USA Should Divide Into 2 Separate Nations


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
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What is the solution to the polarization, and in a large part, nastiness, that is so prevalent in the USA nowadays ? I think the problem is that we are trying to be ONE NATION, when really we are not that at all. The first thing one must do to assess themselves as a NATION is to define what a nation is. OK. Let's do that.

NATION - a stable, historically developed community of people, with a territory, economic life, distinctive culture, and language in common. (Webster's New World College Dictionary, 4th edition).

The problem with us in the USA is that that NO, we are NOT a distinctive culture, and only conservatives see us as having a distinctive single language in common. Liberals have created voting ballots that have almost 2 dozen different languages. They also have designed programs to be bi-lingual, or in more languages than just that.

But while language is generally the most determining cultural factor in shaping a nation, some other aspects of culture play a part too. These could be food, music, recreational activities, etc., and not to be overlooked is politics. Clearly, conservatives and liberals are living in 2 different worlds. There is very little agreement.

Why then should these 2 very disparate groups constantly engage in a struggle to co-exist with one another, as a single national entity ? We really shouldn't. I suggest that the USA break into 2 separate nations. One guided by liberal policies, and one by conservative culture.

And if liberals, in THEIR nation, want to impose all the harms of ceaseless immigration upon themselves, they can have at it. If they want to allow their economy to be pillaged for tens of Billion$$/year, let them do that. If they want to have birthright citizenship in THEIR nation, and allow Mexico et al to rip their tax treasuries for tens of Billions$$ more with the anchor baby racket and false documentation, have a ball, liberals.

If liberals want to endanger themselves with gun-free zones, giving terrorists a clear path to massacring them, that would be THEIR choice. If liberals choose to align themselves with Muslim Brotherhood members (like Obama and Hillary Clinton do), only THEY will suffer the consequences of that. And if they want to go around crowing about racial discrimination (while racially discriminating against Whites in Affirmative Action), only THEIR White people will suffer from that racism, not conservative Whites.

Unfortunately, even this reform cannot undo the damage that has been inflicted upon ALL of us by Hillary Clinton's reckless exposure of top secret US SAPs to the entire world, but at least we Conservatives could be assured that we won't have a treacherous nutjob like her in power over us, doing more harm to OUR nation.

And if liberals wish to have a high corporate tax rate and annihilate businesses with excessive regulation, that will be THEIR problem when those businesses pack up and leave (and probably move to OUR nation, the United Conservative States of America)

And if liberals want to allow criminals to run rampant over them, with light sentencing, early release from prisons, no stop & frisk, and the infamous > "give them space to destroy" mind-boggling statement of Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings, with stand down orders to the police, the resulting riots will be only THEIR problem, no one else's.

Let's have the UCSA, and the ULSA, and do it ASAP..
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Sounds fantastic, but whom the libs will get the money from if they separate from conservatives?

No, my friend, libs are going to keep sucking up your money and whining at the same time. That's the only two things they have been good at so far.
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Sounds fantastic, but whom the libs will get the money from if they separate from Republicans?
Not my problem. Maybe they can get it from the same Wall St banks, hedge funds, et who have poured over $200 Million into Hillary Clinton's campaign, and are paying for all those dishonest TV ads she's running.

And maybe they can get it from all the multimillion $$ per year overpaid movie actors who are gushing all over them all the time. And maybe from Paul McCartney, Mick Jagger, Bruce Springsteen, and Neil Young, who are so offended by Donald Trump using their songs in his rallies.
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What happens to the Liberal states when they collapse like Venezuela and are conquered by Mexican drug gangs?
Sounds fantastic, but whom the libs will get the money from if they separate from Republicans?
blue states, liberal, educated money producing states verses

Red States Are Welfare Queens

10 Poorest Cities in America (How did it happen?)

City, State, % of People Below the Poverty Level

1. Detroit , MI 32.5%
2. Buffalo , NY 29.9%
3. Cincinnati , OH 27.8%
4. Cleveland , OH 27.0%
5. Miami , FL 26.9%
5. St. Louis , MO 26.8%
7. El Paso , TX 26.4%
8. Milwaukee , WI 26.2%
9. Philadelphia , PA 25.1%
10. Newark , NJ 24.2%

What do the top ten cities (over 250,000) with the highest poverty rate all have in common?

