Use your MIND!!

I have it under good authority that Obama is going to take your guns.

Time to build up your arsenal and hide in the basement....they ARE coming

WRONG!!!! According to Fox news we should all run in circles waving our arms screaming. Don't know if that's clockwise or counter.....I will try to find more details.

:rolleyes: A very unique method you both have of admitting the rational segment of your debate is now over.

No you see it's a JOKE you just don't get it because you are the butt of it.
WRONG!!!! According to Fox news we should all run in circles waving our arms screaming. Don't know if that's clockwise or counter.....I will try to find more details.

:rolleyes: A very unique method you both have of admitting the rational segment of your debate is now over.

No you see it's a JOKE you just don't get it because you are the butt of it.

:lol: Now that's the first funny thing you've said.

Here is a synopsis of the dialog in this thread.

Your Original Post -

Face it NOBODY is EVER coming for your guns unless you are a convicted FELON!!! NEVER EVER EVER will it happen. Now you can allow yourselves to be whipped into a frenzy about this RIGHT WING LIE or you can wake the fuck up and understand that this is the threat to keep you sheeple in line with the Republican agenda which has VERY LITTLE to do with guns.

I posted the fact that it's already happened with the so called Assault Weapons Ban.

You didn't want to touch that, since it blew your OP out of the water, so instead we got a deflection that has ZERO to do with your OP or the ASW.

So called "Assault" weapons ban.

Anti-tank weapons.......I understand they make deer hunting MUCH easier.

Of course I believed you were attempting to make a logical, although misinformed argument...I should have known better but I figured might as well defeat that argument soundly with facts.

Myth - "So called 'assault' rifles are more powerful than normal rifles"

This statement is a myth perpetrated by the anti-second amendment crowd.


Then I proved Barrack Obama voted to BAN and CONFISCATE firearms.

FACT: Barack Obama voted for an Illinois State Senate bill to ban and confiscate “assault weapons,” but the bill was so poorly crafted, it would have also banned most semi-auto and single and double barrel shotguns commonly used by sportsmen.18
18. Illinois Senate Judiciary Committee, March 13, 2003. To see the vote tally go to:

Gun BaN Obama

Remember your OP?

Face it NOBODY is EVER coming for your guns unless you are a convicted FELON!!! NEVER EVER EVER will it happen.



I realize facts don't mean much to YOU, but they totally destroy your OP.

Next you polish this turd off and see if you can float it.

I guess the point I am trying to make is........If this is about 2nd ammendment rights.......If this is about standing against an oppresive gov't......Then we might as well have Bow and Arrows and SPEARS to fight off a gov't with the type of weaponry at their disposal. The founding fathers wanted the populace to be able to stand against the gov't but at the time it would have been musket vs musket.

But of course it sinks like a smelly stone, because it is totally false.

That's not true...the revolutionary war was fought with artillery, bomb, warships and other advanced weaponry of the time.

More deflection.

Miss........One of the "cosmetic" differences between hunting and assult weapons that I don't much care for or see as legitimate in ANY sense of the word is the "folding stock". Do you remember those bank robbers who had the police in L.A. TOTALLY out gunned? Body armor machine guns and PLENTY of ammo. The police had to get weapons from a gun store to hold them off........You will have a VERY hard time to convince me a "folding stock" has any legitimate value.

1. Those bank robbers had illegal automatic weapons. Folding stocks had nothing to do with it.

2. My AR15 does not have a folding stock, yet it was banned.

3. You would have a have a hard time convincing me a sports car has any legitimate value, they promote reckless driving, speeding, racing and increase pollution...does that mean we should ban them?

4. This is all deflection from the OP.

Another lame argument.


The REASON the gun-grabbers are unable to reach their GOAL of confiscating weapons is because...wait for it...

The people get 'whipped up' and won't allow it.

Now you deflect yet again about justification and civilians versus Standing Army. And I prove (again) you are misinformed.

You have not produced a shred of evidence to support your position.

Your OP hangs in tatters. It has been thoroughly decimated.

You've been reduced to deflection and a sorry attempt at Ad Hominem attack.

So far you have not proved a single element of your argument nor disproved a single argument or fact I have put forward.

Come back when you have garnered some better debating skills and you can try again.

