Warning -- More Warnings !!!

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Diamond Member
Jun 9, 2011
Hillbilly Hollywood, Tenn
Things are kinda hectic around here. Just a reflection of our "times".. USMB Mod Staff has been letting too many illegal posts slide.. Frankly, because the number of illegal posts have skyrocketed.. When we clean threads and REMOVE illegal posts, that IS a warning that shows up in your alert box.. You should take those as a hint to slow down..

We see members getting 3 or 5 posts deleted in ONE thread and just moving to another to do the same thing.. Any SINGLE "illegal post" is warnable.. We've been letting it slide a bit too much.. Because honestly, many of you are taking advantage of US working hard to keep this place clean..

What is an "illegal" post? It's NOT a matter of opinion.. ANYONE can read the simple USMB and know this.. It either --

1) Violates the very few CONTENT restrictions called out in the "Site Wide Rules" section of the Rules
2) Has NO SPECIFIC topical content in it.. Meaning that it's either OFF TOPIC or completely personal flame.
3) It is trolling or baiting other members to ENGAGE in personal or off topic replies...

NOTE -- NONE of that has ANYTHING TO DO with "censorship" or bias...

Mod Staff will be increasing the number of warnings/bans/thread bans that are handed out on illegal posts.
You will not get 2 or more deleted posts per thread without one of those consequences.

We will continue to do this UNTIL we get enough compliance to cool the place the heck down...

Meister Kat WillHaftawaite Dont Taz Me Bro Coyote AyeCantSeeYou
Bite Me!


Cool the place down. I appreciate the sentiment, but the fact is, you guys are going to fail at that mission.

Anyway. Good luck.

Don't see how this "evil plan" could fail.. We're working too hard deleting illegal content.. Got to get the volume down and compliance with the rules up... Otherwise, it's just "white flag" time.. You're a law abiding citizen (for the most part LOL) -- it's not hard to stay legal at USMB..

But it's gonna get a LOT EASIER to get warned or booted from thread -- at least temporarily...

This place needs a brig, with a gunny sergeant and a marine crew running it, with Johnny Cash singing the blues...


Things are kinda hectic around here. Just a reflection of our "times".. USMB Mod Staff has been letting too many illegal posts slide.. Frankly, because the number of illegal posts have skyrocketed.. When we clean threads and REMOVE illegal posts, that IS a warning that shows up in your alert box.. You should take those as a hint to slow down..

We see members getting 3 or 5 posts deleted in ONE thread and just moving to another to do the same thing.. Any SINGLE "illegal post" is warnable.. We've been letting it slide a bit too much.. Because honestly, many of you are taking advantage of US working hard to keep this place clean..

What is an "illegal" post? It's NOT a matter of opinion.. ANYONE can read the simple USMB and know this.. It either --

1) Violates the very few CONTENT restrictions called out in the "Site Wide Rules" section of the Rules
2) Has NO SPECIFIC topical content in it.. Meaning that it's either OFF TOPIC or completely personal flame.
3) It is trolling or baiting other members to ENGAGE in personal or off topic replies...

NOTE -- NONE of that has ANYTHING TO DO with "censorship" or bias...

Mod Staff will be increasing the number of warnings/bans/thread bans that are handed out on illegal posts.
You will not get 2 or more deleted posts per thread without one of those consequences.

We will continue to do this UNTIL we get enough compliance to cool the place the heck down...

Meister Kat WillHaftawaite Dont Taz Me Bro Coyote AyeCantSeeYou
But isn't the mod's lax but reasonable and pragmatic approach to enforcement of the USMB rules a big part to the attraction to USMB in the first place?
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Some of the fucking mods here are the biggest culprits in off topic replies yet they want to crack down on us? LOL

Whatever the fuck, dude.
So that means when someone launches an off topic attack we should report it rather then respond since in the past I have been called on responding to Coyote while she skated with her off topic attacks.

Absolutely report them.. If it gets personal -- don't take the bait.. I say that knowing how hard that is to do sometimes... BUT -- if EVERYONE is discussing the topic in some fashion, you can go after their "ridiculous ideas" or faulty knowledge of the topic.. THEN you can flame a bit in the process..

When things START to get off topic, there's gonna be some leeway from mods unless it's all flaming. But just save the "thread diversion" for a more appropriate thread...

We really don't care about some flaming as long as the TOPIC is being honored...
So that means when someone launches an off topic attack we should report it rather then respond since in the past I have been called on responding to Coyote while she skated with her off topic attacks.
how that women got into a place of authority boggles the mind,,,

Thanks for the fine example of an "all personal", "no topical content" post... Note -- that subject is discussable in a Taunting forum or PM -- but not in this thread...
So that means when someone launches an off topic attack we should report it rather then respond since in the past I have been called on responding to Coyote while she skated with her off topic attacks.

