Kids with conservative parents are happier


Diamond Member
Nov 21, 2021
Shenandoah Valley of Virginia
I know we all already know this but I thought I'd post it anyway. ;)

Adolescents who have “very conservative” parents are 16 to 17 percent more likely to have good or excellent mental health compared to teenagers with liberal parents, according to new research by Gallup.

The fascinating finding was made in June 2023 and features in a comprehensive report published last month by the independent, non-partisan Institute for Family Studies (IFS).

“Only 55% of adolescents of liberal parents reported good or excellent mental health compared to 77% of those with conservative or very conservative parents,” the IFS report explains.

The report, authored by Gallup economist and Brookings Institute senior fellow Jonathan Rothwell, concludes that conservative and very conservative parents were the “most likely to adopt the parenting practices associated with adolescent mental health.”

In describing those practices, Rothwell spelt out that “conservative parents enjoy higher quality relationships with their children, characterized by fewer arguments, more warmth, and a stronger bond, according to both parent and child reporting.”

“This relationship between conservativism and parenting remains significant even after controlling for an extensive list of parental demographic and socio-economic measures,” he explains, confirming that the study’s outcomes were consistent regardless of race, ethnicity, household income, education or the sex of the parent.

Turns out that it's better to be poor right-leaner than a rich leftist.....Just look at the kids of Hollywood liberals.

I don’t see too many kids raised with a good/involved mom and dad that were themselves taught to respect others and who passed that on to their children have kids who wonder what gender they are or ponder if they should shoot up their school or not.

BTW.....I prefer the term right-leaning over "conservative" as I don't think there is such a thing anymore.
I know we all already know this but I thought I'd post it anyway. ;)
Adolescents who have “very conservative” parents are 16 to 17 percent more likely to have good or excellent mental health compared to teenagers with liberal parents, according to new research by Gallup.

The fascinating finding was made in June 2023 and features in a comprehensive report published last month by the independent, non-partisan Institute for Family Studies (IFS).

“Only 55% of adolescents of liberal parents reported good or excellent mental health compared to 77% of those with conservative or very conservative parents,” the IFS report explains.

The report, authored by Gallup economist and Brookings Institute senior fellow Jonathan Rothwell, concludes that conservative and very conservative parents were the “most likely to adopt the parenting practices associated with adolescent mental health.”

In describing those practices, Rothwell spelt out that “conservative parents enjoy higher quality relationships with their children, characterized by fewer arguments, more warmth, and a stronger bond, according to both parent and child reporting.”

“This relationship between conservativism and parenting remains significant even after controlling for an extensive list of parental demographic and socio-economic measures,” he explains, confirming that the study’s outcomes were consistent regardless of race, ethnicity, household income, education or the sex of the parent.

Turns out that it's better to be poor right-leaner than a rich leftist.....Just look at the kids of Hollywood liberals.

I don’t see too many kids raised with a good/involved mom and dad that were themselves taught to respect others and who passed that on to their children have kids who wonder what gender they are or ponder if they should shoot up their school or not.


I know we all already know this but I thought I'd post it anyway. ;)

Adolescents who have “very conservative” parents are 16 to 17 percent more likely to have good or excellent mental health compared to teenagers with liberal parents, according to new research by Gallup.

The fascinating finding was made in June 2023 and features in a comprehensive report published last month by the independent, non-partisan Institute for Family Studies (IFS).

“Only 55% of adolescents of liberal parents reported good or excellent mental health compared to 77% of those with conservative or very conservative parents,” the IFS report explains.

The report, authored by Gallup economist and Brookings Institute senior fellow Jonathan Rothwell, concludes that conservative and very conservative parents were the “most likely to adopt the parenting practices associated with adolescent mental health.”

In describing those practices, Rothwell spelt out that “conservative parents enjoy higher quality relationships with their children, characterized by fewer arguments, more warmth, and a stronger bond, according to both parent and child reporting.”

“This relationship between conservativism and parenting remains significant even after controlling for an extensive list of parental demographic and socio-economic measures,” he explains, confirming that the study’s outcomes were consistent regardless of race, ethnicity, household income, education or the sex of the parent.

Turns out that it's better to be poor right-leaner than a rich leftist.....Just look at the kids of Hollywood liberals.

