Wary of Trump - Canada to make 'substantial' boost to military spending

Fake Indian, are we including sponsored kills? Obama sent $500 million in weapons after cutting and running leaving hundreds of millions in equipment and weapons behind.

Cutting and running? You mean when Iraq ordered us to leave based on the SOFA that Bush negotiated?
I know obama failed to lead. He was a pussy. Couldn't get it done. He pissed away a great opportunity.
This one believes the U.S. should stay in nations it negotiated an exit with and was told to get out of. I wonder why he doesn't blame Bush (who made that deal in the first place).

Your theory that Obama was helpless to renegotiate the treaty is laughable.

So, you wanted our troops subjected to Iraqi law?

U.S.Iraq Status of Forces Agreement - Wikipedia

We went back in with out an agreement, it came later...and we never had to leave..,we were the invaders remember.

Apparently Canada is feeling the Trump fear. It has been reported today that Canada plans to boost military spending amid concerns they can no longer depend on the United States for defense under Trump.

Canada to make 'substantial' boost to military spending

OTTAWA — Canada's new foreign policy will involve spending billions on "hard power" military capability because the country can't rely on an American ally that has turned inward, says Foreign Affairs Minister Chrystia Freeland.

In a major foreign policy speech in the House of Commons today, Freeland didn't mention Donald Trump by name, but made an unabashed pitch for the international rules-based order that the U.S. president's America First policy is attacking.

The U.S. has been an indispensable nation in leading the world since then, she said, but that is changing and Canada has to adapt.

She reiterated the government's disappointment in the U.S. decision to withdraw from the Paris Agreement on climate change.

"International relationships that had seemed immutable for 70 years are being called into question," she said.

Canada Needs 'Hard Power' To Support Global Order: Freeland

The question has become 'how long will it take a new administration to repair the terrible damage drumpf has done to our relations with our allies. When Nordic leaders make fun of the US president and his 'putting hands on the Saudi glowing orb' you know they have zero respect for him. And unfortunately that translates into lost respect for the US.

Thank you. I agree. A few hours ago I was listening to several experts discuss how long it will take to repair Trump's damage - domestically and globally. They said years - and some damage could likely never be repaired.

Yes once many of our allies find out it's pretty good to not have to knuckle under every time we say something they are less likely to cooperate with the US just on a general basis.

Giving up leadership on the global stage always leads to reduced influence in the world. And there are plenty of other countries that will step in to fill that void.
Apparently Canada is feeling the Trump fear. It has been reported today that Canada plans to boost military spending amid concerns they can no longer depend on the United States for defense under Trump.

Canada to make 'substantial' boost to military spending

OTTAWA — Canada's new foreign policy will involve spending billions on "hard power" military capability because the country can't rely on an American ally that has turned inward, says Foreign Affairs Minister Chrystia Freeland.

In a major foreign policy speech in the House of Commons today, Freeland didn't mention Donald Trump by name, but made an unabashed pitch for the international rules-based order that the U.S. president's America First policy is attacking.

The U.S. has been an indispensable nation in leading the world since then, she said, but that is changing and Canada has to adapt.

She reiterated the government's disappointment in the U.S. decision to withdraw from the Paris Agreement on climate change.

"International relationships that had seemed immutable for 70 years are being called into question," she said.

Canada Needs 'Hard Power' To Support Global Order: Freeland

Bully! Every sovereign nation should be responsible for its own defense. If they are dependent on other nations like US, then a simple thank you and shutting the fuck up when it comes to criticizing the nation that helps your people sleep at night.
Apparently Canada is feeling the Trump fear. It has been reported today that Canada plans to boost military spending amid concerns they can no longer depend on the United States for defense under Trump.

Canada to make 'substantial' boost to military spending

OTTAWA — Canada's new foreign policy will involve spending billions on "hard power" military capability because the country can't rely on an American ally that has turned inward, says Foreign Affairs Minister Chrystia Freeland.

In a major foreign policy speech in the House of Commons today, Freeland didn't mention Donald Trump by name, but made an unabashed pitch for the international rules-based order that the U.S. president's America First policy is attacking.

The U.S. has been an indispensable nation in leading the world since then, she said, but that is changing and Canada has to adapt.

She reiterated the government's disappointment in the U.S. decision to withdraw from the Paris Agreement on climate change.

"International relationships that had seemed immutable for 70 years are being called into question," she said.

Canada Needs 'Hard Power' To Support Global Order: Freeland

The question has become 'how long will it take a new administration to repair the terrible damage drumpf has done to our relations with our allies. When Nordic leaders make fun of the US president and his 'putting hands on the Saudi glowing orb' you know they have zero respect for him. And unfortunately that translates into lost respect for the US.

Thank you. I agree. A few hours ago I was listening to several experts discuss how long it will take to repair Trump's damage - domestically and globally. They said years - and some damage could likely never be repaired.

Yes once many of our allies find out it's pretty good to not have to knuckle under every time we say something they are less likely to cooperate with the US just on a general basis.

