Verizon Union on strike...why?


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
Just skimmed an article on the strike by Verizon workers and the main issues seem to be: Verizon's buggy whip business, landlines, is trying to control costs by asking for some changes in work rules, and asking employees to pay toward their health care costs.

The Union response seems to be: Fuck You, you're profitable, pay up. We'll gladly do to you what we did for Detroit and the US Auto industry.

Does anyone know the details?

Verizon, unions 'far apart' as Sunday strike looms - Washington Times
I don't know any details, but they're right around the corner from me camped out by a big intersection where a verizon headquarters is, wearing their sandwich signs, with lawn chairs, packed coolers, umbrellas, the fucking works.

There was one guy there yesterday that was so fucking fat he was sitting in his lawn chair and his head was literally sunk into the fat of his chest area. I couldn't even make out a face. It was disgusting.

What a bunch of fucking whiny ass bitches. Millions unemployed and they have the audacity to stand out there with their signs like anyone gives a fuck.
On the company’s side, Mr. Young said, nonunion employees of Verizon currently pay part of their health insurance premiums, while, in total, the firm “spends more than $4 billion annually on health care, or $400,000 an hour for our employees

looks as if Verizon needs to hire all NON union employees. fuck the ones who went on strike.
Just skimmed an article on the strike by Verizon workers and the main issues seem to be: Verizon's buggy whip business, landlines, is trying to control costs by asking for some changes in work rules, and asking employees to pay toward their health care costs.

The Union response seems to be: Fuck You, you're profitable, pay up. We'll gladly do to you what we did for Detroit and the US Auto industry.

Does anyone know the details?

Verizon, unions 'far apart' as Sunday strike looms - Washington Times

Sick and tired of unions always crying for more. The average worker in this country does not belong to any union, and have to scrape by week by week financially. Union workers get paid ALL the money and benefits yet it's not enough.
The Unions won't rest until they've turned every industry into the US Post Office or the Auto Industry.

Fire them all.

Take Action: Stop Verizon Greed

Tell Verizon: Stop Attacking the Middle Class

Sign the Petition

45,000 Verizon workers are now on strike to stop the attack on the middle class.

The reason? Despite record profits, Verizon is refusing to bargain and is demanding that its workers add to those profits from their own pockets.

In the last four years alone, Verizon made more than $19 billion in profits and compensated their top five executives more than a quarter of a billion dollars. But apparently that’s not enough.

Now they’re refusing to bargain. Starting on June 22 Verizon pushed proposals that would let them outsource more jobs, including sending jobs overseas, slash sick days, eliminate benefits for workers who get hurt on the job and cut the healthcare benefits they promised retirees. And they haven’t budged.

That’s why 45,000 CWA and IBEW members walked out on Sunday August 7th to force Verizon to abandon its Wisconsin-style tactics and come to the bargaining table and negotiate.

America has had enough of corporate greed. Now is the time for Verizon to do the right thing and come to the bargaining table in good faith instead of trying to kill the American dream for 45,000 middle-class workers.

Send a letter now to tell Verizon CEO Lowell McAdam to stop Verizon’s attack on the middle class and share his company’s success with those who made it possible."
You are all fallling into what the media is reporting, NOT the facts...

The Verizon employees are the ones that have with the original company that have been there for years & are now being told, "we are going to outsource your work to an or all countries that we will no longer have to pay any benefits to"

These workers are fighting to KEEP their current jobs! (and to keep them in America!!)

Yes they (Verizon) wants to freeze their hard earned pensions, wants to take away fair wages & and to lay out a healthcare plan lower than welfare standards, but mostly, THEY want to control & outsource the current work alays done here in the North East.

Do you really think these people are out there for no reason?

Many of them are the sole supporter of their family or have both spouses working for the company, they are not rolling in any dough, some are near forclosure on their homes that they WILL lose if Verizon outsources their work & they have nOTHING to fight for!

Do some internet searches for the Providence RI & Boston areas and read about some of the facts before coming to the conclusion that any one of them is lazy... I am sorry, but one fat guy out of 45,000 workers' is just that, ONE.
You are all fallling into what the media is reporting, NOT the facts...

The Verizon employees are the ones that have with the original company that have been there for years & are now being told, "we are going to outsource your work to an or all countries that we will no longer have to pay any benefits to"

These workers are fighting to KEEP their current jobs! (and to keep them in America!!)

Yes they (Verizon) wants to freeze their hard earned pensions, wants to take away fair wages & and to lay out a healthcare plan lower than welfare standards, but mostly, THEY want to control & outsource the current work alays done here in the North East.

Do you really think these people are out there for no reason?

Many of them are the sole supporter of their family or have both spouses working for the company, they are not rolling in any dough, some are near forclosure on their homes that they WILL lose if Verizon outsources their work & they have nOTHING to fight for!

Do some internet searches for the Providence RI & Boston areas and read about some of the facts before coming to the conclusion that any one of them is lazy... I am sorry, but one fat guy out of 45,000 workers' is just that, ONE.

I'm calling bullshit on this.

Even from the little I know, this relates almost exclusively to the landline business, which is a buggy whip business right now and Verizon is asking for the Union to make "Concession" on work rules.

I'd like specifics on what the ask is.

All I hear from the Union is the Marxist talking point that Verizon is profitable and that that's somehow the reason they should allow themselves to be turned into the next American industry destroyed by Unions
Before they got their demands on the once profitable US Auto industry, Detroit was the envy of the world and a shining example of American exceptionalism

Give the Union time to work, and this is what they do

The Verizon babies that are striking don't want to pay for health care or their own retirement, why doesn't everyone else have to pay it. If they are talking about outsourcing your jobs it is probably because you don't pay for your own shit and then cry about it when they mention it to you.
I think it is time for you cry babies to grow up pay for your own shit by the sounds of it, it will still be less then what other people have to pay!
If you want your job then go back to work if you want to sit there and cry about it then quit your job and let other people who would be grateful to have a job take it!

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