USMB Coffee Shop IV

I'm back! Surgery went well although they couldn't get a spinal to take and had to put me full under. Took me three days to get over the scratchy throat. Hip doesn't hurt any more but is stiff, guess I'll have to break in the new equipment. There's a fair amount of swelling and stiffness but those muscles and tendons were not meant to be mauled they way they have been. Might take a bit to heal up. I wish I could convince my pocket pooch not to sleep on that knee because she causes it to flex backwards, which is NOT helpful at all.
My brother is hear again and I am so glad to have him. I am far from able to do for myself and if not completely pleased with all he has to do, he puts on a good face. One of the cats has had a rough night and there are at least three messes to clean up and I can't bend more than 90 degrees at the waist. We've planned a healthy menu and he's a great cook. No beer allowed, of course, so I'm thinking I might just lose a few pounds.
At any rate, I'm back and glad to visit with all my CS friends again. I hope you all are doing as well as you are able.
Gallantwarrior so happy to see you back in the coffee shop. I was thinking aboit where you might be just yesterday. Welcome back, and prayers up for your complete recovery. Pardon any typos i make. Im trying to get used to usmb on my cell phone. My fiance hates me being on the computer and i dont know how to connect it back up. So, its typo city here <giggle>
Tough titty for your fiance. You did just fine on your own without some asshole trying to control you...or your money for HIS family. Red flags waving all over the place with that. You should tell him you have to rethink just how compatible you two are...or aren't and he needs to go while you sort things out. Then let him stay wherever he goes and wash your hands of him. You'f dealt with enough. All of us have.
And his snipping at you? Someone in love does NOT do or say those things. He wants control. Show him yours and use your doormat teeth to take a bite or three out of him when he does it again. Then tell him if it continues..he can haul his sorry ass out of your house.
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I'm back! Surgery went well although they couldn't get a spinal to take and had to put me full under. Took me three days to get over the scratchy throat. Hip doesn't hurt any more but is stiff, guess I'll have to break in the new equipment. There's a fair amount of swelling and stiffness but those muscles and tendons were not meant to be mauled they way they have been. Might take a bit to heal up. I wish I could convince my pocket pooch not to sleep on that knee because she causes it to flex backwards, which is NOT helpful at all.
My brother is hear again and I am so glad to have him. I am far from able to do for myself and if not completely pleased with all he has to do, he puts on a good face. One of the cats has had a rough night and there are at least three messes to clean up and I can't bend more than 90 degrees at the waist. We've planned a healthy menu and he's a great cook. No beer allowed, of course, so I'm thinking I might just lose a few pounds.
At any rate, I'm back and glad to visit with all my CS friends again. I hope you all are doing as well as you are able.

You've been in my prayers every night GW and happy to hear things are going so well. Sorry that they would be so much better without your difficult partner. I'll keep you on the list until you have fully rehabilitated. :)
Saw the light in the window Foxfyre and popped in.
Over here in Gods country things are pretty good atm, plenty of work... that means I’m paying lots of tax to keep our immigrants in luxury.The weather here is breathtakingly good for this time of year, the equinox is coming in a few days then it’s going to go downhill fast.
Over the weekend I popped in to see my two little grandsons, it was the youngest birthday so I slipped him a wad in the birthday card envelope.
They both have enough toys n stuff, what can you possibly buy kids today? They have everything.
As for me I’m quite chipper, my new MTB is coming on the Thursday so that means I’ll pick my new bike up over the weekend. I’m hyper as you can tell?
Hope you slipper wearers have had a good weekend too!
Always interesting to get news from the other side of the pond, Roy. How old are you grandsons?
My grandsons are 5 and 3 years old :)
And you already slip them loot? Greedy little buggers nowadays, aren't they. My granddaughters were mercenary at an early age, too.
My eldest grandson.... he will come to the door as his father unlocks it and inspect everything I have...”what have you got me granddad?”
My son shoos him away saying “don’t be so nosey”
I was just popping round to give my son a heavy bike lock anchor, but my grandson had to inspect it just in case it was for him. :)
He’s lovely, :)
But! My grandson and I get on famously, because I know what makes him tick now. He loves my company and will hug me for a long time when i say I have to go.
What makes him tick is “treasure” he has a wooden treasure box his dad made him, inside is every bit of coloured pebble, Fossil, fossil resin, shining foreign coins, bits of feather, and dinosaur eggs, not real ones but egg shaped stones.
To be the best granddad I must comment on everything in his treasure chest, I usually say “can I have that one ?” To which he will quickly say “NO!”
With us playing for at least 20 minutes it gives his dad time to make a coffee from his new coffee maker. :)
Did some cleaning in the Garage last week. One of maybe twice a year I have more than one trash can out for collection. Because of the holiday weekend we had an extra day of trash and we decided to clean out the o;d venison from the freezer... It was at least 4 years old. Wouldn't you know they forgot to empty that container... I'm sure the neighbors are appreciating the stench by now...
That's the kind of donation a sled team owner appreciates. Lots of people "gift" their freezer-burnt meat and fish to sled team owners.
Could have dumped it in the river I suppose...
Fish would eat it, I suppose, just unwrap it first.
Of course...
Good night darlinks. I really do love you guys. May the Coffee Shop always be a virtual family for those who need or enjoy one here. Meanwhile we pray or send positive vibes or keep vigil for:

