Verdict reached in Smollett hate hoax trial

Jury just in for Smollett and 5 of six charges ---GUILTY.
But where is CNN? NBC, all those people that said oh what a "systematic racisM" case!

When will the MSM become a little more rational?
What is this thing you call CNN and NBC?
We had a Korean owned coffee shop in the area that made the news by claiming a racist attack on their coffee stand. Graffiti, broken windows, etc. After the security cameras were examined it was found that the owner did it. Not very bright.
What made Smollett think he could win this thing after his co-conspirators testified against him and video evidence showed he was guilty? Smollett was the tip of the iceberg as far as the attempt to undermine the administration of the former president of the United States. In a just world most of the high echelon of the FBI would be standing trial for essentially the same thing.
One could say that at the height of civil and political unrest in this country, he tried to start a race war.
That's exactly what he attempted to do in my opinion. If they over look that, then they are some ignorant human beings. Hopefully the judge will also consider the could've been's, and would've been's involved in such a thing, and sentence him appropriately. Also the other's who aided and abetted his bull crap just to name a few, should also get hauled into court. It's time to end the bull crap, it's time to make examples of.
This clown just made it more difficult for any future real victim of a racist or homophobic crime to come forward and be believed.

Way to go, asswipe.
So some unknown, from Hollyweird (which you pay no attention to of course) was found guilty of something.

When you wake up tomorrow, Biden will still be President.

Joe Biden has never been President, nor will he ever be. In his degraded cognitive state, he's incapable of making the decisions necessary to lead any country, much less this one. He has the decision-making capability of a head of raw cabbage and the usefulness of a doorstop.

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