Video: Black Lives Matter protestors use physical force to prevent regular black people from buying groceries at Wal-Mart in Arkansas

Drop Dead Fred

Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2020
In the eight minute video below, we see Black Lives Matter protestors using physical force to prevent regular black people from buying groceries at Wal-Mart in Arkansas.

What Black Lives Matter is doing here is absolutely despicable.

Using physical force to prevent regular black people from buying groceries does not do anything to help black lives. On the contrary, since black people need to buy groceries, and since black people work at Wal-Mart, Black Lives Matter is hurting, not helping, black lives.

And if – gosh forbid – Black Lives Matter was somehow able to force these Wal-Marts to permanently close, I have no doubt that Black Lives Matter would then accuse Wal-Mart of being “racist” for not wanting to open stores in black neighborhoods.

In general, the radical left wing jerks who try the hardest to either shut down current Wal-Marts or prevent new Wal-Marts from opening, are the same radical left wing jerks who claim that food deserts are caused by “racism.”

In the real world, food deserts are not caused by racism. In the real world, food deserts are caused by crime, shoplifting, looting, arson, and other criminal activities which are tolerated, and even supported, by the radical left. For example, after the recent nationwide riots began, Marielle Segarra wrote this article, which is called, “Neighborhoods where stores were destroyed become food deserts overnight.”

Black lives matter. Black lives need food. Black lives needs jobs. Using physical force to shut down a Wal-Mart prevents black people from being able to get the food and jobs that they need. Black Lives Matter does not care about black lives.

Here’s the video:

In the eight minute video below, we see Black Lives Matter protestors using physical force to prevent regular black people from buying groceries at Wal-Mart in Arkansas.

What Black Lives Matter is doing here is absolutely despicable.

Using physical force to prevent regular black people from buying groceries does not do anything to help black lives. On the contrary, since black people need to buy groceries, and since black people work at Wal-Mart, Black Lives Matter is hurting, not helping, black lives.

And if – gosh forbid – Black Lives Matter was somehow able to force these Wal-Marts to permanently close, I have no doubt that Black Lives Matter would then accuse Wal-Mart of being “racist” for not wanting to open stores in black neighborhoods.

In general, the radical left wing jerks who try the hardest to either shut down current Wal-Marts or prevent new Wal-Marts from opening, are the same radical left wing jerks who claim that food deserts are caused by “racism.”

In the real world, food deserts are not caused by racism. In the real world, food deserts are caused by crime, shoplifting, looting, arson, and other criminal activities which are tolerated, and even supported, by the radical left. For example, after the recent nationwide riots began, Marielle Segarra wrote this article, which is called, “Neighborhoods where stores were destroyed become food deserts overnight.”

Black lives matter. Black lives need food. Black lives needs jobs. Using physical force to shut down a Wal-Mart prevents black people from being able to get the food and jobs that they need. Black Lives Matter does not care about black lives.

Here’s the video:

The cops are preventing free speech!!!

The madness continues. Everybody who tried to go into that store just got a taste of BLM first-hand. The GOP needs to actively tie this bullshit to the Dems.
BLM is a an enemy of the state and is pushing for communism. Its really that simple. These people are worthless.
Why do you hate American citizens?

BLM leaders are Marxist and hate the American system of government. They look down on the founders who wrote the constitution and the Declaration of Independence, they align themselves with black people all over the world.... NOT other Americans. They want to shut down the police, decriminalize crime, shut down American businesses where Americans work and shop...
They exercise their first amendment rights but I dont even think they realize all the freedoms they have in this country. If they dont like Walmart let them pool their money together and start their own Black Walmart. Leave the other one alone, its taking nothing from those idiots or maybe they prefer to buy everything via

These are Americans but they are the worst examples of one. They havent shown me a damn thing yet other than coming up with a good slogan.. thats it.
BLM approves of shopping via Amazon Prime.

The more I see videos such as this. The less I care about Black anything.
All I see is human scum stealing shit with impunity.
Screw liberals, BLM, and anyone else claiming blanket systemic victimhood.

Let the Cities burn.
OP, I just watched the entire video and, yet again, you're lying.

1. There were no alterations
2. The store was already closed
3. Black shoppers greeted the protesters saying "We love you " and "Black Lives Matter "
4. Police were on scene and had no problems with the peaceful protesters

White Supremacy is known for lies, lies and more lies.

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