Washington Post: Mitt Romney Tax Plan 'Garbage'


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
By Alana Horowitz

The Washington Post's editorial board mocked Mitt Romney's tax plan on Sunday.

"Mitt Romney, the presumed Republican nominee for president, promises to lower everyone’s income tax rate without reducing revenue. This sounds terrific. Why didn’t we think of it sooner?"

The editorial, titled 'Mitt Romney's garbage', argued that Romney's plan to cut taxes and lower the deficit is unfeasible.

"It’s reasonable to assume that his cuts would, as did President Bush’s, worsen the nation’s deficit. Until he’s willing to explain how he would avoid such a result, he has little standing to criticize Mr. Obama’s fiscal shortcomings."

The piece also took issue with Romney's claim that his plan to cut taxes by 20% for everyone helps the middle class and not the rich.

A recent study found that Romney's plan would mostly benefit the wealthiest Americans. Romney called the findings "garbage."

More: Washington Post: Mitt Romney Tax Plan 'Garbage'

Mitt Romney Tax Plan Helps The Rich The Most: Analysis


ETA: Mr. Romney's 'garbage' - The Washington Post Editorial Board
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I posted the OP at 8:36 PM - and the first wingnut response was one minute later. Wow, I wish I could digest information that quickly and respond intelligently...
I posted the OP at 8:36 PM - and the first wingnut response was one minute later. Wow, I wish I could digest information that quickly and respond intelligently...

We've given you months and you've failed.

Oh fuck!

Romney lost the support of the WaPost?

What the fuck are we gonna do now?

Run for the hills. It's over !!!!


The Washington Post just killed the election.

Time to turn in your guns.
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By Alana Horowitz

The Washington Post's editorial board mocked Mitt Romney's tax plan on Sunday.

"Mitt Romney, the presumed Republican nominee for president, promises to lower everyone’s income tax rate without reducing revenue. This sounds terrific. Why didn’t we think of it sooner?"

The editorial, titled 'Mitt Romney's garbage', argued that Romney's plan to cut taxes and lower the deficit is unfeasible.

"It’s reasonable to assume that his cuts would, as did President Bush’s, worsen the nation’s deficit. Until he’s willing to explain how he would avoid such a result, he has little standing to criticize Mr. Obama’s fiscal shortcomings."

The piece also took issue with Romney's claim that his plan to cut taxes by 20% for everyone helps the middle class and not the rich.

A recent study found that Romney's plan would mostly benefit the wealthiest Americans. Romney called the findings "garbage."

More: Washington Post: Mitt Romney Tax Plan 'Garbage'

Mitt Romney Tax Plan Helps The Rich The Most: Analysis


With the Romney tax plan its so obvious who will benefit, as you said the wealthiest.
That is why his campaign is getting mega bucks from the people who want to buy off and run our country. And for Romney to extend the Bush tax cuts for the wealthy Its amazing that the people would rather get screwed by Romney and stay true to their party.

With the Romney ticket its Bush reincarnated 2 Steps Forward 10 Steps Back.
By Alana Horowitz

The Washington Post's editorial board mocked Mitt Romney's tax plan on Sunday.

"Mitt Romney, the presumed Republican nominee for president, promises to lower everyone’s income tax rate without reducing revenue. This sounds terrific. Why didn’t we think of it sooner?"

The editorial, titled 'Mitt Romney's garbage', argued that Romney's plan to cut taxes and lower the deficit is unfeasible.

"It’s reasonable to assume that his cuts would, as did President Bush’s, worsen the nation’s deficit. Until he’s willing to explain how he would avoid such a result, he has little standing to criticize Mr. Obama’s fiscal shortcomings."

The piece also took issue with Romney's claim that his plan to cut taxes by 20% for everyone helps the middle class and not the rich.

A recent study found that Romney's plan would mostly benefit the wealthiest Americans. Romney called the findings "garbage."

More: Washington Post: Mitt Romney Tax Plan 'Garbage'

Mitt Romney Tax Plan Helps The Rich The Most: Analysis


With the Romney tax plan its so obvious who will benefit, as you said the wealthiest.
That is why his campaign is getting mega bucks from the people who want to buy off and run our country. And for Romney to extend the Bush tax cuts for the wealthy Its amazing that the people would rather get screwed by Romney and stay true to their party.