Last edited:
Face it NOBODY is EVER coming for your guns unless you are a convicted FELON!!! NEVER EVER EVER will it happen. Now you can allow yourselves to be whipped into a frenzy about this RIGHT WING LIE or you can wake the fuck up and understand that this is the threat to keep you sheeple in line with the Republican agenda which has VERY LITTLE to do with guns.

your right KILL EM ALL !!!!
I have it under good authority that Obama is going to take your guns.

Time to build up your arsenal and hide in the basement....they ARE coming

WRONG!!!! According to Fox news we should all run in circles waving our arms screaming. Don't know if that's clockwise or counter.....I will try to find more details.

Always run to the RIGHT...that would be clockwise
Yeah but here's the thing, Missourian...

If you say to people "Democrats want to ban assault weapons and rocket launchers", not too many people among the population are going to care all that much, except for a few gun enthusiasts who just have to get an AK-47.

Which is why some folks on the right are screaming bloody-murder about the false premise that Democrats want to ban all guns.

Now, I personally am a supporter of the Second Amendment, and I disagree with Eric Holder on this issue. I feel assault weapons should not be banned. (Of course I'm also a gun enthusiast)

But some of the other ideas he has, like enforcing background checks, and stopping instant sales of firearms at gun shows, I DO agree with.

I don't want insane criminals to get their hands on firearms.

But the NRA and many right-wingers claim that enforcing very logical restrictions on firearm purchases, like waiting periods and background checks, are all part of some plot to take away your guns. And I believe that that is what the OP was referring to.
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Yeah but here's the thing, Missourian...

If you say to people "Democrats want to ban assault weapons and rocket launchers", not too many people among the population are going to care all that much, except for a few gun enthusiasts who just have to get an AK-47.

Which is why some folks on the right are screaming bloody-murder about the false premise that Democrats want to ban all guns.

Now, I personally am a supporter of the Second Amendment, and I disagree with Eric Holder on this issue. I feel assault weapons should not be banned. (Of course I'm also a gun enthusiast)

But some of the other ideas he has, like enforcing background checks, and stopping instant sales of firearms at gun shows, I DO agree with.

I don't want insane criminals to get their hands on firearms.

But the NRA and many right-wingers claim that enforcing very logical restrictions on firearm purchases, like waiting periods and background checks, are all part of some plot to take away your guns. And I believe that that is what the OP was referring to.

if you buy a new truck i know a place that will give you a free AK-47.
I think the point is that they've already come for our guns, and the American citizens did NOTHING.

Read up on the aftermath of Katrina where our soldiers went door to door and confiscated people guns.
Yeah but here's the thing, Missourian...

If you say to people "Democrats want to ban assault weapons and rocket launchers", not too many people among the population are going to care all that much, except for a few gun enthusiasts who just have to get an AK-47.

Which is why some folks on the right are screaming bloody-murder about the false premise that Democrats want to ban all guns.

Now, I personally am a supporter of the Second Amendment, and I disagree with Eric Holder on this issue. I feel assault weapons should not be banned. (Of course I'm also a gun enthusiast)

But some of the other ideas he has, like enforcing background checks, and stopping instant sales of firearms at gun shows, I DO agree with.

I don't want insane criminals to get their hands on firearms.

But the NRA and many right-wingers claim that enforcing very logical restrictions on firearm purchases, like waiting periods and background checks, are all part of some plot to take away your guns. And I believe that that is what the OP was referring to.

First, I don't see the 2nd amendment as a right/left issue...I see it as an education issue.

Once people were informed about the details of the ridiculous assault weapons legislation, it lost the lions share of it's support.

But there are those who sincerely believe that firearms, not criminals, are the enemy.

Second, I think we are all united in our desire to keep firearms out of the hands of insane criminals.

Third, none of the restrictions you name has reduced gun crime. They only make it more difficult for law abiding citizens to purchase firearms.

