Voter fraud by thenumbers.


Gold Member
Aug 2, 2016
Lets clarify this nonsense, like I said the right will give a long list of people who are charged , to find out none are convicted. Now like a said in 20 years study by
The heritage foundation, which is literally nothing but a arm of the hate party. They literally begged and pleaded for examples of voter fraud. Then gave out their numbers with the unwritten actuality that it was literally for all elections in this country not just presidential elections, from school boards to dog catcher. The reality was that there was only 4 examples of voter fraud in those 20 years in Presidential elections,. three by the right and one democrat. Now lets put this into numbers. 1322 cases of voter fraud are listed in total for all elections. , they were so serious that only 48 received a penalty for those charges. Now by the numbers there are over 600,000 elected officials in this country so over those 20 years there were 12 million man/women year positions held by elected officials, so that is 1322 voter fraud cases covering 12 million positions. Those are just the positions many of which are elected by millions of people each, that literally is up in the zillions . This is the rights only claim to fame now and it is nothing but comical at its best. Voter Fraud Map: Election Fraud Database | The Heritage Foundation
Lets clarify this nonsense, like I said the right will give a long list of people who are charged , to find out none are convicted. Now like a said in 20 years study by
The heritage foundation, which is literally nothing but a arm of the hate party. They literally begged and pleaded for examples of voter fraud. Then gave out their numbers with the unwritten actuality that it was literally for all elections in this country not just presidential elections, from school boards to dog catcher. The reality was that there was only 4 examples of voter fraud in those 20 years in Presidential elections,. three by the right and one democrat. Now lets put this into numbers. 1322 cases of voter fraud are listed in total for all elections. , they were so serious that only 48 received a penalty for those charges. Now by the numbers there are over 600,000 elected officials in this country so over those 20 years there were 12 million man/women year positions held by elected officials, so that is 1322 voter fraud cases covering 12 million positions. Those are just the positions many of which are elected by millions of people each, that literally is up in the zillions . This is the rights only claim to fame now and it is nothing but comical at its best. Voter Fraud Map: Election Fraud Database | The Heritage Foundation

THE ELECTION WAS STOLEN. No two ways to dice it no matter how much you want to rationalize and bury it!
Lets clarify this nonsense, like I said the right will give a long list of people who are charged , to find out none are convicted. Now like a said in 20 years study by
The heritage foundation, which is literally nothing but a arm of the hate party. They literally begged and pleaded for examples of voter fraud. Then gave out their numbers with the unwritten actuality that it was literally for all elections in this country not just presidential elections, from school boards to dog catcher. The reality was that there was only 4 examples of voter fraud in those 20 years in Presidential elections,. three by the right and one democrat. Now lets put this into numbers. 1322 cases of voter fraud are listed in total for all elections. , they were so serious that only 48 received a penalty for those charges. Now by the numbers there are over 600,000 elected officials in this country so over those 20 years there were 12 million man/women year positions held by elected officials, so that is 1322 voter fraud cases covering 12 million positions. Those are just the positions many of which are elected by millions of people each, that literally is up in the zillions . This is the rights only claim to fame now and it is nothing but comical at its best. Voter Fraud Map: Election Fraud Database | The Heritage Foundation

THE ELECTION WAS STOLEN. No two ways to dice it no matter how much you want to rationalize and bury it!

Look, you have been told numerous times. Trump didn't have a snowball's chance in hell of winning. He knew it. I knew it. Damn near anyone with any sense, and political intelligence, knew it. I mean pull you head out of your ass and realize, not everyone is has smitten with the most ignorant incompetent president in the history of the United States as you. The sad reality is that those that continue to support the stupid fat shit only expose their real ignorance. He was, and is, a con man. He plays the confidence game, and to be brutally honest, it ain't really that good at it. He is so narcistic that it is actually a mental problem. I mean the image I have of Trump is answering the door at his college dorm, to find his father, who smacks him to the ground immediately. I mean that is sad, and I feel for the poor fool. But that is no excuse for his behavior, now or during his presidency. He is so insecure, so mentally damaged, that he has no problem driving an entire nation, the greatest nation on earth, in the ground just to feed his own ego. Thank God we have kicked him to the curb. Cleanse yourself, and cleanse the Republican party of his warped ass, or watch the entire party impale itself on the scrapheap of history. And the sad part, he don't give a shit if that happens. He has got to be the most self-absorbed SOB that has ever walked the face of the earth. And that is just it, leadership ain't about serving yourself, which is all Trump ever does. Leadership is about serving the people you lead.
Lets clarify this nonsense, like I said the right will give a long list of people who are charged , to find out none are convicted. Now like a said in 20 years study by
The heritage foundation, which is literally nothing but a arm of the hate party. They literally begged and pleaded for examples of voter fraud. Then gave out their numbers with the unwritten actuality that it was literally for all elections in this country not just presidential elections, from school boards to dog catcher. The reality was that there was only 4 examples of voter fraud in those 20 years in Presidential elections,. three by the right and one democrat. Now lets put this into numbers. 1322 cases of voter fraud are listed in total for all elections. , they were so serious that only 48 received a penalty for those charges. Now by the numbers there are over 600,000 elected officials in this country so over those 20 years there were 12 million man/women year positions held by elected officials, so that is 1322 voter fraud cases covering 12 million positions. Those are just the positions many of which are elected by millions of people each, that literally is up in the zillions . This is the rights only claim to fame now and it is nothing but comical at its best. Voter Fraud Map: Election Fraud Database | The Heritage Foundation