With the Romney ticket its Bush reincarnated 2 Steps Forward 10 Steps Back.

And with Obama, it's one step over the cliff.

We've read this bull before...was there a point you wanted to make ?
People who support Romney don't care about his polices. Ok, I take that back. Middle class and poor people who support Romney don't care about his policies. They only care that someone with an (R) next to their name occupies the White House. The rich love his policies for obvious reasons.
People who support Romney don't care about his polices. Ok, I take that back. Middle class and poor people who support Romney don't care about his policies. They only care that someone with an (R) next to their name occupies the White House. The rich love his policies for obvious reasons.

Don't you open at the baitshop tomorrow morning?

Better hit the sack!
By Alana Horowitz

The Washington Post's editorial board mocked Mitt Romney's tax plan on Sunday.

"Mitt Romney, the presumed Republican nominee for president, promises to lower everyone’s income tax rate without reducing revenue. This sounds terrific. Why didn’t we think of it sooner?"

The editorial, titled 'Mitt Romney's garbage', argued that Romney's plan to cut taxes and lower the deficit is unfeasible.

"It’s reasonable to assume that his cuts would, as did President Bush’s, worsen the nation’s deficit. Until he’s willing to explain how he would avoid such a result, he has little standing to criticize Mr. Obama’s fiscal shortcomings."

The piece also took issue with Romney's claim that his plan to cut taxes by 20% for everyone helps the middle class and not the rich.

A recent study found that Romney's plan would mostly benefit the wealthiest Americans. Romney called the findings "garbage."

More: Washington Post: Mitt Romney Tax Plan 'Garbage'

Mitt Romney Tax Plan Helps The Rich The Most: Analysis


With the Romney tax plan its so obvious who will benefit, as you said the wealthiest.
That is why his campaign is getting mega bucks from the people who want to buy off and run our country. And for Romney to extend the Bush tax cuts for the wealthy Its amazing that the people would rather get screwed by Romney and stay true to their party.

With the Romney ticket its Bush reincarnated 2 Steps Forward 10 Steps Back.


RDD doesn't care about reality.

His posts reflect his silly bias.

The OP, on the other hand, has made a compelling argument. If the Washington Compost dislike the Romney plan, then by golly, there's no other alternative: it MUST be garbage.


Rdd and Dorkhota suck each there to sleep.

With the Romney tax plan its so obvious who will benefit, as you said the wealthiest.
That is why his campaign is getting mega bucks from the people who want to buy off and run our country. And for Romney to extend the Bush tax cuts for the wealthy Its amazing that the people would rather get screwed by Romney and stay true to their party.

With the Romney ticket its Bush reincarnated 2 Steps Forward 10 Steps Back.

And with Obama, it's one step over the cliff.

We've read this bull before...was there a point you wanted to make ?

Are you Listening? :lol: Really you do need to open your ears wide unless if your super rich.. Your going to get screwed over with the Romney/ Ryan ticket.
I actually like McCain, but it is soooo very obvious what Romney is going to do.
Just like the bush war so many in your party defended like crazy, we now know the truth that they screwed us over with the weapons of mass disfucksion.. They got richer and we headed down a long road a cleaning up the horrible mess he left us..

Romney / Ryan are two of the best numbers guys on earth.

Your braintrusts?

' We Have To Spend Money To Keep From Going Bankrupt. '

So STFU. The adults will soon be back in charge of the checkbook.
Are you Listening? :lol: Really you do need to open your ears wide unless if your super rich.. Your going to get screwed over with the Romney/ Ryan ticket.
I actually like McCain, but it is soooo very obvious what Romney is going to do.
Just like the bush war so many in your party defended like crazy, we now know the truth that they screwed us over with the weapons of mass disfucksion.. They got richer and we headed down a long road a cleaning up the horrible mess he left us..

Are you not embarrassed sounding like a bleating sheep ?

Bush was Bush.

Obama was more of Bush.

You want that ?
Alana Horowitz was better in math that the 'Washington Post Editorial Board.'


You can come along for the ride, but you are gonna have to sit in the back seat.

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