Giving up leadership on the global stage always leads to reduced influence in the world. And there are plenty of other countries that will step in to fill that void.
Obama spied on all our allies and little was said. I wonder why.
This one believes the U.S. should stay in nations it negotiated an exit with and was told to get out of. I wonder why he doesn't blame Bush (who made that deal in the first place).

Your theory that Obama was helpless to renegotiate the treaty is laughable.

So, you wanted our troops subjected to Iraqi law?

U.S.Iraq Status of Forces Agreement - Wikipedia

What art of "Obama was free to renegotiate the agreement" didn't you understand?

Why did Iraq order us out?

Did they order us out, or did Obumber just pick up stakes and hightail it out of there?
There was a deal (that Bush made) and we were told to - leave.
Apparently Canada is feeling the Trump fear. It has been reported today that Canada plans to boost military spending amid concerns they can no longer depend on the United States for defense under Trump.

Canada to make 'substantial' boost to military spending

OTTAWA — Canada's new foreign policy will involve spending billions on "hard power" military capability because the country can't rely on an American ally that has turned inward, says Foreign Affairs Minister Chrystia Freeland.

In a major foreign policy speech in the House of Commons today, Freeland didn't mention Donald Trump by name, but made an unabashed pitch for the international rules-based order that the U.S. president's America First policy is attacking.

The U.S. has been an indispensable nation in leading the world since then, she said, but that is changing and Canada has to adapt.

She reiterated the government's disappointment in the U.S. decision to withdraw from the Paris Agreement on climate change.

"International relationships that had seemed immutable for 70 years are being called into question," she said.

Canada Needs 'Hard Power' To Support Global Order: Freeland

The question has become 'how long will it take a new administration to repair the terrible damage drumpf has done to our relations with our allies. When Nordic leaders make fun of the US president and his 'putting hands on the Saudi glowing orb' you know they have zero respect for him. And unfortunately that translates into lost respect for the US.

Thank you. I agree. A few hours ago I was listening to several experts discuss how long it will take to repair Trump's damage - domestically and globally. They said years - and some damage could likely never be repaired.

Yes once many of our allies find out it's pretty good to not have to knuckle under every time we say something they are less likely to cooperate with the US just on a general basis.

Giving up leadership on the global stage always leads to reduced influence in the world. And there are plenty of other countries that will step in to fill that void.
Obama spied on all our allies and little was said. I wonder why.

It's a thread on orange-turd Trump, go find an Obama thread or address the OP.
So Canada is fulfilling their responsibilities, finally? It only took a man with balls to make this happen?

That's great news.
They are afraid Trump is going to invade and steal their snow.
You people don't give a rat's ass that he is alienating all our Western allies.
Because he's not. It's silly to imagine so. These are leaders, not a junior high school cheerleader clique. Although, the media would certainly like to turn world leadership into a group of ditzy girls gossiping about the football player.
Ding dong Tipsy, have another drink. He is indeed alienating our Western allies. To say that isn't so is to be completely ignorant of what is going on in the world.
And the realized impact of this supposed alienation has been?

The asinine idea that nations ally in the same manner that clubs work is breathtakingly ignorant. Allies exist because they have shared benefits from those alliances. No one in the west is going to reduce ties with the US because there is noting to gain from it whatsoever. No matter what the bluster is, international politics are not that simple.
Apparently Canada is feeling the Trump fear. It has been reported today that Canada plans to boost military spending amid concerns they can no longer depend on the United States for defense under Trump.

Canada to make 'substantial' boost to military spending

OTTAWA — Canada's new foreign policy will involve spending billions on "hard power" military capability because the country can't rely on an American ally that has turned inward, says Foreign Affairs Minister Chrystia Freeland.

In a major foreign policy speech in the House of Commons today, Freeland didn't mention Donald Trump by name, but made an unabashed pitch for the international rules-based order that the U.S. president's America First policy is attacking.

The U.S. has been an indispensable nation in leading the world since then, she said, but that is changing and Canada has to adapt.

She reiterated the government's disappointment in the U.S. decision to withdraw from the Paris Agreement on climate change.

"International relationships that had seemed immutable for 70 years are being called into question," she said.

Canada Needs 'Hard Power' To Support Global Order: Freeland

The question has become 'how long will it take a new administration to repair the terrible damage drumpf has done to our relations with our allies. When Nordic leaders make fun of the US president and his 'putting hands on the Saudi glowing orb' you know they have zero respect for him. And unfortunately that translates into lost respect for the US.

Thank you. I agree. A few hours ago I was listening to several experts discuss how long it will take to repair Trump's damage - domestically and globally. They said years - and some damage could likely never be repaired.

Yes once many of our allies find out it's pretty good to not have to knuckle under every time we say something they are less likely to cooperate with the US just on a general basis.

Giving up leadership on the global stage always leads to reduced influence in the world. And there are plenty of other countries that will step in to fill that void.
Funny that the left was applauding Obama for doing that exact thing - stepping away from national leadership. They were applauding Russia taking over that power vacuum in the ME as well. Now that Trump is in office letting the rest of the world carry their own weight is now a bad thing.

The hypocrisy here is so thick it amazes me.

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