Voters Oppose Removing Confederate Monuments


Diamond Member
Apr 1, 2011
A number of snowflakes in this forum have said that the voters should decide whether Confederate moderates should be taken down. It appears the voters want them left alone. ANTIFA and BLM are a small fringe, and they do not represent the will of the majority. Does anyone believe the left would desist in their attacks on these monuments if a referendum were held and the voters decided to all them to stay?

Voters Oppose Removing Confederate Monuments - Rasmussen Reports™

Four Confederate monuments were removed from New Orleans earlier this month following complaints that they celebrate racism, and now the city of Baltimore has plans to follow suit. But most voters oppose taking away these remnants of the past even if they are unpopular with some.

While proposals have been made to get rid of monuments such as the Jefferson Memorial and the carving on Stone Mountain in Georgia because they honor men who practiced or defended slavery, just 19% of Likely U.S. Voters think the United States should erase symbols of its past history that are out of line with current sentiments. A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 69% oppose erasing these historical symbols. Twelve percent (12%) are undecided.
If they were actually serious about tearing down racist statues they would have started with the Lincoln Memorial.
The memorials, monuments, statues or whatever you want to call them, are being removed by local authorities who own the public property where they are on display and fund the cost of maintaining them. A national poll is hence, irrelevant since the people being polled are not responsible for the cost to the local taxpayers and voters of and for the venue of the memorials.
The memorials, monuments, statues or whatever you want to call them, are being removed by local authorities who own the public property where they are on display and fund the cost of maintaining them. A national poll is hence, irrelevant since the people being polled are not responsible for the cost to the local taxpayers and voters of and for the venue of the memorials.
A national poll is relevant because the douche bags who demand that they be torn down claim the voters are behind them. Politicians who do this claim they are doing what the voters want. That's clearly false.

The cost is trivial. That's simply not a serious argument.
If they were actually serious about tearing down racist statues they would have started with the Lincoln Memorial.
In the case of the Lincoln Memorial, you are talking about Federal Public Property. That is the venue that allows the Lincoln Memorial to exist. The Federal property in question is the National Mall. It would take an act of Congress to remove it because it took an act of Congress to allow it in the first place. You have every right to petition the Congress and convince them to pass legislation that would jump through all the hoops needed to remove the Lincoln Memorial. Good luck.
If they were actually serious about tearing down racist statues they would have started with the Lincoln Memorial.
In the case of the Lincoln Memorial, you are talking about Federal Public Property. That is the venue that allows the Lincoln Memorial to exist. The Federal property in question is the National Mall. It would take an act of Congress to remove it because it took an act of Congress to allow it in the first place. You have every right to petition the Congress and convince them to pass legislation that would jump through all the hoops needed to remove the Lincoln Memorial. Good luck.
The question is "why aren't you and your douche bag ANTIFA friends petitioning Congress to have it removed?"
The memorials, monuments, statues or whatever you want to call them, are being removed by local authorities who own the public property where they are on display and fund the cost of maintaining them. A national poll is hence, irrelevant since the people being polled are not responsible for the cost to the local taxpayers and voters of and for the venue of the memorials.
A national poll is relevant because the douche bags who demand that they be torn down claim the voters are behind them. Politicians who do this claim they are doing what the voters want. That's clearly false.

The cost is trivial. That's simply not a serious argument.
No, it is not clearly false. The politicians are elected and if they piss off the voters they will pay at the next election. That is how things work in America.
A number of snowflakes in this forum have said that the voters should decide whether Confederate moderates should be taken down. It appears the voters want them left alone. ANTIFA and BLM are a small fringe, and they do not represent the will of the majority. Does anyone believe the left would desist in their attacks on these monuments if a referendum were held and the voters decided to all them to stay?

Voters Oppose Removing Confederate Monuments - Rasmussen Reports™

Four Confederate monuments were removed from New Orleans earlier this month following complaints that they celebrate racism, and now the city of Baltimore has plans to follow suit. But most voters oppose taking away these remnants of the past even if they are unpopular with some.

While proposals have been made to get rid of monuments such as the Jefferson Memorial and the carving on Stone Mountain in Georgia because they honor men who practiced or defended slavery, just 19% of Likely U.S. Voters think the United States should erase symbols of its past history that are out of line with current sentiments. A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 69% oppose erasing these historical symbols. Twelve percent (12%) are undecided.
Maryland has numerous monuments and Civil War era attractions.

I'm going to become an ass and demand every single reference to the Civil War be erased from Maryland history.