Harper, the inspiration for the vigil list.
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
Montrovant for continued progress in his transition.
Kat for wellness
JustAnotherNut for wellness
Mindful and healing for her shoulder.
Good results for Nosmo King 's step nephew dealing with difficult surgeries.
Beautress for wellness.
007 and his mom and family for comfort and peace.
Corazon for wellness.
Gracie and Mr. G. for strength & sufficient help in their current move.
For gallantwarrior for continued healing & successful rehab and, as a bonus, the partner goes away.
For Kat & Ernie S. still dealing with the aftermath of Sally & for those dealing with flooding from the current storm coming on shore tonight in the western Gulf.

And we keep the light on so others who have been away can find their way back and we hope they do.

Overnight & tomorrow is the Autumn Equinox in the northern hemisphere. Night and Day are pretty much of equal length as the sun moves south of the Equator. And we can all soon begin posting the beautiful fall colors.
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On my last visit to my grandsons I gave them each commemorative coins, 5 each.
They were in their plastic protective envelopes, of course my eldest grandson wanted to take them out and handle them but his dad stopped him... i overruled his dad and said “ let him handle them and you can put them back in later”
To a 5 year old little boy I was immediately elevated into his special granddad status.... I know how my grandson ticks.


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Saw the light in the window Foxfyre and popped in.
Over here in Gods country things are pretty good atm, plenty of work... that means I’m paying lots of tax to keep our immigrants in luxury.The weather here is breathtakingly good for this time of year, the equinox is coming in a few days then it’s going to go downhill fast.
Over the weekend I popped in to see my two little grandsons, it was the youngest birthday so I slipped him a wad in the birthday card envelope.
They both have enough toys n stuff, what can you possibly buy kids today? They have everything.
As for me I’m quite chipper, my new MTB is coming on the Thursday so that means I’ll pick my new bike up over the weekend. I’m hyper as you can tell?
Hope you slipper wearers have had a good weekend too!
Always interesting to get news from the other side of the pond, Roy. How old are you grandsons?
My grandsons are 5 and 3 years old :)
And you already slip them loot? Greedy little buggers nowadays, aren't they. My granddaughters were mercenary at an early age, too.
My eldest grandson.... he will come to the door as his father unlocks it and inspect everything I have...”what have you got me granddad?”
My son shoos him away saying “don’t be so nosey”
I was just popping round to give my son a heavy bike lock anchor, but my grandson had to inspect it just in case it was for him. :)
He’s lovely, :)
But! My grandson and I get on famously, because I know what makes him tick now. He loves my company and will hug me for a long time when i say I have to go.
What makes him tick is “treasure” he has a wooden treasure box his dad made him, inside is every bit of coloured pebble, Fossil, fossil resin, shining foreign coins, bits of feather, and dinosaur eggs, not real ones but egg shaped stones.
To be the best granddad I must comment on everything in his treasure chest, I usually say “can I have that one ?” To which he will quickly say “NO!”
With us playing for at least 20 minutes it gives his dad time to make a coffee from his new coffee maker. :)
I always liked those shared "treasure" moments best. With two granddaughters the treasures shared were a bit different. The older one was always enamoured of the latest bits of fashion frills she had obtained. The younger one usually had at least one new pet, sometimes live but often just the stuffed variety. Hard to believe that they are both beautiful young women now, the oldest should have started university this Fall. Worse is, they are of an age that they could very well introduce me to great-grandparenthood! Enjoy those little fellows 'cause they sure don't stay that way long. Fortunately, they are new, delightful people at every turn.
