Watch this... Hey libs, do you have any examples of successful socialist countries? List them.

Well, I would think the bottom line for "success" would be the happiness of its citizens, so let's see what this survey says: Visit the Top 10 Happiest Countries in the World
  1. Denmark
  2. Switzerland
  3. Iceland
  4. Norway
  5. Finland
  6. Canada
  7. The Netherlands
  8. New Zealand
  9. Australia
  10. Sweden
And since it appears that "socialism" is whatever government spending exceeds military, I guess those would qualify as "socialist".

So I guess we need to specify definitions.
Socialism only suits progressive shit stains, it’s a living hell for the rest of us.
What is socialism?

Where is the line between socialism and free market capitalism?


Rustic is a simple person who echoes an ideology he has no ability to comprehend. He has no framework to build upon, and no comprehension as to how and why the Articles of Confederation's inadequacy needed to be replaced.

Nor does he comprehend that COTUS was a Compromise based on the fears upon which this new nation rebelled against, and to correct what was needed by a growing nation. COTUS came with numerous ambiguities, which allowed for each generation to argue the meaning of words and phrases, and thus seek compromises so to remain relevant. That is the genius of COTUS.

It’s funny that you have bought into the fallacy that the collective is there for the individuals good. Socialism is a failure and always has been failure.

Thanks so much Simon, you input is always good for a laugh.
Apparently the collective suits you, sell your snake oil elsewhere
Socialism only suits progressive shit stains, it’s a living hell for the rest of us.
What is socialism?

Where is the line between socialism and free market capitalism?


Rustic is a simple person who echoes an ideology he has no ability to comprehend. He has no framework to build upon, and no comprehension as to how and why the Articles of Confederation's inadequacy needed to be replaced.

Nor does he comprehend that COTUS was a Compromise based on the fears upon which this new nation rebelled against, and to correct what was needed by a growing nation. COTUS came with numerous ambiguities, which allowed for each generation to argue the meaning of words and phrases, and thus seek compromises so to remain relevant. That is the genius of COTUS.

It’s funny that you have bought into the fallacy that the collective is there for the individuals good. Socialism is a failure and always has been failure.

Thanks so much Simon, you input is always good for a laugh.
Apparently the collective suits you, sell your snake oil elsewhere
Medicare, Medicaid and Welfare are collectivist.

Fair to assume that they should be eliminated?
All nations are socialist to some degree

Including the good ole USA
The federal government is 100% socialist, that’s why we have no real freedom or individuality in this country.

And what exactly is it that you want to do but are being prevented from doing because of our "socialist government:?
You obviously don’t understand what real freedom is...

Then how about you explain it to us.
You don’t know what real freedom is?
The moral of that story, ignorance is truly bliss.

And in response to the OP: All hard Socialist/Communist countries are successful if the objective is to subjugate the masses and to make them equally poor, subservient, fearful, and obedient.

By "hard" I cautiously assume that you mean "pure".
Again, applying an excessive obsession with "purity" is a sure fire recipe for creating some kind of economic tension and exacerbating social socialism, capitalism, ANY "ism".

The BEST and time tested approach is to create a flexible hybrid economy using the best tweaks of both socialism and capitalism. Some societies will do better with a more capitalistic mix, some will do better with a little more socialism. Veer toward the edges and, just as in bowling, you wind up with a gutter ball.

Communism isn't worth comparing at all, and neither is fascism, because both are exercises in obsessive ideological purity, so again, they are doomed from the start, due to being too extreme.

You assume incorrectly. By hard I mean firmly Totalitarian.

And your time tested hybrid is blithering nonsense. A country is either free or it isn't. To say that a bit of totalitarianism is desirable is a bargain with the devil.
2. Anglosphere countries with the traditions of Western Civilization, and which have not been overrun, yet, with massive illegal immigration. Canada and Australia are self-immolating themselves on the multi-cultural petard, so their happiness levels are at risk of declining.
Care to cite the 'massive illegal immigration' occurring in those two countries?

I said they haven't yet been taken over by massive illegal immigration. Try improving your reading comprehension.

