USA Should Divide Into 2 Separate Nations

No need to divide anything, conservatives there are other countries out there that follow your fascism, you appear to love Putin why don't you all migrate to Russia and be with your kind. You obviously have given up on this democracy because like tantrum throwing children if you don't get your way on everything you whine and cry like 3 year olds.

It isn't 'the country', it's you. Conservative media has mentally corralled you into an enclave of absolute 'us vs them'. This is how YOU see the world. YOU are afraid of everything. YOU reject anything that is even slightly different than you are. YOU think every election is either a boat to nirvana or the unmitigated end of life on Earth. All this crap only exists in YOUR heads. I feel sorry for you but there is no crisis. People have always had differing views and will continue to do so in the future. You were happy when 80% of the population were just like you but now that it is 44% or less you feel uncomfortable. Too bad. You'll have to change, which is really what this whole conservative whine is about and what it is always about, you lazies don't want to do the work to change as the population around you changes. Again, pack up and go be with Putin, or try North Korea, or maybe China. See how your whole world view fits in there.

Other than that all you have is whining and bitching about how life is miserable and 'it's all their fault'. No, it's you.
Do you care that this is demonstrably false?
Of course it's not false. I myself am an example. In 1977, I was discriminated against in an affirmative action program, which gave graduate school assistantships only to blacks. Like many other non-Blacks (I'm 50% white/50% Hispanic), I was forced to drop out of school. 5 years of college went right down the drain. I spent the next 32 years working at low paying jobs, except for a small business I started myself, and a skilled trade I taught myself. Even now, in retirement, my Social Security $$ are far less than they should be, because of the affirmative action discrimination I got hit with, 39 years ago.

Okay, so I'm pretty sure now that I can safely assume you're a left-wing troll trying to make righwingers look like whiny bitches.

Keep at it, bud! :wink:
]Divide into two? Fat chance. The conservatives will have to divide again into free-traders like the main-stream GOP and the protectionists like the Trump followers. Then those groups will have to divide into social/religious conservatives and libertarians. People with moving vans will be rich. But don't worry, liberals will be just as fragmented.

I guess democracy isn't for everyone.
The globalist free traders (ex Hillary Clinton and Mitt Romney) already are liberals, as are libertarians,
The left wing nation would never leave the Right wing nation alone....
Giving the right wing nation (UCSA) cause to take action against the left (ULSA). And since the UCSA woul dhave all the military leaders and expertise, the left being inept at military affairs, this would leave the ULSA with a cure - a good ass-kicking.

The left is undefeated in World Wars.
Not so. Nazism, fascism, and imperialism were soundly defeated in the world wars.
No need to divide anything, conservatives there are other countries out there that follow your fascism, you appear to love Putin why don't you all migrate to Russia and be with your kind. You obviously have given up on this democracy because like tantrum throwing children if you don't get your way on everything you whine and cry like 3 year olds.

It isn't 'the country', it's you. Conservative media has mentally corralled you into an enclave of absolute 'us vs them'. This is how YOU see the world. YOU are afraid of everything. YOU reject anything that is even slightly different than you are. YOU think every election is either a boat to nirvana or the unmitigated end of life on Earth. All this crap only exists in YOUR heads. I feel sorry for you but there is no crisis. People have always had differing views and will continue to do so in the future. You were happy when 80% of the population were just like you but now that it is 44% or less you feel uncomfortable. Too bad. You'll have to change, which is really what this whole conservative whine is about and what it is always about, you lazies don't want to do the work to change as the population around you changes. Again, pack up and go be with Putin, or try North Korea, or maybe China. See how your whole world view fits in there.

Other than that all you have is whining and bitching about how life is miserable and 'it's all their fault'. No, it's you.
1. Nobody whines and cries more than Black Lives Matter and thousands of other nitwit blacks complaining about police brutality that the Obama/Sharpton race hustle machine has brainwashed them into believing.Or fools like Kaepernick complaining about "oppression" of blacks, when whites have been getting pushed aside for them, for 55 years by Affirmative Action.

