past, he said: "Amidst the errors there shone forth men of genius; no less keen were their eyes, although they were surrounded by darkness and dense gloom".[18]"

"Petrarch wrote that history had two periods: the classic period of Greeks and Romans, followed by a time of darkness in which he saw himself living. In around 1343, in the conclusion of his epic Africa, he wrote: "My fate is to live among varied and confusing storms. But for you perhaps, if as I hope and wish you will live long after me, there will follow a better age. This sleep of forgetfulness will not last forever. When the darkness has been dispersed, our descendants can come again in the former pure radiance."[19]"

Dark Ages (historiography) - Wikipedia

Unlike the last time, Globalist entities are using the COVID-19 pandemic to create a "Great Reset", and steer the world into the new Dark Ages. Klaus Schwab's World Economic Forum called it "An era in which human beings are treated as chattel property. In which people are conditioned to love their slavery, as long as they can have their devices to stare into while they are going about life in robotic fashion. They will "own nothing and be happy."

Archbishop Vigano Warns The World: Coming Cyber Attack Will Devastate Economies, 'Target Individuals' and Usher in The Great Reset | Worldview Weekend Broadcast Network.

Dr. Joseph Mercola explained in even more detail how the Globalist "Great Reset" will bring about a new Dark Age:

"Not one area of life will be left untouched by The Great Reset plan, which aims to reform everything from government, energy and finance to food, medicine, real estate, policing — even how we interact with our fellow human beings."

  • The globalist technocracy is using the COVID-19 pandemic to bypass democratic accountability, override opposition, accelerate their agenda and to impose it on the public against our will
  • The Great Reset refers to a global agenda to monitor and control the world through digital surveillance. You’ll be tied to it through an electronic ID linked to your bank account and health records, and a social credit ID that will end up dictating every facet of your life
  • The Great Reset is about getting rid of capitalism and free enterprise, and replacing them with technocracy, publicly referred to as “sustainable development” and “stakeholder capitalism”
Who Pressed the Great Reset Button?

Way too optimistic
Way too optimistic
Nothing optimistic about Dark Ages. I am reading about the Dark Ages in Britain now. Before the Romans came the Britons had no, ZERO towns, trade, progress of any sort, they were completely illiterate and had no coins or money in any form. I repeat: no towns.

After the Romans came they had all that plus huge houses in the cities and wealth and imports and exports and defense of the peace by legions of Roman soldiers.

In 410 Rome collapsed (the Goths raided Rome and sundry assorted generals decided to compete to be emperor) and all the Roman troops, that's ALL, left Britain. Within 50 --75 years they had NO towns, no coins at all, no trade, continual warfare with each other, and worse, with waves and waves of invading, looting, murdering and plundering illegals from Germany and Scandinavia.

Yeah, I worry about this, too. One good whacking nuclear war and we're back to 450 AD.
Just more of the same

The vast majority of men who have walked the earth have either been a slave of a king or fought till they died for a king.

That is mostly true. But I also believe this country was intended to be diametrically opposed to that. We were founded on the basis of individual rights and freedom from slavery. It's been a pretty good run.
That is mostly true. But I also believe this country was intended to be diametrically opposed to that. We were founded on the basis of individual rights and freedom from slavery. It's been a pretty good run.
But surprisingly long. Civil wars and huge foreign wars and famines, plagues, economic collapse normally cause breakup of large polities much sooner. Into much smaller geographic areas, which then make war on each other. This is the human norm, everywhere, everywhen.

I wonder what has stabilized this period --- us, I think, as a Rome-type superpower, and I also think the world economy coalescing, helped by computers. But mainly, maybe, the nuclear bomb. Everyone is too afraid of it to make a big war.

But all weapons, all, 100%, have always been normalized.
First off, let's define what the Dark Ages were. According to Wikipedia, "The "Dark Ages" is a term for the Early Middle Ages or Middle Ages in Western Europe after the fall of the Western Roman Empire, characterizing it as marked by economic, intellectual, and cultural decline."