Detroit, MI - (1st on the poverty rate list) hasn't elected a Republican mayor since 1961
Buffalo, NY - (2nd) hasn't elected one since 1954
Cincinnati, OH - (3rd) not since 1984
Cleveland, OH - (4th) not since 1989
Miami, FL - (5th) has never had a Republican mayor
St. Louis, MO - (6th) not since 1949
El Paso, TX - (7th) has never had a Republican mayor
Milwaukee, WI - (8th) not since 1908
Philadelphia, PA - (9th) not since 1952
Newark, NJ - (10th) not since 1907

Einstein once said, 'The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.'

It is the poor who habitually elect Democrats....... Yet they are still POOR.
What is the solution to the polarization, and in a large part, nastiness, that is so prevalent in the USA nowadays ? I think the problem is that we are trying to be ONE NATION, when really we are not that at all. The first thing one must do to assess themselves as a NATION is to define what a nation is. OK. Let's do that.

NATION - a stable, historically developed community of people, with a territory, economic life, distinctive culture, and language in common. (Webster's New World College Dictionary, 4th edition).

The problem with us in the USA is that that NO, we are NOT a distinctive culture, and only conservatives see us as having a distinctive single language in common. Liberals have created voting ballots that have almost 2 dozen different languages. They also have designed programs to be bi-lingual, or in more languages than just that.

But while language is generally the most determining cultural factor in shaping a nation, some other aspects of culture play a part too. These could be food, music, recreational activities, etc., and not to be overlooked is politics. Clearly, conservatives and liberals are living in 2 different worlds. There is very little agreement.

Why then should these 2 very disparate groups constantly engage in a struggle to co-exist with one another, as a single national entity ? We really shouldn't. I suggest that the USA break into 2 separate nations. One guided by liberal policies, and one by conservative culture.

And if liberals, in THEIR nation, want to impose all the harms of ceaseless immigration upon themselves, they can have at it. If they want to allow their economy to be pillaged for tens of Billion$$/year, let them do that. If they want to have birthright citizenship in THEIR nation, and allow Mexico et al to rip their tax treasuries for tens of Billions$$ more with the anchor baby racket and false documentation, have a ball, liberals.

If liberals want to endanger themselves with gun-free zones, giving terrorists a clear path to massacring them, that would be THEIR choice. If liberals choose to align themselves with Muslim Brotherhood members (like Obama and Hillary Clinton do), only THEY will suffer the consequences of that. And if they want to go around crowing about racial discrimination (while racially discriminating against Whites in Affirmative Action), only THEIR White people will suffer from that racism, not conservative Whites.

Unfortunately, even this reform cannot undo the damage that has been inflicted upon ALL of us by Hillary Clinton's reckless exposure of top secret US SAPs to the entire world, but at least we Conservatives could be assured that we won't have a treacherous nutjob like her in power over us, doing more harm to OUR nation.

And if liberals wish to have a high corporate tax rate and annihilate businesses with excessive regulation, that will be THEIR problem when those businesses pack up and leave (and probably move to OUR nation, the United Conservative States of America)

And if liberals want to allow criminals to run rampant over them, with light sentencing, early release from prisons, no stop & frisk, and the infamous > "give them space to destroy" mind-boggling statement of Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings, with stand down orders to the police, the resulting riots will be only THEIR problem, no one else's.

Let's have the UCSA, and the ULSA, and do it ASAP..

I agree the US should divide into 2 nations

Me and everyone else
Maybe that way I'll be left alone
Sounds fantastic, but whom the libs will get the money from if they separate from conservatives?

