Vote for Doctor NO war.

This is the first person in US politics I've ever trusted. You have to read or listen to him and look at his record. Dr No couldn't doublespeak if you paid/blackmailed him.

Please do some research, 5 minutes even.

ps I'm going to springsteen....yessssssssss
This is the first person in US politics I've ever trusted. You have to read or listen to him and look at his record. Dr No couldn't doublespeak if you paid/blackmailed him.

Please do some research, 5 minutes even.

ps I'm going to springsteen....yessssssssss

which show?

oh...and for RP... been there, done that, got the t-shirt. am unimpressed. bored with him, actually.
Vancouver BC, march 31, 2008. in the nosebleeds. tickets are selling for 1400.00 bucks here, for anything near the stage.

Get this, I came by RP by doing a search on apparitions of the Virgin Mary, Catholic, which is what I'm into.

He isn't catholic, but he says exactly what she says about giving away your rights and freedoms, war, and some other stuff.

During WWI in Fatima, Portugal to 3 little kids particularly. (But there are hundreds of apparitions, this is just the most well known).

Then I saw Russo online....
Vancouver BC, march 31, 2008. in the nosebleeds. tickets are selling for 1400.00 bucks here, for anything near the stage.

Get this, I came by RP by doing a search on apparitions of the Virgin Mary, Catholic, which is what I'm into.

He isn't catholic, but he says exactly what she says about giving away your rights and freedoms, war, and some other stuff.

During WWI in Fatima, Portugal to 3 little kids particularly. (But there are hundreds of apparitions, this is just the most well known).

Then I saw Russo online....

I was in Hartford opening night and MSG for night 2 there. Hopefully going to Uniondale and then Giants Stadium. Paid $300 for the MSG seat but got Hartford for cost in the first tier. Lucked out.

I hear what you're saying about Paul, but his friends are too flawed for my liking as are his policies. But if it gets you into the political process, that isn't a bad thing.
Ron Paul, obgyn, delivered 4,000 babies sat 10 terms in congress, perfect record.

ABORT THE WAR, deliver our troops home

This snippet of spam does not fairly represent Ron Paul... expand your position. Besides, him delivering 4000 babies does not have jack shit to do with his political position. Yes, hes pro-life. Now, lets move the hell on to more important issues.
Vancouver BC, march 31, 2008. in the nosebleeds. tickets are selling for 1400.00 bucks here, for anything near the stage.

Get this, I came by RP by doing a search on apparitions of the Virgin Mary, Catholic, which is what I'm into.

He isn't catholic, but he says exactly what she says about giving away your rights and freedoms, war, and some other stuff.

During WWI in Fatima, Portugal to 3 little kids particularly. (But there are hundreds of apparitions, this is just the most well known).

Then I saw Russo online....

they have REALLY good weed there..
:rofl: Maybe some psychedelic mushrooms, I think about 99% of "apparitions" can be chalked up to honest people who ate the shroom of death.
Debt and Taxes

Working Americans like lower taxes. So do I. Lower taxes benefit all of us, creating jobs and allowing us to make more decisions for ourselves about our lives.

American Independence and Sovereignty
So called free trade deals and world governmental organizations like the International Criminal Court (ICC), NAFTA, GATT, WTO, and CAFTA are a threat to our independence as a nation.

War and Foreign Policy

The war in Iraq was sold to us with false information. The area is more dangerous now than when we entered it. We destroyed a regime hated by our direct enemies, the jihadists, and created thousands of new recruits for them.

The Second Amendment

I share our Founders’ belief that in a free society each citizen must have the right to keep and bear arms.

Health Freedom

Americans are justifiably concerned over the government’s escalating intervention into their freedom to choose what they eat and how they take care of their health.

Home Schooling

My commitment to ensuring home schooling remains a practical alternative for American families is unmatched by any Presidential candidate. (Read more...)
No Taxes on TipsIt is an outrage that waiters, waitresses, and other service-sector employees have to pay taxes on the tips they earn.

It is the federal government that most divides us by race, class, religion, and gender. Through its taxes, restrictive regulations, corporate subsidies, racial set-asides, and welfare programs, government plays far too large a role in determining who succeeds and who fails. Veterans

Any nation willing to ask its men and women to risk their lives serving overseas must also be willing to fulfill the promises that were made to them when they enlisted in our country’s service. We cannot provide adequate care with a VA that is run like the IRS.

