USMB Coffee Shop IV

What about "Island of Treasure" by Stevenson? AN awesome book for several generations in Russia. Have you seen Russian animated movie on this book? :)

No I haven't. I read the book as a youth--did a book report on it once--but so long ago I probably should read it again.

But on your other mention, we have "Doctor Zhivago" in our home movie collection and watched it again recently. An absolutely beautiful and well done movie but also disturbing and depressing. It isn't a movie I would watch when I want to lift my spirits. :)

It's a famous book and Pasternak, previously, a talented poet :)

But. There are a lot of books, films, opinions and so on about "Russia, which we lost", means before-revolution Russia. Both Pasternak and his hero, Dr. Zhivago - from "Intelligentsia", quite rich and educated people with a "free" profession... like Ayn Rand and so on... Offcourse, they had reason to be in depression, because Soviet Authorities made their life more poor, for make better life of another 200 million people in former Russian Empire... But as for me, I share the point of view of another Russian poet Nickolay Gumilev: "Me? I'm not intelligentsia! I have a profession!" So, I prefer positive mood to work and build own life, than depressive "searches of soul" of "intelligentsia" :)) Now they usually call men like me a "cotton jacket" :)))
Ayn Rand is one of my literary heroes! I actually buy her books and give them away to people who might be interested in her writing. I've read most of her writings, but especially value "Atlas Shrugged" and " The Fountainhead". Both are so appropriate to even this time.

She's a talented writer, asking many true questions, but I don't agree with her answers :) She propagated individualism - it's good, but her individualism based on default non-equality of people... I consider, non-equality between people might be only in target reaching process, not by rights of the birth or who are your friends or someone else. I agree with ideas of Fountainhead only because they building houses for people - and there are no meanings what they have in their heads, only result... But if heroes of Fountainhead weren't built houses, but were gathering postage-stamps or something else - it would be different situation. But how do you think - would it seriously change Ayn Rand ideas? :)
Ayn Rand saw that government control of ideas and creativity results in destruction of innovation. Why would anyone want to create new things if only government profited from their work?
People are not equal.
No I haven't. I read the book as a youth--did a book report on it once--but so long ago I probably should read it again.

But on your other mention, we have "Doctor Zhivago" in our home movie collection and watched it again recently. An absolutely beautiful and well done movie but also disturbing and depressing. It isn't a movie I would watch when I want to lift my spirits. :)

It's a famous book and Pasternak, previously, a talented poet :)

But. There are a lot of books, films, opinions and so on about "Russia, which we lost", means before-revolution Russia. Both Pasternak and his hero, Dr. Zhivago - from "Intelligentsia", quite rich and educated people with a "free" profession... like Ayn Rand and so on... Offcourse, they had reason to be in depression, because Soviet Authorities made their life more poor, for make better life of another 200 million people in former Russian Empire... But as for me, I share the point of view of another Russian poet Nickolay Gumilev: "Me? I'm not intelligentsia! I have a profession!" So, I prefer positive mood to work and build own life, than depressive "searches of soul" of "intelligentsia" :)) Now they usually call men like me a "cotton jacket" :)))
Ayn Rand is one of my literary heroes! I actually buy her books and give them away to people who might be interested in her writing. I've read most of her writings, but especially value "Atlas Shrugged" and " The Fountainhead". Both are so appropriate to even this time.

She's a talented writer, asking many true questions, but I don't agree with her answers :) She propagated individualism - it's good, but her individualism based on default non-equality of people... I consider, non-equality between people might be only in target reaching process, not by rights of the birth or who are your friends or someone else. I agree with ideas of Fountainhead only because they building houses for people - and there are no meanings what they have in their heads, only result... But if heroes of Fountainhead weren't built houses, but were gathering postage-stamps or something else - it would be different situation. But how do you think - would it seriously change Ayn Rand ideas? :)
Ayn Rand saw that government control of ideas and creativity results in destruction of innovation. Why would anyone want to create new things if only government profited from their work?
People are not equal.