I've been calling and writing my Representatives demanding the removal of these racist monuments.
If they were actually serious about tearing down racist statues they would have started with the Lincoln Memorial.
In the case of the Lincoln Memorial, you are talking about Federal Public Property. That is the venue that allows the Lincoln Memorial to exist. The Federal property in question is the National Mall. It would take an act of Congress to remove it because it took an act of Congress to allow it in the first place. You have every right to petition the Congress and convince them to pass legislation that would jump through all the hoops needed to remove the Lincoln Memorial. Good luck.
The question is "why aren't you and your douche bag ANTIFA friends petitioning Congress to have it removed?"
You really are one miserable, sad, unhappy soul. The hate and need to name call and try to insult never takes a break away from your day. You need a girl friend and not the kind you pay for by the minute. Even a pet dog or cat might help you. Find a hobby besides watching porn and masturbating.
If they were actually serious about tearing down racist statues they would have started with the Lincoln Memorial.
In the case of the Lincoln Memorial, you are talking about Federal Public Property. That is the venue that allows the Lincoln Memorial to exist. The Federal property in question is the National Mall. It would take an act of Congress to remove it because it took an act of Congress to allow it in the first place. You have every right to petition the Congress and convince them to pass legislation that would jump through all the hoops needed to remove the Lincoln Memorial. Good luck.

A distinction without a difference, but of course the racist left isn't about morals, 'social justice', or fighting racism, it's just jealousy and a desire to be the slave masters themselves and put all the loot in their own pockets and do worse, is all; their real heroes are dictators like Idi Amin and Saddam Hussein, not Ghandi or MLK, so quit pissing on our legs and trying to tell us it's raining, because your fake 'outrage' isn't selling.
They're going to replace it with an Al Sharpton statue. Calypso Louie Farrakan will be the keynote speaker at the dedication.
If they were actually serious about tearing down racist statues they would have started with the Lincoln Memorial.
In the case of the Lincoln Memorial, you are talking about Federal Public Property. That is the venue that allows the Lincoln Memorial to exist. The Federal property in question is the National Mall. It would take an act of Congress to remove it because it took an act of Congress to allow it in the first place. You have every right to petition the Congress and convince them to pass legislation that would jump through all the hoops needed to remove the Lincoln Memorial. Good luck.

A distinction without a difference, but of course the racist left isn't about morals, 'social justice', or fighting racism, it's just jealousy and a desire to be the slave masters themselves and put all the loot in their own pockets and do worse, is all; their real heroes are dictators like Idi Amin and Saddam Hussein, not Ghandi or MLK, so quit pissing on our legs and trying to tell us it's raining, because your fake 'outrage' isn't selling.
Something is very wrong with you if you see outrage in my post.
A number of snowflakes in this forum have said that the voters should decide whether Confederate moderates should be taken down. It appears the voters want them left alone. ANTIFA and BLM are a small fringe, and they do not represent the will of the majority. Does anyone believe the left would desist in their attacks on these monuments if a referendum were held and the voters decided to all them to stay?

Voters Oppose Removing Confederate Monuments - Rasmussen Reports™

Four Confederate monuments were removed from New Orleans earlier this month following complaints that they celebrate racism, and now the city of Baltimore has plans to follow suit. But most voters oppose taking away these remnants of the past even if they are unpopular with some.

While proposals have been made to get rid of monuments such as the Jefferson Memorial and the carving on Stone Mountain in Georgia because they honor men who practiced or defended slavery, just 19% of Likely U.S. Voters think the United States should erase symbols of its past history that are out of line with current sentiments. A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 69% oppose erasing these historical symbols. Twelve percent (12%) are undecided.

Rasmussen des not reflect t he opinions of the majority of the American people. It is not a credible source, it is a conservative biased polling organization.
If they were actually serious about tearing down racist statues they would have started with the Lincoln Memorial.
In the case of the Lincoln Memorial, you are talking about Federal Public Property. That is the venue that allows the Lincoln Memorial to exist. The Federal property in question is the National Mall. It would take an act of Congress to remove it because it took an act of Congress to allow it in the first place. You have every right to petition the Congress and convince them to pass legislation that would jump through all the hoops needed to remove the Lincoln Memorial. Good luck.

A distinction without a difference, but of course the racist left isn't about morals, 'social justice', or fighting racism, it's just jealousy and a desire to be the slave masters themselves and put all the loot in their own pockets and do worse, is all; their real heroes are dictators like Idi Amin and Saddam Hussein, not Ghandi or MLK, so quit pissing on our legs and trying to tell us it's raining, because your fake 'outrage' isn't selling.

Didn't see any MLK's or Gandhis on the right at that protest.

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