Vietnam Vet has been repeatedly harrased by crowds for MAGA hat.

He says it has happened on multiple occasions. The MSM supports it and America should not tolerate it. On a side note, the guy looks to be in amazing shape for his age.

It is sad to see a vet lost in the world of today. Physically he looks good but early onset dementia has set in.

Your avatar reminds me of that spaz o'dork…….
In this era of toxic political rhetoric a MAGA hat is a statement that you embrace the very worst kind of hateful divisive politics. If I went around with a hat that said "impeach the pussy grabber" I would not be surprised to get an angry reaction.

That is a political segments opinion, based on nothing. You have no idea why he wears the hat, intolerant people need to grow a spine and let it go. Are we as a nation this immature?
In this case we just have a long memory for insult. By now Trump has pissed all over everything a large segment of Americans hold dear. Trump has done nothing to ingratiate himself to all the people he has treated like garbage.

So a select few radicals get to set the idea of what is acceptable or not acceptable? Who you can physically attack and those you can’t? Not what I call freedom, I think I am turning into a real liberal while the left is turning into authoritarians.
People screaming in each other's faces is the America Trump wants. It's really the only thing Trumpbots do anymore. A MAGA hat is part of that. It is a deliberately provocative political statement that naturally invites a response. It also gives the wearer the responsibility of representing Trump. So how do the MAGA crowd represent the president when confronted? It's far too often a race to the bottom. I live in the rural south, I am white, I know more than a few MAGAs. I talk politics freely with run of the mill conservatives but with the MAGAs I avoid politics with them at all costs. I heard enough griping and recriminations to last a lifetime.
In this era of toxic political rhetoric a MAGA hat is a statement that you embrace the very worst kind of hateful divisive politics. If I went around with a hat that said "impeach the pussy grabber" I would not be surprised to get an angry reaction.

Show me one case of one of you Tards being attacked for wearing your pussy hat......

You can't do it because it's you and yours that have become Nazi's.
He says it has happened on multiple occasions. The MSM supports it and America should not tolerate it. On a side note, the guy looks to be in amazing shape for his age.

Do you, or anyone on USMB, happen to know how to get in touch with this guy?
In this era of toxic political rhetoric a MAGA hat is a statement that you embrace the very worst kind of hateful divisive politics. If I went around with a hat that said "impeach the pussy grabber" I would not be surprised to get an angry reaction.

That is a political segments opinion, based on nothing. You have no idea why he wears the hat, intolerant people need to grow a spine and let it go. Are we as a nation this immature?
In this case we just have a long memory for insult. By now Trump has pissed all over everything a large segment of Americans hold dear. Trump has done nothing to ingratiate himself to all the people he has treated like garbage.

So a select few radicals get to set the idea of what is acceptable or not acceptable? Who you can physically attack and those you can’t? Not what I call freedom, I think I am turning into a real liberal while the left is turning into authoritarians.
People screaming in each other's faces is the America Trump wants. It's really the only thing Trumpbots do anymore. A MAGA hat is part of that. It is a deliberately provocative political statement that naturally invites a response. It also gives the wearer the responsibility of representing Trump. So how do the MAGA crowd represent the president when confronted? It's far too often a race to the bottom. I live in the rural south, I am white, I know more than a few MAGAs. I talk politics freely with run of the mill conservatives but with the MAGAs I avoid politics with them at all costs. I heard enough griping and recriminations to last a lifetime.

So by what right does a minority have the right to tell another minority what they can and cannot do? What authority does one group have to take another person’s freedom of expression?
In this era of toxic political rhetoric a MAGA hat is a statement that you embrace the very worst kind of hateful divisive politics. If I went around with a hat that said "impeach the pussy grabber" I would not be surprised to get an angry reaction.

That is a political segments opinion, based on nothing. You have no idea why he wears the hat, intolerant people need to grow a spine and let it go. Are we as a nation this immature?
In this case we just have a long memory for insult. By now Trump has pissed all over everything a large segment of Americans hold dear. Trump has done nothing to ingratiate himself to all the people he has treated like garbage.

So a select few radicals get to set the idea of what is acceptable or not acceptable? Who you can physically attack and those you can’t? Not what I call freedom, I think I am turning into a real liberal while the left is turning into authoritarians.
People screaming in each other's faces is the America Trump wants. It's really the only thing Trumpbots do anymore. A MAGA hat is part of that. It is a deliberately provocative political statement that naturally invites a response. It also gives the wearer the responsibility of representing Trump. So how do the MAGA crowd represent the president when confronted? It's far too often a race to the bottom. I live in the rural south, I am white, I know more than a few MAGAs. I talk politics freely with run of the mill conservatives but with the MAGAs I avoid politics with them at all costs. I heard enough griping and recriminations to last a lifetime.
If a cap makes you act like a deranged jackal, you're the problem, not the cap.
In this era of toxic political rhetoric a MAGA hat is a statement that you embrace the very worst kind of hateful divisive politics. If I went around with a hat that said "impeach the pussy grabber" I would not be surprised to get an angry reaction.

That is a political segments opinion, based on nothing. You have no idea why he wears the hat, intolerant people need to grow a spine and let it go. Are we as a nation this immature?
In this case we just have a long memory for insult. By now Trump has pissed all over everything a large segment of Americans hold dear. Trump has done nothing to ingratiate himself to all the people he has treated like garbage.