I've personally done the research on gun crime verses strict gun laws, and there was no correlation.
[FONT=arial,arial]These are the 13 states with the most pro-Second Amendment laws according to the Brady Center (Oklahoma being the most pro-Second Amendment in the nation) with total firearm murders from 2007 according to the FBI and population from the Census Bureau:[/FONT]​

----------State-----------------------------# of Firearm Homicides-----------Population


  • Arkansas ----------------------130 ------------2,810,872
  • [FONT=arial,arial]Idaho -------------------------------------------------25 ---------------------1,466,465[/FONT]
  • [FONT=arial,arial]New Mexico ---------------------------------------81 ---------------------1,954,599[/FONT]
  • [FONT=arial,arial]South Dakota ---------------------------------------4 -----------------------781,919[/FONT]
  • [FONT=arial,arial]West Virginia --------------------------------------37 --------------------1,818,470[/FONT]
  • [FONT=arial,arial]Mississippi ---------------------------------------119 ---------------------2,910,540[/FONT]
  • [FONT=arial,arial]Alaska -----------------------------------------------21 --------------------- 670,053[/FONT]
  • [FONT=arial,arial]Louisiana ------------------------------------------455----------------------4,287,768[/FONT]
  • [FONT=arial,arial]Missouri -------------------------------------------247 ---------------------5,842,713[/FONT]
  • [FONT=arial,arial]North Dakota ----------------------------------------3 -----------------------635,867[/FONT]
  • [FONT=arial,arial]Utah ---------------------------------------------------38 --------------------2,550,063[/FONT]
  • [FONT=arial,arial]Kentucky ------------------------------------------131 --------------------4,206,074[/FONT]
  • [FONT=arial,arial]Oklahoma -------------------------------- --------132 --------------------3,579,212[/FONT]
And the 13 strictest gun control states according to the Brady Center (California being the strictest in the nation) with total firearm murders from 2007 according to the FBI and population from the Census Bureau:

  • California -----------------------1,605-----36,457,549
  • New Jersey ----------------------260-------8,724,560
  • Connecticut ----------------------57 -------3,504,809
  • Massachusetts ------------------114 -------6,437,193
  • Maryland ------------------------414------- 5,615,727
  • New York ------------------------500 -----19,306,183
  • Rhode Island -------------------- --9 ------ 1,067,610
  • Hawaii -----------------------------3 -------1,285,498
  • Illinois ---------------------------343* -----12,831,970
  • Pennsylvania ---------------------527 ------12,440,621
  • Michigan -------------------------444 ------10,095,643
  • Delaware--------------------------22 ---------853,476
  • North Carolina--------------------369 --------8,856,505
* incomplete data received by the FBI

The District of Columbia is not listed on the Brady Center ranking list but it did have the strictest gun control in the nation in 2007:

  • District of Columbia-----------------181--------581,530
So here is the break down for firearm homicides per number of citizens per state plus the District of Columbia with Washington D.C. being the most dangerous place to live with 1 out of every 3,212 residents murdered by firearms and Hawaii being the safest with 1 out of every 428,499 residents murdered by firearms.

The number listed is the population divided by the total firearm homicides to render 1 homicide per (X) number of residents. (Red are Strict Gun Control, Blue are Pro-gun)

  1. District of Columbia -----------1 / 3,212
  2. Louisiana ---------------------1 / 9,423
  3. Maryland ---------------------1 / 13,564
  4. Arkansas ---------------------1 / 21,622
  5. California ---------------------1 / 22,714
  6. Michigan ---------------------1 / 22,737
  7. Pennsylvania -----------------1 / 23,606
  8. Missouri ----------------------1 / 23,654
  9. North Carolina ----------------1 / 24,001
  10. New Mexico ------------------1 / 24,130
  11. Mississippi --------------------1 / 24,458
  12. Oklahoma --------------------1 / 25,115
  13. Alaska -----------------------1 / 31,907
  14. Kentucky ---------------------1 / 32,107
  15. New Jersey -------------------1 / 33,556
  16. Illinois ------------------------1 / 37,410
  17. New York ---------------------1 / 38,612
  18. Delaware ---------------------1 / 38,794
  19. West Virgina ------------------1 / 49,147
  20. Massachusetts ----------------1 / 56,466
  21. Idaho -------------------------1 / 58,658
  22. Connecticut -------------------1 / 61,487
  23. Utah --------------------------1 / 67,106
  24. Rhode Island -------------------1 / 118,623
  25. South Dakota ------------------1 / 195,479
  26. North Dakota -------------------1 / 211,955
  27. Hawaii -------------------------1 / 428,499
Bottom line, stricter firearm laws have no effect on firearm homicides.

That is why the Brady Center uses violent crime or firearm deaths instead of actual firearm homicides even though the firearm homicides are provided by the FBI online every year.

Link to FBI Stats Table 20 - Crime in the United States 2007

Link to Brady Center state rankings list

Population from the U.S. Census Bureau State and County QuickFacts

Wikipedia Firearm Homicides for the District of Columbia,_D.C.