The United States invaded Iraq under false pretenses without a constitutionally-required declaration of war. Our Founders understood that how we go to war is as important as when we go to war, which is why they vested the power to declare war in the Legislative Branch. (Read more...)
Border Security and Immigration ReformThe talk must stop. We must secure our borders now. A nation without secure borders is no nation at all. It makes no sense to fight terrorists abroad when our own front door is left unlocked.

Privacy and Personal Liberty

The biggest threat to your privacy is the government. We must drastically limit the ability of government to collect and store data regarding citizens’ personal matters. (Read more...)
Property Rights and Eminent DomainWe must stop special interests from violating property rights and literally driving families from their homes, farms and ranches.

Social Security

Our nation’s promise to its seniors, once considered a sacred trust, has become little more than a tool for politicians to scare retirees while robbing them of their promised benefits. Today, the Social Security system is broke and broken.

Health Care
The federal government decided long ago that it knew how to manage your health care better than you and replaced personal responsibility and accountability with a system that puts corporate interests first.


The federal government does not own our children. Yet we act as it if does by letting it decide when, how, and what our children will learn. We have turned their futures over to lobbyists and bureaucrats.


The key to sound environmental policy is respect for private property rights. The strict enforcement of property rights corrects environmental wrongs while increasing the cost of polluting.

The Inflation Tax

Today, the federal government burdens us with one of the most dangerous taxes it can impose — the inflation tax.


As president, I will work to restore a free-market in energy. In particular, I will work with Congress to repeal federal regulations and taxes that impede the development of new energy sources.

Dr. Paul’s Writings On These And Other Issues
American Sovereignty
Border Protection
Civil Liberties
Federal Reserve
Foreign Policy
Government Surveillance
Health Care
Iraq War
National Defense
National I.D.
Property Rights
Second Amendment
Social Security
Stem Cells
War On Drugs see for more ........... and yes, the weed here is wicked, too wicked.
One can only agree with the man on everything he says. Ron Paul for President.

After he repeals the patriot act you won't have to worry about what you say, or that they might break into your home to search for evidence that they DON'T need to put you in gitmo without a trial.

When he backs your buck with gold and gets rid of the fed, you're dollar will return to it's rightful place on the world markets.

When he ends the war, the hundreds of thousands of soldiers who send him
money to end this stupid, useless war, the only people who will lose are HALIBURTON, (cheney), big oil, arms dealers, and big money. is that you?

Naive? That'd be the delegates who don't know they're puppets.

Watch America, Freedom to Fascism, on line. google Aaron Russo.

After he repeals the patriot act you won't have to worry about what you say, or that they might break into your home to search for evidence that they DON'T need to put you in gitmo without a trial.

When he backs your buck with gold and gets rid of the fed, you're dollar will return to it's rightful place on the world markets.

When he ends the war, the hundreds of thousands of soldiers who send him
money to end this stupid, useless war, the only people who will lose are HALIBURTON, (cheney), big oil, arms dealers, and big money. is that you?

Naive? That'd be the delegates who don't know they're puppets.

Watch America, Freedom to Fascism, on line. google Aaron Russo.

He can't repeal the patriot act. Only Congress can do that. Do you understand how your government works? Yes, it should be gotten rid of, but not while dissembling the things that are important... like Social Security.

Again, doesn't matter. He certainly raises issues for discussion. But he's a footnote.

After he repeals the patriot act you won't have to worry about what you say, or that they might break into your home to search for evidence that they DON'T need to put you in gitmo without a trial. The President doesn't have the power to unmake a law so far as I know. The best he can do is lobby Congress to de-legislate (izzat uh werd?) the act.

When he backs your buck with gold and gets rid of the fed, you're dollar will return to it's rightful place on the world markets. Sounds great. I like the idea of a hard currency. But, I am afraid that a return to the Gold Standard overnight (if he even has that authority) will be a huge earthquake in the economy as the adjustments cascade downward. You would almost have to trade in your Federal Reserve Bux for Treasury Notes at like how many to one? Would your pay or pension be downsized as well? How about if China decided it wanted all it's dollars in gold, called the note due? I'm not an expert, but I bet it would take a few years and some serious maneuvering to get this done.

When he ends the war, the hundreds of thousands of soldiers who send him
money to end this stupid, useless war, the only people who will lose are HALIBURTON, (cheney), big oil, arms dealers, and big money. is that you? This one, he could do using his Constitutional Authority as Commander in Chief. But, it would be a mistake.

Naive? That'd be the delegates who don't know they're puppets.

Watch America, Freedom to Fascism, on line. google Aaron Russo.