So a select few radicals get to set the idea of what is acceptable or not acceptable? Who you can physically attack and those you can’t? Not what I call freedom, I think I am turning into a real liberal while the left is turning into authoritarians.
People screaming in each other's faces is the America Trump wants. It's really the only thing Trumpbots do anymore. A MAGA hat is part of that. It is a deliberately provocative political statement that naturally invites a response. It also gives the wearer the responsibility of representing Trump. So how do the MAGA crowd represent the president when confronted? It's far too often a race to the bottom. I live in the rural south, I am white, I know more than a few MAGAs. I talk politics freely with run of the mill conservatives but with the MAGAs I avoid politics with them at all costs. I heard enough griping and recriminations to last a lifetime.

I'm sure the "rural south" is proud of you...haha
What does the "RESIST" sticker indicate?
He doesn’t look disabled on to have dementia to me. He looks like a solid citizen that kept the world safe. He is in excellent shape compared to anyone at any age. I’ll bet he can still kick ass. What a disgraceful bunch of pussies we are manufacturing these days.

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I was thinking about this the other day.

I think they ought to just pass a law and get it over with since the nation is getting so polarized. If we nip this in the bud now, we hopefully won't devolve into the level of the Spanish civil war or the Russian Revolution.

Make all harassment and crimes motivated based on politics a hate crime, no matter the politics.

Yes, let's have our federal overlords decide what's acceptable speech and what's criminal speech. Nothing says "Land of the Free" like mimicking Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union
In this era of toxic political rhetoric a MAGA hat is a statement that you embrace the very worst kind of hateful divisive politics. If I went around with a hat that said "impeach the pussy grabber" I would not be surprised to get an angry reaction.

That is a political segments opinion, based on nothing. You have no idea why he wears the hat, intolerant people need to grow a spine and let it go. Are we as a nation this immature?
In this case we just have a long memory for insult. By now Trump has pissed all over everything a large segment of Americans hold dear. Trump has done nothing to ingratiate himself to all the people he has treated like garbage.

So a select few radicals get to set the idea of what is acceptable or not acceptable? Who you can physically attack and those you can’t? Not what I call freedom, I think I am turning into a real liberal while the left is turning into authoritarians.
People screaming in each other's faces is the America Trump wants. It's really the only thing Trumpbots do anymore. A MAGA hat is part of that. It is a deliberately provocative political statement that naturally invites a response. It also gives the wearer the responsibility of representing Trump. So how do the MAGA crowd represent the president when confronted? It's far too often a race to the bottom. I live in the rural south, I am white, I know more than a few MAGAs. I talk politics freely with run of the mill conservatives but with the MAGAs I avoid politics with them at all costs. I heard enough griping and recriminations to last a lifetime.

Conservatives want to go back to traditional debate. It's liberals that want a screaming match.

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Vietnam Vet has been repeatedly harrased by crowds for MAGA hat.

Then why does he continue to wear such a racist hat? Why is he whining about the harassment?
What's racist about a MAGA cap?
Everything is racist to the lefties.

Clouds, white bread, notebook paper, bed sheets...all racist.

"Racist" is the buzzword to win arguments, because most people will back down from that word, because everyone is afraid of "being labeled a racist", even if it means conceding when they are in the right.

You know its true because every argument the left makes is a based on something dealing with race.....
In this era of toxic political rhetoric a MAGA hat is a statement that you embrace the very worst kind of hateful divisive politics. If I went around with a hat that said "impeach the pussy grabber" I would not be surprised to get an angry reaction.
What is exactly the policies you do not like? Look, I love that you promote violence. That is what we deserve. You will bring in the monstrosity that begats all of the vengeance and vendettas that need to be settled. But I want the kids of future generations to have their chance. And you do not represent that.
Are you listening to your own crap? Why do Trumpbots have to be all hyperbole all the time? This is not how reasonable people sound.

Reasonable people don’t try to justify political intimidation…..

This is what the Nazi’s did……..

You leftards are all Nazi’s that need to be stopped by whatever means necessary….
In this era of toxic political rhetoric a MAGA hat is a statement that you embrace the very worst kind of hateful divisive politics. If I went around with a hat that said "impeach the pussy grabber" I would not be surprised to get an angry reaction.

That is a political segments opinion, based on nothing. You have no idea why he wears the hat, intolerant people need to grow a spine and let it go. Are we as a nation this immature?
In this case we just have a long memory for insult. By now Trump has pissed all over everything a large segment of Americans hold dear. Trump has done nothing to ingratiate himself to all the people he has treated like garbage.

So a select few radicals get to set the idea of what is acceptable or not acceptable? Who you can physically attack and those you can’t? Not what I call freedom, I think I am turning into a real liberal while the left is turning into authoritarians.
People screaming in each other's faces is the America Trump wants. It's really the only thing Trumpbots do anymore. A MAGA hat is part of that. It is a deliberately provocative political statement that naturally invites a response. It also gives the wearer the responsibility of representing Trump. So how do the MAGA crowd represent the president when confronted? It's far too often a race to the bottom. I live in the rural south, I am white, I know more than a few MAGAs. I talk politics freely with run of the mill conservatives but with the MAGAs I avoid politics with them at all costs. I heard enough griping and recriminations to last a lifetime.

So by what right does a minority have the right to tell another minority what they can and cannot do? What authority does one group have to take another person’s freedom of expression?
You may not like this explanation. Society chooses for itself what it finds acceptable in a mysterious and organic way.. You can blame all sorts of media figures and shadowy conspiracies but in the end you should probably be glad that no one can actually engineer what we think. People certainly try but it mostly blows up in their face. Don't take life personally.
In this era of toxic political rhetoric a MAGA hat is a statement that you embrace the very worst kind of hateful divisive politics. If I went around with a hat that said "impeach the pussy grabber" I would not be surprised to get an angry reaction.
So you are condoning harassment of an elderly Vietnam vet?

You are in the same crowd that had a hissy fit when you thought a high school kid was smirking at a Vietnam Vet who happened to be a leftist.

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