THE ELECTION WAS STOLEN. No two ways to dice it no matter how much you want to rationalize and bury it!

Look, you have been told numerous times. Trump didn't have a snowball's chance in hell of winning. He knew it. I knew it. Damn near anyone with any sense, and political intelligence, knew it. I mean pull you head out of your ass and realize, not everyone is has smitten with the most ignorant incompetent president in the history of the United States as you. The sad reality is that those that continue to support the stupid fat shit only expose their real ignorance. He was, and is, a con man. He plays the confidence game, and to be brutally honest, it ain't really that good at it. He is so narcistic that it is actually a mental problem. I mean the image I have of Trump is answering the door at his college dorm, to find his father, who smacks him to the ground immediately. I mean that is sad, and I feel for the poor fool. But that is no excuse for his behavior, now or during his presidency. He is so insecure, so mentally damaged, that he has no problem driving an entire nation, the greatest nation on earth, in the ground just to feed his own ego. Thank God we have kicked him to the curb. Cleanse yourself, and cleanse the Republican party of his warped ass, or watch the entire party impale itself on the scrapheap of history. And the sad part, he don't give a shit if that happens. He has got to be the most self-absorbed SOB that has ever walked the face of the earth. And that is just it, leadership ain't about serving yourself, which is all Trump ever does. Leadership is about serving the people you lead.
80 million people voted for the brain dead biden ? You want us to believe that more people voted for biden then barrack Hussein Obama , who was so clean and talked so well for a black man ? Lol... funny stuff. Liar.
Lets clarify this nonsense, like I said the right will give a long list of people who are charged , to find out none are convicted. Now like a said in 20 years study by
The heritage foundation, which is literally nothing but a arm of the hate party. They literally begged and pleaded for examples of voter fraud. Then gave out their numbers with the unwritten actuality that it was literally for all elections in this country not just presidential elections, from school boards to dog catcher. The reality was that there was only 4 examples of voter fraud in those 20 years in Presidential elections,. three by the right and one democrat. Now lets put this into numbers. 1322 cases of voter fraud are listed in total for all elections. , they were so serious that only 48 received a penalty for those charges. Now by the numbers there are over 600,000 elected officials in this country so over those 20 years there were 12 million man/women year positions held by elected officials, so that is 1322 voter fraud cases covering 12 million positions. Those are just the positions many of which are elected by millions of people each, that literally is up in the zillions . This is the rights only claim to fame now and it is nothing but comical at its best. Voter Fraud Map: Election Fraud Database | The Heritage Foundation

THE ELECTION WAS STOLEN. No two ways to dice it no matter how much you want to rationalize and bury it!

Look, you have been told numerous times. Trump didn't have a snowball's chance in hell of winning. He knew it. I knew it. Damn near anyone with any sense, and political intelligence, knew it. I mean pull you head out of your ass and realize, not everyone is has smitten with the most ignorant incompetent president in the history of the United States as you. The sad reality is that those that continue to support the stupid fat shit only expose their real ignorance. He was, and is, a con man. He plays the confidence game, and to be brutally honest, it ain't really that good at it. He is so narcistic that it is actually a mental problem. I mean the image I have of Trump is answering the door at his college dorm, to find his father, who smacks him to the ground immediately. I mean that is sad, and I feel for the poor fool. But that is no excuse for his behavior, now or during his presidency. He is so insecure, so mentally damaged, that he has no problem driving an entire nation, the greatest nation on earth, in the ground just to feed his own ego. Thank God we have kicked him to the curb. Cleanse yourself, and cleanse the Republican party of his warped ass, or watch the entire party impale itself on the scrapheap of history. And the sad part, he don't give a shit if that happens. He has got to be the most self-absorbed SOB that has ever walked the face of the earth. And that is just it, leadership ain't about serving yourself, which is all Trump ever does. Leadership is about serving the people you lead.
80 million people voted for the brain dead biden ? You want us to believe that more people voted for biden then barrack Hussein Obama , who was so clean and talked so well for a black man ? Lol... funny stuff. Liar.

