VA Dems Want Last Minute Voting Rule Change

Dont Taz Me Bro

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Nov 17, 2009
Las Vegas, Nevada
The Fairfax County Democratic Board of Supervisors are wanting Governor Northam to change absentee ballot rules in an election in which early voting has already started. They claim it's because of COVID-19 despite the fact that cases have been on the decline. Coincidentally, their candidate for governor is also dropping in the polls and the race is now a toss up.

Virginia’s gubernatorial contest between Republican Glenn Youngkin and Democrat Terry McAuliffe clearly has supporters of the latter worried. Recent polls show a far tighter race than they expected. Consequently, it was all but inevitable that McAuliffe’s allies would attempt to meddle with election laws using public health as a pretext. Sure enough, the Democrat-dominated Fairfax Board of Supervisors has asked Gov. Ralph Northam to waive the witness signature requirement that Virginia law stipulates for all absentee ballots. Board Chairman Jeffrey McKay insists that the waiver is necessary due to the threat of COVID-19, yet cases are declining.

The Fairfax County Democratic Board of Supervisors are wanting Governor Northam to change absentee ballot rules in an election in which early voting has already started. They claim it's because of COVID-19 despite the fact that cases have been on the decline. Coincidentally, their candidate for governor is also dropping in the polls and the race is now a toss up.

Virginia’s gubernatorial contest between Republican Glenn Youngkin and Democrat Terry McAuliffe clearly has supporters of the latter worried. Recent polls show a far tighter race than they expected. Consequently, it was all but inevitable that McAuliffe’s allies would attempt to meddle with election laws using public health as a pretext. Sure enough, the Democrat-dominated Fairfax Board of Supervisors has asked Gov. Ralph Northam to waive the witness signature requirement that Virginia law stipulates for all absentee ballots. Board Chairman Jeffrey McKay insists that the waiver is necessary due to the threat of COVID-19, yet cases are declining.

this is the shit that needs to end.
The Fairfax County Democratic Board of Supervisors are wanting Governor Northam to change absentee ballot rules in an election in which early voting has already started. They claim it's because of COVID-19 despite the fact that cases have been on the decline. Coincidentally, their candidate for governor is also dropping in the polls and the race is now a toss up.

Virginia’s gubernatorial contest between Republican Glenn Youngkin and Democrat Terry McAuliffe clearly has supporters of the latter worried. Recent polls show a far tighter race than they expected. Consequently, it was all but inevitable that McAuliffe’s allies would attempt to meddle with election laws using public health as a pretext. Sure enough, the Democrat-dominated Fairfax Board of Supervisors has asked Gov. Ralph Northam to waive the witness signature requirement that Virginia law stipulates for all absentee ballots. Board Chairman Jeffrey McKay insists that the waiver is necessary due to the threat of COVID-19, yet cases are declining.

Exactly what they did to Trump... Same BS playbook.
The Fairfax County Democratic Board of Supervisors are wanting Governor Northam to change absentee ballot rules in an election in which early voting has already started. They claim it's because of COVID-19 despite the fact that cases have been on the decline. Coincidentally, their candidate for governor is also dropping in the polls and the race is now a toss up.

Virginia’s gubernatorial contest between Republican Glenn Youngkin and Democrat Terry McAuliffe clearly has supporters of the latter worried. Recent polls show a far tighter race than they expected. Consequently, it was all but inevitable that McAuliffe’s allies would attempt to meddle with election laws using public health as a pretext. Sure enough, the Democrat-dominated Fairfax Board of Supervisors has asked Gov. Ralph Northam to waive the witness signature requirement that Virginia law stipulates for all absentee ballots. Board Chairman Jeffrey McKay insists that the waiver is necessary due to the threat of COVID-19, yet cases are declining.

It worked extremely well for them in the last election....

The Democrats keep saying that the Republicans are destroying our "democracy".

The Democrat Cult's Voter Fraud and Ballot Rigging crimes destroys our democracy.

Abuses of power like Obama using the IRS, DOJ and FBI as political weapons destroys our democracy.

Republicans Are 'Actively' Destroying Democracy, Says ...

U.S. Republican Party GOP Donald Trump Liz Cheney. A former top adviser to former Vice President Mike Pence has said that Republicans are "actively" destroying democracy in the nation. In an ...


The Democrats keep saying that the Republicans are destroying our "democracy".

The Democrat Cult's Voter Fraud and Ballot Rigging crimes destroys our democracy.

Abuses of power like Obama using the IRS, DOJ and FBI as political weapons destroys our democracy.

Republicans Are 'Actively' Destroying Democracy, Says ...

