We are doomed, no matter who is POTUS


que sera, sera
Feb 13, 2013
Protesters protesting protesters. Everyone is so pissed off, it matter naught who runs or wins. Nobody is listening, nobody cares, everyone is just ANGRY and most don't even know why.

Has anyone seen such a thing during a presidential election year? I haven't. There are too many pissed off people to hear over any of their rants. Civil War is in the works, folks, regardless of who winds up sitting in the white house. And it won't be pretty.

The BAD part is...we will be weakened. All of us. That is when our enemies outside the USA will pounce. Then what?
Protesters protesting protesters. Everyone is so pissed off, it matter naught who runs or wins. Nobody is listening, nobody cares, everyone is just ANGRY and most don't even know why.

Has anyone seen such a thing during a presidential election year? I haven't. There are too many pissed off people to hear over any of their rants. Civil War is in the works, folks, regardless of who winds up sitting in the white house. And it won't be pretty.

The BAD part is...we will be weakened. All of us. That is when our enemies outside the USA will pounce. Then what?
Then you fight, and seceed. It's the way it's going.
And look. Here is one now. What I was saying flew right over his head.
Protesters protesting protesters. Everyone is so pissed off, it matter naught who runs or wins. Nobody is listening, nobody cares, everyone is just ANGRY and most don't even know why.

Has anyone seen such a thing during a presidential election year? I haven't. There are too many pissed off people to hear over any of their rants. Civil War is in the works, folks, regardless of who winds up sitting in the white house. And it won't be pretty.

The BAD part is...we will be weakened. All of us. That is when our enemies outside the USA will pounce. Then what?

You're exactly right. We're past the point of no return. Domestic chaos is inevitable.
The people are sick of our Corrupt bought off Government officials who do as they please instead of the will of the people...............

America is divided and mad as hell..................Sick of it...............Yes the kettle is boiling.
A vocal minority is pissed off and media outlets have hyper-covered those individuals. This country has done an amazing job recovering from near economic collapse 8 years ago, and that doesn't happen when a majority of citizens are angry or disillusioned. I dare say few, if any, other countries could have pulled this off.
Keep in mind that a certain number of these pissed off people never got over a black man being elected President. They're just mad because Whites aren't in full control (sad, but true).
We face serious challenges, but to say it doesn't matter who is elected and have this defeatist attitude about the future is non-productive.
Determine what you're pissed off about that's within your control to change, and change it.
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A vocal minority is pissed off and media outlets have hyper-covered those individuals. This country has done an amazing job recovering from near economic collapse 8 years ago, and that doesn't happen when a majority of citizens are angry or disillusioned. I dare say few, if any, other countries could have pulled this off. We face serious challenges, but to say it doesn't matter who is elected and have this defeatist attitude about the future is non-productive.
Determine what you're pissed off about that's within your control to change, and change it.

Yes, amazing indeed. You have to be kidding. This has been a freak show
Americans are divided only because the elites and the media have divided us.

If the truth were told to Americans, we would unite and kick the assholes out of power.
A vocal minority is pissed off and media outlets have hyper-covered those individuals. This country has done an amazing job recovering from near economic collapse 8 years ago, and that doesn't happen when a majority of citizens are angry or disillusioned. I dare say few, if any, other countries could have pulled this off. We face serious challenges, but to say it doesn't matter who is elected and have this defeatist attitude about the future is non-productive.
Determine what you're pissed off about that's within your control to change, and change it.
We have postponed the inevitable collapse if we continue down this path..............

Without out the back door deals with the Federal Reserve, and the QE's, the 0% rates............we would have imploded......................

We are on a hot air balloon that is running on vapors............going down is coming............it's just when........
A vocal minority is pissed off and media outlets have hyper-covered those individuals. This country has done an amazing job recovering from near economic collapse 8 years ago, and that doesn't happen when a majority of citizens are angry or disillusioned. I dare say few, if any, other countries could have pulled this off. We face serious challenges, but to say it doesn't matter who is elected and have this defeatist attitude about the future is non-productive.
Determine what you're pissed off about that's within your control to change, and change it.
We have postponed the inevitable collapse if we continue down this path..............

