vegan, vegetarian, or just normal food?

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You've never seen me then.

I'm perfectly healthy. I got to hospital all the time, almost never because of me. I did go in the last five years but that was because a wisdom tooth was on its side and it needed to be taken out. I went 20 years ago because I went swimming in a really dirty pool and I got some thing on my armpit that required antibiotics.

Other than that... I did my hamstring in a few years back and it's only now recovering, but that was more due to me messing it up way before it was ready. I bike every week, when I can, I get less colds than other people...
after decades of watching the average American get fatter and fatter we have a warpoed idea of what looks healthy. Look at class pictures decades ago compared to fat ass fast food consuming Americans today, We have had an out of control fat ass obese president claim he was healthy while the one today actually is. Hilarious.
what do you like?
(1) I like regular food.

(2) I guess the key word is moderation.

(3) I do NOT know, but hear tell a 100% vegan diet lacks certain elements that human beings need.

(4) I recently found a delicious vegan burger, but I have read that some vegan burgers contain a dangerous chemical!

(5) So I guess that if you occasionally eat a regular (beef) hamburger, that is OK. (Of course, eating a hamburger every day may be problematic. Before there were so many people in this country, cows were raised naturally, I hear. Today cattle growers, hear tell, feed cows all kinds of chemicals in order to increase the number of cows.)
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(1) I like regular food.

(2) I guess the key word is moderation.

(3) I do NOT know, but hear tell a 100% vegan diet lacks certain elements that human beings need.

(4) I recently found a delicious vegan burger, but I have read that some vegan burger contain a

Point #3 is one of those poor reasons to continue eating meat

I assume you're speaking of B12 but there is nothing special about the B12 you get from eating meat. It can and is easily produced in exactly the same way it is in a cow's guy and made available in supplement form without all the unhealthy stuff that comes from eating meat.

And besides that a very large portion of the meat eating world is actually deficient in B 12 because animal sources are harder to absorb.
(1) I like regular food.

(2) I guess the key word is moderation.

(3) I do NOT know, but hear tell a 100% vegan diet lacks certain elements that human beings need.

(4) I recently found a delicious vegan burger, but I have read that some vegan burger contain a dangerous chemical!

(5) So I guess that if you occasionally eat a regular (beef) hamburger, that is OK. (Of course, eating a hamburger every day may be problematic. Before there were so many people in this country, cows were raised naturally, I hear. Today cattle growers, hear tell, feed cows all kinds of chemicals in order to increase the number of cows.)
As long as a food is nutritious it doesn’t matter what it’s called. No food is free of harmful metals like’s all about the concentration. Some fish in some areas are high in arsenic. AAMOF, we use fish gill scrapings to detect pollution levels. So in some respects eating fish from fish farms as foods maybe be healthier. And who‘s to say Soylent green in moderation isn’t healthy.
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what do you like?
I eat a vegan diet, I just add dairy and meat to it.

I was in Asda and I bought a Hoisin Duck wrap. As I driving along, I took a bite and I thought, "This is shit", and spat it out of the window. The packaging said, "Plant based". The rest got thrown out of the window and into the hedge row. That'll teach me not to fully pay attention.

When buying food, by law, there should be a warning on the till to say, "This food is shit, are you sure you want to buy it?", when you scan it.

Vegans don't eat duck, why do they try to imitate duck with some slimy shit stuff. Should be against Trade Descriptions, if it ain't real duck/chicken/bacon etc.. then duck/chicken/bacon etc.. should not be allowed on the packaging. It should just say, "Fake meat".
Most people don't get that veganism isn't about a healthy diet and that it is an ethical stance against the cruelty and needless suffering of animals for the pleasure of people.
When buying food, by law, there should be a warning on the till to say, "This food is shit, are you sure you want to buy it?", when you scan it.
If we did, a large number of people would complain that it’s a violation of corporate rights to sell whatever they want for profit with labels that make up shit.
As long as a food is nutritious it doesn’t matter what it’s called. No food is free of harmful metals like’s all about the concentration. Some fish in some areas are high in arsenic. AAMOF, we use fish gill scrapings to detect pollution levels. So in some respects eating fish from fish farms as foods maybe be healthier. And who‘s to say Soylent green in moderation isn’t healthy.
The bad foods for human consumption are processed food. The food that is all too often "ultra processed" is vegan, yet it's labelled as healthy.