Believe it or not, I am (See my blog here on at the link in my sig)
a RP supporter. But, being a supporter doesn't mean brainwashed.
He can't repeal the patriot act. Only Congress can do that. Do you understand how your government works? Yes, it should be gotten rid of, but not while dissembling the things that are important... like Social Security.

Again, doesn't matter. He certainly raises issues for discussion. But he's a footnote.

Congress moves in the direction that the president is going. Example: we have largely the same Congress that we had during the Clinton administration (in which the Congress arguably did a good job), yet look how they have conducted themselves in the Bush administration. Like a bunch of tottering old drunkards, voting to raise taxes and limit civil liberty. Congress is swayed easily by who is sitting in the White House.

Social Security is a disaster! You make it too easy...
Social Security: House of Cards

by Rep. Ron Paul, MD
by Rep. Ron Paul, MD

President Bush should be commended for promising to address the looming Social Security crisis during his second term, a crisis that Congress and successive presidents have ignored for decades. Hopefully Americans will realize that the notion of Social Security as an insurance program is a lie, and that Congress has not put their Social Security contributions into any trust fund.

Most Americans already know that Social Security is in trouble. Demographic shifts and an aging population have undermined the unspoken foundation of the system, which is the practice of taxing younger generations to pay benefits for current retirees. Younger generations, however, simply aren’t big enough to pay for the millions of baby boomers who will begin retiring in the next decade. When Social Security began in the 1930s, many Americans never reached age 65. Today, however, millions of retirees live well into their eighties and nineties. These realities mean the current system could collapse in as little as twenty to thirty years.

Seniors hope the system will hold together for the remainder of their lives, while younger working people hope government will somehow fix things before they retire. Not surprisingly, Congress has chosen to ignore the problem until it becomes acute. It’s hard to sell voters on austerity today to avoid a relatively distant crisis. Politicians usually operate on the opposite principle, by promising great things now and leaving the bills for others to pay later.

The greatest threat to your Social Security retirement funds is Congress itself. Congress has never required that Social Security tax dollars be kept separate from general revenues. In fact, the Social Security “trust fund” is not a trust fund at all. The dollars taken out of your paycheck are not deposited into an account to be paid to you later. On the contrary, they are spent immediately to pay current benefits, and to fund completely unrelated federal programs. Your Social Security administration “account” is nothing more than an IOU, a hopeful promise that enough younger taxpayers will be around to pay your benefits later. Decades of spendthrift congresses have turned the Social Security system into a giant Ponzi scheme, always dependent on new generations. The size and longevity of the Baby Boom generation, however, will finally collapse the house of cards.

We’ve all heard proposals for “privatizing” the Social Security system. The best private solution, of course, is simply to allow the American people to keep more of their paychecks and invest for retirement as they see fit. But putting Social Security funds into government-approved investments could have dangerous consequences. Private companies would become a partner of sorts with the government. Individuals still would not truly own their invested Social Security funds. Payroll taxes likely would be raised to cover payments to current beneficiaries, as the President alluded to when warning us that fixing Social Security would be “costly.”

Furthermore, who would decide what stocks, bonds, mutual funds, or other investment vehicles deserve government approval? Which politicians would you trust to build an investment portfolio with billions of your Social Security dollars? The federal government has proven itself incapable of good money management, and permitting politicians and bureaucrats to make investment decisions would result in unscrupulous lobbying for venture capital. Large campaign contributors and private interests of every conceivable type would seek to have their favored investments approved by the government. In a free market, an underperforming or troubled company suffers a decrease in its stock price, forcing it either to improve or lose value. Wary investors hesitate to buy its stock after the price falls. If a company successfully lobbied Congress, however, it would enjoy a large investment of your tax dollars. This investment would cause an artificial increase in its stock price, deceiving private investors and unfairly harming the company's honest competition. Government-managed investment of tax dollars in the private market is a recipe for corruption and fiscal irresponsibility.

The Social Security crisis is a spending crisis. The program could be saved tomorrow if Congress simply would stop spending so much money, apply even 10% of the bloated federal budget to a real trust fund, and begin saving your contributions to earn simple interest. That this simple approach seems impossible speaks volumes about the inability of Congress to cut spending no matter what the circumstances.

November 9, 2004

Dr. Ron Paul is a Republican member of Congress from Texas.

You call this man a footnote? He is in second place as far as overall delegates. If you only watch the mainstream news, he isn't mentioned so you falsely believe he has little support. You are mistaken, inform yourself more fully on Ron Paul.
once this little baby, (the constitution) is back up and running, the patriot act will be history, no?

nice blog, pegwinn.

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