Walkaway campaign is a refreshing alternative to the democrat rope-a-dope nonsense


Gold Member
May 24, 2009
I originally heard about this [the Walkaway Campaign] a couple of years ago, but regretfully paid little attention to it. I recently came across the following video which seems to be genuine and nails it [the Democrat Leadership taking the Black vote for granted].


I only hope Annie is willing to speak out against Republicans when they ban together to panhandle globalism, ignore an America First policy, and unwittingly embrace domestic enemy groups whose mission is to destroy America from within using identity politics, and also work to destroy America’s free market, free enterprise system.


Joe Biden wants elderly American citizens, who paid into Medicare all their lives, to surrender and share their healthcare revenue with millions of illegal entrants who have invaded America’s borders.
There are hundreds of these videos. I can't say ALL of them are about Democrats walking away as the "movement" isn't directly meant to be people leaving the DNC. But the mass majority are. And.. That's just what happened.

Seems that the walkaway movement is growing by leaps and bounds, at least as reported on Fox News.




I can understand the success of the movement considering today’s communist/socialist democrat leadership is all in favor of open borders, freeing criminals from jails, defunding police departments across the country, and other ideas which have a devastating effect on inner cities which have already been impoverished and devastated by generations of democrat leaders being in control.


The Democrat Party Leadership has been angry, stupid and obnoxious ever since the Republican Party Leadership freed democrat owned slaves and put the KKK out of business. ___ Author unknown
Listen to Isaiah Washington, actor and producer, explain why he joined the walkaway movement


The liberty to succeed or fail at one’s own hand is a socialist’s nightmare and not the American Dream
Just for the record, I saw this coming in 2014 when Obama was President and he wouldn't do squat to help inner city folks:

What started the walkaway movement? A number of reasons which you probably will agree with!

Here is a video of a segment from the Tucker Carlson Show, in which his guest, Brandon Straka, explains the birth of the walkaway movement.


Let’s not forget Joe Biden does not support the right to work and an individual being free to negotiate their own employment contracts. He wants every American to pay a union representative a monthly kickback fee in order to work in America.
Walkaway movement is alive and well! 60,000 join in just one month.




The walkaway movement is the socialist/communist democrat leadership’s worse nightmare

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