Vermont's Single-Payer Health Care Bill Ignites Debate Over Covering Illegal Immigran


Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2008
At least one roadblock stands in the way of Vermont's path toward becoming the first state to adopt a single-payer health care system: coverage for illegal immigrants.

The state Senate, which passed its version of the bill this week, added a last-minute provision that would bar illegal immigrants from being covered under a state-run insurance program the bill envisions setting up called Green Mountain Care.

The move outraged immigrant advocates.

"When we say health care is a human right, we mean for everybody who lives and works in Vermont regardless of legal status," the Vermont Workers' Center said in a statement."We will not tolerate racial profiling and accept the unjust immigration and foreign policies of the federal government. We can do better than that."

The bill is currently in a conference committee in which differences between House and Senate versions are being worked out. The House passed its version last mon

Read more: Vermont's Single-Payer Health Care Bill Ignites Debate Over Covering Illegal Immigrants -

Vermont's Single-Payer Health Care Bill Ignites Debate Over Covering Illegal Immigrants -
I can't think of a single reason why taxpayers should be forced to pay for health care of illegals from another country. Not one.
I love it when people come here and demand services, especially in their own language! If we cut of the money supply, they will leave.

If businesses want the illegal alien slave labor, then they can pay for their medical and social needs as well.
I can't think of a single reason why taxpayers should be forced to pay for health care of illegals from another country. Not one.

because its the right thing to do Willow......thats what we Americans do......give everybody a bigger chunk of our pie then we ourselves can do with less so the Illegal sneaking in can have more.....its what we Americans do......
I can't think of a single reason why taxpayers should be forced to pay for health care of illegals from another country. Not one.

because its the right thing to do Willow......thats what we Americans do......give everybody a bigger chunk of our pie then we ourselves can do with less so the Illegal sneaking in can have more.....its what we Americans do......

No Harry, it's what our stupid politicians do.
I can't think of a single reason why taxpayers should be forced to pay for health care of illegals from another country. Not one.

because its the right thing to do Willow......thats what we Americans do......give everybody a bigger chunk of our pie then we ourselves can do with less so the Illegal sneaking in can have more.....its what we Americans do......

No Harry, it's what our stupid politicians do.

oh im sorry.....i was reading the California code of being a good American....
At least one roadblock stands in the way of Vermont's path toward becoming the first state to adopt a single-payer health care system: coverage for illegal immigrants.

The state Senate, which passed its version of the bill this week, added a last-minute provision that would bar illegal immigrants from being covered under a state-run insurance program the bill envisions setting up called Green Mountain Care.

The move outraged immigrant advocates.

"When we say health care is a human right, we mean for everybody who lives and works in Vermont regardless of legal status," the Vermont Workers' Center said in a statement."We will not tolerate racial profiling and accept the unjust immigration and foreign policies of the federal government. We can do better than that."

The bill is currently in a conference committee in which differences between House and Senate versions are being worked out. The House passed its version last mon

Read more: Vermont's Single-Payer Health Care Bill Ignites Debate Over Covering Illegal Immigrants -

Vermont's Single-Payer Health Care Bill Ignites Debate Over Covering Illegal Immigrants -

Everyone will need an insurance card. In order to receive your card, proving legal status should be a requirement. If they want to come to a compromise, then allow those who cannot prove their legal status to join the program if they can prove that they are working and paying all payroll, state, and federal taxes. Those working off the books and who are here illegally should not be given free access to healthcare.

If they do need emergency treatment, then give it to them and deport them.
Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Change in number of uninsuredAccording to Congressional Budget Office estimates, the number of uninsured residents will drop from current levels by 32 million people. This leaves 23 million residents who will still lack insurance in 2019 after the bill's provisions have all taken effect.[82] Among the people in this group will be:

Illegal immigrants, estimated at almost a third of the 23 million, will be ineligible for insurance subsidies and Medicaid.[82]

Illegal immigrants wouldn’t be covered in Vermont's health plan | Burlington Free Press |
The lobbying effort has angered senators who say they supported the amendment merely to clarify something they thought was in the bill already. They add that the special federal permissions — or waivers — Vermont needs to implement the health care law won’t be forthcoming if the state does not follow the federal lead in excluding illegal immigrants
Yeah, to be honest, even I don't see why it should be required to cover illegal immigrants, other than the fact that if one shows up at the hospital, they'd still have to get treated and cost tax payers even more than if they were covered by the health plan.

The best thing to do would be to institute single-payer and then give a general amnesty to all immigrants so they can pay taxes, contribute to the scheme, and get covered by it. But that would require it to be done at a federal level.

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