Video: Free-Thinking Americans of African Descent Refute Trump's Alleged Racism


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Jul 11, 2015
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Greetings. The following citizens voice their admiration and support for Donald Trump:

Free-Thinking Americans of African Descent Refute Trump's Alleged Racism, aka iSupport45


The following Americans DO NOT admire or support Donald Trump, or millions of his supporters:

Boyce Watkins, Shonna Etienne, Mechee X, Umar Johnson, Tariq Nasheed.webp

_BLANK LIKE ME, Kanye West Candace Owens, Vicki Dillard, Mechee X.webp

Sadly, Trump detractors ProBlack practicing Vickie Dillard Crowe and Michelle Kulczyk, also known as Mechee X and several other aliases, have criminal records and at least one of Single mother Michelle Kulczyk's five children has spent significant time in prison.

At one time both women were members of Intra-Racial Discrimination & HATE ProBlack practicing Dr. Boyce Watkins FlyNubianQueens network.

Though listening to several recent Mechee X broadcasts, it appears to she is no longer a fan of Boyce Watkins, calling him a fraud, cheat and liar.

If you enjoy listening to citizens being LOUD, NASTY and HATEFUL, definitely check out Mechee's X's YT channel.

In this extremely disturbing *NSFW, SALTY LANGUAGE* broadcast, Michelle 'DONATIONS' Kulczyk, aka Mechee X condemns Kanye West for denigrating women as bitches and hoes, while losing sight of the historical FACT for near forty years large numbers of popular American recording artists, including Pres and Mrs. GIRL POWER Obama friends or WH guests have been denigrating American girls and women of African descent as less than human creatures.

!!Strong Hateful Language!!

"The real reason Kanye is a cooon
~Mechee X"

obama white house guests.webp

stevie wonder, shawn carter child abuse._3.webp

Frankly, I'd like to see Congress pass a bill offering REPARATIONS in the form of free MENTAL HEALTH CARE to Americans raised by INTRA RACIAL and DISCRIMINATION & HATE practicing PRO BLACK citizens like Mechee X.

Reparations, Kendrick Lamar, Shawn Carter, NAsir Jones.webp


Unfortunately American society created this social and HUMAN HEALTH debacle via flawed social assistance policies of the 1960's...and now we have an obligation to fix the problem.

No longer should Americans LOOK THE OTHER WAY, while untold numbers of Americans kids are being impeded or deprived from enjoying a SAFE, fairly or wonderfully happy upbringing all kids have a right, as well as ABSOLUTE NEED to experience during a critical period of childhood development.

Cali Surgeon General, Dr. Burke Harris

(Early Brain & Child Development) #EBCDScientist Dr. Bruce D. Perry, MD, PhD, Explains Why Kids & ADULTS Are Hurting:

Dr. Perry's detailed presentation:

I would also like to see police officers, as well as public and private school educators better trained in recognizing signs of potentially life scarring Child Abuse, Emotional Neglect, Abandonment and Maltreatment.


If you have an intelligent opinion offering solutions, please share.

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It seems like the smart African Americans support our president and embrace conservative values. And the dumb ones, not so much. I truly believe it's a matter of intelligence or lack thereof.
bluzman61 replied, "It seems like the smart African Americans support our president and embrace conservative values. And the dumb ones, not so much. I truly believe it's a matter of intelligence or lack thereof."

Hi, BM. According to accredited health professionals, sadly, kids experiencing emotionally traumatizing events during a critical period of childhood development are more susceptible to experiencing mental health and developmental issues.

(Early Brain & Child Development) #EBCDScientist Dr. Bruce D. Perry, MD, PhD, Explains Why Kids & ADULTS Are Hurting:

BM, during the near 12 yrs I provided police services to Biggie's and Shawn's traumatized Brooklyn, NY neighborhoods, I witnessed countless kids and teens being raised in an unhealthy community environment, as well as many experiencing an unhealthy family environment.

Over the course of 12 years I spent countless hours sitting down, interviewing or interrogating people of all ages suspected or alleged to have committed crimes against a fellow citizen(s). I was not a drug cop and had no interest in becoming one because dealing with severely damaged, self harming, self-deluding people is an emotionally burdensome task.

I spent most all of my career interacting with victims of violent crime, and the emotionally damaged people who committed crimes against their neighbors.

As a result of my experiences I have no doubts the scientific medical research about kids who experience Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) is not some BS theory.

Cali Surgeon General, Dr. Burke Harris:

Dr. Perry's detailed presentation:


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