No, my friend, libs are going to keep sucking up your money and whining at the same time. That's the only two things they have been capable of so far.
The plan is working...
What happens to the Liberal states when they collapse like Venezuela and are conquered by Mexican drug gangs?
They will get their druggy attorneys to sue you for they can continue to tax you more and pay for their control over you.
Let's have the UCSA, and the ULSA, and do it ASAP.
Divide into two? Fat chance. The conservatives will have to divide again into free-traders like the main-stream GOP and the protectionists like the Trump followers. Then those groups will have to divide into social/religious conservatives and libertarians. People with moving vans will be rich. But don't worry, liberals will be just as fragmented.

I guess democracy isn't for everyone.
Let's have the UCSA, and the ULSA, and do it ASAP.
Divide into two? Fat chance. The conservatives will have to divide again into free-traders like the main-stream GOP and the protectionists like the Trump followers. Then those groups will have to divide into social/religious conservatives and libertarians. People with moving vans will be rich. But don't worry, liberals will be just as fragmented.

I guess democracy isn't for everyone.
No, democracy is not. How about a Constitutional Republic though.
Hey look, Jefferson Davis is in the house.
What is the solution to the polarization, and in a large part, nastiness, that is so prevalent in the USA nowadays ? I think the problem is that we are trying to be ONE NATION, when really we are not that at all. The first thing one must do to assess themselves as a NATION is to define what a nation is. OK. Let's do that.

NATION - a stable, historically developed community of people, with a territory, economic life, distinctive culture, and language in common. (Webster's New World College Dictionary, 4th edition).

The problem with us in the USA is that that NO, we are NOT a distinctive culture, and only conservatives see us as having a distinctive single language in common. Liberals have created voting ballots that have almost 2 dozen different languages. They also have designed programs to be bi-lingual, or in more languages than just that.

But while language is generally the most determining cultural factor in shaping a nation, some other aspects of culture play a part too. These could be food, music, recreational activities, etc., and not to be overlooked is politics. Clearly, conservatives and liberals are living in 2 different worlds. There is very little agreement.

Why then should these 2 very disparate groups constantly engage in a struggle to co-exist with one another, as a single national entity ? We really shouldn't. I suggest that the USA break into 2 separate nations. One guided by liberal policies, and one by conservative culture.

And if liberals, in THEIR nation, want to impose all the harms of ceaseless immigration upon themselves, they can have at it. If they want to allow their economy to be pillaged for tens of Billion$$/year, let them do that. If they want to have birthright citizenship in THEIR nation, and allow Mexico et al to rip their tax treasuries for tens of Billions$$ more with the anchor baby racket and false documentation, have a ball, liberals.

If liberals want to endanger themselves with gun-free zones, giving terrorists a clear path to massacring them, that would be THEIR choice. If liberals choose to align themselves with Muslim Brotherhood members (like Obama and Hillary Clinton do), only THEY will suffer the consequences of that. And if they want to go around crowing about racial discrimination (while racially discriminating against Whites in Affirmative Action), only THEIR White people will suffer from that racism, not conservative Whites.

Unfortunately, even this reform cannot undo the damage that has been inflicted upon ALL of us by Hillary Clinton's reckless exposure of top secret US SAPs to the entire world, but at least we Conservatives could be assured that we won't have a treacherous nutjob like her in power over us, doing more harm to OUR nation.

And if liberals wish to have a high corporate tax rate and annihilate businesses with excessive regulation, that will be THEIR problem when those businesses pack up and leave (and probably move to OUR nation, the United Conservative States of America)

And if liberals want to allow criminals to run rampant over them, with light sentencing, early release from prisons, no stop & frisk, and the infamous > "give them space to destroy" mind-boggling statement of Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings, with stand down orders to the police, the resulting riots will be only THEIR problem, no one else's.

Let's have the UCSA, and the ULSA, and do it ASAP..

The left wing nation would never leave the Right wing nation alone....
What existing countries would each of these two indelendant Americas be closest to?
What existing countries would each of these two indelendant Americas be closest to?
If they split along an East-West axis, then one would be closer to the North pole and the other closer to the Equator.

If they split along a North-South axis, then one would be closer to the Atlantic Ocean and the other closer to the Pacific Ocean.
The USA should just cease to exist.
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