USMB Coffee Shop IV

Sitting at the airport in Honolulu... bumped off my flight home... just had my 4th cup of coffee... I should have stayed in bed...
I use to love to fly... not anymore... Where is buttplug?...
This post would be better with pics of the quilts, just sayin'. ;)
Thanks, boedicca, but this quilt & fiber artist's final attempt at photography was made in the mid 80's when my late husband and I were crossing the Golden Gate Bridge and breath-taking crystalline clouds were walking on little cats' feet into infinity, when I clicked a mind-pictured masterpiece with my camera. About a month later, my master work came back in the mail and showed ugly gray clouds framed by two metal sticks, ick!!! I have never used a camera in the forty-something years hence. :muahaha:
Sitting at the airport in Honolulu... bumped off my flight home... just had my 4th cup of coffee... I should have stayed in bed...
I use to love to fly... not anymore... Where is buttplug?...
Ohh, I'm sorry you will be late getting home. And I hope you get a flight upgrade, a safe and comfortable flight when your next flight carries you home. :thup:
Mulling over adjustments to the budget when I find out the two dental implants I have to have, including all the procedures involved, will be roughly 6 to 7k. I think about the old saw that it is better to be poor and happy than rich and miserable. How about a compromise with moderately rich and just moody?
We're discussing the spread of the Asian Joro Spider slowly moving westward from where they were first found in Georgia. They can get big but they're harmless and their webs can be 6 feet wide.

Someone brought up the Banana Spider which has been here in the US for a while and are venomous. Symptoms if bitten are: excess drooling, irregular heartbeat and prolonged, painful erections (priapism) in men.......

I had no idea my wife was a banana spider when we first met......... :eusa_whistle:
Big storm blowing through my area now. I got some decaf percolating on the gas stove and catching up on reading and listening to the storm outside. ☕ Just dropped by to say hello. 🙂
Keep a weather eye out. Our daughter on the west coast that NEVER gets severe weather got hail and tornado warnings this week. Has been a strange year for weather.
Well how the hell is everybody? Life goes on up nort' here in Wisconsin. Been 9 months since my triple bypass and feeling great. Did a complete 180 degree turn around on many life habits. Dropped the bad, started the good. Lost 42 pounds and keeping it off, and it's not even really a diet. I just cut out all the garbage processed food, sugar and seed oils, all which are highly toxic to the body. Working for me anyway.

Hope everyone here is good as well.

Been enjoying GETTR quite a bit. I'm "Pushrod" on there.

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