USMB Moderation Staff Approves 4 New Moderators.

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Welcome WinterBorn and MDK to Mod Staff.. We're staging them in to give adequate time to ask questions and get their bearings. There's more to this volunteer job than is apparent. In about 2 to 3 weeks we'll be bringing on MeBelle and KatSteve2012 as well..

Play nice with them.. They've done nothing to you yet... :biggrin: We're excited to do this staff expansion.. More hands is always good when there are no set schedules or hours.. There's no downside to having 10 active USMB moderators..

Oh, you must be Liberals stacking the Court like that.

If we were stacking a court -- we'd pick an odd number and look for flamey partisans... :rolleyes:
I will not serve if called upon.

Just saying.
So...where is the hispanic in this diverse selection of new mods?
Couple of whites, one asian, one gay male, one anti-white black guy, an italian. No hispanics, no India indians. Can ya swap out the angry black guy for a brown person?

Sorry...but I remember katsteve now. Not thrilled.

US Message Board
Where Your Voices Count.

So far...will our voices be counted in this? Hell, why not appoint IM2 or Paul or Asc while yer at it? :26:
So...where is the hispanic in this diverse selection of new mods?
Couple of whites, one asian, one gay male, one anti-white black guy, an italian. No hispanics, no India indians. Can ya swap out the angry black guy for a brown person?

Sorry...but I remember katsteve now. Not thrilled.

US Message Board
Where Your Voices Count.

So far...will our voices be counted in this? Hell, why not appoint IM2 or Paul or Asc while yer at it? :26:

Katsteve? Not sure about that one. ....

A very reasonable, rational person.
Um hm. To you maybe.
He's too much like the angry black guys here, in my opinion. Lets see if the title he gets goes to his head or if it will mellow him out. I'm guessing the former.
This is a message to us that the black privilege already in action here will now be official policy.
Thread might be swept, then locked, because sometimes our voices are NOT heard.

Maybe BLM is now the fav of owners and they want to make it a blm board.

Speaking of, who chooses mods? The other mods with votes? Or the head honchos and head honcho mods choose? Just curious. Asking for a friend, because that last one you chose....BAD choice in my not so humble opinion. And its not racist on my part. Dude is just an angry guy that happens to have black skin.
This is a message to us that the black privilege already in action here will now be official policy.

I looked through his posts, mainly because I just can't recall ever seeing him participate on the board, but I didn't see anything that indicated that he carried himself like some of those other guys who sit around race baiting and shit stirring all day. Anything I saw that was out of form tended to be a response in the same tenor everybody else was throwing around.

He's probably gonna get an undeserved bad rap because of the way the other guys carry themselves, which isn't very fair. Give him a chance. It's not like anyone else couldn't have volunteered, it was an open thread inviting people to do so. Actually, it's a really good example of why more people should run for local office. Because if you don't, someone else will. Usually an AOC type, if trends are of any significance. And then everybody sits around complaining about AOC, when they could have ran against her.

It's good practice to maintain a diverse moderation team. I say diverse in the traditional sense of the term here. I'm pretty sure they check each other anyway, and they have a mod lounge, so. At least, they should. It's not like a rogue mod stands much of a chance at being rogue.
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Welcome WinterBorn and MDK to Mod Staff.. We're staging them in to give adequate time to ask questions and get their bearings. There's more to this volunteer job than is apparent. In about 2 to 3 weeks we'll be bringing on MeBelle and KatSteve2012 as well..

Play nice with them.. They've done nothing to you yet... :biggrin: We're excited to do this staff expansion.. More hands is always good when there are no set schedules or hours.. There's no downside to having 10 active USMB moderators..

No, Mal?!!

OMG! What's it gonna take?

Who does Kamala have to blow around here to make Mal a mod?
Welcome WinterBorn and MDK to Mod Staff.. We're staging them in to give adequate time to ask questions and get their bearings. There's more to this volunteer job than is apparent. In about 2 to 3 weeks we'll be bringing on MeBelle and KatSteve2012 as well..

Play nice with them.. They've done nothing to you yet... :biggrin: We're excited to do this staff expansion.. More hands is always good when there are no set schedules or hours.. There's no downside to having 10 active USMB moderators..

Oh, you must be Liberals stacking the Court like that.

If we were stacking a court -- we'd pick an odd number and look for flamey partisans... :rolleyes:
I will not serve if called upon.

Just saying.

Yes you will. Or the Dog gets it.
It's not like anyone else couldn't have volunteered, it was an open thread inviting people to do so.
Open thread asking for mods? Funny that I didn't see that. And people have volunteered before thru pm, but as far as I know...none were nominated. The mods know the personalities of all here and the ones they think would be good as mods, THEY invite them, not the other way around.
It's good practice to maintain a diverse moderation team. I say diverse in the traditional sense of the term here.
Then for diversity, why not SunniMan? He's muslim.
That's just an example.
Having someone that is angry all the time and sees whites as pondscum, and being part of the Angry Black Man group as besties...well.
It's good practice to maintain a diverse moderation team. I say diverse in the traditional sense of the term here.
Then for diversity, why not SunniMan? He's muslim.
That's just an example.
Having someone that is angry all the time and sees whites as pondscum, and being part of the Angry Black Man group as besties...well.

And having a strong Lincoln Project Promoter probably would discount me as well. But then again, I think that anyone promoting the Party of the Rump or the Left end of the Democrat Party should also be disqualified. Read my Tag.
Love Mebelle!
Adore MDK
Always liked Winterborn
Katsteve? Not sure about that one. Unless I have him mixed up with someone I don't have him mixed up with someone else...well....
None of them are on my ignore they're all cool.....especially MeBelle.
Two are good will get eaten alive...and one I've never even heard of until this thread
:cool: Don't forget we've been pre-warned to go easy, even on the
potentially unqualified. Has 10 years of on the job training served the current mods well ?

We're getting so old now that some of us think this a brand new job every day we log in.. Haven't "seen it all" EVER -- when you moderate a message board..
Two are good will get eaten alive...and one I've never even heard of until this thread
:cool: Don't forget we've been pre-warned to go easy, even on the
potentially unqualified. Has 10 years of on the job training served the current mods well ?

We're getting so old now that some of us think this a brand new job every day we log in.. Haven't "seen it all" EVER -- when you moderate a message board..

I feel sorry for all the moderators especially when dealing with me...

I am not joking either...
I thought the trend was to DeFund Authority....not add more. sheesh

Yeah....One choice is ok....the other....OMG
You would think one good robot could handle it right ?

Soon.. Rules are too simple for humans.. You guys prove that every day !!! Actually -- we already have a "robo-mod".. It's got the IQ of house finch and only handles a few things.
Two are good will get eaten alive...and one I've never even heard of until this thread
:cool: Don't forget we've been pre-warned to go easy, even on the
potentially unqualified. Has 10 years of on the job training served the current mods well ?

We're getting so old now that some of us think this a brand new job every day we log in.. Haven't "seen it all" EVER -- when you moderate a message board..

Mmmmmmm, New Meat. Is Dinner Served? :cul2:
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