Of them, "the Tuscan scholar Petrarch in the 1330s.[14][17] Writing of the past, he said: "Amidst the errors there shone forth men of genius; no less keen were their eyes, although they were surrounded by darkness and dense gloom".[18]"

"Petrarch wrote that history had two periods: the classic period of Greeks and Romans, followed by a time of darkness in which he saw himself living. In around 1343, in the conclusion of his epic Africa, he wrote: "My fate is to live among varied and confusing storms. But for you perhaps, if as I hope and wish you will live long after me, there will follow a better age. This sleep of forgetfulness will not last forever. When the darkness has been dispersed, our descendants can come again in the former pure radiance."[19]"

Dark Ages (historiography) - Wikipedia

Unlike the last time, Globalist entities are using the COVID-19 pandemic to create a "Great Reset", and steer the world into the new Dark Ages. Klaus Schwab's World Economic Forum called it "An era in which human beings are treated as chattel property. In which people are conditioned to love their slavery, as long as they can have their devices to stare into while they are going about life in robotic fashion. They will "own nothing and be happy."

Archbishop Vigano Warns The World: Coming Cyber Attack Will Devastate Economies, 'Target Individuals' and Usher in The Great Reset | Worldview Weekend Broadcast Network.

Dr. Joseph Mercola explained in even more detail how the Globalist "Great Reset" will bring about a new Dark Age:

"Not one area of life will be left untouched by The Great Reset plan, which aims to reform everything from government, energy and finance to food, medicine, real estate, policing — even how we interact with our fellow human beings."

  • The globalist technocracy is using the COVID-19 pandemic to bypass democratic accountability, override opposition, accelerate their agenda and to impose it on the public against our will
  • The Great Reset refers to a global agenda to monitor and control the world through digital surveillance. You’ll be tied to it through an electronic ID linked to your bank account and health records, and a social credit ID that will end up dictating every facet of your life
  • The Great Reset is about getting rid of capitalism and free enterprise, and replacing them with technocracy, publicly referred to as “sustainable development” and “stakeholder capitalism”
Who Pressed the Great Reset Button?

Excellent article. Thank you for bringing it to my attention.

That being said, allow me to add my own take—so to speak—as an amateur yet devoted student of known human history. What our current descent into worldwide anti-civilizational darkness steeply shares in common with Petrarch's now ancient words is a sudden and breathtaking plummet from a relatively Golden Age into a long purgatory like global period of chaos, barbarism, denial of primordial truth and the canceling with extreme prejudice of basic human compassion and common sense in all forms—for the motivation and poor excuse of extremely amoral shame for prior acts committed by once bastions of enlightened civilization.

One could argue at length the warlike, colonial acts of the Greeks and Romans, well documented by historians, as proof of their malevolence. One certainly could then tie in Christianity to the late Roman Empire as further evident documentation of wars and extreme violence committed in Christ's name as means to outright and forever dismiss any positive historical footprint of these two major ancient Western Empires.

And yet, to simply dismiss ancient Greek and Roman civilizations as completely evil for their more violent acts would be to disregard their lasting foundational civilizational bedrock upon which the very essence of our modern Western Civilizations are constructed; in fact, without the existence and all associated achievements, both good and evil, of the ancient Greeks and Romans our America, as we know and love her in contemporary times, would never have existed.

And so it goes with the founding of America, the American Civil War, and the post-Second World War periods—which in many priceless ways, historically speaking, represent similar Golden Ages, or at the very least, Golden leaps forward in both the reduction of global barbarism and the advancement of individual freedom, personal liberty and more benevolent government.

All times of peace within a given civilization, times when the peoples of nations are not at war with themselves or their governments, are in fact BUBBLES OF FREEDOM. In these bubbles or aquariums of freedom, or whatever else one wishes to call them they are times and places, spaces in human history, where the average human family can exist and prosper without threat of war or government oppression; they are solid golden times when people can BE, just simply be. They are also times when the human race can freely fulfill its primary, primordial directive, which is to advance itself through reproduction, science, philosophy and peaceful religious learning. Times when peoples of all cultures, creeds, skin colors, languages and beliefs can co-exist without genocide or war. There is no "kill on sight" over immutable traits, there is only greet one another on sight for the foreseeable.