Obesity, cancers, and allergies is sky rocketing alongside the decline in the quality of our food.

When I was a kid, we ate cooked meals from raw ingredients and food grown at home. All the cakes and buns were homemade too. And even now, I cook every meal at home, and I use a kitchen aid to make my doughs and pastry.
Most people don't get that veganism isn't about a healthy diet and that it is an ethical stance against the cruelty and needless suffering of animals for the pleasure of people.
Yet, most people who are vegetarians and vegans, do it for health reasons. I have no problems with others slaughtering animals for for food as long as they were treated humanely up until the time their nutritional needs override the food source.
If we did, a large number of people would complain that it’s a violation of corporate rights to sell whatever they want for profit with labels that make up shit.
Should come up in red on the till, at least you wouldn't need the assistant to authorise the sale, just a polite warning is fine. We get pulled for age restricted items that requires authorisation.
Obesity, cancers, and allergies is sky rocketing alongside the decline in the quality of our food.
It is skyrocketing for decades. Processed foods are engineered to make a profit, not provide all our nutritional needs.
Yet, most people who are vegetarians and vegans, do it for health reasons. I have no problems with others slaughtering animals for for food as long as they were treated humanely up until the time their nutritional needs override the food source.
Those vegans who do it for health reasons do not stick with it,

I went whole food plant based for health reasons because despite the fact that I wasn't overweight was very fit I still had high cholesterol, elevated blood pressure.

After less than 6 months on a well planned WFPB diet I was off medications, felt better, slept better and performed better in workouts.

I am never going back because of that but a really nice side effect is that I like that no animals are suffering for my pleasure.
Hilarious. How about, this “fking Food is filled with cancer producing agents and the producer doesn’t give a fk. .
Polite warming ? What happened to the truth ?
If you want that type of warning, good for you.

The warning I like to see is that you might be thinking you're buying a regular normal food product, but the contents has been faked to be vegan. Same with the likes of Mayonnaise etc.. where eggs are omitted.
Those vegans who do it for health reasons do not stick with it,
Nor can they. The foods that provide all their nutrients are harder to find and more expensive. . . But ultimately, most just turning to vegetarian heavy diets and occasional animal proteins are healthier for it. .
If you want that type of warning, good for you.

The warning I like to see is that you might be thinking you're buying a regular normal food product, but the contents has been faked to be vegan. Same with the likes of Mayonnaise etc.. where eggs are omitted.
Yes. I want QUANTITIES and percentages printed on the labels. Geesus, many foods regardless of how they are process contain trace amounts and more of arsenic for example…
Asking for politeness is bullshit . Unless you’re afraid of offending the biggest contributors of cancer and heart diseases and diabetes the number one healthcare cost.
Nor can they. The foods that provide all their nutrients are harder to find and more expensive. . . But ultimately, most just turning to vegetarian heavy diets and occasional animal proteins are healthier for it. .

There is nothing magic about protein from an animal. ALL protein comes from plants.

And I'll guarantee you I spend less on groceries than you

A WFPB diet is based on what people call peasant food.

Beans, legumes whole grains and whole fruits and veg. I went to the Dr a few months ago and have no health issues and no vitamin deficiencies.

I would not nor could I be healthier if I started eating meat again
Yes. I want QUANTITIES and percentages printed on the labels. Geesus, many foods regardless of how they are process contain trace amounts and more of arsenic for example…
Asking for politeness is bullshit . Unless you’re afraid of offending the biggest contributors of cancer and heart diseases and diabetes the number one healthcare cost.
Get in touch with the food manufacturer for the details.

Sulphites in alcohol hurts my knees, so I consume small amounts of cider and wine. My lager doesn't state sulphites but I emailed Heineken to ask, they said all lagers contain sulphites but a label is only placed on the bottle if they exceed bla bla parts per million.

You're getting angry over something I'm not interested in, I would just like the till to flag up vegan food, (excludes fruit and veg etc..), because it means I've picked the wrong product up.
There is nothing magic about protein from an animal. ALL protein comes from plants.
Exactly…but there is a huge difference among species and ultimately people in their ability to extract protein from animal vs plant base sources. A veggie gorilla comes to mind.
And, as we age, animal based proteins become more of a consideration. If you want or need more muscle or bone mass regardless. All sources are “ on the table”.
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