Wait, what? A Democrat is going to rebutt Bidens state of the union?

That's because the old guard can't message worth a damn and I believe Talib will be offering a supplement to the SOTU, pointing out the things that Democrats accomplished. I haven't seen where the White House has explicitly frowned on Democrats doing this. I think it was their plan all along. It is alt-right media that is characterizing this as a "rebuttal". :)

You like Tlaib?
I think there is a political angle here.

Democrats know two things, the country and the rest of the world are in ruins under them and Biden is not going anywhere anytime soon.

So begin to talk him down, cross your fingers, and hope you survive November.

The other option is just to retire early before November.
The moonbats are still desperately trying to peddle China Joe as a "moderate centrist".

Won't work.
So, your theory is that the Tlaib rebuttal is a put up job to show that Joe is not liked by the more radical Dems, so therefore he must be a moderate?

I think that you may be right.
It is alt-right media that is characterizing this as a "rebuttal". :)
Is Foxnews the "alt-right media?"
Rashidaa Tlaib will advocate for a more radical agenda? Even Bill Maher is mocking that.


Even the RINO Never Trumpers nevervsunk that low for five minutes of fame
Yeah, a bit strange.

But - and hear me out - the Democratic party is not a hive mind that, to quote a (R) senator Ben Sasse is "obsessed with the worship of one guy".

So, yeah, some folks have different ideas.
So, your theory is that the Tlaib rebuttal is a put up job to show that Joe is not liked by the more radical Dems, so therefore he must be a moderate?

I think that you may be right.

Is Foxnews the "alt-right media?"
Fox News is Alt-Right Light. :)
Their wish is to be OANN and Newsmax...but they can't quite measure up to the bile.
It comes across as forced.
Fox News is Alt-Right Light. :)
Their wish is to be OANN and Newsmax...but they can't quite measure up to the bile.
It comes across as forced.
Oh, okay.

One would wonder why CNN cannot come close to the Foxnews ratings.

it is absurd to claim that the most popular cable news outlet in the country is so far out of the mainstream that it is part of the "alt-right."
Oh, okay.

One would wonder why CNN cannot come close to the Foxnews ratings.

it is absurd to claim that the most popular cable news outlet in the country is so far out of the mainstream that it is part of the "alt-right."
No one gives a shit. You've been told this over and over again. Just like with campaign rallies. Numbers are not an indicator of popularity...or which way people will vote.
There are a lot of lemmings in this country. Fox, like OANN and Newsmax broadcasts a repeatable message that's easy for their viewers to digest. It isn't all that complicated.
They don't have to put much thought into it. ^Shrug^.
You misunderstand the meaning of the word.
I understood your comment perfectly.
Fox is grouped into that classification because they've sold out and have been co-opted. Just look at their crawls for the past four years or so. They just don't do as good a job selling it as the other two outlets do. They were always conservative, but selling out to the alt-right was necessary for survival. Otherwise, OANN and Newsmax would eventually bleed their viewship dry. Remember that gaffe of calling AZ for Biden in 2020? That cost them a lot of viewers (temporarily. most came back). I noticed after that they started taking more of a right bent tack.
I understood your comment perfectly.
Fox is grouped into that classification because they've sold out and have been co-opted. Just look at their crawls for the past four years or so. They just don't do as good a job selling it as the other two outlets do. They were always conservative, but selling out to the alt-right was necessary for survival. Otherwise, OANN and Newsmax would eventually bleed their viewship dry. Remember that gaffe of calling AZ for Biden in 2020? That cost them a lot of viewers (temporarily. most came back). I noticed after that they started taking more of a right bent tack.
If the "alt-right" (never actually defined, of course) is so popular that appealing to them is a working strategy to crush competitors in the media market, then whatever you mean by "alt-right" is not out of the mainstream. Unless you're just wrong and Foxnews gets its huge viewer base by talking about issues Americans care about and not focusing so much on making sure dudes can beat women at swim meets.

Maybe the reason CNN and MSNBC are losing viewers as fast as the Dems are losing voters is because those outlets are so out of touch with what average Americans think about.

Ya think?
If the "alt-right" (never actually defined, of course) is so popular that appealing to them is a working strategy to crush competitors in the media market, then whatever you mean by "alt-right" is not out of the mainstream. Unless you're just wrong and Foxnews gets its huge viewer base by talking about issues Americans care about and not focusing so much on making sure dudes can beat women at swim meets.

Maybe the reason CNN and MSNBC are losing viewers as fast as the Dems are losing voters is because those outlets are so out of touch with what average Americans think about.

Ya think?
Of course it's been defined. Has been for almost two decades. Started out in the strict dominion of white nationalists and supremacists. Then..Barack Obama was elected..and the slow rise of the alt-right into the conservative mainstream began...resulting in...Trump! :) Now? It's getting so you can count the traditional conservatives on one hand. The rest, have sold out and been co-opted. Fox (if you notice I don't put the "News" on the end of it. They're not a news channel, they're an entertainment channel) dumbs their messages down into neat little packages their viewers can get outraged about easily. Keeps them coming back for more...and keeps the advertising dollars coming in. MSNBC leans to the left in their reporting, especially in their nightly line up. Counterbalance to Fox. CNN, is pretty much just the news. Probably why their numbers suffer. Right wing outlets have done such a good job of taking away the need to be curious and ask questions, no one wants a discussion on the ACTUAL workings of a story.
Of course it's been defined. Has been for almost two decades. Started out in the strict dominion of white nationalists and supremacists. Then..Barack Obama was elected..and the slow rise of the alt-right into the conservative mainstream began...resulting in...Trump! :) Now? It's getting so you can count the traditional conservatives on one hand. The rest, have sold out and been co-opted. Fox (if you notice I don't put the "News" on the end of it. They're not a news channel, they're an entertainment channel) dumbs their messages down into neat little packages their viewers can get outraged about easily. Keeps them coming back for more...and keeps the advertising dollars coming in. MSNBC leans to the left in their reporting, especially in their nightly line up. Counterbalance to Fox. CNN, is pretty much just the news.
Really? Even that Don Lemon/Chris Cuomo Man Crush Show?
Probably why their numbers suffer. Right wing outlets have done such a good job of taking away the need to be curious and ask questions, no one wants a discussion on the ACTUAL workings of a story.
CNN lied its way out of its ratings.
If the "alt-right" (never actually defined, of course) is so popular that appealing to them is a working strategy to crush competitors in the media market, then whatever you mean by "alt-right" is not out of the mainstream. Unless you're just wrong and Foxnews gets its huge viewer base by talking about issues Americans care about and not focusing so much on making sure dudes can beat women at swim meets.

Maybe the reason CNN and MSNBC are losing viewers as fast as the Dems are losing voters is because those outlets are so out of touch with what average Americans think about.

Ya think?
Today Is the Day Texas Declared Independence From Mexico. Repeat That and 29 Other Red States Will Follow.

Univision will soon beat them all. It will decide all elections from now on.
How does this help the Republicans at all? If it was helping the Trumpster, do you really think that the media would do this?
Democrats actually have a long history of imploding. Doesn't happen all the time but sometimes it does appear that they do whatever they can to lose. Sometimes I think they enjoy bitching and griping about things more than actually being in charge. Fighting for causes is more important to them then actually delivering when they are in power.

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