This blog is entirely my own work and research...reproduce it freely in support of the 2nd amendment.
I don't agree with waiting periods.

Waiting periods deny people in danger the ability to protect themselves, especially women.

If a person receives a threat, or is being stalked, they shouldn't have to wait three days to purchase a firearm.

We have instant background checks. Personally, I have no problem with a check.

I am concerned about private sales (gun show sales by FFL's already require an instant check).

Maybe a voluntary firearm background check picture ID, or a firearm endorsement on your drivers license, so private seller have a way of knowing a buyer is vetted to purchase.
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I think the point is that they've already come for our guns, and the American citizens did NOTHING.

Read up on the aftermath of Katrina where our soldiers went door to door and confiscated people guns.

And that is exactly why I oppose registration.

And that is your right. I believe everyone in the show me state ought to carry. Open carry, no restrictions. Sex offenders, felons, those convicted of drug offenses, teachers, drunk drivers, domestic violence offenders, insurance and Avon salespersons, everyone. No registration, no rules, no restrictions.
Having spent a week in St. Louis one night, and a week in Kansas City one night, I have no intention or desire to ever visit your state again.
Well Missourian, I have to say, those are some very impressive figures, and I actually like your idea about firearm endorsements on driver's licenses.

The only thing I would really disagree with is the waiting period thing, as waiting periods also stop people in the throws of violent anger from going out and getting a gun instantly.

But honestly, statistics or no, I would feel better with some assurance that somebody can't get out of jail, buy a gun, and then go shoot someone, like maybe the cop that arrested them.

Be that as it may, as I said, I'm a gun guy, so it doesn't take much to convince me, lol.
Well Missourian, I have to say, those are some very impressive figures, and I actually like your idea about firearm endorsements on driver's licenses.

The only thing I would really disagree with is the waiting period thing, as waiting periods also stop people in the throws of violent anger from going out and getting a gun instantly.

But honestly, statistics or no, I would feel better with some assurance that somebody can't get out of jail, buy a gun, and then go shoot someone, like maybe the cop that arrested them.

Be that as it may, as I said, I'm a gun guy, so it doesn't take much to convince me, lol.

I gotta find the stats (Damn it!), all statistics and studies have proven that to be false.
Yeah but here's the thing, Missourian...

If you say to people "Democrats want to ban assault weapons and rocket launchers", not too many people among the population are going to care all that much, except for a few gun enthusiasts who just have to get an AK-47.

Which is why some folks on the right are screaming bloody-murder about the false premise that Democrats want to ban all guns.

Now, I personally am a supporter of the Second Amendment, and I disagree with Eric Holder on this issue. I feel assault weapons should not be banned. (Of course I'm also a gun enthusiast)

But some of the other ideas he has, like enforcing background checks, and stopping instant sales of firearms at gun shows, I DO agree with.

I don't want insane criminals to get their hands on firearms.

But the NRA and many right-wingers claim that enforcing very logical restrictions on firearm purchases, like waiting periods and background checks, are all part of some plot to take away your guns. And I believe that that is what the OP was referring to.

Where did you get the information the NRA doesn't support background checks????!!!!!!
They helped author the bills that include the instant check system and the exclusion of persons with mental issues from gun ownership (after the Va Tech shooting). As for so called gun show loop hole, it doesn't exist. You or I can legally sell any weapon we own by advertising in the paper, on bill boards or in the parking lot of a gun show. That is what these anti-gun show people are after, our right to sell our personal property and incidentally to shut down gun shows.
:rolleyes: A very unique method you both have of admitting the rational segment of your debate is now over.

No you see it's a JOKE you just don't get it because you are the butt of it.

:lol: Now that's the first funny thing you've said.

Here is a synopsis of the dialog in this thread.

Your Original Post -

I posted the fact that it's already happened with the so called Assault Weapons Ban.

You didn't want to touch that, since it blew your OP out of the water, so instead we got a deflection that has ZERO to do with your OP or the ASW.

Of course I believed you were attempting to make a logical, although misinformed argument...I should have known better but I figured might as well defeat that argument soundly with facts.

Then I proved Barrack Obama voted to BAN and CONFISCATE firearms.

Remember your OP?



I realize facts don't mean much to YOU, but they totally destroy your OP.

Next you polish this turd off and see if you can float it.

But of course it sinks like a smelly stone, because it is totally false.