Without out the back door deals with the Federal Reserve, and the QE's, the 0% rates............we would have imploded......................

We are on a hot air balloon that is running on vapors............going down is coming............it's just when........
With all due respect, that kind of talk has been going on for decades - heavily pushed by alarmists looking to sell books. It did take extreme measures to begin the recovery, but the American people took it from there, proving that we have a resilient people and economy. That said, the Fed needs to get off the crack and normalize rates, and a recession is certainly due after this long run, but that's a normal cycle.
The level of negativity from the alarmists is simply not warranted.
A vocal minority is pissed off and media outlets have hyper-covered those individuals. This country has done an amazing job recovering from near economic collapse 8 years ago, and that doesn't happen when a majority of citizens are angry or disillusioned. I dare say few, if any, other countries could have pulled this off. We face serious challenges, but to say it doesn't matter who is elected and have this defeatist attitude about the future is non-productive.
Determine what you're pissed off about that's within your control to change, and change it.
We have postponed the inevitable collapse if we continue down this path..............

Without out the back door deals with the Federal Reserve, and the QE's, the 0% rates............we would have imploded......................

We are on a hot air balloon that is running on vapors............going down is coming............it's just when........
With all due respect, that kind of talk has been going on for decades - heavily pushed by alarmists looking to sell books. It did take extreme measures to begin the recovery, but the American people took it from there, proving that we have a resilient people and economy. That said, the Fed needs to get off the crack and normalize rates, and a recession is certainly due after this long run, but that's a normal cycle.
The level of negativity from the alarmists is simply not warranted.
Yawn.................I'd like to strap the Glass Steagal Act back on their asses.................done to prevent another crash...........should have never been removed..............
A vocal minority is pissed off and media outlets have hyper-covered those individuals. This country has done an amazing job recovering from near economic collapse 8 years ago, and that doesn't happen when a majority of citizens are angry or disillusioned. I dare say few, if any, other countries could have pulled this off.
Keep in mind that a certain number of these pissed off people never got over a black man being elected President. They're just mad because Whites aren't in full control (sad, but true).
We face serious challenges, but to say it doesn't matter who is elected and have this defeatist attitude about the future is non-productive.
Determine what you're pissed off about that's within your control to change, and change it.

And it ALWAYS comes back to "they're mad a black is president..."

American could be bankrupt and in nuclear war, and have zikabola infecting 25% of our population and they'd say "some are just mad cuz a black man is president"
The people are sick of our Corrupt bought off Government officials who do as they please instead of the will of the people...............

America is divided and mad as hell..................Sick of it...............Yes the kettle is boiling.

But it is the duopoly of a two party system that cements the control of the Elite. Every time some one tries to challenge them from the inside, the elites pull their dirty tricks, call in their favors, buy off the right people and VOILA! they are still in power.

For example, both the Cruz camps and the Trump camps want to over turn the elites, but the elites have been successful at pitting them against each other like a pair of fools.

I dont think that anything other than a broad uprising where anything other than the elites being hung from lamp posts is going to work. The ballot box doesnt look like it is valid any more.
A vocal minority is pissed off and media outlets have hyper-covered those individuals. This country has done an amazing job recovering from near economic collapse 8 years ago, and that doesn't happen when a majority of citizens are angry or disillusioned. I dare say few, if any, other countries could have pulled this off. We face serious challenges, but to say it doesn't matter who is elected and have this defeatist attitude about the future is non-productive.
Determine what you're pissed off about that's within your control to change, and change it.
We have postponed the inevitable collapse if we continue down this path..............

Without out the back door deals with the Federal Reserve, and the QE's, the 0% rates............we would have imploded......................

We are on a hot air balloon that is running on vapors............going down is coming............it's just when........

We are bringing on a Divine Judgement Event with our stupidity, ignorance, amorality and infighting.

Even the Romans fell after a thousand years, and Byzantium a thousand years after that, and we have been around a little over 240 years...we are nothing special it would seem.
What enemies ? All the real enemies are INSIDE the US. You idiots voted for them.

Yeah...thank God Barry will soon be gone.

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