Yes, the population grew over 12 years, and the voter participation rate broke records. Seems like more people were motivated to get rid of Trump than to put Obama in. Guess Trump can call that a victory.
Look, you have been told numerous times.
Go fuck yourself, crackpot.

Trump didn't have a snowball's chance in hell of winning. He knew it. I knew it.
You're an idiot. Trump, the most popular president of all time who gained millions in popularity during a banner year with the highest employment, lowest taxes and highest wages for all and mostly world peace, didn't have a snowball's chance winning? You're a fucking idiot, a buffoon, and a bad liar, but thanks for confirming the aim of the Left is to take elections out of the hands of the people, ignore the vote and make elections meaningless.

If Joe Biden can win an election, I guess now we could get an old pair of broken shoes elected to office, too.

I will have the truth, the facts, and the real data on the fraud election soon.
You want us to believe that more people voted for biden then barrack Hussein Obama
Yes, the population grew over 12 years, and the voter participation rate broke records.
Must be all those illegal aliens the democrats keep shoveling in! Imagine that: record numbers voting in a year when people can barely get out to buy food. And all to vote down:
  • Good jobs
  • High employment
  • Low taxes
  • Low crime
  • World Peace
  • Fair trade.

Good thing we got rid of that terrible guy and got Joe back in, so now we can sleep well with high unemployment, no end in sight, high taxes, rising food and gas costs, crime out the roof, war breaking out all over, 30 trillion in debt, and everything back to where Barry and Joe left it in: the mess they've spent 49 years telling you needs fixed.
You're an idiot. Trump, the most popular president of all time
I wouldn’t call others idiots when you immediately follow it with this statement.

Trump may have been the least popular president, at least in modern time.

Lets clarify this nonsense, like I said the right will give a long list of people who are charged , to find out none are convicted. Now like a said in 20 years study by
The heritage foundation, which is literally nothing but a arm of the hate party. They literally begged and pleaded for examples of voter fraud. Then gave out their numbers with the unwritten actuality that it was literally for all elections in this country not just presidential elections, from school boards to dog catcher. The reality was that there was only 4 examples of voter fraud in those 20 years in Presidential elections,. three by the right and one democrat. Now lets put this into numbers. 1322 cases of voter fraud are listed in total for all elections. , they were so serious that only 48 received a penalty for those charges. Now by the numbers there are over 600,000 elected officials in this country so over those 20 years there were 12 million man/women year positions held by elected officials, so that is 1322 voter fraud cases covering 12 million positions. Those are just the positions many of which are elected by millions of people each, that literally is up in the zillions . This is the rights only claim to fame now and it is nothing but comical at its best. Voter Fraud Map: Election Fraud Database | The Heritage Foundation

THE ELECTION WAS STOLEN. No two ways to dice it no matter how much you want to rationalize and bury it!
The election was fair and you are the asshole here.
The election was fair and you are the asshole here.

Go Fuck yourself, jerk. There was absolutely NOTHING "fair" about an election the democrats began working on BEFORE TRUMP'S FIRST IMPEACHMENT AND BEFORE COVID EVEN BEGAN setting it up with changed laws giving them carte blanch opportunity to cheat with no checks nor balances.

And the end result is a senile child molester who can't even remember where his mask is as he shits in his diapers and gives weeds out as gifts to his seahag wife.
Go Fuck yourself, jerk. There was absolutely NOTHING "fair" about an election the democrats began working on BEFORE TRUMP'S FIRST IMPEACHMENT setting it up with changed laws giving them cart blanch opportunity to cheat with no checks nor balances.

And the end result is a senile child molester who can't even remember where his mask is as he shits in his diapers.

Your Orange God was whining at 130 dbs that the election was rigged and stolen in 2016, and that was an election he won!

So it's no surprise he did it again in 2020.

And you rubes lap it up because cult!

Trump lost fuck your feelings.jpeg

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