Was President Trump an "idiot savant"?

Yes, I can...you cannot.

The conversation was about companies STARTED by Trump. You do know what that word means....right?

"True fact, not one thing Trump started on his own ever succeeded."

So, starting with a million, he became a billionaire but none of his company's he started never succeeded? You are a fucking retard of the highest order. Bald-faced lies are the hallmark of a true, dyed-in-the-wool liberal. How often do you scream "Let's go Brandon" while he bones you up the ass? Does he make you dress as a little girl and make you ear a wig so he can sniff your hair? Ever get a reach-around?
The dictionary defines an "idiot savant" as
"a person who has a mental or learning disability but is extremely gifted in a particular way, such
as the performing of feats of memory or calculation."

Many people claim Trump an idiot... actually calling him an idiot!
OK... so this "Idiot" maybe is an "idiot Savant" when it comes to running the government, though.
Attached are comments and policies by Obama and adopted by Biden that were overturned, rejected, in other words changed by Trump from Obama/Biden's efforts to bankrupt companies, put people out of work, make America energy DEPENDENT and destroy the environment...(Keystone pipeline would have moved 700 barrels one mile on dry land...now with Biden cancelling the only way Canada will move 1 million barrels a day is over one mile of open ocean in a oil tanker)...all the while costing Americans more in federal/state/local income taxes.
Trump, "the idiot savant" fought against all those unAmerican statements and policies... being the non-politically correct "SAVANT" when it came to getting things done. Folks It takes a minimum of 5 to 10 years to get a vaccine approved... Trump got it done in less than a year... all because he wasn't politically correct.

Now we have Biden who is well...just an idiot!
47 years in government and his list of accomplished legislation is very short!

Nothing Biden is doing today are his original plans. The reason?
He is a plain idiot... not an "idiot savant" like Trump who most people like Mark Cuban called an "Idiot"... ...But
Cuban's friend said this to Cuban why his friend was voting for Trump:
'I've been voting for politicians my entire life. You know what they've done for me? Nothing.
You know the definition of insanity. I'm not voting for a politician.'

And that's the reason for my voting for Trump was I've voted in 16 presidential elections of which ONLY two were not a politician.
IKE, and Trump.

So yes if Trump is an "IDIOT" as Cuban et.al. proclaim, he is an "IDIOT SAVANT" when it came to running the country not as a politician but someone who actually loves America, wants America First and loves his family and law enforcement and the military!View attachment 501813

View attachment 501810
A sheer Impossibility.Trump was surely No Idiot when he got into and graduated
Wharton { at one time considered the finest Business college in the U.S. }
Trump was also no Idiot when he demontrated his mettle by being a powerful
Real Eatate Magnate in The Big Apple.Also no idiot when he became The Most
known and recognized Human on Planet earth with his many real estate developments,
Hotels,Golf courses and Casinos.Trump Tower is not some Mirage.
Nor his hugely popular NBC hit TV series - The Apprentice -.
In fact,the only way the word Idiot can be used in conjunction with Donald Trump
is how he makes Idiots of others.Virtual schmucks.As he did to Jeb Bush and many
other GOP Presidential candidates in 2015.
I could say Nice try.But that would be like asking a ditch digger to whip up a
wunderbar Souffle for lunch.
So, starting with a million, he became a billionaire but none of his company's he started never succeeded?

Yes, that is the fact of the matter. Oh, and he started with far more than a million, he started with his grandma's company.

There is a reason you cannot give one example to prove me wrong and instead have to post your sexual fantasies.
Yes, I can...you cannot.

The conversation was about companies STARTED by Trump. You do know what that word means....right?
An Entrepreneur.Or Mogul,Tycoon but never a Robber Baron.
Trump was in the same category as the Founder of FedEx or Frederick Smith
and using Venture Capitol and whatever small funds his Father gave him.
Both men using speculation and a head for borrowed funds.
FACT! NOT his grandma! Where is your proof?

Founding and early history

The company's background starts with Frederick Trump and Elizabeth Christ Trump, a German immigrant couple who moved to the borough of Queens in 1906. Frederick began developing real estate there. On May 30, 1918, he died of Spanish flu in the 1918 influenza pandemic, leaving an estate valued at $31,359[16] (or about $535,381 in 2020).

