Washington DC rally in support of 6 January rioters falls short of expectations

Only a few hundred turn up for this. Maybe the authorities have most of the bad boys already in jail. Following the debacle in California it looks like America is post trump.
Yet the whole week you moonbats were convinced all hell was going to break loose.

No one takes you morons seriously.
Lacking self awareness, you can't see it.


I think it shows that you can only behave like a twat for so long before most adults turn away. As we can see from this thread only the most extreme weirdos are still on board.
Its all good. USA USA USA !!
the only large scale violence that will happen in the future will be committed by leftists ...
Oh!!!! and this one LOL......this is the most important!:laugh::laugh::laugh:

Fake rally??? nahhhh how can you say that lol?

Trying to set up real patriot Americans? nahhhhhhhhhhhh not possible :rolleyes:

the only large scale violence that will happen in the future will be committed by leftists ...
The evidence suggests otherwise. The right has attached itself to a psychotic infant who cannot accept a thrashing so cannot take defeat with good grace. Sycophants like yourself enable this by excusing his deviant behaviour.
You are sick people.
Shows the waning influence of Trump
The funny thing is Democrats “need the influence of Trump” as one of their many scare tactics. Just about anything the Republicans do between now and the Elections, there will be a Trump factor played up by the Democrat’s media.
The funny thing is Democrats “need the influence of Trump” as one of their many scare tactics. Just about anything the Republicans do between now and the Elections, there will be a Trump factor played up by the Democrat’s media.

Tell that to your Republican leadership who still rush to Mara Lago to kiss the ring
I'd say people didn't show up cause Jan 6th was a big nothing burger as far as most are concerned. No one tried to overthrow the Government and most arrested were arrested for trespassing.

The 6th was a big nothing burger which the Dems tried to turn into insurrection and sedition.

Lots of questions about that day. Like who were the people the Capital police greeted and let right on in??Who were the people with the cameras??

All those folks were in the Capital buildings while Trump was still speaking. They weren't Trump supporter and they seemed to have an agenda. Loads of questions bout that day.
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The funny thing is Democrats “need the influence of Trump” as one of their many scare tactics. Just about anything the Republicans do between now and the Elections, there will be a Trump factor played up by the Democrat’s media.
Emmanuel Goldstein.
I'd say people didn't show up cause Jan 6th was a big nothing burger as far as most are concerned. No one tried to overthrow the Government and most arrested were arrested for trespassing.

The 6th was a big nothing burger which the Dems tried to turn into insurrection and sedition.

Lots of questions about that day. Like who were the people the Capital police greeted and let right on in??Who were the people with the cameras??

All those folks were in the Capital buildings while Trump was still speaking. They weren't Trump supporter and they seemed to have an agenda. Loads of questions bout that day.
Pay no attention to the TRUMP Mob storming the Capitol
Claudette says it was a Nothing Burger
Pay no attention to the TRUMP Mob storming the Capitol
Claudette says it was a Nothing Burger
Gee, I'd say this is overall a right wing friendly board. Let's start a list of people who agree with Claudette and see how fast you enter that "minority" column, hmmmmm????


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