People are different, but "weapon makes noble"! :) Maybe, not like in "Starship Troopers", but "Circular about Cook's Children" must not return back, at least in Russia...
It's a famous book and Pasternak, previously, a talented poet :)

But. There are a lot of books, films, opinions and so on about "Russia, which we lost", means before-revolution Russia. Both Pasternak and his hero, Dr. Zhivago - from "Intelligentsia", quite rich and educated people with a "free" profession... like Ayn Rand and so on... Offcourse, they had reason to be in depression, because Soviet Authorities made their life more poor, for make better life of another 200 million people in former Russian Empire... But as for me, I share the point of view of another Russian poet Nickolay Gumilev: "Me? I'm not intelligentsia! I have a profession!" So, I prefer positive mood to work and build own life, than depressive "searches of soul" of "intelligentsia" :)) Now they usually call men like me a "cotton jacket" :)))
Ayn Rand is one of my literary heroes! I actually buy her books and give them away to people who might be interested in her writing. I've read most of her writings, but especially value "Atlas Shrugged" and " The Fountainhead". Both are so appropriate to even this time.

She's a talented writer, asking many true questions, but I don't agree with her answers :) She propagated individualism - it's good, but her individualism based on default non-equality of people... I consider, non-equality between people might be only in target reaching process, not by rights of the birth or who are your friends or someone else. I agree with ideas of Fountainhead only because they building houses for people - and there are no meanings what they have in their heads, only result... But if heroes of Fountainhead weren't built houses, but were gathering postage-stamps or something else - it would be different situation. But how do you think - would it seriously change Ayn Rand ideas? :)
Ayn Rand saw that government control of ideas and creativity results in destruction of innovation. Why would anyone want to create new things if only government profited from their work?
People are not equal.

People are different, but "weapon makes noble"! :) Maybe, not like in "Starship Troopers", but "Circular about Cook's Children" must not return back, at least in Russia...
Are you a Heinlein fan, as well? Dude, you ROCK!!!
What about "Island of Treasure" by Stevenson? AN awesome book for several generations in Russia. Have you seen Russian animated movie on this book? :)

No I haven't. I read the book as a youth--did a book report on it once--but so long ago I probably should read it again.

But on your other mention, we have "Doctor Zhivago" in our home movie collection and watched it again recently. An absolutely beautiful and well done movie but also disturbing and depressing. It isn't a movie I would watch when I want to lift my spirits. :)

It's a famous book and Pasternak, previously, a talented poet :)

But. There are a lot of books, films, opinions and so on about "Russia, which we lost", means before-revolution Russia. Both Pasternak and his hero, Dr. Zhivago - from "Intelligentsia", quite rich and educated people with a "free" profession... like Ayn Rand and so on... Offcourse, they had reason to be in depression, because Soviet Authorities made their life more poor, for make better life of another 200 million people in former Russian Empire... But as for me, I share the point of view of another Russian poet Nickolay Gumilev: "Me? I'm not intelligentsia! I have a profession!" So, I prefer positive mood to work and build own life, than depressive "searches of soul" of "intelligentsia" :)) Now they usually call men like me a "cotton jacket" :)))
Ayn Rand is one of my literary heroes! I actually buy her books and give them away to people who might be interested in her writing. I've read most of her writings, but especially value "Atlas Shrugged" and " The Fountainhead". Both are so appropriate to even this time.

She's a talented writer, asking many true questions, but I don't agree with her answers :) She propagated individualism - it's good, but her individualism based on default non-equality of people... I consider, non-equality between people might be only in target reaching process, not by rights of the birth or who are your friends or someone else. I agree with ideas of Fountainhead only because they building houses for people - and there are no meanings what they have in their heads, only result... But if heroes of Fountainhead weren't built houses, but were gathering postage-stamps or something else - it would be different situation. But how do you think - would it seriously change Ayn Rand ideas? :)
Ayn Rand saw that government control of ideas and creativity results in destruction of innovation. Why would anyone want to create new things if only government profited from their work?

But there are no any full exclusive innovation in world, and cannot be! All inventors are just "Standing on the shoulders of giants". Why they have to earn exclusive profit from any new thing, consists of a work of many generation?
Ayn Rand is one of my literary heroes! I actually buy her books and give them away to people who might be interested in her writing. I've read most of her writings, but especially value "Atlas Shrugged" and " The Fountainhead". Both are so appropriate to even this time.

