Valerie Jarrett Throws Hillary Under the Bus on Email Scandal


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2014
Waiting on the Cowardly Dante!!
Breitbart ^
Obama White House senior adviser Valerie Jarrett threw Hillary Clinton under the bus Wednesday at the Washington Ideas Forum, where she told interviewer Andrea Mitchell that the White House gave Clinton guidance forbidding her from using private email. “Yes, there were. Yeah, absolutely,” Jarrett said when asked if the White House sent guidance to Cabinet secretaries about not using private email. “Obviously we want to make sure that we preserve all government records, and so there was guidance given that government business should be done on government emails and that if you did use a private email that it should...

A LAST MINUTE candidate, as they realize JoJo is just too much of a liability with his wandering hands, and women problem!

They hate Hillary. Warren is more to their liking and will be the one they promote. They don't like Joe or Bernie either.
Hillary and Obama have never liked each other.

2008 was Hilbats year to be POTUS and the DNC threw her under the bus and supported the black man.

I'd be willing to bet that their working relationship has never been easy and having those in Barry's administration do what they can to make Hilbat look bad doesn't surprise me at all.

Of course Hilbat deserves it as any idiot should know using private e-mails for work especially when you are the SOS is just plain stupid.
Man, the obamas and clintons are really going after each other.


Here is a question.

Why are liberal voters so stupid?
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Remember who was the first to say Hillary wasn't getting the nomination
Dems in total fucking shambles. Obama is riding the entire Democrat Party into the dirt. He's making a bigger mess of dems than he's made of the Middle East. His Malignant Narcissism won't allow him to ride off gracefully into the sunset like everyone before him.

Hillary is finished, Biden has a conflict the night of the first debate (girl scouts meeting), Gore wants to run! I fucking love it!!!!
Getting someone other than Clinton the Democratic nomination on his way out the door would be icing on the cake for Obama. He doesn't like her. She doesn't like him.
Dems in total fucking shambles. Obama is riding the entire Democrat Party into the dirt. He's making a bigger mess of dems than he's made of the Middle East. His Malignant Narcissism won't allow him to ride off gracefully into the sunset like everyone before him.

Hillary is finished, Biden has a conflict the night of the first debate (girl scouts meeting), Gore wants to run! I fucking love it!!!!
why are we hearing from this woman Jarret? We didn't elect her to anything. How is she in this sort of power? just like this woman with Clinton, Huma. both of these woman are Iranians and here they are in our government. Huma sitting at the UN.
why are we hearing from this woman Jarret? We didn't elect her to anything. How is she in this sort of power? just like this woman with Clinton, Huma. both of these woman are Iranians and here they are in our government. Huma sitting at the UN.

She's Obama's Master. She had Obama kill bin Laden so she could run Al Qaeda and ISIS
why are we hearing from this woman Jarret? We didn't elect her to anything. How is she in this sort of power? just like this woman with Clinton, Huma. both of these woman are Iranians and here they are in our government. Huma sitting at the UN.

Why????.....Here is your answer...look up the word Taquiia!

why are we hearing from this woman Jarret? We didn't elect her to anything. How is she in this sort of power? just like this woman with Clinton, Huma. both of these woman are Iranians and here they are in our government. Huma sitting at the UN.

She's Obama's Master. She had Obama kill bin Laden so she could run Al Qaeda and ISIS

I've always believed that. gawd knows how many IRANIANS are with her running our Government. Just look at EVERYTHING they've done in the Middle East and against Israel. this is Traitor and people used to be hung for it

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