I don’t see too many kids raised with a good/involved mom and dad that were themselves taught to respect others and who passed that on to their children have kids who wonder what gender they are or ponder if they should shoot up their school or not.

BTW.....I prefer the term right-leaning over "conservative" as I don't think there is such a thing anymore.
  • Overall, we rate the Institute for Family Studies (IFS) right biased based on story selection that favors conservative causes and Mixed for factual reporting based on the endorsement of poor science.
  • Overall, we rate the Institute for Family Studies (IFS) right biased based on story selection that favors conservative causes and Mixed for factual reporting based on the endorsement of poor science.
Are you saying that leftist's kids are happier? Link?
Are you saying that leftist's kids are happier? Link?

Above is the "study". What I am saying is that the Institute for Family Studies is highly biased, and most importantly, they endorse bad science.

But in regards to your question, are you saying leftist's kids are happier. No, but the study bears that out. I direct you to page 16 of the pdf file. Yes, very conservative parents have the highest quality relationships with their children based on scoring. But the second highest quality scores were from very liberal parents, higher than conservative parents.

There are several characteristics of parents that have a greater reflection on the happiness of the children. Genetics plays a huge part and the study acknowledges as much. The quality of the spousal relationship, income, education, they all play a powerful role.

This study is merely misrepresenting some of the data and skewing other parts of the data. Feeding you what you want to hear.

Above is the "study". What I am saying is that the Institute for Family Studies is highly biased, and most importantly, they endorse bad science.

But in regards to your question, are you saying leftist's kids are happier. No, but the study bears that out. I direct you to page 16 of the pdf file. Yes, very conservative parents have the highest quality relationships with their children based on scoring. But the second highest quality scores were from very liberal parents, higher than conservative parents.

There are several characteristics of parents that have a greater reflection on the happiness of the children. Genetics plays a huge part and the study acknowledges as much. The quality of the spousal relationship, income, education, they all play a powerful role.

This study is merely misrepresenting some of the data and skewing other parts of the data. Feeding you what you want to hear.
LOL....More like feeding on what is obvious to anyone that is sane.
LOL....More like feeding on what is obvious to anyone that is sane.
What is obvious is precisely what I said. You see what you want to see, confirmation bias. Look, if the political ideology of the parents was an important factor, then it would be "to scale". Highly conservative parents would have the highest "scores", followed by conservative parents, then moderates, then liberals, and very liberal parents would have the lowest scores. But instead, the two extreme positions rank one and two.

The study also pointed out the least mentally healthy were non-Hispanic whites, the most mentally healthy, blacks. Do you agree with that as well?

And the numbers don't chive. Over six thousand parents responded, a little over fifteen hundred kids? WTF, four parents for every kid that responded? Let's walk through how that works using the data presented.

1. Very conservative parent, answers survey, tells his child he better fill out his part of the survey and he damn sure better say that he is happy. Conservative parent answers survey questions like he thinks he is supposed to, sure he shows his kids affection, hugs them all the time. Truth is he is not a hugger, and avoids displays of affection, to not only his children, but his spouse. He checks his kid's answers, changes them when necessary, once again, so that he looks good.

2. A moderate parent and a conservative parent fill out the survey, they ask their kid to, but hell, he is too busy playing Fortnite and doesn't give a fat rat's ass. There is no follow through. Parental responses go in, no response from the kids. No follow through. Multiply this scenario times two.

3. Liberal parent fills out the survey. They want to look good too, so they filter their answers. They don't even bother asking the kids to fill out the survey. To busy trying to be their kid's friend rather than a parent. Multiply this scenario times two.

So, now we got seven parents and one child respondent.

4. Very liberal parent and his child answers survey together. They answer honestly, and the parent sees it as a learning and bonding experience. Although some of his child's answers cut him to the core, he seeks to make improvements.

There, you have eight parental responses and two child responses, matches the numbers perfectly, and the scenarios I have laid out also accurately reflect the results.
I know we all already know this but I thought I'd post it anyway. ;)

Adolescents who have “very conservative” parents are 16 to 17 percent more likely to have good or excellent mental health compared to teenagers with liberal parents, according to new research by Gallup.

The fascinating finding was made in June 2023 and features in a comprehensive report published last month by the independent, non-partisan Institute for Family Studies (IFS).

“Only 55% of adolescents of liberal parents reported good or excellent mental health compared to 77% of those with conservative or very conservative parents,” the IFS report explains.