Update on the former partner situation: I filed for both temporary and permanent restraining orders yesterday and the temp has been granted with a hearing set for the permanent. He's been working on this for a long time now but two preciptating events specifically broke the camel's back. First, I asked him to go home to his place in Anchorage to allow me less stress so I can heal and recuperate. He refused but finally left on HIS terms, forcing me to tolerate his ugliness for the first few days post-op. Then, yesterday, he had a hearing on the DV case that occurred back in Feb (?). I found out that he hasn't answered and of the three other summons to appear and is now facing a bench warrant for his arrest for failure to appear. He seems to believe that if he stonewalls the court like he's stonewalled me all these years, the case will be dismissed. BAD mistake.
Update on the former partner situation: I filed for both temporary and permanent restraining orders yesterday and the temp has been granted with a hearing set for the permanent. He's been working on this for a long time now but two preciptating events specifically broke the camel's back. First, I asked him to go home to his place in Anchorage to allow me less stress so I can heal and recuperate. He refused but finally left on HIS terms, forcing me to tolerate his ugliness for the first few days post-op. Then, yesterday, he had a hearing on the DV case that occurred back in Feb (?). I found out that he hasn't answered and of the three other summons to appear and is now facing a bench warrant for his arrest for failure to appear. He seems to believe that if he stonewalls the court like he's stonewalled me all these years, the case will be dismissed. BAD mistake.

Good for you GW and high time. But this guy sounds dangerous to me. Do you have a weapon that it is legal to use in Alaska should he decide to act on one or more of his threats?
Update on the former partner situation: I filed for both temporary and permanent restraining orders yesterday and the temp has been granted with a hearing set for the permanent. He's been working on this for a long time now but two preciptating events specifically broke the camel's back. First, I asked him to go home to his place in Anchorage to allow me less stress so I can heal and recuperate. He refused but finally left on HIS terms, forcing me to tolerate his ugliness for the first few days post-op. Then, yesterday, he had a hearing on the DV case that occurred back in Feb (?). I found out that he hasn't answered and of the three other summons to appear and is now facing a bench warrant for his arrest for failure to appear. He seems to believe that if he stonewalls the court like he's stonewalled me all these years, the case will be dismissed. BAD mistake.

Good for you GW and high time. But this guy sounds dangerous to me. Do you have a weapon that it is legal to use in Alaska should he decide to act on one or more of his threats?
I've been sleeping with one of my best friends since I came back from the hospital. A lot will depend on how desperate he feels, I guess.
Update on the former partner situation: I filed for both temporary and permanent restraining orders yesterday and the temp has been granted with a hearing set for the permanent. He's been working on this for a long time now but two preciptating events specifically broke the camel's back. First, I asked him to go home to his place in Anchorage to allow me less stress so I can heal and recuperate. He refused but finally left on HIS terms, forcing me to tolerate his ugliness for the first few days post-op. Then, yesterday, he had a hearing on the DV case that occurred back in Feb (?). I found out that he hasn't answered and of the three other summons to appear and is now facing a bench warrant for his arrest for failure to appear. He seems to believe that if he stonewalls the court like he's stonewalled me all these years, the case will be dismissed. BAD mistake.

Good for you GW and high time. But this guy sounds dangerous to me. Do you have a weapon that it is legal to use in Alaska should he decide to act on one or more of his threats?
I've been sleeping with one of my best friends since I came back from the hospital. A lot will depend on how desperate he feels, I guess.
Just shoot the fucker and say he attacked you?
You be very careful, GW. When your brother leaves, get someone to come stay with you until another sibling can arrive. And watch your critters, although I don't hink he will harm them since he is a big time animal lover albeit a lousy caretaker of them. But who knows what he will do to hurt you..physically or mentally. BE CAREFUL.

