The problem is with the 2nd Amendment

Captain Caveman

Platinum Member
Jun 14, 2020
Why do you need flood defences? Well, because you're on a flood plain and when the rain is heavy, you react by having flood defences. Flood defences are there because of the threat of floods. So move away from that.

People (allegedly the good guy) feel it's necessary to protect and shoot others with guns. Why? Because they're reacting to a society where people threaten others with guns. So move away from that.

The 2nd Amendment doesn't just allow the safe people to own guns, so it doesn't allow a safe gun culture. The biggest part of guns is your orientation to guns. A law brought out overnight has little effect until generations (every 25 years) dies out. A safer gun society needs to think differently about guns.

A society can have and enjoy guns, it can also restrict the unsuitable owning guns. This is a proven fact, statistics confirm this.

Laws on any aspect of life does not stop, they reduce. Culture is the pivotal point in this.

And whilst the 2nd exists in America, you will always suffer horrendous gun stats.

Change my mind.
Why do you need flood defences? Well, because you're on a flood plain and when the rain is heavy, you react by having flood defences. Flood defences are there because of the threat of floods. So move away from that.

People (allegedly the good guy) feel it's necessary to protect and shoot others with guns. Why? Because they're reacting to a society where people threaten others with guns. So move away from that.

The 2nd Amendment doesn't just allow the safe people to own guns, so it doesn't allow a safe gun culture. The biggest part of guns is your orientation to guns. A law brought out overnight has little effect until generations (every 25 years) dies out. A safer gun society needs to think differently about guns.

A society can have and enjoy guns, it can also restrict the unsuitable owning guns. This is a proven fact, statistics confirm this.

Laws on any aspect of life does not stop, they reduce. Culture is the pivotal point in this.

And whilst the 2nd exists in America, you will always suffer horrendous gun stats.

Change my mind.

I don't need to change your mind because you not being an American, have no influence on whether we have guns or not.
Why do you need flood defences? Well, because you're on a flood plain and when the rain is heavy, you react by having flood defences. Flood defences are there because of the threat of floods. So move away from that.

People (allegedly the good guy) feel it's necessary to protect and shoot others with guns. Why? Because they're reacting to a society where people threaten others with guns. So move away from that.

The 2nd Amendment doesn't just allow the safe people to own guns, so it doesn't allow a safe gun culture. The biggest part of guns is your orientation to guns. A law brought out overnight has little effect until generations (every 25 years) dies out. A safer gun society needs to think differently about guns.

A society can have and enjoy guns, it can also restrict the unsuitable owning guns. This is a proven fact, statistics confirm this.

Laws on any aspect of life does not stop, they reduce. Culture is the pivotal point in this.

And whilst the 2nd exists in America, you will always suffer horrendous gun stats.

Change my mind.
Don't be silly. 99.999% of gun owners have never shot anybody, in this country or even in overseas service, so the vast majority never find it necessary to shoot others. Only the simple-minded or mathematically-challenged by big numbers would ever think so.
Keep in mind that when liberals cite the number of people killed by guns each year 2/3 of those are death by suicide. The remainder includes accidents, justifiable self-defense, police shootings (which are not always justified), and outright murder. If you really want to address gun deaths then the best thing we can do is address depression (the most common cause of suicide by far). Liberals don't care about gun deaths, they care about disarming people so they can be easier targets for crime.
Why do you need flood defences? Well, because you're on a flood plain and when the rain is heavy, you react by having flood defences. Flood defences are there because of the threat of floods. So move away from that.

People (allegedly the good guy) feel it's necessary to protect and shoot others with guns. Why? Because they're reacting to a society where people threaten others with guns. So move away from that.

The 2nd Amendment doesn't just allow the safe people to own guns, so it doesn't allow a safe gun culture. The biggest part of guns is your orientation to guns. A law brought out overnight has little effect until generations (every 25 years) dies out. A safer gun society needs to think differently about guns.

A society can have and enjoy guns, it can also restrict the unsuitable owning guns. This is a proven fact, statistics confirm this.

Laws on any aspect of life does not stop, they reduce. Culture is the pivotal point in this.

And whilst the 2nd exists in America, you will always suffer horrendous gun stats.

Change my mind.

Your mind is closed. This is just mental masturbation for yourself.

Why do you need flood defences? Well, because you're on a flood plain and when the rain is heavy, you react by having flood defences. Flood defences are there because of the threat of floods. So move away from that.

People (allegedly the good guy) feel it's necessary to protect and shoot others with guns. Why? Because they're reacting to a society where people threaten others with guns. So move away from that.