As to your pathetic dog whistle comment, I see that facts about history scare you.
Well, I would think the bottom line for "success" would be the happiness of its citizens, so let's see what this survey says: Visit the Top 10 Happiest Countries in the World
  1. Denmark
  2. Switzerland
  3. Iceland
  4. Norway
  5. Finland
  6. Canada
  7. The Netherlands
  8. New Zealand
  9. Australia
  10. Sweden
And since it appears that "socialism" is whatever government spending exceeds military, I guess those would qualify as "socialist".

So I guess we need to specify definitions.

Hmmmm...let's look at the similarities:

1. Small, affluent largely homogenous Nordic countries. Nordic peoples have a long tradition of egalitarianism as they lived for centuries in harsh circumstances which required cooperation to get through the winters. So, the culture preceded the Democratic Socialism.

2. Anglosphere countries with the traditions of Western Civilization, and which have not been overrun, yet, with massive illegal immigration. Canada and Australia are self-immolating themselves on the multi-cultural petard, so their happiness levels are at risk of declining.
Well, the fact is that America is going to turn more brown with time. That's not going to change.

I don't give one fig for the color of someone's skin. What I care about is preserving the values and systems we have in place to ensure individual liberty. The U.S. is a melting pot. I welcome immigrants who adopt our values and are able to work to support themselves (self-reliance being a core value). What I reject is the multi-cultural blather that causes racial and cultural isolation within the U.S. This neo-tribalism is not going to end well for anyone, except the ultra rich elites who feed off of the governments ability to use crises for increasing taxes.
What is socialism?

Where is the line between socialism and free market capitalism?


Rustic is a simple person who echoes an ideology he has no ability to comprehend. He has no framework to build upon, and no comprehension as to how and why the Articles of Confederation's inadequacy needed to be replaced.

Nor does he comprehend that COTUS was a Compromise based on the fears upon which this new nation rebelled against, and to correct what was needed by a growing nation. COTUS came with numerous ambiguities, which allowed for each generation to argue the meaning of words and phrases, and thus seek compromises so to remain relevant. That is the genius of COTUS.

It’s funny that you have bought into the fallacy that the collective is there for the individuals good. Socialism is a failure and always has been failure.

Thanks so much Simon, you input is always good for a laugh.
Apparently the collective suits you, sell your snake oil elsewhere
Medicare, Medicaid and Welfare are collectivist.

Fair to assume that they should be eliminated?
All socialist entitlement programs should be eliminated, The country cannot afford them. But it really doesn’t matter we are way past the point of no return.
Well, I would think the bottom line for "success" would be the happiness of its citizens, so let's see what this survey says: Visit the Top 10 Happiest Countries in the World
  1. Denmark
  2. Switzerland
  3. Iceland
  4. Norway
  5. Finland
  6. Canada
  7. The Netherlands
  8. New Zealand
  9. Australia
  10. Sweden
And since it appears that "socialism" is whatever government spending exceeds military, I guess those would qualify as "socialist".

So I guess we need to specify definitions.

Hmmmm...let's look at the similarities:

1. Small, affluent largely homogenous Nordic countries. Nordic peoples have a long tradition of egalitarianism as they lived for centuries in harsh circumstances which required cooperation to get through the winters. So, the culture preceded the Democratic Socialism.

2. Anglosphere countries with the traditions of Western Civilization, and which have not been overrun, yet, with massive illegal immigration. Canada and Australia are self-immolating themselves on the multi-cultural petard, so their happiness levels are at risk of declining.
Well, the fact is that America is going to turn more brown with time. That's not going to change.

And as it happens many of the white people are going to be less and less happy as there are more people around them that do not look just like them.

^^^ Projection ^^^

I suspect the above poster is only happy when surrounded by people and otherkin that look like Xyr.
What is socialism?

Where is the line between socialism and free market capitalism?


Rustic is a simple person who echoes an ideology he has no ability to comprehend. He has no framework to build upon, and no comprehension as to how and why the Articles of Confederation's inadequacy needed to be replaced.

