Washington DC rally in support of 6 January rioters falls short of expectations

To be honest this is our biggest failing as conservatives. We ascribe too much intelligence and advanced planning to our foes.

They ARE dumb sometimes, and fatally dumb at others.

They promoted THIS vaccine. THIS one.


They have in office JOE BIDEN. I repeat. JOE BIDEN.

Catastrophically dumb.

We need to stop dreamcasting that that they are playing 4D chess or whatever. They are not, and if they are, they are pretty bad at it. They are bad at it because they are fatalistically bad at understanding human nature. We are much--I repeat, much MUCH better at understanding human nature than they are.

But we cut ourselves off at the knees over and over by ascribing to them much more than they deserve. With all due respect, we really need to stop.
You need to read more, and perhaps spend less time listening to radio, watching TEE VEE, and inter-acting with social media.

I am telling you, that no, they are not that dumb, and everything has been planned, and is going according to plan.

There is no "them," there is no "us" . . . it is not "conservatives" vs. "liberals" . . . the oligarchs are the ones that create these constructs.

Compartmentalization has made it so, even the individual folks in the bureaucracies need not even know why their actions have an impact on the larger picture, they are sold a paradigm, and they believe it.

Whether it is the wealth managers on Wall-Street, the tech developers in Silicon Valley, the spooks in Langley, the propagandists out in Hollywood. . . all of them, each to their own roles and interests. . . . and when folks talk to each other, or post on here, that tends to be the perspective that they post from.

Everyone, all of us, are all made to serve the. . . "one ring," as it were. And if you actually believe that the powers that shouldn't be are "dumb?" You haven't got a clue as to how much trouble we are really in.

I will quote a post I made this morning. . . this is not conspiracy, it is from Carter's Sec. of State, someone that was instrumental in getting Obama elected, who of course, would have been good friends with Biden. This book was written now. . . fifty years ago. . . scary how it has all come true. If they were really, as you say, "dumb," it would not have come to pass. . .

Hell, they have the world believing that heavy industry and consumerism is the cause of climate change, and world wide bio-outbreaks are just happenstance. . . When that next catastrophic earthquake happens in a heavily populated center, they'll tell you that was chance too. . . Or they will tell you UFO's are from ET. :rolleyes:


Between Two Ages.pdf

". . .Not only have new weapons been developed but some of the basic concepts of geography and strategy have been fundamentally altered; space and weather control have replaced Suez or Gibraltar as key elements of strategy. In addition to improved rocketry, multi missiles, and more powerful and more accurate bombs, future developments may well include automated or manned space warships, deep sea installations, chemical and biological weapons, death rays, and still other forms of warfare—even the weather may be tampered with -> As one specialist noted, "By the year 2018, technology will make available to the leaders of the major nations a variety of techniques for conducting secret warfare, of which only a bare minimum of the security forces need be appraised. One nation may attack a competitor covertly by bacteriological means, thoroughly weakening the population (though with a minimum of fatalities) before taking over with its own overt armed forces. Alternatively, techniques of weather modification could be employed to produce prolonged periods of drought or storm, thereby weakening a nation's capacity and forcing it to accept the demands of the competitor" (Gordon J. F. MacDonald, Space," in Toward the Year 2018, p. 34). - page 28"

You can't prove it. Got it. I will remember to never get in a conversation that's Covid-related with you because you don't know the first thing about it -- whether or not it exists.
sorry moron
Not playing your silly games

I learned a long time ago not to get into arguments with stupid people…..they will just drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience

Mark Twain
Well, you're not very gracious about thanking us for all the free entertainment. Whenever one of you losers makes me laugh, I am at least polite and express gratitude.
I don't think of stupid as entertainment.
I might laugh at a fool staring at his phone and walking into a manhole but,
let's face it...
All stupid all the time is not entertainment
It's a psychosis.
Joe Potatohead told us Patriots that he was going to attack us with F-15s and then nuke us. I mean C'mon man! Why take a chance?

Besides, now that America has got a taste of what the Democrats and Potatohead are all about they will be gone pretty soon.
Fun fact: It was already out that the attendance was going to be a dud, when Trump made his comments telling people not to go.

What does this mean? It means Trump will now say the low attendance was his will (despite that clearly not being true). Like, he can take credit for the low attendance. I wonder if he thought of that himself?
Shows the waning influence of Trump

The feds arrested another fed by mistake (Justice For Jan 6)​

This is just another joke about why our intel agencies need to be completely shut down. The government is shooting itself in the foot every day. These clowns are going to start something they will not be able to finish.
This was arguably one of the greatest Pelosi ordered farces on earth.
I hope the dozens of attendees from today’s Justice for Jan 6 rally make it safely back to their desks at the FBI on Monday morning. :abgg2q.jpg:


The feds arrested another fed by mistake (Justice For Jan 6)​

This is just another joke about why our intel agencies need to be completely shut down. The government is shooting itself in the foot every day. These clowns are going to start something they will not be able to finish.
This was arguably one of the greatest Pelosi ordered farces on earth.
I hope the dozens of attendees from today’s Justice for Jan 6 rally make it safely back to their desks at the FBI on Monday morning. :abgg2q.jpg:

That was hilarious!

Their second invitation to come to the FBI party rally didn't work I guess. Idiots.
In all reality, the DC rally had some people there.....not Patriots, because patriots knew exactly it was going to be a set up. ;)

Those who attended were this stupid clowns below, plus lots of Fake News...so yes,those morons did attend. :muahaha:

Same sunglasses, same little shorts, same watches, same haircuts! :auiqs.jpg: MORONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Up until recently trump supported and promoted this rally.

Then within the last week he started telling his followers to not go that the whole thing was a "set up" by the government.

So of course the paranoid conspiracy theorists trump supporters didn't go.

The whole thing is pathetic.
Trump saw that it was going to be a bust..so he tried to get in front of the issue..taking credit for people not coming....and applying the "FBI trap" narrative.
Which is not to say that everyone didn't get their picture taken, for sure.
So what now for the heroes of Jan 6th ? Abandoned by the dear leader and also abandoned by their white trash supporters.
It must be grim being treated "literally" like the Jews in Nazi Germany. Warm cell,TV, 3 meals a day. NIGHTMARE !!
Maybe Ted Nugent and Nikki Minaj could collaborate on a protest song that could catch on and become a rallying call to "patriots" everywhere and spark a new civil rights movement for the oppressed.
Fun fact: It was already out that the attendance was going to be a dud, when Trump made his comments telling people not to go.

What does this mean? It means Trump will now say the low attendance was his will (despite that clearly not being true). Like, he can take credit for the low attendance. I wonder if he thought of that himself?

So what now for the heroes of Jan 6th ? Abandoned by the dear leader and also abandoned by their white trash supporters.
It must be grim being treated "literally" like the Jews in Nazi Germany. Warm cell,TV, 3 meals a day. NIGHTMARE !!
Maybe Ted Nugent and Nikki Minaj could collaborate on a protest song that could catch on and become a rallying call to "patriots" everywhere and spark a new civil rights movement for the oppressed.
Damn, girls, you need to adjust your meds.
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