Meanwhile, today was wild and hard on my poor body and MrGs too. We got a lot moved on our own in my van. The big stuff goes tomorrow. Got the truck..its outside waiting to be loaded at 10am tomorrow. Then get it all unloaded within 2 hours, send the movers on their way, wait for Comcast to come rehook everything back up, go fetch Evie from being boarded at the vets, come back and start putting things wherever I can find room. Its a SMALL apartment, and I have too many pots and pans and STUFF. Gonna hafta cull some more. But so far, word has spread. The neighbor across from us brought over two pot holders as a welcome gift, and introduced herself and her little chihuahua named Sugar. She said everyone is talking about the "new folks" (us), and already know our names, lol. I remember two names. Carmela, and Judie. And Sugar of course. And the two managers Andrea and Jan. I met the maintenance man but I forgot his name. I think its Vincent. There are 120 units there brain is gonna get a work out.

I'm pooped. I would have rather have moved to Wyo where my friend lives, tho. But if anything happens to MrG, I'm off to Gallant Warriors. I think I will be a better roomie than his partner he's having such trouble with. But..that's if I can still move my body, lol. Hell, I might die before MrG for all I know.

Anyway...I'll be on later tonight/early morn as usual due to not able to sleep, but I will be MIA tomorrow until Comcast gets the internet going so don't worry if you don't see me for awhile after tonight.:love_ya4:
Hi all. Other than working around the house and working on my hobby items I've spent most of my online time on the traditional muzzleloading forum learning and having a little fun. Like with all human endeavors there are multiple schools of thought in this instance with the hard core authentics vs the more relaxed crowd. The hard cores idea is rigid, "if it can't be documented it didn't exist" vs the more relaxed "just because we only have a very few examples doesn't mean it didn't exist in other forms." This "discussion" is mostly related to flintlocks of the time particularly the (modern company) mass produced factory flintlocks vs the custom, hand built, very expensive ones.
I started a bit of a brush fire with a question concerning the historical accuracy of the modern built (Pendersoli) Kentucky Longrifle, a question I already knew the answer to......... Yeah, I'm a stinker....... :lol:
Update on the former partner situation: I filed for both temporary and permanent restraining orders yesterday and the temp has been granted with a hearing set for the permanent. He's been working on this for a long time now but two preciptating events specifically broke the camel's back. First, I asked him to go home to his place in Anchorage to allow me less stress so I can heal and recuperate. He refused but finally left on HIS terms, forcing me to tolerate his ugliness for the first few days post-op. Then, yesterday, he had a hearing on the DV case that occurred back in Feb (?). I found out that he hasn't answered and of the three other summons to appear and is now facing a bench warrant for his arrest for failure to appear. He seems to believe that if he stonewalls the court like he's stonewalled me all these years, the case will be dismissed. BAD mistake.

Good for you GW and high time. But this guy sounds dangerous to me. Do you have a weapon that it is legal to use in Alaska should he decide to act on one or more of his threats?
I've been sleeping with one of my best friends since I came back from the hospital. A lot will depend on how desperate he feels, I guess.
Just shoot the fucker and say he attacked you?
Believe me, I've been tempted...often.
You be very careful, GW. When your brother leaves, get someone to come stay with you until another sibling can arrive. And watch your critters, although I don't hink he will harm them since he is a big time animal lover albeit a lousy caretaker of them. But who knows what he will do to hurt you..physically or mentally. BE CAREFUL.

Meanwhile, today was wild and hard on my poor body and MrGs too. We got a lot moved on our own in my van. The big stuff goes tomorrow. Got the truck..its outside waiting to be loaded at 10am tomorrow. Then get it all unloaded within 2 hours, send the movers on their way, wait for Comcast to come rehook everything back up, go fetch Evie from being boarded at the vets, come back and start putting things wherever I can find room. Its a SMALL apartment, and I have too many pots and pans and STUFF. Gonna hafta cull some more. But so far, word has spread. The neighbor across from us brought over two pot holders as a welcome gift, and introduced herself and her little chihuahua named Sugar. She said everyone is talking about the "new folks" (us), and already know our names, lol. I remember two names. Carmela, and Judie. And Sugar of course. And the two managers Andrea and Jan. I met the maintenance man but I forgot his name. I think its Vincent. There are 120 units there brain is gonna get a work out.

