Washington Examiner Slams trump


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2014
Wow I never thought this publication would go this far in slamming trump. They actually used the words "crazed twitter rants" and "vile and unworthy of his office" to describe trump's tweets.

They made sure to slam democrats from the beginning of the article until the last few paragraphs where they actually get to the point of their article.

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Wow I never thought this publication would got this far in slamming trump. They actually used the words "crazed twitter rants" and "vile and unworthy of his office" to describe trump's tweets.

They made sure to slam democrats from the beginning of the article until the last few paragraphs where they actually get to the point of their article.

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But in the end, Scarborough won't be the one hurt by this. Against a weak opponent, Trump somehow managed in 2016 to win despite carrying on with sad, deluded conspiracy theories about Sen. Ted Cruz's father being involved in the assassination of John F. Kennedy. Against a less reviled opponent, he may not be so lucky in 2020.


But, Joe By-God Biden will REALLY kick Trump's ass.

Anyone with more than a single brain cell knows that Trump's tweets and words towards Joe Scarborough are defamatory and malicious. That Trump's actions diminish the presidency and the nation. That those same words are hurtful to the family of the deceased young woman.

That is obvious to anyone with more than a single brain cell.

Apparently that criteria leaves out many Trump supporters.
Wow I never thought this publication would got this far in slamming trump. They actually used the words "crazed twitter rants" and "vile and unworthy of his office" to describe trump's tweets.

They made sure to slam democrats from the beginning of the article until the last few paragraphs where they actually get to the point of their article.

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Trump is a vulgar asshole, that’s for sure. Even some on right recognize it.

The election is a coin toss. Vulgar imperialist asshole vs senile racist imperialist fool.
Wow I never thought this publication would got this far in slamming trump. They actually used the words "crazed twitter rants" and "vile and unworthy of his office" to describe trump's tweets.

They made sure to slam democrats from the beginning of the article until the last few paragraphs where they actually get to the point of their article.

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That is amazing because, yes, Washington Examiner is very pro-Trump.
I guess this makes a good case for letting Trump keep his Twitter account.
Let him just keep digging that hole he's standing in deeper and deeper.
Wow I never thought this publication would got this far in slamming trump. They actually used the words "crazed twitter rants" and "vile and unworthy of his office" to describe trump's tweets.

They made sure to slam democrats from the beginning of the article until the last few paragraphs where they actually get to the point of their article.

View attachment 341672
Trump is a vulgar asshole, that’s for sure. Even some on right recognize it.

The election is a coin toss. Vulgar imperialist asshole vs senile racist imperialist fool.
At this point, it comes down to who simply give the better lip service with a complete lack of intent.

It's all we have.

Wow I never thought this publication would got this far in slamming trump. They actually used the words "crazed twitter rants" and "vile and unworthy of his office" to describe trump's tweets.

They made sure to slam democrats from the beginning of the article until the last few paragraphs where they actually get to the point of their article.

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Trump is a vulgar asshole, that’s for sure. Even some on right recognize it.

The election is a coin toss. Vulgar imperialist asshole vs senile racist imperialist fool.

"senile racist imperialist fool."""

So it was Biden who said: "When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best. ......They're sending people that have lots of problems, and they're bringing those problems with us. They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists."""

And then Biden said "there are good people on both sides" when the Neo-Nazis invaded Charlottesville?

And it was Biden who was sued in 1973 for racial discrimination when he refused to rent housing to blacks?

Well, by God....where have I been??????

I'd vote for a half-dead gerbil if it meant getting rid of the pig in the White House.
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Whoa, the Examiner is usually an alternate universe-approved paper.

I guess they're deep state fake news commie Hitlers now, huh?

I know. I never thought I would see something like that from that publication.
Oh, and I'll never forget when Biden slapped down that "Mexican judge" in California for ruling against him in the 9th District.
The judge was from Ohio.
Joe should be so ashamed.
Wow I never thought this publication would got this far in slamming trump. They actually used the words "crazed twitter rants" and "vile and unworthy of his office" to describe trump's tweets.

They made sure to slam democrats from the beginning of the article until the last few paragraphs where they actually get to the point of their article.

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That is amazing because, yes, Washington Examiner is very pro-Trump.
I guess this makes a good case for letting Trump keep his Twitter account.
Let him just keep digging that hole he's standing in deeper and deeper.

Yes I was very surprised to read that article.
Whoa, the Examiner is usually an alternate universe-approved paper.

I guess they're deep state fake news commie Hitlers now, huh?

I know. I never thought I would see something like that from that publication.

Dana, join Twitter and go to his page and throw rotten tomatoes. He goes nuts over people posting negative shit on his account. Makes him crazy.
I'm all for making him explode then maybe MORE news outlets will get fucking real about this shit stain.
Whoa, the Examiner is usually an alternate universe-approved paper.

I guess they're deep state fake news commie Hitlers now, huh?

I know. I never thought I would see something like that from that publication.
The editorial page of every major and minor publication is almost always occupied by a hard leftist.

The WE is no different. This is not surprising in the least.

Wow I never thought this publication would go this far in slamming trump. They actually used the words "crazed twitter rants" and "vile and unworthy of his office" to describe trump's tweets.

They made sure to slam democrats from the beginning of the article until the last few paragraphs where they actually get to the point of their article.

View attachment 341672
Dana, the liar, spends all day looking for "I hate Trump" rhetoric. Amazing.
Wow I never thought this publication would got this far in slamming trump. They actually used the words "crazed twitter rants" and "vile and unworthy of his office" to describe trump's tweets.

They made sure to slam democrats from the beginning of the article until the last few paragraphs where they actually get to the point of their article.

View attachment 341672
Trump is a vulgar asshole, that’s for sure. Even some on right recognize it.

The election is a coin toss. Vulgar imperialist asshole vs senile racist imperialist fool.

"senile racist imperialist fool."""

So it was Biden who said: "When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best. ......They're sending people that have lots of problems, and they're bringing those problems with us. They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists."""

And then Biden said "there are good people on both sides" when the Neo-Nazis invaded Charlottesville?

And it was Biden who was sued in 1973 for racial discrimination when he refused to rent housing to blacks?

Well, by God....where have I been??????

I'd vote for a half-dead gerbil if it meant getting rid of the pig in the White House.
Left part of it out-
Thank you. It’s true, and these are the best and the finest. When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.

But I speak to border guards and they tell us what we’re getting. And it only makes common sense. It only makes common sense. They’re sending us not the right people.

It’s coming from more than Mexico. It’s coming from all over South and Latin America, and it’s coming probably— probably— from the Middle East. But we don’t know. Because we have no protection and we have no competence, we don’t know what’s happening. And it’s got to stop and it’s got to stop fast.

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