She's a talented writer, asking many true questions, but I don't agree with her answers :) She propagated individualism - it's good, but her individualism based on default non-equality of people... I consider, non-equality between people might be only in target reaching process, not by rights of the birth or who are your friends or someone else. I agree with ideas of Fountainhead only because they building houses for people - and there are no meanings what they have in their heads, only result... But if heroes of Fountainhead weren't built houses, but were gathering postage-stamps or something else - it would be different situation. But how do you think - would it seriously change Ayn Rand ideas? :)
Ayn Rand saw that government control of ideas and creativity results in destruction of innovation. Why would anyone want to create new things if only government profited from their work?
People are not equal.

People are different, but "weapon makes noble"! :) Maybe, not like in "Starship Troopers", but "Circular about Cook's Children" must not return back, at least in Russia...
Are you a Heinlein fan, as well? Dude, you ROCK!!!

Offcourse, yes :) Where else could I find any fine books to read, living on our Earth, a harsh mistress? :)
She's a talented writer, asking many true questions, but I don't agree with her answers :) She propagated individualism - it's good, but her individualism based on default non-equality of people... I consider, non-equality between people might be only in target reaching process, not by rights of the birth or who are your friends or someone else. I agree with ideas of Fountainhead only because they building houses for people - and there are no meanings what they have in their heads, only result... But if heroes of Fountainhead weren't built houses, but were gathering postage-stamps or something else - it would be different situation. But how do you think - would it seriously change Ayn Rand ideas? :)
Ayn Rand saw that government control of ideas and creativity results in destruction of innovation. Why would anyone want to create new things if only government profited from their work?
People are not equal.

People are different, but "weapon makes noble"! :) Maybe, not like in "Starship Troopers", but "Circular about Cook's Children" must not return back, at least in Russia...
Are you a Heinlein fan, as well? Dude, you ROCK!!!

Offcourse, yes :) Where else could I find any fine books to read, living on our Earth, a harsh mistress? :)
You rock! I love Heinlein. His later stuff was a bit...preachy, but most of it was too good. Have you read "Stranger in a Strange Land" or "I Will Fear No Evil"?
Good night darlinks. I really do love you guys.

And we continue to pray and/or send good vibes and/or positive thoughts and/or keep vigil for

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
Nosmo's mom,
Rod, GW's partner,
Kat's sister,
Sherry's Mom for treatment to be successful,
The Ringels in difficult transition
Dana, Foxfyre's friend recovering from heart transplant
Mr. and Mrs. Gracie in difficult transition
Mr. and Mrs. Peach174 for full recovery from setback,
Strength and stamina for gallantwarrior in his relocation project,
Ringel's injured shoulder and general wellness,
Drifter for the best job ever,
ricechickie for trouble free healing,
BigBlackDog for comfort and effective treatment,
NosmoKing's cold,

And for our students, job hunters, others in transition.

And the light is left on for Noomi, Freedombecki, Esthermoon, Sixfoot, and all others we hope are okay and will return to us.

Ayn Rand saw that government control of ideas and creativity results in destruction of innovation. Why would anyone want to create new things if only government profited from their work?
People are not equal.

People are different, but "weapon makes noble"! :) Maybe, not like in "Starship Troopers", but "Circular about Cook's Children" must not return back, at least in Russia...
Are you a Heinlein fan, as well? Dude, you ROCK!!!

Offcourse, yes :) Where else could I find any fine books to read, living on our Earth, a harsh mistress? :)
You rock! I love Heinlein. His later stuff was a bit...preachy, but most of it was too good. Have you read "Stranger in a Strange Land" or "I Will Fear No Evil"?

Oh, this books not so popular here, I haven't read them even... Btw, good idea for the next weekend, I'm starting to seek them at book shops :)
Good morning all. We got up to cold (25 degrees which is cold for us this winter), gray skies. The clouds are mostly covering the Sandias and we can't see Mount Taylor to the west. But though it looks like it could snow any minute, alas, no forecast for precipitation for us until Saturday if then. Where I'm looking at wintry precipitation is in south Texas--snow or ice in Houston? extending east into Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama where I'm sure they don't want it and other places in the east and northeast. Meanwhile our autumn that never ends continues. Closer to winter this week for a couple of days with highs in the low to mid 40's until the 50's return on Thursday.
I'm so frustrated now. The little one is supposed to be doing a Science Olympiad in school. According to the description we were given, the students who participate will do experiments, make things like lava volcanoes, basically it sounds like trying to do fun experimental stuff. She didn't get to go last week because it was supposed to be on Monday, and school ended up being cancelled because icy roads was a possibility. This week, since school was off for MLK day, she is supposed to do her first day of the Science Olympiad practice today. However, my employer just called to tell me after-school activities have been cancelled. It isn't even supposed to reach freezing temps until 10PM or so! :mad:

I'm going to have to do something fun with the little one, she's going to be very disappointed. She was looking forward to starting her new activity. I don't know who makes these sorts of decisions, but they are overly-cautious asses.
Been working on making my own stencils..freehand. Good thing I have pics to refresh my memory. I don't have any of my painting supplies any more, since we had to move and everything got sold or lost between moving around, sleeping in the van, southern calif to northern calif. So...starting from scratch again. I am using manila file folders for the stencil making. It's thick enough to give me a rough outline instead of freehanding on the projects I want to start working on cuz doing freehand is a pita. Once you fuck up...its fucked up!

Anyway..I got some birds done and a few other outlinings I want to do, plus I am slowly working on this dresser. Its hard, cuz there is no room in my room and no place to do it outside with this cold weather. So..the drawers are still outside and the frame is sitting in my way in my bedroom, but..I'm doing it. Carefully. I wish I had room here. We are paying 600 bucks a month and we have to cram ourselves in this room with all of housemates crap as well. But, beggars can't be choosers. And, I seem to have a following now. I guess mountain people like what I do as much as beach people. Someone already asked me if I could paint their front door with a folk art feel to it and another person wants a custom dresser done. Don't know if I will do that one or not. Doing custom stuff is scarey because it puts pressure on me. And I ain't doing this to be stressed out. I'm doing it for the money!

Anyway..I was browsing around and found an old angelfire page I put up quite a few years some of the stuff you have already seen, some maybe not. Its nice to know its all still there although I have no clue what the password is to take any down or add new stuff. Thought I'd share. :) (Some of the stencils I no longer have are in the the pics in the I am copying them to my manila file folder thingy. Stencils I use cost 17 to 29 bucks each. Who can afford that shit???)

The Gallery

Gracie, I just now ran through the gallery--just now saw the link--and those pieces you have done are awesome. Absolutely magnificently beautiful. I can see why people would want to commission your work. I can also understand how you prefer to just do your own thing and then sell it to somebody who likes it too.
I'm so frustrated now. The little one is supposed to be doing a Science Olympiad in school. According to the description we were given, the students who participate will do experiments, make things like lava volcanoes, basically it sounds like trying to do fun experimental stuff. She didn't get to go last week because it was supposed to be on Monday, and school ended up being cancelled because icy roads was a possibility. This week, since school was off for MLK day, she is supposed to do her first day of the Science Olympiad practice today. However, my employer just called to tell me after-school activities have been cancelled. It isn't even supposed to reach freezing temps until 10PM or so! :mad:

I'm going to have to do something fun with the little one, she's going to be very disappointed. She was looking forward to starting her new activity. I don't know who makes these sorts of decisions, but they are overly-cautious asses.

I know how frustrating it is, but I also understand that the folks in the deep south are not equipped to deal with any kind of severe winter weather. It even causes problems here in Albuquerque in a mountain state and if there is any visible snow anywhere, there will be a two hour delay in all the schools and many businesses and events if they aren't cancelled outright. But when we lived in Kansas or when I went to school in Santa Fe (considerably higher altitude than Albuquerque) they MIGHT delay or even cancel school if there was a foot of snow on the streets and the snowplows were stuck in a drift. Otherwise it was pretty much business as usual. I don't ever remember a snow day when I was in school and in Kansas the kids went to school unless there was a bad enough ice storm to knock out the power to the school.
I'm so frustrated now. The little one is supposed to be doing a Science Olympiad in school. According to the description we were given, the students who participate will do experiments, make things like lava volcanoes, basically it sounds like trying to do fun experimental stuff. She didn't get to go last week because it was supposed to be on Monday, and school ended up being cancelled because icy roads was a possibility. This week, since school was off for MLK day, she is supposed to do her first day of the Science Olympiad practice today. However, my employer just called to tell me after-school activities have been cancelled. It isn't even supposed to reach freezing temps until 10PM or so! :mad:

I'm going to have to do something fun with the little one, she's going to be very disappointed. She was looking forward to starting her new activity. I don't know who makes these sorts of decisions, but they are overly-cautious asses.