Nor does he comprehend that COTUS was a Compromise based on the fears upon which this new nation rebelled against, and to correct what was needed by a growing nation. COTUS came with numerous ambiguities, which allowed for each generation to argue the meaning of words and phrases, and thus seek compromises so to remain relevant. That is the genius of COTUS.

It’s funny that you have bought into the fallacy that the collective is there for the individuals good. Socialism is a failure and always has been failure.

Thanks so much Simon, you input is always good for a laugh.
Apparently the collective suits you, sell your snake oil elsewhere
Medicare, Medicaid and Welfare are collectivist.

Fair to assume that they should be eliminated?
You identify the problem. Socialist policies, a lot like war are easy to get into and very difficult to get out of.

This has been my point after they passed the single payer trojan horse better known as obamacare. Once that was passed, and once blackmailed SC Judge Roberts voted FOR IT, that was it. No way would republicans be able to repeal it.

Cannot happen, and it is very much like social security. The fact is many republican voters have been forced off of their coverages and now they are in fact DEPENDENT on obamacare. That is the key word, DEPENDENT. In the healthcare issue, the PRE-existing conditions is the cockroach in the issue.

The point is these SOCIALIST policies are easy to pass. Relatively. Anyone and everyone that resists these policies are painted as mongers. That is what happens when we deceive ourselves into thinking we are a democracy. Once mob rule dictated our culture, the easier it is for propaganda to take hold of our collective psyche.

Bottom line is voting was never supposed to be a right in this country and there was a reason for that. Once voting has become a right, our country has been slowly going down the tubes. Since, it is so easy to seduce the gullible and captivate the minds of those who are suffering.

Again, once socialist policies are passed, they are almost impossible to repeal. Most of us don;t get it. I have been saying this for a while, and everyone on my side will learn what I am saying is true. Socialism is certainly here.

Welcome to the New Feudal System that the left calls SOCIALISM. Don;t worry everyone. The rich elite on the left like rightwinger and Bodeaca along with Hollywood will be fine. They are rich.
All socialist entitlement programs should be eliminated, The country cannot afford them. But it really doesn’t matter we are way past the point of no return.
Since that obviously is never going to happen, are you willing to communicate and cooperate with those on the other end of that spectrum to find a point of acceptable equilibrium, or is it smarter for you to fight for that level of purity?
...Sure. China. Have a nice day.
And how many millions of Chinese were slaughtered by their own Communists in order to bring them to this juncture?

And how long did the repression last until the central government loosened restrictions?

And how many political parties exist in China now?

And how many weeks ago did the Chinese government announce its first round of renewed restrictions upon Internet and trade and travel and investment?

And how long do you think it's going to be before the Red Chinese running the place decide that the coolies have had enough fun and tighten the screws again?
All socialist entitlement programs should be eliminated, The country cannot afford them. But it really doesn’t matter we are way past the point of no return.
Since that obviously is never going to happen, are you willing to communicate and cooperate with those on the other end of that spectrum to find a point of acceptable equilibrium, or is it smarter for you to fight for that level of purity?
If we had any type of freedom in this country, socialist entitlement programs would be an opt in.
For most Americans the collective will never work, fuck the village.
Rustic is a simple person who echoes an ideology he has no ability to comprehend. He has no framework to build upon, and no comprehension as to how and why the Articles of Confederation's inadequacy needed to be replaced.

Nor does he comprehend that COTUS was a Compromise based on the fears upon which this new nation rebelled against, and to correct what was needed by a growing nation. COTUS came with numerous ambiguities, which allowed for each generation to argue the meaning of words and phrases, and thus seek compromises so to remain relevant. That is the genius of COTUS.

It’s funny that you have bought into the fallacy that the collective is there for the individuals good. Socialism is a failure and always has been failure.

Thanks so much Simon, you input is always good for a laugh.
Apparently the collective suits you, sell your snake oil elsewhere
Medicare, Medicaid and Welfare are collectivist.

Fair to assume that they should be eliminated?
You identify the problem. Socialist policies, a lot like war are easy to get into and very difficult to get out of.

