USA Must Divide Into 2 Seperate Countries

I really think in 2024 they should put up Tim Scott and Niki Haley in either order. Let the Democrats try running against a black man and a woman who isn't even technically white. They would have no idea how to campaign. It would be a slam dunk.
I couldn't care less about patronizing minorities. It be nice to see intelligent leaders who can advocate for ideas persuasively and actually build consensus. But the party seems to be going in the other direction.
The Democrats have a history of baby steps which I outlined. Would you like me to outline them again?

Communism has a negative connotation. They can't use the word until they get total control over the government without opposition. It's like Socialism. Most Democrats are Socialists but can't say it in those words. They went from Democrats to liberals, from liberals to progressives, from progressives to Democrat-Socialists whatever the F that is.
Stockholm Syndrome

Read The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo. Sweden's pompous Social Democrats have created a pretty sick society. And the trilogy doesn't even mention all the Muslime the anti-human humanitarians have let invade them.
Well, come 2022 I don't think you are going to have to worry about that for a while. Now I don't know who will win the 2024 presidential election, but even if it is a Democrat, like Biden (come 2022), they will face a red sea in both the House and the Senate that will be there for a while.
Let Ingrate America Go Its Own Way, Which Is Not the American Way

What happens in the elitist mansion of swamp and jungle that is Washington, DC, should be of no more concern to Great America than what happens in Timbuktu.
If single party rule is the only way to save this country, it's not worth saving.

It's going to happen either way. What do you think the Democrats are after by allowing all these minority illegals into the country? Once whites are a minority they will have a single-party government, except it won't be the government you want. If we are to have a single-party government no matter what, at least if it's a government that agrees with your views, you're ahead of the game.
I couldn't care less about patronizing minorities. It be nice to see intelligent leaders who can advocate for ideas persuasively and actually build consensus. But the party seems to be going in the other direction.
That would be the great part. Both Tim Scott and Niki Haley would be great choices and not patronizing minorities just for the sake of doing it. That's just an added bonus.
If we are to have a single-party government no matter what, at least if it's a government that agrees with your views, you're ahead of the game.

A weak excuse for embracing single-party government. Again, if that's all we can - fuck it, the American experiment is over.

To be clear, I don't believe that. I think you're just making excuses for fascism, and I'll have no part of it.
Damn people. Just stop.

I live in a NY County that is 60-40 Trump and when we don't talk politics we get along great.

They are good people in general. Good neighbors (for the most part) and some very good friends.

Do you burn your town down like you do your country?
A weak excuse for embracing single-party government. Again, if that's all we can - fuck it, the American experiment is over.

To be clear, I don't believe that. I think you're just making excuses for fascism, and I'll have no part of it.

Fine with me but when you suffer the consequences, don't complain. Left untouched, we are going to be a single-party government no matter what, but if we don't separate, it will be a leftist single-party government which of course will quickly usher in Socialism and then Communism.

As for myself, I would rather live under a conservative government. That doesn't mean there would be no elections, no people with different ideas. What it means is that we would be debating whether to allow our social programs to be run by the state instead of the feds, instead of do we defund the police and leave our citizens with no protection, or debating armed citizenry vs a disarmed society.
Fine with me but when you suffer the consequences, don't complain. Left untouched, we are going to be a single-party government no matter what, but if we don't separate, it will be a leftist single-party government which of course will quickly usher in Socialism and then Communism.
That's Trumpster paranoia. You guys really are nuts.

And the really fucked up thing is, you're using your paranoid fears of what the Democrats will do to justify preemptively imposing single party rule of your own design. That's fuck up logically and ethically.
The fact is, for the most part, there is no such thing as red states and blue states. There are red areas and blue areas with the red areas being many suburbs and rural areas and democrats basically having most of the larger cities. In other words, it would be a hodge podge of mix and match almost everywhere. There would be no way to draw a map combining red areas and blue areas into two separate countries. Like it or not, we are stuck with each other.
I don't think so. People in blue states can move to red states (and they already are doing just that). People in red states can move to blue states if they wish (lots of welfare blacks in cities wanting to keep their checks coming in)
That's not going to happen. "Red" states and "Blue" states aren't nearly as distinct as we pretend. Even in a state that is considered to lean strongly one way or another, we're talking - at best - 60/40. Most states are purple.

Ds and Rs need to get over their partisan pissing match and produce actual leaders. And that won't happen until we change the voting system.
That is banging one's head against the wall. The time has come. Democrats and Reoublicans are more different than France and England.:banghead:

Too much unecessary strife. Why put up with it ?:dunno:
The only rectification with the voting system would be to have only politically intelligent vote. That would never happen. The Democrats would never allow it. They would lose the ghetto votes that puts them over the top. They need the welfare vote to win so they are marching to the homes of people to plop a ballot on their kitchen table. These people have no idea WTF they're voting on.
True. In 2020, most blacks who voted, voted for Biden, when Trump did more for blacks than any US president since Lincoln.
Division would be much harder than we could imagine.

There are really no Red States and Blue States.

It is America vs the big city Democrat controlled ghetto shitholes.

For instance, we have Texas, which is a solid red State. However, Dallas, Houston, Austin, San Antonio and El Paso are filled with Democrat voting minority filth and Illegals.

Just look at all the Democrat voting filth in Atlanta that Georgia has. Memphis in Tennessee. Louisville in Kentucky, etc.
So what ? They can all go move to New York, Illinois, or California. It's actually something has been going on for decades.
Once whites are a minority they will have a single-party government, except it won't be the government you want.

So in other words Ray, the Left's plan is that once all the white producing people who built America and made it successful and the world standard are finished, they plan to move a whole bunch of blood-sucking foreign minority takers in who will just bleed it dry until it collapses!

In other words, make America the same as the rest of the shithole world.

Doesn't sound like they've thought this through very well. :smoke:
People need to get off this red/ blue state thing when discussing this subject. It's irrelevant as you just pointed out. We need to focus on just dividing the country to keep us away from each other which I couldn't image anything better than to not have to put up with liberal BS again. Yes, a lot of people would have to move, but it would be a one time deal and we could save at least half of this country in the process. If we don't, we stand a good chance at losing the entire thing.
The US government could pay for moving expenses. It would be money well spent, and a lot better than some of the dumb things our $$$$ get wasted on right now.
That's Trumpster paranoia. You guys really are nuts.

And the really fucked up thing is, you're using your paranoid fears of what the Democrats will do to justify preemptively imposing single party rule of your own design. That's fuck up logically and ethically.
Single party rule isnt the issue. 2 Party rule with irreconcilable differences is.

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