More deflection.

1. Those bank robbers had illegal automatic weapons. Folding stocks had nothing to do with it.

2. My AR15 does not have a folding stock, yet it was banned.

3. You would have a have a hard time convincing me a sports car has any legitimate value, they promote reckless driving, speeding, racing and increase pollution...does that mean we should ban them?

4. This is all deflection from the OP.

Another lame argument.


The REASON the gun-grabbers are unable to reach their GOAL of confiscating weapons is because...wait for it...

The people get 'whipped up' and won't allow it.

Now you deflect yet again about justification and civilians versus Standing Army. And I prove (again) you are misinformed.

You have not produced a shred of evidence to support your position.

Your OP hangs in tatters. It has been thoroughly decimated.

You've been reduced to deflection and a sorry attempt at Ad Hominem attack.

So far you have not proved a single element of your argument nor disproved a single argument or fact I have put forward.

Come back when you have garnered some better debating skills and you can try again.

Has ANYONE HERE EVER HAD A WEAPON CONFISCATED!!!!!?????????? If NO then STFU about Obama coming for your guns. If your hunting rifles are more powerful than "assult" style weapons then why should you even fucking CARE if they are banned? The ban would NEVER be retroactive and you GAWD DAMN WELL KNOW IT!!! I all for owning guns but you fucking Republican SHEEPLE let the RNC get you all frothed up about it EVERY FOUR YEARS! GET OVER IT!!! IT'S A LIE!!! IT'S NEVER GOING TO HAPPEN and if it ever does I PROMISE to stand in front of the first tank!
Oh and SO WHAT if Obama voted for a ban that was "so poorly crafted" that it couldn't be enforced. So what if CONGRESS votes for a ban it will be struck down as UN-Constitutional. The 2nd ammendment will NEVR go away until and unless it is ratified by the STATES and it is PARANOIA of the TENTH POWER to believe that will EVER happen.
Well Missourian, I have to say, those are some very impressive figures, and I actually like your idea about firearm endorsements on driver's licenses.

The only thing I would really disagree with is the waiting period thing, as waiting periods also stop people in the throws of violent anger from going out and getting a gun instantly.

But honestly, statistics or no, I would feel better with some assurance that somebody can't get out of jail, buy a gun, and then go shoot someone, like maybe the cop that arrested them.

Be that as it may, as I said, I'm a gun guy, so it doesn't take much to convince me, lol.

I'm not a gun guy. I've never bought a gun although I have inherited a rifle that I'm not even sure works. I respect OUR right to bare arms and probably would own a gun if I did not have kids (although mine have grown beyond the age of worry) in the house and I wasn't so cheap.

That being said, I have to say that I don't think the waiting period stops such people, because if I am pissed off and thinking about using a gun to blow my antagonists brains out, the last place I'm going to buy my gun from is a gun shop. I suspect it would be easy enough to find a gun on the streets rather than risk having my name associated with a shooting.

I suspect that the waiting period is pretty much about the same as the saying, "when they take away our guns, only the bad guys will have guns". A waiting period is only going to keep the honest guy honest. The bad guy knows how to get guns without waiting.

No you see it's a JOKE you just don't get it because you are the butt of it.

:lol: Now that's the first funny thing you've said.

Here is a synopsis of the dialog in this thread.

Your Original Post -

I posted the fact that it's already happened with the so called Assault Weapons Ban.

You didn't want to touch that, since it blew your OP out of the water, so instead we got a deflection that has ZERO to do with your OP or the ASW.

Of course I believed you were attempting to make a logical, although misinformed argument...I should have known better but I figured might as well defeat that argument soundly with facts.

Then I proved Barrack Obama voted to BAN and CONFISCATE firearms.

Remember your OP?



I realize facts don't mean much to YOU, but they totally destroy your OP.

Next you polish this turd off and see if you can float it.

But of course it sinks like a smelly stone, because it is totally false.

More deflection.

Another lame argument.


The REASON the gun-grabbers are unable to reach their GOAL of confiscating weapons is because...wait for it...

The people get 'whipped up' and won't allow it.

Now you deflect yet again about justification and civilians versus Standing Army. And I prove (again) you are misinformed.

You have not produced a shred of evidence to support your position.

Your OP hangs in tatters. It has been thoroughly decimated.

You've been reduced to deflection and a sorry attempt at Ad Hominem attack.