And so now that you have presented us with this illustrious bash of conservatism, I guess we are to assume you are OK with all of these Hillary Clinton attributes, would that be right ? >>

1. Approval of Mexican & Chinese imperialism, raiding America's economy.
2. Approval of Amnesty for illegal aliens. (anything less than deportation is amnesty)
3. Approval of Sanctuary Cities.
4. Approval of Birthright Citizenship.
5. Approval of gun-free zones.
6. Banning guns - opposition to nationwide CCW.
7. Approval of Muslim Brotherhood (has Huma Abedin-close aide)
8. Approval of Muslim immigration (including the ISIS trojan horse)
9. Approval of racist Affirmative Action
10. Damaged national security by her unsecured email server.
11. Allowed 4 men to die in Benghazi
12. Killed 50 people in the Clinton Body Count
13. Scammed millions of good-hearted people out of millions$ in her phony "Foundation"
14. Judicial watch conflict of interest report on the Clinton "Foundation"
15. Numerous scandals (Filegate, Travelgate, Whitewater, Speaking fees, etc)
16. Corporate tax increase
17. Excessive business regulation
18. Long history of support for Free Trade outsourcing (NAFTA, Trilateral Commission. CFR, TPP, etc)
19. BOUGHT by Wall St. and other special interests (over $200 Million)
20. Atrocious pro-Muslim Brotherhood record in the State Dept.
]Divide into two? Fat chance. The conservatives will have to divide again into free-traders like the main-stream GOP and the protectionists like the Trump followers. Then those groups will have to divide into social/religious conservatives and libertarians. People with moving vans will be rich. But don't worry, liberals will be just as fragmented.

I guess democracy isn't for everyone.
The globalist free traders (ex Hillary Clinton and Mitt Romney) already are liberals, as are libertarians,
I admire your ideological purity and your authority to define exactly what a conservative is. I guess there is you on one side and everyone else on the other.
I admire your ideological purity and your authority to define exactly what a conservative is. I guess there is you on one side and everyone else on the other.
If you guessed that, you'd be wrong, but fortunately for you, you don't really guess that.
The left wing nation would never leave the Right wing nation alone....
Giving the right wing nation (UCSA) cause to take action against the left (ULSA). And since the UCSA woul dhave all the military leaders and expertise, the left being inept at military affairs, this would leave the ULSA with a cure - a good ass-kicking.

The left is undefeated in World Wars.
Not so. Nazism, fascism, and imperialism were soundly defeated in the world wars.

Fascism is not a leftist ideal. It was a left-leaning American president who defeated them. Read a book, christ.
"USA Should Divide Into 2 Separate Nations"


Just because the Constitution prohibits conservatives from disadvantaging women, gay Americans, and minorities doesn't justify creating a new nation.

Hillary takes money from countries that throw gay men off buildings, I don't know how a single gay person can support her
The left wing nation would never leave the Right wing nation alone....
Giving the right wing nation (UCSA) cause to take action against the left (ULSA). And since the UCSA woul dhave all the military leaders and expertise, the left being inept at military affairs, this would leave the ULSA with a cure - a good ass-kicking.

The left is undefeated in World Wars.
Not so. Nazism, fascism, and imperialism were soundly defeated in the world wars.

Fascism is not a leftist ideal. It was a left-leaning American president who defeated them. Read a book, christ.
State control is leftism.

Read a book. Start with Dick and Jane, perhaps.
The left wing nation would never leave the Right wing nation alone....
Giving the right wing nation (UCSA) cause to take action against the left (ULSA). And since the UCSA woul dhave all the military leaders and expertise, the left being inept at military affairs, this would leave the ULSA with a cure - a good ass-kicking.

The left is undefeated in World Wars.
Not so. Nazism, fascism, and imperialism were soundly defeated in the world wars.

Fascism is not a leftist ideal. It was a left-leaning American president who defeated them. Read a book, christ.
State control is leftism.

Read a book. Start with Dick and Jane, perhaps.
I think he would like that one along with Moby Dick....
Rural vs. City dwellers.

The city dwellers will never stand for the rural people chasing them off public lands that they have gone to so much trouble to steal and destroy.
"USA Should Divide Into 2 Separate Nations"


Just because the Constitution prohibits conservatives from disadvantaging women, gay Americans, and minorities doesn't justify creating a new nation.

How would you know, C_Coward?

You've never read the Constitution, and you wouldn't understand it if you did.

He read it and he be all like, "what dis iz?"
Fascism is not a leftist ideal. It was a left-leaning American president who defeated them. Read a book, christ.
After he and Neville Chamberlain stalled long enough to give the fascists enough time to build up to where they could get 400,000 Americans killed in World War. Quite a bit like looney Obama and looney Hillary are doing now, with ISIS.

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