Wait A Minute, I Am Stunned

Independent thinker

Diamond Member
Oct 15, 2015
The response on Thursday from Bragg's office said the three Republican House committee chairmen had sought non-public information about a pending criminal investigation, which is confidential under state law.

"The letter's requests are an unlawful incursion into New York's sovereignty," said the letter signed by the district attorney's general counsel, Leslie Dubeck. "Congress cannot have any legitimate legislative task relating to the oversight of local prosecutors enforcing state law."

So, this DA is now saying that local law enforcement can't be investigated, even though they and democrats are all for the federal government investigating police departments all across the country?

The response on Thursday from Bragg's office said the three Republican House committee chairmen had sought non-public information about a pending criminal investigation, which is confidential under state law.

"The letter's requests are an unlawful incursion into New York's sovereignty," said the letter signed by the district attorney's general counsel, Leslie Dubeck. "Congress cannot have any legitimate legislative task relating to the oversight of local prosecutors enforcing state law."

So, this DA is now saying that local law enforcement can't be investigated, even though they and democrats are all for the federal government investigating police departments all across the country?

Laws are ONLY for opponents of the DNC, we all know this, why don't you?
The response on Thursday from Bragg's office said the three Republican House committee chairmen had sought non-public information about a pending criminal investigation, which is confidential under state law.

"The letter's requests are an unlawful incursion into New York's sovereignty," said the letter signed by the district attorney's general counsel, Leslie Dubeck. "Congress cannot have any legitimate legislative task relating to the oversight of local prosecutors enforcing state law."

So, this DA is now saying that local law enforcement can't be

investigated, even though they and democrats are all for the federal government investigating police departments all across the country?

When Democrats do it, it's different.
The response on Thursday from Bragg's office said the three Republican House committee chairmen had sought non-public information about a pending criminal investigation, which is confidential under state law.

"The letter's requests are an unlawful incursion into New York's sovereignty," said the letter signed by the district attorney's general counsel, Leslie Dubeck. "Congress cannot have any legitimate legislative task relating to the oversight of local prosecutors enforcing state law."

So, this DA is now saying that local law enforcement can't be investigated, even though they and democrats are all for the federal government investigating police departments all across the country?

Under what authority would Congress demand the information? What part of the Constitutional authority granted Congress applies? Their authority over interstate commerce? Civil Rights?
what authority does the Justice department have over state and local cops?

Ah there you don’t have a point. The Justice Department is authorized by law to investigate civil rights violations. Such as if the local cops decide you don’t have the right to s lawyer, that is something the DOJ can and does investigate.
The response on Thursday from Bragg's office said the three Republican House committee chairmen had sought non-public information about a pending criminal investigation, which is confidential under state law.

"The letter's requests are an unlawful incursion into New York's sovereignty," said the letter signed by the district attorney's general counsel, Leslie Dubeck. "Congress cannot have any legitimate legislative task relating to the oversight of local prosecutors enforcing state law."

So, this DA is now saying that local law enforcement can't be investigated, even though they and democrats are all for the federal government investigating police departments all across the country?

Maybe wait until law enforcement does something before investigating it. LOL. I'm stunned you can muster the mental acuity to get dressed in the morning.
The response on Thursday from Bragg's office said the three Republican House committee chairmen had sought non-public information about a pending criminal investigation, which is confidential under state law.

"The letter's requests are an unlawful incursion into New York's sovereignty," said the letter signed by the district attorney's general counsel, Leslie Dubeck. "Congress cannot have any legitimate legislative task relating to the oversight of local prosecutors enforcing state law."

So, this DA is now saying that local law enforcement can't be investigated, even though they and democrats are all for the federal government investigating police departments all across the country?

I think that whole "state's rights" argument is only fun when you are using it to justify slavery and stuff...

But in reality, I think all state DA's should seek permission from Congress before they investigate people...that is what the separation of powers is all about
Under what authority would Congress demand the information? What part of the Constitutional authority granted Congress applies? Their authority over interstate commerce? Civil Rights?
Just observing the hypocrisy. Democrats are all in favor of the federal government investigating police departments all across the country and now New York law enforcement says the federal government can't investigate them.
I think that whole "state's rights" argument is only fun when you are using it to justify slavery and stuff...

But in reality, I think all state DA's should seek permission from Congress before they investigate people...that is what the separation of powers is all about

Justifying slavery makes everything fun.
Just observing the hypocrisy. Democrats are all in favor of the federal government investigating police departments all across the country and now New York law enforcement says the federal government can't investigate them.

You are going to be seriously disappointed if you think that Democrats will ever be consistent and not hypocritical.
or wrongful prosecution?

In this case Trump hasn’t been indicted yet. Once indicted, if he is, his attorneys are entitled to all evidence collected by the prosecution.

Look at my history. I’m death on Prosecutors who don’t do that. I’m on record as supporting the dismissal of charges against the Bundy’s when the FBI was caught lying. If Bragg does something like that, expect me to side with dismissal of all charges.

But we don’t know anything yet. We just don’t know anything. It might be a wrongful prosecution. It might be totally justified. Donald Trump is entitled to the exact same rights as any other person. And I will argue loud and long if those rights are violated.

But Congress doesn’t get to hold hearings into ongoing investigations. Interfering with an active investigation or prosecution is a crime. Not only in the Federal system, but in every single state of the Union. We protect the prosecutions. Not as much as we protect the rights of the accused. But we protect them.

Right now. We don’t know enough to say if it is or isn’t. That will come out. Be patient and give it time. We will learn and legal pundits will explain what they see right, and wrong. And the process will move forward.
Just observing the hypocrisy. Democrats are all in favor of the federal government investigating police departments all across the country and now New York law enforcement says the federal government can't investigate them.

So help me understand your point. Now it is Congress who investigates these things? Not the DOJ. Not the Civil Rights division. But Congress is going to call up every prosecutor to see if charges are warranted.

If Bragg did arrive and testify. The same people demanding that he does would demand that the Judge throw the charges out because by testifying Bragg had prejudiced any potential jury and a fair trial was impossible.

Congress doesn’t have the authority to hold hearings. They can send a letter and ask the DOJ to investigate and report back.
what authority does the Justice department have over state and local cops?

The United States uses a "duel sovereignty" system of jurisprudence ... both Federal and State law applies to all of us all the time ... just because it's legal to murder black people under Alabama law doesn't mean the police officer won't go to Federal prison ... both sets of laws apply all the time ...

Here ... it's easy ... both Fed and State law prohibit prosecutors from releasing information to the public without court permission ... and court will hold a hearing to determine whether the information can be released to the public ... which means the information is going to be presented to the jury during trial ... information that can't be given to the jury is never released to the public ...

Generalizing these principles to provide an answer to the question I quoted in more difficult and depends on the specific act that is in question ... of course Key West police officers are subject to Federal DoJ prosecution for cocaine smuggling ... the local police badge isn't license to bring millions of dollars of illegal contraband into our nation ...

On the other side ... if a local police officer doesn't ask a brown-skinned person about immigration status, can the Feds prosecute the officer for being complicate to a Federal violation? ...


There are three parties to any court action ... the DoJ is just one of these parties ... we have the police officer in question ... and ultimately, it's the judge who has the authority ... and they rule in the way they ruled this kind of case before, so no surprises ...

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