Was Breonna Taylor an accomplice to Murder?


Registered Conservative
Sep 20, 2005
Funny how the MSM never mentioned this. Had to dig this story up from a local affiliate, and it obviously made zero headlines at CNN.

The documents also alleged that back in 2016, the body of Fernandez Bowman was found in a car rented by Breonna Taylor. When LMPD detectives arrived at Taylor's home to question her, Glover was there. Taylor told the detectives she did not know Bowman, that she had been dating Glover for several months and that she had let him drive the rental car. She also gave detectives her phone number, which was a number that Glover was still using as recently as February of this year, according to the documents.

That homicide victim was the brother of Damarius Bowman, one of Glover’s “associates” who has been arrested with Glover numerous times, the report stated.

Its obvious this bitch was running with drug dealers and murderers. The media keeps calling her an “EMT”.....no, she was one for a few months and got fired.

Has any “journalist” investigated why she got fired? Stealing drugs?
Yet another “innocent angel” and martyr for the left turns out to be another shitty person.
I wouldn't doubt if she was involved in a murder.

It would explain why the fake news media kept trying to paint her as some kind of angel. They kept falsely claiming that she was currently an EMT and a nurse on the front lines bravely fighting the coronavirus at the time of the raid, when she was neither an EMT nor a nurse.

What is the scumbag media trying to hide about her?

Could she have been sacrificed to get a quick $12 million payday from the taxpayers?
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Funny how the MSM never mentioned this. Had to dig this story up from a local affiliate, and it obviously made zero headlines at CNN.

The documents also alleged that back in 2016, the body of Fernandez Bowman was found in a car rented by Breonna Taylor. When LMPD detectives arrived at Taylor's home to question her, Glover was there. Taylor told the detectives she did not know Bowman, that she had been dating Glover for several months and that she had let him drive the rental car. She also gave detectives her phone number, which was a number that Glover was still using as recently as February of this year, according to the documents.

That homicide victim was the brother of Damarius Bowman, one of Glover’s “associates” who has been arrested with Glover numerous times, the report stated.

Its obvious this bitch was running with drug dealers and murderers. The media keeps calling her an “EMT”.....no, she was one for a few months and got fired.

Has any “journalist” investigated why she got fired? Stealing drugs?

The are many questions that the Lawyers for the Taylor family have refused or have omitted in their queries.
Walker is an felon why did he have a gun and fire at the police at the door? Breonna was not shot in her bed. Did Walker use Breonna as a shield? Notice no bullets struck him in the brief shoot out after he wounded one of the police.
I continue to wonder why the LSM hasn't asked these pertinent questions......
Hmm.... perhaps the Leftists on this forum can tell us why.
No one is blaming the boyfriend who chose to open fire on the police after they identified themselves as the police with the warrant.
Brianna Taylor was a scumbag with a ligit job, hanging with a scumbag drug dealer. Why is anyone surprised what happened? She's no cause. She's just the flavor of the week for the anarchist-Marxists. MAGA. Get these scumbags out of here.

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