I'm pooped. I would have rather have moved to Wyo where my friend lives, tho. But if anything happens to MrG, I'm off to Gallant Warriors. I think I will be a better roomie than his partner he's having such trouble with. But..that's if I can still move my body, lol. Hell, I might die before MrG for all I know.

Anyway...I'll be on later tonight/early morn as usual due to not able to sleep, but I will be MIA tomorrow until Comcast gets the internet going so don't worry if you don't see me for awhile after tonight.:love_ya4:
Seems like things are moving along for you, Gracie. And your description indicates that you might be moving into a nice community, not just another apartment. I'm sure you and MrG will settle in and be comfortable after the dust finally settles and may this one be the last for you guys. Of course, you are always welcome here.
On that front, my brother is toying with the idea of moving up here. Selling his place in Nevada and building a smaller place here. I'm thinking, depending on how things develop, I might look into building a one-story place, too. This is a nice cabin but the upstairs was ill-conceived but built before the ravages of age started becoming pronounced. Looking forward to being more interactive. Luvs ya Gracie.
Hi all. Other than working around the house and working on my hobby items I've spent most of my online time on the traditional muzzleloading forum learning and having a little fun. Like with all human endeavors there are multiple schools of thought in this instance with the hard core authentics vs the more relaxed crowd. The hard cores idea is rigid, "if it can't be documented it didn't exist" vs the more relaxed "just because we only have a very few examples doesn't mean it didn't exist in other forms." This "discussion" is mostly related to flintlocks of the time particularly the (modern company) mass produced factory flintlocks vs the custom, hand built, very expensive ones.
I started a bit of a brush fire with a question concerning the historical accuracy of the modern built (Pendersoli) Kentucky Longrifle, a question I already knew the answer to......... Yeah, I'm a stinker....... :lol:
Going to battle with an unarmed opponent (one lacking your knowledge and expertise) isn't really fair, is it?
Hi all. Other than working around the house and working on my hobby items I've spent most of my online time on the traditional muzzleloading forum learning and having a little fun. Like with all human endeavors there are multiple schools of thought in this instance with the hard core authentics vs the more relaxed crowd. The hard cores idea is rigid, "if it can't be documented it didn't exist" vs the more relaxed "just because we only have a very few examples doesn't mean it didn't exist in other forms." This "discussion" is mostly related to flintlocks of the time particularly the (modern company) mass produced factory flintlocks vs the custom, hand built, very expensive ones.
I started a bit of a brush fire with a question concerning the historical accuracy of the modern built (Pendersoli) Kentucky Longrifle, a question I already knew the answer to......... Yeah, I'm a stinker....... :lol:
Going to battle with an unarmed opponent (one lacking your knowledge and expertise) isn't really fair, is it?
I'm not opining in the thread, letting everyone else fight it out..........
Oh and I just finished my Kentucky Flintlock Pistol kit.
Kentucky pistol kit3.jpg
Hi all. Other than working around the house and working on my hobby items I've spent most of my online time on the traditional muzzleloading forum learning and having a little fun. Like with all human endeavors there are multiple schools of thought in this instance with the hard core authentics vs the more relaxed crowd. The hard cores idea is rigid, "if it can't be documented it didn't exist" vs the more relaxed "just because we only have a very few examples doesn't mean it didn't exist in other forms." This "discussion" is mostly related to flintlocks of the time particularly the (modern company) mass produced factory flintlocks vs the custom, hand built, very expensive ones.
I started a bit of a brush fire with a question concerning the historical accuracy of the modern built (Pendersoli) Kentucky Longrifle, a question I already knew the answer to......... Yeah, I'm a stinker....... :lol:
Going to battle with an unarmed opponent (one lacking your knowledge and expertise) isn't really fair, is it?
I'm not opining in the thread, letting everyone else fight it out..........
Oh and I just finished my Kentucky Flintlock Pistol kit.
View attachment 392094
.45 caliber. Nice job.


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