The 2nd Amendment doesn't just allow the safe people to own guns, so it doesn't allow a safe gun culture. The biggest part of guns is your orientation to guns. A law brought out overnight has little effect until generations (every 25 years) dies out. A safer gun society needs to think differently about guns.

A society can have and enjoy guns, it can also restrict the unsuitable owning guns. This is a proven fact, statistics confirm this.

Laws on any aspect of life does not stop, they reduce. Culture is the pivotal point in this.

And whilst the 2nd exists in America, you will always suffer horrendous gun stats.

Change my mind.

Guns and owning guns isn't the problem. The problem is our society. We didn't have all the gun violence we now have 40 years ago, society changed, not guns. We used to treat crazies, dopeheads and criminals like what they are but now we let them run wild. America is losing its morals, values, standards and pride and it's no coincidence that gun crime goes up.

If you got rid of every single gun in America right now all the crazies, dopeheads and criminals that want to hurt people with guns would still be here. Do you want a country where it's safe because all of the citizens are decent people? Or do you want a country with no guns? Personally I'd rather live in a society of decent people. If everyone was a decent person we would need no gun control at all.

Guns do not cause violent crime. If they did we all be dead right now. As of last year we had like 400 million known guns in Americans hands, like 70 million more guns than actual people. So if guns caused crimes we would have long since all shot each other.

Switzerland has mandatory gun ownership and gun ownership rivaling America but they have about the lowest violent gun crime in Europe. Why? Because they have a high rate of education, high employment rates, good medical and so on. Plus they have a society that isn't diverse. They all look similar, speak the same language, have the same customs and so on. They feel more relaxed and comfortable because everywhere they go things feel familiar. They don't fight because they don't have 1000 different cultures, religions, customs, beliefs, standards, sub groups and so on all fighting each other.
Why do you need flood defences? Well, because you're on a flood plain and when the rain is heavy, you react by having flood defences. Flood defences are there because of the threat of floods. So move away from that.

People (allegedly the good guy) feel it's necessary to protect and shoot others with guns. Why? Because they're reacting to a society where people threaten others with guns. So move away from that.

The 2nd Amendment doesn't just allow the safe people to own guns, so it doesn't allow a safe gun culture. The biggest part of guns is your orientation to guns. A law brought out overnight has little effect until generations (every 25 years) dies out. A safer gun society needs to think differently about guns.

A society can have and enjoy guns, it can also restrict the unsuitable owning guns. This is a proven fact, statistics confirm this.

Laws on any aspect of life does not stop, they reduce. Culture is the pivotal point in this.

And whilst the 2nd exists in America, you will always suffer horrendous gun stats.

Change my mind.

We already have all the laws we need to keep unsuitable people from buying, owning or carrying guns….

Criminals ignore them.

Democrat politicians, judges, and prosecutors lower sentences for violent gun offenders, handicap the police to keep them from actually arresting violent gun offenders, and when the police do arrest violent gun offenders, the democrat party plea bargains away the gun charges, and releases the violent offender from custody.

Normal, law abiding gun owners are not the problem.

The democrat party is the problem….they want criminals free and shooting people, they need them shooting people…so they can push gun control.
Why do you need flood defences? Well, because you're on a flood plain and when the rain is heavy, you react by having flood defences. Flood defences are there because of the threat of floods. So move away from that.

People (allegedly the good guy) feel it's necessary to protect and shoot others with guns. Why? Because they're reacting to a society where people threaten others with guns. So move away from that.

The 2nd Amendment doesn't just allow the safe people to own guns, so it doesn't allow a safe gun culture. The biggest part of guns is your orientation to guns. A law brought out overnight has little effect until generations (every 25 years) dies out. A safer gun society needs to think differently about guns.

A society can have and enjoy guns, it can also restrict the unsuitable owning guns. This is a proven fact, statistics confirm this.

Laws on any aspect of life does not stop, they reduce. Culture is the pivotal point in this.

And whilst the 2nd exists in America, you will always suffer horrendous gun stats.

Change my mind.
Why the fuck do you care?

No one here gives a shit about your little overcrowded country where you are treated like a toddler for your entire life.
Why do you need flood defences? Well, because you're on a flood plain and when the rain is heavy, you react by having flood defences. Flood defences are there because of the threat of floods. So move away from that.

People (allegedly the good guy) feel it's necessary to protect and shoot others with guns. Why? Because they're reacting to a society where people threaten others with guns. So move away from that.