So far you have not proved a single element of your argument nor disproved a single argument or fact I have put forward.

Come back when you have garnered some better debating skills and you can try again.

Has ANYONE HERE EVER HAD A WEAPON CONFISCATED!!!!!?????????? If NO then STFU about Obama coming for your guns. If your hunting rifles are more powerful than "assult" style weapons then why should you even fucking CARE if they are banned? The ban would NEVER be retroactive and you GAWD DAMN WELL KNOW IT!!! I all for owning guns but you fucking Republican SHEEPLE let the RNC get you all frothed up about it EVERY FOUR YEARS! GET OVER IT!!! IT'S A LIE!!! IT'S NEVER GOING TO HAPPEN and if it ever does I PROMISE to stand in front of the first tank!

I have access to a tank, want to practice?
One more time...

They have already taken our guns away from the aftermath of Katrina, the national guard went door to door specifically looking for guns and taking them away from their legal owners, leaving them defenseless in a place and time where they really were needed, and the American people did NOTHING!!!!!

America is dead, it's citizens just haven't realized it yet.
Well Missourian, I have to say, those are some very impressive figures, and I actually like your idea about firearm endorsements on driver's licenses.

The only thing I would really disagree with is the waiting period thing, as waiting periods also stop people in the throws of violent anger from going out and getting a gun instantly.

But honestly, statistics or no, I would feel better with some assurance that somebody can't get out of jail, buy a gun, and then go shoot someone, like maybe the cop that arrested them.

Be that as it may, as I said, I'm a gun guy, so it doesn't take much to convince me, lol.

I'm not a gun guy. I've never bought a gun although I have inherited a rifle that I'm not even sure works. I respect OUR right to bare arms and probably would own a gun if I did not have kids (although mine have grown beyond the age of worry) in the house and I wasn't so cheap.

That being said, I have to say that I don't think the waiting period stops such people, because if I am pissed off and thinking about using a gun to blow my antagonists brains out, the last place I'm going to buy my gun from is a gun shop. I suspect it would be easy enough to find a gun on the streets rather than risk having my name associated with a shooting.

I suspect that the waiting period is pretty much about the same as the saying, "when they take away our guns, only the bad guys will have guns". A waiting period is only going to keep the honest guy honest. The bad guy knows how to get guns without waiting.


Could you go find some heroine tonight? If not I doubt you could find a gun.

:lol: Now that's the first funny thing you've said.

Here is a synopsis of the dialog in this thread.

Your Original Post -

I posted the fact that it's already happened with the so called Assault Weapons Ban.

You didn't want to touch that, since it blew your OP out of the water, so instead we got a deflection that has ZERO to do with your OP or the ASW.

Of course I believed you were attempting to make a logical, although misinformed argument...I should have known better but I figured might as well defeat that argument soundly with facts.

Then I proved Barrack Obama voted to BAN and CONFISCATE firearms.

Remember your OP?



I realize facts don't mean much to YOU, but they totally destroy your OP.

Next you polish this turd off and see if you can float it.

But of course it sinks like a smelly stone, because it is totally false.

More deflection.

Another lame argument.

The REASON the gun-grabbers are unable to reach their GOAL of confiscating weapons is because...wait for it...

The people get 'whipped up' and won't allow it.

Now you deflect yet again about justification and civilians versus Standing Army. And I prove (again) you are misinformed.

You have not produced a shred of evidence to support your position.

Your OP hangs in tatters. It has been thoroughly decimated.

You've been reduced to deflection and a sorry attempt at Ad Hominem attack.

So far you have not proved a single element of your argument nor disproved a single argument or fact I have put forward.

Come back when you have garnered some better debating skills and you can try again.

Has ANYONE HERE EVER HAD A WEAPON CONFISCATED!!!!!?????????? If NO then STFU about Obama coming for your guns. If your hunting rifles are more powerful than "assult" style weapons then why should you even fucking CARE if they are banned? The ban would NEVER be retroactive and you GAWD DAMN WELL KNOW IT!!! I all for owning guns but you fucking Republican SHEEPLE let the RNC get you all frothed up about it EVERY FOUR YEARS! GET OVER IT!!! IT'S A LIE!!! IT'S NEVER GOING TO HAPPEN and if it ever does I PROMISE to stand in front of the first tank!

I have access to a tank, want to practice?

Didn't say I would let it run me over. LOL!

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