Wage Strikes Planned at Fast-Food Outlets

The last thing we need in this country is a bunch of workers making too much damn money.

"Prosperity Through Lower Wages!"
This is comical. Half these dimwits are overpaid at their current wage and now thry want to price themselves out of the market altogether..... Absolutely precious

Overpaid? Give me a break.
Yes, overpaid. It does not take any great amount of skill to equate "Hamburger" said from the customer to a picture on a register, and then lift that finger and push that picture.

It will even make change for them because they're too stupid to know how to count back change. I've seen if first hand in every retail business I've entered in the past 10 years.
The last thing we need in this country is a bunch of workers making too much damn money.

"Prosperity Through Lower Wages!"
That is incorrect.

We need high skilled, high paid workers, who are getting compensated properly for the work they accomplish.

Fast food is already over compensated.
This is comical. Half these dimwits are overpaid at their current wage and now thry want to price themselves out of the market altogether..... Absolutely precious

Overpaid? Give me a break.
Yes, overpaid. It does not take any great amount of skill to equate "Hamburger" said from the customer to a picture on a register, and then lift that finger and push that picture.

It will even make change for them because they're too stupid to know how to count back change. I've seen if first hand in every retail business I've entered in the past 10 years.

Obviously you have never even worked in fast food. You have absolutely no idea what it is like.
I can also tell you that if there is a huge wage increase, there are going to be a lot of kids doing a lot more with a lot less help, because restaurants will be cutting people but demanding the exact same output.

People see these companies with income in the billions and don't factor in the fact that it is based upon thousands of store, all of which run on a very thin margin.

Franchises send a significant portion of their gross to a corporate for the use of the franchise name, and what is left over is a very small profit. From that meager profit, they need to make payroll, replace aging equipment, maintain cleanliness standards, and pay for the hundreds of appropriate permits to county, city, and state agencies.

You people act as if a job is created in a vacuum.
Overpaid? Give me a break.
Yes, overpaid. It does not take any great amount of skill to equate "Hamburger" said from the customer to a picture on a register, and then lift that finger and push that picture.

It will even make change for them because they're too stupid to know how to count back change. I've seen if first hand in every retail business I've entered in the past 10 years.

Obviously you have never even worked in fast food. You have absolutely no idea what it is like.
Of course I do. My wife runs 7 subways, I have worked in McDonalds (back when the registers actually had numbers on them and you were required to know the menu). The job requires the intelligence of a middle high school employee. And by the time that employee makes it to graduation, they should be smarter than the job and ready to move on to something a bit more substantial. A fucking monkey can do fast food.
[]Of course I do. My wife runs 7 subways, I have worked in McDonalds (back when the registers actually had numbers on them and you were required to know the menu). The job requires the intelligence of a middle high school employee. And by the time that employee makes it to graduation, they should be smarter than the job and ready to move on to something a bit more substantial. A fucking monkey can do fast food.

Somehow, I don't think I'd want to eat at the Subway where monkeys are preparing the sandwiches. Just sayin'.

Frankly, I go into fast food places, and I'm just as likely to see an old person whose 401K busted when teh 1%ers crashed the economy.

But please keep hating on the working poor, we gots to have our priorities.
Didn't they already try this and fail? In any event I find it rather ironic that people who say they aren't making enough money can afford to lose a day's pay in order to strike.

Lets see, 7.5 an hour times 6 hours equals an entire 45 dollars minus taxes.

Yes sir, back breaking to miss out on 40 dollars of pay in an effort to turn those 6 hours worked into 90 dollars (6 x 15) minus taxes.

I would take the chance myself. Not you I take it. Hell, who wants to try and double their wages? Not you I take it.

Why am I not surprised. Your betters done told you that you make enough money, didn't they?
I can also tell you that if there is a huge wage increase, there are going to be a lot of kids doing a lot more with a lot less help, because restaurants will be cutting people but demanding the exact same output.

People see these companies with income in the billions and don't factor in the fact that it is based upon thousands of store, all of which run on a very thin margin.

Franchises send a significant portion of their gross to a corporate for the use of the franchise name, and what is left over is a very small profit. From that meager profit, they need to make payroll, replace aging equipment, maintain cleanliness standards, and pay for the hundreds of appropriate permits to county, city, and state agencies.

You people act as if a job is created in a vacuum.

McDonald's can easily afford the wage increase.

Oh and the average age of a fast food worker is 29.
Yes, overpaid. It does not take any great amount of skill to equate "Hamburger" said from the customer to a picture on a register, and then lift that finger and push that picture.