U.S. Republican Party GOP Donald Trump Liz Cheney. A former top adviser to former Vice President Mike Pence has said that Republicans are "actively" destroying democracy in the nation. In an ...

The Lame Stream media is dutifully printing the propaganda the dems want...
Gracie posted a thread about the Va democrats doing a last minute change prior to the Nov 2020 election to benefit their candidate, which a judge ruled was illegal. So, here they are again trying to cheat again with a slightly different means. I'm not up on whatever the Va legislature has done to tighten election laws since Nov, but these last minute requests could have been done months ago. The OP notes that COVID cases are declining so there's really no valid reason to do this except to permit more illegal ballots to be counted. IOW, they want to cheat.

A Virginia Circuit Court judge ruled that the state’s last-minute changes to election law allowing mail-in ballots to arrive late without a postmark were illegal.

"This is a big win for the Rule of Law," said Public Interest Legal Foundation President J. Christian Adams, who represented Frederick County electoral board member Thomas Reed in the case. "This consent decree gives Mr. Reed everything he requested — a permanent ban on accepting ballots without postmarks after Election Day and is a loss for the Virginia bureaucrats who said ballots could come in without these protections."

The case was over a Virginia Board of Elections rule issued in August that allowed mail-in ballots without a postmark to be received up to three days after the November election.

The new Virginia Board of Elections rule notified county election boards that any ballots "received by the general registrar's office by noon on the third day after the election ... but does not have a postmark, or the postmark is missing or illegible" should not be rendered invalid. The elections board decided a week later that those ballots should be counted.

The PILF filed a lawsuit against the board of elections in October on behalf of Reed, who said that he could not enforce the new rules because they were a violation of state law.

Virginia law states that “any absentee ballot returned to the general registrar after the closing of the polls on election day but before noon on the third day after the election and postmarked on or before the date of the election shall be counted.”

The PILF argued that the language of the law clearly mandates a postmark, making the new rule unlawful.

The court agreed with Reed’s argument, granting a preliminary injunction that prevented the state from accepting or counting ballots without a postmark.

The latest ruling reinforces the earlier injunction, assuring that Virginia will not be able to make similar changes to future elections in the state without adequate changes in current law.
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We need to develop a voting technology that just goes into your brain and pulls out who you want to vote for.

No effort needed at all.
asked Gov. Ralph Northam to waive the witness signature requirement that Virginia law stipulates for all absentee ballots
They don't even try being subtle any longer. This ploy and MUCH worse would be part of HR1, should it ever pass. I don't give a good damn who admits that 2020 was fraudulent. IF they do it again, this nation should burn.
The Fairfax County Democratic Board of Supervisors are wanting Governor Northam to change absentee ballot rules in an election in which early voting has already started. They claim it's because of COVID-19 despite the fact that cases have been on the decline. Coincidentally, their candidate for governor is also dropping in the polls and the race is now a toss up.

Virginia’s gubernatorial contest between Republican Glenn Youngkin and Democrat Terry McAuliffe clearly has supporters of the latter worried. Recent polls show a far tighter race than they expected. Consequently, it was all but inevitable that McAuliffe’s allies would attempt to meddle with election laws using public health as a pretext. Sure enough, the Democrat-dominated Fairfax Board of Supervisors has asked Gov. Ralph Northam to waive the witness signature requirement that Virginia law stipulates for all absentee ballots. Board Chairman Jeffrey McKay insists that the waiver is necessary due to the threat of COVID-19, yet cases are declining.

I'm surprised? .... not.
VA law and state Constitution forbids this. FORBIDS IT! Cheating Dems are trying to steal another election. Absentee ballots MUST by law include the last 4 digits of the voters SS# to ensure the integrity of the election. I think we all know why cheating Dems want a waiver. So thousands of magic ballots can suddenly appear in the middle of the night with no identification. By some coincidence they all voted Dem.
We need to develop a voting technology that just goes into your brain and pulls out who you want to vote for.

No effort needed at all.
Eye scans. They are the unique windows of the brain. And in-person votes only. Because out of sight certain populations go out of their minds with cheating on it.
kkk northam.jpg
Democrats don't want anything that isn't good for them so consider any request they make to be bad for everyone else. Country, society, Americans, our economy, none of those things matter to them as long they stay in power. The country and it's people are just tools to be used to gain control, even the rules mean nothing to them. They would ruin the country if they had to just to stay in power.

Everytime they do shit like this a stolen election seems a little more plausible. Because really, who wants to hanges voting laws at the 11th hour unless they are rigging the game?
I would expect all sorts of cheating attempts from the Dems. McAuliffe is sinking like a rock and already hired a lawyer specializing in contesting election results. Shows that Virginia Dems are in full panic mode.

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