US Drawing Up Plans To Sink the Russian Black Sea Fleet: Ukrainian Official

Right now, Russia is invading Ukraine

If they get an asskicking it is not my concern

War is war, either you are anti-war or you are not!

Just like the far left approved of the illegal wars of Obama.

Just funny how the far left is only anti war with an (R) next to the name..

I agree.

But then we know all about the hypocrisy of the Left. :dunno:

Even if it's only going to start with one ship at a time, will this be a critical escalation and the end of mutually agreed upon rules governing this war?

Or could this be only in the interests of America's 'confidence' propaganda being used to ensure the Amerian people that they are still safe?

It really does appear to have some negative effect on building confidence in American minds!

And IMHO it's a bit puzzling on what the purpose could be when the ability to sink Russia's fleet is already there?

You go to war, you suffer the consequences.
I was mostly just mocking the idea that the US was planning to sink the Black Sea Fleet. :stir:

Hopefully Norway will provide NSM to Ukraine while Biden dithers. At least that would push the Russian fleet further off the coast.
If Finland and Estonia refuse to allow Russian vessels in their territorial waters that will cut Russia off from access to the Baltic Sea. Denmark and Sweden can do the same thing on the western entrance to the Baltic Sea. Turkey is a member of NATO hopefully they can be convinced to do the same thing with the Black Sea, however unlikely at the current time.
If Finland and Estonia refuse to allow Russian vessels in their territorial waters that will cut Russia off from access to the Baltic Sea. Denmark and Sweden can do the same thing on the western entrance to the Baltic Sea. Turkey is a member of NATO hopefully they can be convinced to do the same thing with the Black Sea, however unlikely at the current time.
Turkey is enforcing the Montreax Convention now, so no warships can transit the straits.

The Baltic Sea will be a NATO lake, I hope Putin is happy with that!
War is War, and the far left is only anti war when there is an (R) next to the name.

So either you are anti war or you are not. Pretty simple!

Just like how the far left praised Obama when started his illegal wars.
War is War, and the far left is only anti war when there is an (R) next to the name.

So either you are anti war or you are not. Pretty simple!

Just like how the far left praised Obama when started his illegal wars.
War is never a good idea. It's the worst possible way to resolve a situation. But this is what putin chose, the man has to be psychotic. Did he actually believe the Ukraine was a threat to him but they were going to invade Russia or something no. These are delusions he had and he acted on them. We didn't ask for this, but we must deter it to the best of our ability.
You are confused. It was Reagan who labeled Russia (USSR) the Evil Empire, marking it as an enemy that had to be overcome, who supplied Stinger missiles to Afghanistan so they could defeat Russia and who increased the US defense spending to a level Russia could not match and that led to the dissolution of the USSR.

After the USSR freed all the countries Russia had held captive for 45 years since the end of WWII and tried to turn toward democracy and a free market economy and relations between Russia and the US and western Europe improved dramatically, but then Putin came to power and began using state power to remove all the rights and freedoms the Russian people had finally achieved and ended effective democracy and at the same time revived Cold War rhetoric, abrogated many of the post USSR policies and agreements and began threatening for soviet states and then attacking them and Russia has once again become a smaller and weaker version of what Reagan called the Evil Empire, and Putin has proved there is no possibility of friendly relations between Russia and the US as long and he is in power, and he has proved that a strong and resolute NATO is needed now just as much as it was in 1949.

Today, Russia has no place among civilized nations and will have no place among civilized nations until it has cleansed itself of Putin's malign influence.
You don't know or care to know even squat ... dimwits.Putin
may be a control freak but then so are Barack Obama,Hillary Clinton
And guys like John Brennan.The ones who Framed Donald Trump and then
spent 4 years trying to brainwash the american people into believing
Their Big lie of Trump and Russian Collusion.
The Russian People are far more American minded than many of today's
Liberals and definately the Leftists.
There used to be a cite called - Busty Russian Woman -.
No nudity just Russian Women going about living in Russia.
Going on vacations,Getting Married and celebrating Holidays.
Eating out and acting normal.Think the U.S. during the 50's.
Where there was a Mickey Mouuse club,The Hardy Boys and
Shows like - Father Knows Best - { 1954 } and Ozzie & Harriet -
Plus The Donna Reed Show - and - Leave it to Beaver -.
Plus Disney was all the rage.
All that is now verboten.Because we have leaders who made
Fashionable how to Hate Americana.It's now part of our fabric
and about to take over the Populace.
It would have if Hillary won in 2016.
Again ... Putin was manageable during Trump's Presidency.
It's Biden and his flock of America haters who are incapable of
being managed.They are the new Stasi on the block.
A fitting movie on this is :
- The Quiller Memorandum - { 1966 }
Starring George Segal { past away in march } and Max von Sydow.