Elizabeth carried on in the real estate business after her husband's death. She had contractors build houses on the empty lots Frederick had owned, sold the houses, and earned income off the mortgages she provided to buyer
He has also been responsible for over 200 million COVID doses, a dramatic drop in infections and deaths and the reopening of America
Covid facts are like Grandmas gathering to explain how many measles
little Grandson Billy had on his mug today.She dint say face because Grandma
done became Woke recently.
Well the "idiot" had a hell of a lot better economy than Potato Joe
Lots more better danny dat.
Everything Trump touched seemed to have a direct positive effect on
Joe America.In a sense he was a sort of Miracle worker.
Albeit with a sharp tongue.Good fir him.Joe American don't mush cotton
a bunch of Candy ass yes men,any who.
Take out the “savant“ and you have your answer.

Yeah, we know. All of us "rich" folks that are Republican are idiots. It is you poor Democrats that are so smart. Cheez.

Founding and early history

The company's background starts with Frederick Trump and Elizabeth Christ Trump, a German immigrant couple who moved to the borough of Queens in 1906. Frederick began developing real estate there. On May 30, 1918, he died of Spanish flu in the 1918 influenza pandemic, leaving an estate valued at $31,359[16] (or about $535,381 in 2020).

Elizabeth carried on in the real estate business after her husband's death. She had contractors build houses on the empty lots Frederick had owned, sold the houses, and earned income off the mortgages she provided to buyer
Was that so hard? Thank you! Why waste my time trying to prove you wrong when you obviously had the info.
By the way who in the hell are you that you think we just TAKE YOUR word for it? See I'm not as audacious and basically ignorant to assume readers would believe just me. That's why most if not all of the time I provided LINKS!
Now the ONLY problem with your link is this:
Following the death of her husband, Elizabeth Trump continued the real estate business he had begun.
So tell me from MY source where she as you said "he started with his grandma's company"
The company was started by his grandfather! BIG difference.
So tell me from MY source where she as you said "he started with his grandma's company"
The company was started by his grandfather! BIG difference.

They started it together, a joint exercise. Then grandma ran it alone after grandpa died. Which is why I called it her company.

Either way, it is not a company that Donny Sr started, which was the whole point despite your picking of nits
yes you did, thanks, it doesn't prove your lie. That's unfortunate for you. You can't even grasp terminology "something like". You must have gotten your ass kicked frequently not being able to follow along.
What lies, trumptard? You admit I did provide the proof and yet you can't admit that your orange douche bag is an idiot.

Must really suck to be a trumptard. :itsok:
What lies, trumptard? You admit I did provide the proof and yet you can't admit that your orange douche bag is an idiot.

Must really suck to be a trumptard. :itsok:
Nope, I agreed you put up a video, I fking even thanked you! Again, it doesn’t prove your post and you remain a liar
What lies, trumptard? You admit I did provide the proof and yet you can't admit that your orange douche bag is an idiot.

Must really suck to be a trumptard. :itsok:
Nope for the fourth time! But keep trying to force that Cadillac up your nose
Well, in trump's case you have to break it down.

Trump has shown, countless times, through his own words and actions, that he is a World Class idiot - possibly unmatched in American history.

But in terms of being a 'savant' Trump also excels, in certain ways. For instance, few men are bigger liars, frauds, deviants, degenerates, or all-around sleazeballs and thieves than Donnie boy.

So, there you have it. Donald Trump is, indeed, an idiot, and a savant. I hope this information is helpful to anyone wanting to more fully understand our former (uughh) president.
You beat me to it. Trump's one brilliant skill is as a mountebank.
What is wrong with that? What do you think "stealth" means?
According to the pool report of the president’s Thanksgiving Day visit to Coast Guard Station Lake Worth Inlet, in Florida, Trump told his audience he had discussed the “invisible” plane with “some air force guys”. He asked them, he said, if it would perform in a dogfight like similar planes he had seen in movies.

“They said: ‘Well, it wins every time because the enemy cannot see it, even if it’s right next to it, it can’t see it,’” Trump said.


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