It will even make change for them because they're too stupid to know how to count back change. I've seen if first hand in every retail business I've entered in the past 10 years.

Obviously you have never even worked in fast food. You have absolutely no idea what it is like.
Of course I do. My wife runs 7 subways, I have worked in McDonalds (back when the registers actually had numbers on them and you were required to know the menu). The job requires the intelligence of a middle high school employee. And by the time that employee makes it to graduation, they should be smarter than the job and ready to move on to something a bit more substantial. A fucking monkey can do fast food.

I think you're full of shit. But if you did work them and it was decades ago, chances are you have no idea of the volume of demand that is involved now. And of course if your wife does own 7 Subways, this would obviously make you bias and therefore disingenuous.
I can also tell you that if there is a huge wage increase, there are going to be a lot of kids doing a lot more with a lot less help, because restaurants will be cutting people but demanding the exact same output.

People see these companies with income in the billions and don't factor in the fact that it is based upon thousands of store, all of which run on a very thin margin.

Franchises send a significant portion of their gross to a corporate for the use of the franchise name, and what is left over is a very small profit. From that meager profit, they need to make payroll, replace aging equipment, maintain cleanliness standards, and pay for the hundreds of appropriate permits to county, city, and state agencies.

You people act as if a job is created in a vacuum.

McDonald's can easily afford the wage increase.

Oh and the average age of a fast food worker is 29.

More far left propaganda
Someone should ask one of the McDonalds workers what they think a happy meal would cost if they made that much money. Right now a $6.00 burger meal is 83% of the minimum wage, extend that out to the desired wage that $6.00 meal becomes a $12.50 meal. Then project that effect across the economy, it wouldn't be pretty.

There isn't a linear correlation between price and wage.

But one should ask the worker how much she is worth if automation takes away her job completely. Machines don't need living wages.

If they start artificially jacking with wages like they want we'll see how that holds. You don't maintain a viable economy by ignoring the laws of economics.

I support them. They work their butts off for shitty wages and shitty conditions.

Good grief girl. It's a start out job. I bussed. I waitressed. I picked strawberries. I picked tobacco,.You ever want to talk about a shit job? Fucking plant tobacco and then pick tobacco.

All these jobs made me aspire to be a winner.

But we all have to start off somewhere. And there's no shame in it.

You have to realize that times have changed. The average age of fast food workers is 29. That is the problem with these wages.

Sounds to me like it's the problem with these workers who don't see any reason to try harder.
Why did these people take the jobs to begin with if they thought the wages were too low? And why don't some of them move up or eventually find a better job? I've done the whole waitressing thing and it was always low pay, but it was temporary till I got something better after I graduated. I just don't get people who aren't qualified for more skilled jobs and yet they start families and get into debt. It's crazy to turn around and blame the employers for not giving you raises every month.

If these people don't want their jobs, there are many unemployed people, thanks to Obamacare, who would probably jump on these jobs if the current workers aren't happy.

How many of these fast food workers will lose their jobs if the minimum wage was raised to $15.00?

They jake the pay to 15 bucks an hour the fast food industry will just close up shop and those workers go on welfare.

Corporate profits are at an all time high. They can afford it. They are asking a lot for 15 though. They need to bring their demand down if they want to get anywhere.

That's how negotiations work. You ask for $15 and then negotiate. They shouldn't take less than $10 though.
Corporate profits are at an all time high. They can afford it. They are asking a lot for 15 though. They need to bring their demand down if they want to get anywhere.

Why don't we just shut them all down?

You see Billy we meet all your goals then. Nobody gets paid slave wages. Nobody gets served garbage food. Nobody gets polluted with styrofoam. And no one gets cheap food.

Do it Billy. Be the Joy killer.

Look, the American dream is nothing like it used to be. In this economy, things are different.

It used to be a chicken in every pot and a car in every driveway.

Now the government gives all that and more away for free.
Seeking to increase pressure on McDonald’s, Wendy’s and other fast-food restaurants, organizers of a movement demanding a $15-an-hour wage for fast-food workers say they will sponsor one-day strikes in 100 cities on Thursday and protest activities in 100 additional cities.


No doubt to help pay for condoms and pills for the poor and dispossesed pieces of shit who think we owe them everything.

Fast food places were not intended for people with families. This for teenagers and college students.. If you raise the min wage be prepared to pay way more for the food.. Maybe if more people would go into trade school instead of college the jobs would be there.. I know their is a high demand for blue collar workers out there

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