I know how frustrating it is, but I also understand that the folks in the deep south are not equipped to deal with any kind of severe winter weather. It even causes problems here in Albuquerque in a mountain state and if there is any visible snow anywhere, there will be a two hour delay in all the schools and many businesses and events if they aren't cancelled outright. But when we lived in Kansas or when I went to school in Santa Fe (considerably higher altitude than Albuquerque) they MIGHT delay or even cancel school if there was a foot of snow on the streets and the snowplows were stuck in a drift. Otherwise it was pretty much business as usual. I don't ever remember a snow day when I was in school and in Kansas the kids went to school unless there was a bad enough ice storm to knock out the power to the school.

I get that cold weather is difficult here, but this is being way too cautions. Right now, which is about 10 minutes before I would have been picking the little one up from her Science Olympiad meeting, it is 49 degrees outside with no precipitation at all today. 49 degrees! The forecast calls for rain at around 6PM, possibly turning into snow by 7. If there are late running afterschool activities they are worried about, I wish they would have cancelled those, but left the earlier ending ones intact. Not having an activity when it's almost 50 degrees outside and not even raining is frustrating.

To make up for it, the little one and I made a homemade volcano here. It was a very slipshod affair, just a plastic cup cut short, some plastic wrap over the top, baking powder (we don't have any baking soda) and red food coloring inside, then white vinegar poured in. It didn't really look like a volcano in the sense that it didn't look like something made of rock, but we did get some red, bubbly stuff flowing from the top onto the plate, and the little one liked that. She's made a sail out of aluminum foil and put it in the cup, and is pretending it's a boat sailing a lava sea. :)

School tomorrow has not yet been cancelled, but since there is supposed to be a decent chance of actual cold weather and snow tonight, I'm guessing it will be.
Good morning all. We got up to cold (25 degrees which is cold for us this winter), gray skies. The clouds are mostly covering the Sandias and we can't see Mount Taylor to the west. But though it looks like it could snow any minute, alas, no forecast for precipitation for us until Saturday if then. Where I'm looking at wintry precipitation is in south Texas--snow or ice in Houston? extending east into Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama where I'm sure they don't want it and other places in the east and northeast. Meanwhile our autumn that never ends continues. Closer to winter this week for a couple of days with highs in the low to mid 40's until the 50's return on Thursday.
In Houston, it is fine grained. No ice in the trees at all. It isn't a freezing rain. It is almost snow like. I got maybe an inch at my house.

We are going to have almost 24 hrs of a hard freeze though which doesn't happen often.
Good morning all. We got up to cold (25 degrees which is cold for us this winter), gray skies. The clouds are mostly covering the Sandias and we can't see Mount Taylor to the west. But though it looks like it could snow any minute, alas, no forecast for precipitation for us until Saturday if then. Where I'm looking at wintry precipitation is in south Texas--snow or ice in Houston? extending east into Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama where I'm sure they don't want it and other places in the east and northeast. Meanwhile our autumn that never ends continues. Closer to winter this week for a couple of days with highs in the low to mid 40's until the 50's return on Thursday.
In Houston, it is fine grained. No ice in the trees at all. It isn't a freezing rain. It is almost snow like. I got maybe an inch at my house.

We are going to have almost 24 hrs of a hard freeze though which doesn't happen often.

You are probably describing what we call 'sneet', a cross between sleet and snow, and yes, it doesn't stick to trees except on the broader, flatter branches. We have a lot of friends and relatives in your part of the world and I'll have to say that you have had most interesting weather there in the last eight months or so.

And welcome to the Coffee Shop, ding. I believe this is your first visit here--at least I didn't have you on the register--and we are always happy to have new friends join us. First timers here receive a complimentary beverage, and since you are having an uncharacteristically winter day today, we'll make it something hot and yummy. :)

I finally FINALLY got done with the accent parts. Now, I have to wait until it is not raining, then take it back outside, antique it, wait, revarnish it, THEN take it to the mall space. (Housemate lets me put them in his spot). And yes..I will take a pic of it once its completely done. It is very LOUD right now with colors. Once it is will be much more subdued.

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