Kentucky Governor Responds to Being Hung In Effigy


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2014
This isn't good. Over the weekend some protesters hung the governor in effigy. Right outside the Governor's mansion. Where his family lives. He's got 2 kids. Thankfully they weren't there at the time.

Fortunately some people on the internet did research and found the person who hung the governor in effigy. That person now doesn't have a job.

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Remember, the group of Confederates, Conservatives, RWI's, trump supporters, preach the phrase,

"The (D) are the real racists."
They can't spin it fast enough.
Ya, this nut job didn't even do this with a mask and covering his tattoos. Typical Trumpster piece of GARBAGE. Total waste of space.
Remember, the group of Confederates, Conservatives, RWI's, trump supporters, preach the phrase,

"The (D) are the real racists."
They can't spin it fast enough.

They think if they say it loud and enough people will believe it.

Problem with that is they've been doing that for a few decades now.

It has not worked.
This isn't good. Over the weekend some protesters hung the governor in effigy. Right outside the Governor's mansion. Where his family lives. He's got 2 kids. Thankfully they weren't there at the time.

Fortunately some people on the internet did research and found the person who hung the governor in effigy. That person now doesn't have a job.

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Thats racist!
This isn't good. Over the weekend some protesters hung the governor in effigy. Right outside the Governor's mansion. Where his family lives. He's got 2 kids. Thankfully they weren't there at the time.

That governor certainly doesn't have a problem with deliberately and maliciously destroying his state's economy, and with it, the ability of his state's residents to make a living, and support their children.

If the families of the voters in his state are fair game targets for his evil and destructive polices, then why should his own family not be fair game for rightful expressions of disapproval, that might hurt his children' feelings?

This tyrannical, criminal piece of shit should count himself lucky that it was only an effigy.

This time.
This is just Democrats playing the sensitivity card to divert attention away from their policies of denying their citizens of their constitutional rights and their right to provide for their families. Their tank the economy and defeat Trump policy is disgustingly un American.
This isn't good. Over the weekend some protesters hung the governor in effigy. Right outside the Governor's mansion. Where his family lives. He's got 2 kids. Thankfully they weren't there at the time.

Fortunately some people on the internet did research and found the person who hung the governor in effigy. That person now doesn't have a job.

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Another doxxing by the most cowardly poster on this message board.

If it was Trump you would be supporting the person doing the effigy hanging, don't deny it you miserable sack of shit.
It reminds me of Kathy and her decapitated Trump that enemy democrats found so amusing.

This is an indication of what democrats are going to be facing this November.

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