The report, authored by Gallup economist and Brookings Institute senior fellow Jonathan Rothwell, concludes that conservative and very conservative parents were the “most likely to adopt the parenting practices associated with adolescent mental health.”

In describing those practices, Rothwell spelt out that “conservative parents enjoy higher quality relationships with their children, characterized by fewer arguments, more warmth, and a stronger bond, according to both parent and child reporting.”

“This relationship between conservativism and parenting remains significant even after controlling for an extensive list of parental demographic and socio-economic measures,” he explains, confirming that the study’s outcomes were consistent regardless of race, ethnicity, household income, education or the sex of the parent.

Turns out that it's better to be poor right-leaner than a rich leftist.....Just look at the kids of Hollywood liberals.

I don’t see too many kids raised with a good/involved mom and dad that were themselves taught to respect others and who passed that on to their children have kids who wonder what gender they are or ponder if they should shoot up their school or not.

BTW.....I prefer the term right-leaning over "conservative" as I don't think there is such a thing anymore.
maybe the kids are just scared to tell anyone differently

hey 1srelluc where is that post where you went all interdimensionally metaphysical ?

and i guess i need one of these usmb philosophy majors to explain to me whether physics is the opposite of metaphysics or a subset?
  • Overall, we rate the Institute for Family Studies (IFS) right biased based on story selection that favors conservative causes and Mixed for factual reporting based on the endorsement of poor science.
thanks for confirming its true,,
What is obvious is precisely what I said. You see what you want to see, confirmation bias. Look, if the political ideology of the parents was an important factor, then it would be "to scale". Highly conservative parents would have the highest "scores", followed by conservative parents, then moderates, then liberals, and very liberal parents would have the lowest scores. But instead, the two extreme positions rank one and two.

The study also pointed out the least mentally healthy were non-Hispanic whites, the most mentally healthy, blacks. Do you agree with that as well?

And the numbers don't chive. Over six thousand parents responded, a little over fifteen hundred kids? WTF, four parents for every kid that responded? Let's walk through how that works using the data presented.

1. Very conservative parent, answers survey, tells his child he better fill out his part of the survey and he damn sure better say that he is happy. Conservative parent answers survey questions like he thinks he is supposed to, sure he shows his kids affection, hugs them all the time. Truth is he is not a hugger, and avoids displays of affection, to not only his children, but his spouse. He checks his kid's answers, changes them when necessary, once again, so that he looks good.

2. A moderate parent and a conservative parent fill out the survey, they ask their kid to, but hell, he is too busy playing Fortnite and doesn't give a fat rat's ass. There is no follow through. Parental responses go in, no response from the kids. No follow through. Multiply this scenario times two.

3. Liberal parent fills out the survey. They want to look good too, so they filter their answers. They don't even bother asking the kids to fill out the survey. To busy trying to be their kid's friend rather than a parent. Multiply this scenario times two.

So, now we got seven parents and one child respondent.

4. Very liberal parent and his child answers survey together. They answer honestly, and the parent sees it as a learning and bonding experience. Although some of his child's answers cut him to the core, he seeks to make improvements.

There, you have eight parental responses and two child responses, matches the numbers perfectly, and the scenarios I have laid out also accurately reflect the results.
its OK you wont have to live with your worthless children your whole life,,
Conservative parents tend to live more in reality. And aren't held hostage by "feelings" which are fickle and ever changing. So knowing what the rules are gives kids more of sense of factual reality.
I know we all already know this but I thought I'd post it anyway. ;)

Adolescents who have “very conservative” parents are 16 to 17 percent more likely to have good or excellent mental health compared to teenagers with liberal parents, according to new research by Gallup.

The fascinating finding was made in June 2023 and features in a comprehensive report published last month by the independent, non-partisan Institute for Family Studies (IFS).

“Only 55% of adolescents of liberal parents reported good or excellent mental health compared to 77% of those with conservative or very conservative parents,” the IFS report explains.

The report, authored by Gallup economist and Brookings Institute senior fellow Jonathan Rothwell, concludes that conservative and very conservative parents were the “most likely to adopt the parenting practices associated with adolescent mental health.”

In describing those practices, Rothwell spelt out that “conservative parents enjoy higher quality relationships with their children, characterized by fewer arguments, more warmth, and a stronger bond, according to both parent and child reporting.”