The dark curtain of the coming Age of shadow falling down on us presently is the direct result of a global attempt to cancel out, erase, eradicate the very historical events and resulting boons which led us to exist today in the bubbles of freedom which are America and the rest of modern Western Civilization.

At its most basic level, the founding and original global dominance of both American and Western Civilization DIRECTLY resulted in our ability to freely go wherever we want within the borders of our nation, to have the right to defend ourselves, to have the ability to infinitely improve our lives through hard work, to own property, to speak our minds in public, to worship as we choose, and to exist INDEPENDENT of government mandate.

The current creep of global tyrannical darkness and anti-human ideology clearly, overtly and without shame seeks to rob all of us of the above individual, personal freedoms for the excuse that our great personal freedoms are founded on historical unfairness and even acts of evil committed by our forefathers; the Founders of our civilization.

Contrary to beliefs and acts of those inhuman individuals behind COVID, Critical Race Theory, Gender Theory, the abortion industry, the global warming cult, militant feminism, historical revisionism and hatred of America and the Western World, our modern civilization WAS DOING JUST bloody fine and dandy—up to about thirty years ago—before they set about trying to burst our bubble(s) of freedom, before they set about robbing us of our Golden Age of personal liberty.
Make no mistake. We are in a war for the very immediate condition of human life everywhere on the planet. If the proponents of a new Dark Age win this war, billions will die and those who survive will awaken everyday for the rest of their lives wishing they too had perished. The weapons now available to, for lack of a better term—the evil ones—are many, many magnitudes of order more deadly than any weapons possessed by tyrants in previous human history. With weapons at their disposal such as thermonuclear, biological, chemical, computer and others these evil ones could wipe most of mankind off the face of the earth and prevent the continuation of the human species.

In short, these evil ones seek the end of all individual human prosperity and freedom. They hate America, Western Civilization and even the human race—and they believe humanity, themselves included, must suffer and die out for sins of our forefathers. To achieve their goals they will go to any lengths, sink to any level of depravity, kill as many of us as need be.

That is who we are up against.

The war rages on . . . and it ain't looking good for the average life and freedom loving human being.
We were founded on the basis of individual rights and freedom from slavery.

Exactly right. America stands for individual liberty and self-determination as FREE MEN, and every effort by the Left and the government factions they have seized is now trying to take us right back to being ruled by nobility as we toil as serfs. Sorry, I'm not complying and they have to kill me to get me out of their way!
Contrary to beliefs and acts of those inhuman individuals behind COVID, Critical Race Theory, Gender Theory, the
Make no mistake. We are in a war for the very immediate condition of human life everywhere on the planet. If the proponents of a new Dark Age win this war, billions will die and those who survive will awaken everyday for the rest of their lives wishing they too had perished. The weapons now available to, for lack of a better term—the evil ones—are many, many magnitudes of order more deadly than any weapons possessed by tyrants in previous human history. With weapons at their disposal such as thermonuclear, biological, chemical, computer and others these evil ones could wipe most of mankind off the face of the earth and prevent the continuation of the human species.

In short, these evil ones seek the end of all individual human prosperity and freedom. They hate America, Western Civilization and even the human race—and they believe humanity, themselves included, must suffer and die out for sins of our forefathers. To achieve their goals they will go to any lengths, sink to any level of depravity, kill as many of us as need be.

That is who we are up against.

The war rages on . . . and it ain't looking good for the average life and freedom loving human being.
I think it will end with war, too. We could not maintain the current civilization with a nuclear war.

Rome was extremely violent, but they did know how to keep what they gained. (With violence, of course.)

We have absolutely no clue how to keep what we have, we haven't had any idea for years now. We allow criminals and homeless, murderers and thieves and deviants of all kinds to just run wild in the streets, punishing them less and less and less until now, we don't even bother to jail them, for offenses that in a more sensible time would have seen them hanged.

We could solve the prison problem and cost if we just executed all the criminals who hurt people or took things.
I think it will end with war, too. We could not maintain the current civilization with a nuclear war.

Rome was extremely violent, but they did know how to keep what they gained. (With violence, of course.)