I hope they defeat Russia, but no American blood involed.
Truman's statement in 1941 regarding the invasion of the Soviet Union by Nazi Germany and its allies, Italy, Hungary, Finland, and Romania: "If we see that Germany is winning, we ought to help Russia, and if Russia is winning we ought to help Germany, and that way let them kill as many as possible..."
The vile policy of the United States in action. Everything is as usual. "Freedom loving", my ass!
Strange how we never or at least seldom hear how Russia is our most potent adversary any more since they have their hands full with Ukraine. Obama was right again.
You meanie when he told the outgoing Russian President { Medvedev }
that " I'll have more flexibility after the Election ".To do what.?
Things like Missile Defense.BTW Obama was caught making that
comment after being nabbed on a hot mic.
I think he even tried to deny it.That's the Obama way.
Just guffaw your way around Truth.
Because the Left Does not value Truth!
Truman's statement in 1941 regarding the invasion of the Soviet Union by Nazi Germany and its allies, Italy, Hungary, Finland, and Romania: "If we see that Germany is winning, we ought to help Russia, and if Russia is winning we ought to help Germany, and that way let them kill as many as possible..."
The vile policy of the United States in action. Everything is as usual. "Freedom loving", my ass!
" If we see that Germany is winning we ought to help Russia,
and if we see Russia is winning,we ought to help Germany and
that way let them kill as many as possible."
-- Harry *S. Truman { quoted in U.S. Week June 5,1941 }
It was in the Senate,not generally reported.

* The Initial " S " stands for nothing,it was added for euphony
" If we see that Germany is winning we ought to help Russia,
and if we see Russia is winning,we ought to help Germany and
that way let them kill as many as possible."
-- Harry *S. Truman { quoted in U.S. Week June 5,1941 }
It was in the Senate,not generally reported.

* The Initial " S " stands for nothing,it was added for euphony
not generally reported? These words were published in one of the main US newspapers

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If that were true it then Russia would have grounds to attack the US because our missiles are blowing up Russian tanks and aircraft. The Russian ships are acting in violation of international maritime law and committing an act of war by blockading Ukraine's ports and are therefore legitimate targets just as Russian tanks and aircraft committing acts of war against Ukraine are.
legitimate Ukrainian targets, not legitimate US targets. thats the difference that you seem unable to grasp.
Wow ! So now I know how you guys think, putin invaded their Ukraine just so we could put more money and Biden's pockets. You probably believe that this would have never happened if trump was in office. You're wrong on both accounts, putin is psychotic, he has the delusion that NATO nations are going to attack him, and unfortunately because he's attack the Ukraine and practically destroyed it, and now he's threatening Finland and Sweden. He's bringing about his own worst fears. If he doesn't relent from all this aggression, he may well bring about the destruction of this world. It would have happened sooner if trump was still president, because he said he would bomb Moscow, that would lead to a nuclear war.
totally wrong. Putin is trying to reconstitute the USSR of which Ukraine was a part for decades. I am not saying Putin is the good guy here, just that we are in no position to criticize after our fiascos in vietnam and afghanistan and kosovo and others. We have as much blood on our hands as putin has on his.

its also incorrect to try to portray Ukraine as a wonderful peaceful country, it is one of the most corrupt in the world and its people are treated like shit.
Regardless of whether it's true or not, it makes no sense to inject it into a discussion of the Russian invasion unless you believe it justifies Russia's actions.
I did not say it justified Russia's actions. Merely pointing out that Ukraine was, and is, a very corrupt country, Ukraine was bribing US officials through their kids Biden, Pelosi, Romney, Kerry just to name 4
If Finland and Estonia refuse to allow Russian vessels in their territorial waters that will cut Russia off from access to the Baltic Sea. Denmark and Sweden can do the same thing on the western entrance to the Baltic Sea. Turkey is a member of NATO hopefully they can be convinced to do the same thing with the Black Sea, however unlikely at the current time.
If Finland and Estonia block passage of Russian ships, that would be an act of war. They know that and that is why Finland is trying to join NATO. Do we really want a war with Russia? Our "leaders" sure seem to be trying to get us into one. This is only happening because we have a weak president that the entire world is laughing at and walking on.
You obviously don't know how ridiculous you sound. Russia is losing this war badly, and it's only going to get worse for them. The more they escalate, the more support the Ukraine will get. Not just from US, but the entire world. There is no excuse for what Russia has done.
Ukraine cannot win this, with or without our help. Do you really think we are going to see Ukrainian soldiers entering Moscow? Let Putin have it, then its his problem to deal with, not ours.
not generally reported? These words were published in one of the main US newspapers

The Same N.Y.Times that Mark levin took to task in :
- Unfreedom of the Press - when they purposedly Ignored mention
of the Holocaust in their Newspaper of Record.Scant attention was given
to the Holocaust in their newsrag during Hitler's reign of Terror.
I did not say it justified Russia's actions. Merely pointing out that Ukraine was, and is, a very corrupt country, Ukraine was bribing US officials through their kids Biden, Pelosi, Romney, Kerry just to name 4
PLus { a very important and historic Plus } It was President Trump's
personal Phone call to newly elected Ukraine President Zelensky
that ended up being the basis for his House Impeachment.By
suggesting numerous times that he used a " Quid Pro Quo "
in his phone conversation with Zelenesky.Pure rubbish.
Yet this Dirty Dog Lying Mainstream media kept it up
suggesting Trump used a " Quid Pro Quo } in his Zelenesky
phone call.Of course it didn't help when President Trump kept
insisitng it was a " perfect phone call ". Or " beautiful phone call ".
Around this time there was a video making the rounds showing
Biden as V.P attending a select meeting of The Council on Foreign
Relations where he shot his mouth off Big Time.
Bragging { No finer use of a ' Quid Pro Quo ' } that if the
Prosecutor { who was investigating Burisma et al. } wasn't
fired { and they have only hours before his plane leaves } that
he'll withhold the $Billion + Aid for Ukraine.
Biden uses a bona fide " Quid Pro Quo " while Trump
merely was cordial in a phone call with Zelensky and Trump
gets Investigated by Pelosi's House and Impeachment proceedings

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