This has been my point after they passed the single payer trojan horse better known as obamacare. Once that was passed, and once blackmailed SC Judge Roberts voted FOR IT, that was it. No way would republicans be able to repeal it.

Cannot happen, and it is very much like social security. The fact is many republican voters have been forced off of their coverages and now they are in fact DEPENDENT on obamacare. That is the key word, DEPENDENT. In the healthcare issue, the PRE-existing conditions is the cockroach in the issue.

The point is these SOCIALIST policies are easy to pass. Relatively. Anyone and everyone that resists these policies are painted as mongers. That is what happens when we deceive ourselves into thinking we are a democracy. Once mob rule dictated our culture, the easier it is for propaganda to take hold of our collective psyche.

Bottom line is voting was never supposed to be a right in this country and there was a reason for that. Once voting has become a right, our country has been slowly going down the tubes. Since, it is so easy to seduce the gullible and captivate the minds of those who are suffering.

Again, once socialist policies are passed, they are almost impossible to repeal. Most of us don;t get it. I have been saying this for a while, and everyone on my side will learn what I am saying is true. Socialism is certainly here.

Welcome to the New Feudal System that the left calls SOCIALISM. Don;t worry everyone. The rich elite on the left like rightwinger and Bodeaca along with Hollywood will be fine. They are rich.
True, Freedom cannot exist in the vacuum of socialism
...Sure. China. Have a nice day.
And how many millions of Chinese were slaughtered by their own Communists in order to bring them to this juncture?

And how long did the repression last until the central government loosened restrictions?

And how many political parties exist in China now?

And how many weeks ago did the Chinese government announce its first round of renewed restrictions upon Internet and trade and travel and investment?

And how long do you think it's going to be before the Red Chinese running the place decide that the coolies have had enough fun and tighten the screws again?

What is your point? You must think I'm fond of China's fascist bullshit. How sweet.
...Sure. China. Have a nice day.
And how many millions of Chinese were slaughtered by their own Communists in order to bring them to this juncture?

And how long did the repression last until the central government loosened restrictions?

And how many political parties exist in China now?

And how many weeks ago did the Chinese government announce its first round of renewed restrictions upon Internet and trade and travel and investment?

And how long do you think it's going to be before the Red Chinese running the place decide that the coolies have had enough fun and tighten the screws again?

What is your point? You must think I'm fond of China's fascist bullshit. How sweet.
Socialism/communism same difference...
Cuba would be much better if it weren't socialist with the intent of becoming communist.
It would be better if the US hadn't/didn't threaten to penalise foreign companies that did/do business with it.

Ok, I'll bite, how does the US penalize foreign companies that do business in Cuba?

You just flat out CAN'T.
Lately the terms have been changing but if you Google search under something like "penalties for doing business in Cuba" you will be able to gather a fairly good idea.

I understand why American companies may be penalized...didn't find anything on foreign companies. So I figured
Ok, I'll bite, how does the US penalize foreign companies that do business in Cuba?
Ok, I'll do your research for you.

Helms–Burton Act
The embargo was reinforced in October 1992 by the Cuban Democracy Act (the "Torricelli Law") and in 1996 by the Cuban Liberty and Democracy Solidarity Act (known as the Helms–Burton Act) which penalizes foreign companies that do business in Cuba by preventing them from doing business in the U.S.
United States embargo against Cuba - Wikipedia

Those that make statements should do their own research and post links.

At present, the embargo, which limits American businesses from conducting business with Cuban interests, is still in effect and is the most enduring trade embargo in modern history. Despite the existence of the embargo, the United States is the fifth largest exporter to Cuba (6.6% of Cuba's imports are from the US). Cuba must, however, pay cash for all imports, as credit is not allowed.

Incapable of having a discussion, eh little boy?

As soon as a country puts a government in place, there is a degree of socialism.

Of course, the simple minded, binary thinkers on the right have trouble comprehending that concept because in their little pea brains, if you're not 1000% capitalistic, then you must be 1000% socialistic. There can be no in between with those people.

That's why government should be eliminated altogether, Once the cancer gets a foothold, it never stops growing

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