"I Heard That They Were Racist" by Bigherc916


Gold Member
Jul 11, 2015
Hello. Keeping it 100% REAL, Factual and Respectful. No Hate.

Bigherc offers practical, sensible advice for dealing with ignorant people.

"I Heard That They Were Racist" by Bigherc916

Have you ever taken the time to critically examine the character and values, embraced by citizens loudly asserting 24/7, that Racism, White Supremacy, ect., is impeding Americans of African descent from enjoying equality and achieving success?

For example, do citizens recognize America's large, divisive, emotionally troubled, FEMALE dominated, Child Neglecting, NO SNITCHING, Segregation minded, Intra-Racial Discrimination and HATE practicing ProBlack community that is constantly beefing 24/7 about Racial Discrimination and Oppression impeding AA citizens from experiencing equality and achieving success...

...is the same Intra-Racial Discrimination and Hate practicing ProBlack community harassing, bullying, threatening, intimidating and denigrating as C°°ns, Sell-0uts or Tr@itors, our independent thinking, successful American friends, neighbors and co-workers of African descent choosing to peacefully pursue THEIR OWN unique vision for Life Liberty (Love) and Happiness?

Do citizens believe America's ProBlack/BLM community is promoting a POSITIVE HEALTHY IMAGE for American citizens of African descent when they are acting HOSTILE toward peaceful, freedom loving Americans whose *ONLY OFFENSE* is living their life in a way that makes them happy?

I look forward to reading thoughtful, intelligent replies, as well as possible SOLUTIONS for preventing divisive, family, people, community and Nation harming Intra-Racial Discrimination and HATE.

ProBlack/BLM community Pathology Explained In 60 Seconds:

Shawn James - ProBlack Insanity

During a chat with Michael Malice, independent minded, peace loving citizen Bryan Sharpe, aka Hotep Jesus, reveals "it stings, it hurts" when being demeaned as a C°°n:

"C°°n - Willie D (Official Video) Dissing Charles Barkley, Stacey Dash, Stephen A Smith"

⚠️ Strong NSFW Language

Black Children Have Highest Abuse Rates by BlackVoiceNews

My computer audio is out, so I could not watch the videos.

I did find the comments in the post interesting.

I want to make only two points about this hot potato.

1. Like lots of other people, I have read that some of the folks under discussion belittle fellow members of their group who want to get a good education.

2. If some of those folks favor living apart from other ethnicities, what is wrong with that?
2. If some of those folks favor living apart from other ethnicities, what is wrong with that?

Hello, Parser.

According to America's Declaration of Independence citizens have an inalienable right to peacefully pursue a lifestyle that makes them happy.

While I do not agree with, and in many cases do not admire citizens choosing to practice Racial Segregation or race based Nationalism, I recognize that is their inalienable right...

My concern lies with apparent emotionally troubled citizens choosing to harass, bully, intimidate and in some instances threaten violence TOWARDS citizens choosing to peacefully pursue THEIR OWN unique vision for life liberty (love) and happiness.

This debate features two American citizens believing in Racial Segregation.

"ProBlack Tariq Nasheed vs. White Nationalist Jared Taylor":

ProBlack/BLM Modus Operandi:

Donovan Worland reviews the Nasheed vs Taylor segregationist debate, revealing Tariq's religion of HATERS:

"Tariq Nasheed vs Jared Taylor - NOW Y'ALL KNOW" by Donovan Worland

Quite a few citizens produced videos responding to the Nasheed versus Taylor debate...

YouTube search terms: Tariq Nasheed vs. Jared Taylor

I have always found it strange as an adult who grew up in the 1960s and 70s to see people of color advocating segregation. To be honest what I want to say to them is, "Are you freakin nuts!!" Some where David Duke is seeing it all and smiling. What would Martin Luther King JR. say if he were alive today? Gov. George Corley Wallace would be saying " I told you so''.

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