We have absolutely no clue how to keep what we have, we haven't had any idea for years now. We allow criminals and homeless, murderers and thieves and deviants of all kinds to just run wild in the streets, punishing them less and less and less until now, we don't even bother to jail them, for offenses that in a more sensible time would have seen them hanged.

We could solve the prison problem and cost if we just executed all the criminals who hurt people or took things.

A very bad scent has been blowing on the wind. Call it the scent of pure death. It is the kind of scent herd animals smell and flee to escape, even off the edge of a high cliff. It is the scent of bloodshed coming, and it is coming fast, blown from far away, once, but now blown from someplace terrifyingly close. More and more people are smelling it with each passing day. I wonder if their awareness of what is coming will be enough to mitigate it some? At this late hour, preventing its arrival, fully, is out of the question.
We allow criminals and homeless, murderers and thieves and deviants of all kinds to just run wild in the streets, punishing them less and less and less until now, we don't even bother to jail them, for offenses that in a more sensible time would have seen them hanged.

Wow. I never knew just losing one's home and being in the streets due to some misfortune was a CRIME! SHOOT the damn bastards! :rock:

Better idea Circe: evaluate people just on the LIKELIHOOD that someday they could lose their job and home or whatever, round all those terrible people up, and put them all on some distant island. :smoke:
A very bad scent has been blowing on the wind. Call it the scent of pure death. It is the kind of scent herd animals smell and flee to escape, even off the edge of a high cliff. It is the scent of bloodshed coming, and it is coming fast, blown from far away, once, but now blown from someplace terrifyingly close. More and more people are smelling it with each passing day. I wonder if their awareness of what is coming will be enough to mitigate it some? At this late hour, preventing its arrival, fully, is out of the question.
You're a pretty good writer!
Wow. I never knew just losing one's home and being in the streets due to some misfortune was a CRIME! SHOOT the damn bastards! :rock:

Better idea Circe: evaluate people just on the LIKELIHOOD that someday they could lose their job and home or whatever, round all those terrible people up, and put them all on some distant island. :smoke:

More human, perhaps, would be the freedom to live in cooperation with each other than to worship at the altar of government. Government is the strong arm third party who insists at gun point on inserting itself into every dispute imaginable between citizens. Much the same as groups of lepers once founded self-governing colonies as epically undesirable elsewhere in politer society, so too could rabble of other stripes do the same. Cooperation, rather than worship of the state and hatred with prejudice.
I agree. History is being written, and its outcome is likely to be far worse than we anticipated.

Nothing optimistic about Dark Ages. I am reading about the Dark Ages in Britain now. Before the Romans came the Britons had no, ZERO towns, trade, progress of any sort, they were completely illiterate and had no coins or money in any form. I repeat: no towns.

After the Romans came they had all that plus huge houses in the cities and wealth and imports and exports and defense of the peace by legions of Roman soldiers.

In 410 Rome collapsed (the Goths raided Rome and sundry assorted generals decided to compete to be emperor) and all the Roman troops, that's ALL, left Britain. Within 50 --75 years they had NO towns, no coins at all, no trade, continual warfare with each other, and worse, with waves and waves of invading, looting, murdering and plundering illegals from Germany and Scandinavia.

Yeah, I worry about this, too. One good whacking nuclear war and we're back to 450 AD.

Rome even civilized Tommy Tainant ancestors. It's been straight downhill since the 5th Century
Wow. I never knew just losing one's home and being in the streets due to some misfortune was a CRIME! SHOOT the damn bastards! :rock:

Better idea Circe: evaluate people just on the LIKELIHOOD that someday they could lose their job and home or whatever, round all those terrible people up, and put them all on some distant island. :smoke:
No, no, I would not support that totalitarianism. That's leftist stuff.

Currently anyone can get away with camping in the streets, chronic stealing, etc. We didn't used to have this much vagrancy. So do what people did them: put them on the roust, stick them in jail, put them in insane asylums, whatever it takes to deter them from camping out in cardboard shacks on the boardwalks.

And whatever it takes to deter crime ------- or better, just get rid of the criminals who have already done crimes, and then there will be fewer and fewer and fewer criminals. That would be so great!

It used to work very, very well.


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