Absolutely report them.. If it gets personal -- don't take the bait.. I say that knowing how hard that is to do sometimes... BUT -- if EVERYONE is discussing the topic in some fashion, you can go after their "ridiculous ideas" or faulty knowledge of the topic.. THEN you can flame a bit in the process..

When things START to get off topic, there's gonna be some leeway from mods unless it's all flaming. But just save the "thread diversion" for a more appropriate thread...

We really don't care about some flaming as long as the TOPIC is being honored...

I am a reasonably civil poster. But for over a year I have been threatened on numerous occasions by a single poster. At first I waited for the mods to do their thing. But nothing happened. So I do my best to humiliate him in the thread.

If that gets me booted, so be it. I have been thrown out of nicer places.
Biased moderation seems to be a problem on many forums.

Not really an OPPORTUNITY for a USMB to be biased.. 90% of what we do is read posts for "specific topical content"... If it's THERE --- it's legal and we just chuckle at the flaming.. If the post does NOT have "specific topical content" -- it;s illegal in Zones 1 and 2... It's that fucking simple..

Only CONTENT restrictions at USMB are spelled out in the "Site Wide Rules" section of the Posting Guidelines on the Home page. And those are MORE than reasonable..

Most of mod staff have BEEN at boards haunted by mods with TOO MUCH discretion.. We have very LITTLE discretion, but there ARE CASES where it's a judgement call.. I came here BECAUSE of the way the rules were written...
Things are kinda hectic around here. Just a reflection of our "times".. USMB Mod Staff has been letting too many illegal posts slide.. Frankly, because the number of illegal posts have skyrocketed.. When we clean threads and REMOVE illegal posts, that IS a warning that shows up in your alert box.. You should take those as a hint to slow down..

We see members getting 3 or 5 posts deleted in ONE thread and just moving to another to do the same thing.. Any SINGLE "illegal post" is warnable.. We've been letting it slide a bit too much.. Because honestly, many of you are taking advantage of US working hard to keep this place clean..

What is an "illegal" post? It's NOT a matter of opinion.. ANYONE can read the simple USMB and know this.. It either --

1) Violates the very few CONTENT restrictions called out in the "Site Wide Rules" section of the Rules
2) Has NO SPECIFIC topical content in it.. Meaning that it's either OFF TOPIC or completely personal flame.
3) It is trolling or baiting other members to ENGAGE in personal or off topic replies...

NOTE -- NONE of that has ANYTHING TO DO with "censorship" or bias...

Mod Staff will be increasing the number of warnings/bans/thread bans that are handed out on illegal posts.
You will not get 2 or more deleted posts per thread without one of those consequences.

We will continue to do this UNTIL we get enough compliance to cool the place the heck down...

Meister Kat WillHaftawaite Dont Taz Me Bro Coyote AyeCantSeeYou
But isn't the mod's lax but reasonable and pragmatic approach to enforcement of the USMB rules a big part to the attraction to USMB in the first place?

The RULES are INHERENTLY simpler and laxxer than most any other social media... We're just facing a pitched battle between very ANGRY PEOPLE right now.. And the noise level and volume of personal abuse is WAAAAY too high to preserve discussion...

So we're not CHANGING the rules.. We just want the VOLUME of illegal posts to go way the hell down...
So that means when someone launches an off topic attack we should report it rather then respond since in the past I have been called on responding to Coyote while she skated with her off topic attacks.

Absolutely report them.. If it gets personal -- don't take the bait.. I say that knowing how hard that is to do sometimes... BUT -- if EVERYONE is discussing the topic in some fashion, you can go after their "ridiculous ideas" or faulty knowledge of the topic.. THEN you can flame a bit in the process..

When things START to get off topic, there's gonna be some leeway from mods unless it's all flaming. But just save the "thread diversion" for a more appropriate thread...

We really don't care about some flaming as long as the TOPIC is being honored...

I am a reasonably civil poster. But for over a year I have been threatened on numerous occasions by a single poster. At first I waited for the mods to do their thing. But nothing happened. So I do my best to humiliate him in the thread.

If that gets me booted, so be it. I have been thrown out of nicer places.

We do not LIKE personal threats or data mining against members.. It's a big deal... Especially if there is stalking or harassment attached to them.. PM me and another mod and we'll figure out how to make it stop...
Some of the fucking mods here are the biggest culprits in off topic replies yet they want to crack down on us? LOL

Whatever the fuck, dude.

Report them,.. They are posting as members. We're not saints.. Worth a look to see if we need to demand a urine test and breathalyzer... LOL....
Oh........so now pissing on a thread is illegal...........there goes the neighborhood.

Bite Me!


Cool the place down. I appreciate the sentiment, but the fact is, you guys are going to fail at that mission.

Anyway. Good luck.

Gee don't you realize that when you give them a good reason to suspend you, they will do it gladly!

Being arrogant with Moderators is a stupid thing to do......
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