“This relationship between conservativism and parenting remains significant even after controlling for an extensive list of parental demographic and socio-economic measures,” he explains, confirming that the study’s outcomes were consistent regardless of race, ethnicity, household income, education or the sex of the parent.

Turns out that it's better to be poor right-leaner than a rich leftist.....Just look at the kids of Hollywood liberals.

I don’t see too many kids raised with a good/involved mom and dad that were themselves taught to respect others and who passed that on to their children have kids who wonder what gender they are or ponder if they should shoot up their school or not.

BTW.....I prefer the term right-leaning over "conservative" as I don't think there is such a thing anymore.
Interesting hogwash you posted there
I know we all already know this but I thought I'd post it anyway. ;)

Adolescents who have “very conservative” parents are 16 to 17 percent more likely to have good or excellent mental health compared to teenagers with liberal parents, according to new research by Gallup.

The fascinating finding was made in June 2023 and features in a comprehensive report published last month by the independent, non-partisan Institute for Family Studies (IFS).

“Only 55% of adolescents of liberal parents reported good or excellent mental health compared to 77% of those with conservative or very conservative parents,” the IFS report explains.

The report, authored by Gallup economist and Brookings Institute senior fellow Jonathan Rothwell, concludes that conservative and very conservative parents were the “most likely to adopt the parenting practices associated with adolescent mental health.”

In describing those practices, Rothwell spelt out that “conservative parents enjoy higher quality relationships with their children, characterized by fewer arguments, more warmth, and a stronger bond, according to both parent and child reporting.”

“This relationship between conservativism and parenting remains significant even after controlling for an extensive list of parental demographic and socio-economic measures,” he explains, confirming that the study’s outcomes were consistent regardless of race, ethnicity, household income, education or the sex of the parent.

Turns out that it's better to be poor right-leaner than a rich leftist.....Just look at the kids of Hollywood liberals.

I don’t see too many kids raised with a good/involved mom and dad that were themselves taught to respect others and who passed that on to their children have kids who wonder what gender they are or ponder if they should shoot up their school or not.

BTW.....I prefer the term right-leaning over "conservative" as I don't think there is such a thing anymore.

They also have their genitals intact.
Would not surprise me. Being raised by emotional, weak, knee jerkers, longing for fear to run their lives, wouldnt do any child any good.
Would not surprise me. Being raised by emotional, weak, knee jerkers, longing for fear to run their lives, wouldnt do any child any good.
I bet the story a TDS ridden leftist single mom tells their kids (by three different fathers) is "if you don't drink your soy milk Keyser Soze Donald Trump will get you".....I sorta feel sorry for those poor kids.....Sorta. ;)
I know we all already know this but I thought I'd post it anyway. ;)

Adolescents who have “very conservative” parents are 16 to 17 percent more likely to have good or excellent mental health compared to teenagers with liberal parents, according to new research by Gallup.

The fascinating finding was made in June 2023 and features in a comprehensive report published last month by the independent, non-partisan Institute for Family Studies (IFS).

“Only 55% of adolescents of liberal parents reported good or excellent mental health compared to 77% of those with conservative or very conservative parents,” the IFS report explains.

The report, authored by Gallup economist and Brookings Institute senior fellow Jonathan Rothwell, concludes that conservative and very conservative parents were the “most likely to adopt the parenting practices associated with adolescent mental health.”

In describing those practices, Rothwell spelt out that “conservative parents enjoy higher quality relationships with their children, characterized by fewer arguments, more warmth, and a stronger bond, according to both parent and child reporting.”

“This relationship between conservativism and parenting remains significant even after controlling for an extensive list of parental demographic and socio-economic measures,” he explains, confirming that the study’s outcomes were consistent regardless of race, ethnicity, household income, education or the sex of the parent.

Turns out that it's better to be poor right-leaner than a rich leftist.....Just look at the kids of Hollywood liberals.

I don’t see too many kids raised with a good/involved mom and dad that were themselves taught to respect others and who passed that on to their children have kids who wonder what gender they are or ponder if they should shoot up their school or not.

BTW.....I prefer the term right-leaning over "conservative" as I don't think there is such a thing anymore.
The only thing missing is the poli-science description of what a liberal and conservative are.

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