The 2nd Amendment doesn't just allow the safe people to own guns, so it doesn't allow a safe gun culture. The biggest part of guns is your orientation to guns. A law brought out overnight has little effect until generations (every 25 years) dies out. A safer gun society needs to think differently about guns.

A society can have and enjoy guns, it can also restrict the unsuitable owning guns. This is a proven fact, statistics confirm this.

Laws on any aspect of life does not stop, they reduce. Culture is the pivotal point in this.

And whilst the 2nd exists in America, you will always suffer horrendous gun stats.

Change my mind.

Europe did not have the Right to keep and bear arms…. in the 1920s, the governments of Europe began to first register civillian owned guns…..then they used those registration lists to ban and confiscate guns.

All of this was done with the same belief we see today, that taking guns away from people who didn’t use guns for crime or violence would make those people safer….

In 1930s, the German socialists used the registration lists from the 1920s to disarm their political opposition in Germany as well as the Jews…… 1939, the socialist began to murder between 15-20 million civilians across Europe…..not war dead….not people killed due to combat action.

The people they murdered were innocents, rounded up and marched into forests and death camps.

15-20 million in 6 years.

Averaging gun murder to 10,000 gun murders a year, over our entire 247 year history, you get a number around 2,470,000

2,470,000 over 247 years……….

Governments murder more human beings than criminals do, and they can do it in the millions……

The 2nd Amendment helps the citizens in a country fight back against government murder….

The numbers show why we have the 2nd Amendment.
Why do you need flood defences? Well, because you're on a flood plain and when the rain is heavy, you react by having flood defences. Flood defences are there because of the threat of floods. So move away from that.

People (allegedly the good guy) feel it's necessary to protect and shoot others with guns. Why? Because they're reacting to a society where people threaten others with guns. So move away from that.

The 2nd Amendment doesn't just allow the safe people to own guns, so it doesn't allow a safe gun culture. The biggest part of guns is your orientation to guns. A law brought out overnight has little effect until generations (every 25 years) dies out. A safer gun society needs to think differently about guns.

A society can have and enjoy guns, it can also restrict the unsuitable owning guns. This is a proven fact, statistics confirm this.

Laws on any aspect of life does not stop, they reduce. Culture is the pivotal point in this.

And whilst the 2nd exists in America, you will always suffer horrendous gun stats.

Change my mind.
Gun deaths have decreased 10% in 2023.

If guns were the problem, that wouldn't have happened.
Keep in mind that when liberals cite the number of people killed by guns each year 2/3 of those are death by suicide. The remainder includes accidents, justifiable self-defense, police shootings (which are not always justified), and outright murder. If you really want to address gun deaths then the best thing we can do is address depression (the most common cause of suicide by far). Liberals don't care about gun deaths, they care about disarming people so they can be easier targets for crime.
They also lie and include people who weren't shot.
Why do you need flood defences? Well, because you're on a flood plain and when the rain is heavy, you react by having flood defences. Flood defences are there because of the threat of floods. So move away from that.

People (allegedly the good guy) feel it's necessary to protect and shoot others with guns. Why? Because they're reacting to a society where people threaten others with guns. So move away from that.

The 2nd Amendment doesn't just allow the safe people to own guns, so it doesn't allow a safe gun culture. The biggest part of guns is your orientation to guns. A law brought out overnight has little effect until generations (every 25 years) dies out. A safer gun society needs to think differently about guns.

A society can have and enjoy guns, it can also restrict the unsuitable owning guns. This is a proven fact, statistics confirm this.

Laws on any aspect of life does not stop, they reduce. Culture is the pivotal point in this.

And whilst the 2nd exists in America, you will always suffer horrendous gun stats.

Change my mind.
Your premise in the thread title is not supported at all by the content of your post. The content of your post is a mis-characterization of the purpose of the 2A.
The body of your post has merit in that it discuss culture, and I would state that our attitude around crime, is allowing repeat offenders to continue to repeat.

We should remember that the primary purpose of the 2A is to allow citizens to protect ourselves from gov't tyranny, domestic or foreign. Personal protection is secondary.
The 2nd Amendment doesn't just allow the safe people to own guns
It's not the 2nd Amendment, is is progressivism which has removed guns from the general culture and taught them to fear them, instead of how it used to be where your gun was your best friend, you grew up with it, and it was like your right arm, and you were taught responsibility and disciplined. To the modern liberal, expecting discipline and responsibility and personal accountability (like being able to identify yourself at the voting station) is akin to a human rights violation and verboten. When you make people stangers to guns, you INVITE accidents, fear and misuse.

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Change my mind.
How does your head open, with hooks, fasteners or velcro?

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