UPDATE: Democrats, Not Trump Supporters, Are the True Jan. 6 Insurrectionists

It's like the staff at the Epoch Times was sitting around in a conference room until someone asked, "What's the craziest thing we could write?"
It's like the staff at the Epoch Times was sitting around in a conference room until someone asked, "What's the craziest thing we could write that our idiot conservative readers would believe?”
The problem is, they ask that question and the immediate reaction in the room is, "Yeah, they're stupid enough to believe that. They'll swallow anything".
And it's true. Right wingers will believe anything. :)
Except what's obviously true without the need to formulate a complex set of circumstances to explain how it can't be true.
It's like the staff at the Epoch Times was sitting around in a conference room until someone asked, "What's the craziest thing we could write?"
It's like the staff at the Epoch Times was sitting around in a conference room until someone asked, "What's the craziest thing we could write that our idiot conservative readers would believe?”
The problem is, they ask that question and the immediate reaction in the room is, "Yeah, they're stupid enough to believe that. They'll swallow anything".
And it's true. Right wingers will believe anything. :)
They can't seen to believe the truth, even when a roadmap is provided. The next thing you know, a convoluted theory is developed to explain away the obvious in favor of something wildly outlandish.
I am so over this shit I JUST DON'T CARE.

I don't care what they "find"
I don't care what they "say"
I don't care that the media will ignore current events and real news to cover this circus.

The politicians and media have cried wolf one too many times and I've completely tuned out to their nonsense.
You have room for more BENGHAZI! though, right?
Shouldn't you be out looting some Malt liquor somewhere?
Sounds like he already did.
What a ridiculous claim. You understand that the Epoch Times is a batshit crazy conspiracy theory site, don't you?
"Batshit crazy" is pretending chicks have dicks....isn't it?
What a ridiculous claim. You understand that the Epoch Times is a batshit crazy conspiracy theory site, don't you?
No I don't realize and that and not about to take your word on it. The people who stole the election are the insurrectionists.
Of course you don't. Trump supporters have trouble accepting reality.
"Reality" like accepting that men have penises and women have vaginas?
Why do you always misdirect every conversation to penises?
I already knew that.

The real insurrectionists are the people accusing them of insurrection. They, the accusers who are demanding a “commission” be formed to study this non-existent insurrection, are the ones taking over our country and imposing their will on the people.

And they’re doing this after an election that has never had its fairness investigated and about which no one can say—other than pronouncing an opinion as fact—who was victorious.

They have, as the courts would say, no standing.
That dog won't hunt.
It will, and you do not own that dog. Stop trying to shit on other Americans.
You can try the courts. You're welcome to any defense you want to use, but probably won't get you out of fines and time if charged.
The court of public opinion will do after the fraud is exposed.
Good luck with that. I wonder what the Vegas line on that happening is. You should get down on it.
Odds are pretty good that dog is not listening. Odds are that dog will find what he is looking for. You have no choice but to sit back and wait. No one is going to stop a Senate from doing what its voters want.
Oh, the evenly divided Senate with the VP having deciding votes on ties, yes of course. I thought you were talking about the court of public opinion where there were more Biden voters than trump voters. Good luck with all of the above. I can enjoy sitting back and waiting. Heck, I'll undoubtedly wait 4 years to see if the trumpets run another candidate to try to do away with the elector college, representative voting period and maybe do away with Presidential elections themselve, just to make sure the wrong person does not win. Thanks, comrade.
Why do you always misdirect every conversation to penises?
Because many, arguably most, staunch conservatives/Republicans have repressed their urges and are often ashamed of them, so they end up doing weird things like toe-tapping in public bathrooms, interjecting the phallus into every and any conversation and things like that, instead of embracing who they are inside openly.

I'd wager that's what's going on here.
I already knew that.

The real insurrectionists are the people accusing them of insurrection. They, the accusers who are demanding a “commission” be formed to study this non-existent insurrection, are the ones taking over our country and imposing their will on the people.

And they’re doing this after an election that has never had its fairness investigated and about which no one can say—other than pronouncing an opinion as fact—who was victorious.

They have, as the courts would say, no standing.

As Nancy said...

We need another 911 style commission...

Since the original 911 commission simply lied to the American people, why not do it again, since we know the media will join in with the lying, as they did with 911...
Gaetz points out the insurrection was done by Antifa pretending to be Trump supporters, so now the Deep State is going after Gaetz. Our Founding Fathers must be rolling over in their graves.
What a ridiculous claim. You understand that the Epoch Times is a batshit crazy conspiracy theory site, don't you?
You understand that the msm is a batshit crazy, conspiracy theory , don't you?
I understand that Trump and Alex Jones told you that.
that explains why you have no understanding of absolutely NOTHING...unlike your kind, i think 4 myself w/out being told what to repeat...
polly want a cracker?
It's like the staff at the Epoch Times was sitting around in a conference room until someone asked, "What's the craziest thing we could write?"
It's like the staff at the Epoch Times was sitting around in a conference room until someone asked, "What's the craziest thing we could write that our idiot conservative readers would believe?”

I don't know if you recall hearing a story from four years ago that was broadcast on Infowars by Alex Jones. Robert David Steele who was a retired CIA agent (that's disturbing in and of itself) said that there is a colony of child slavery living on Mars. Believe it or not, NASA even felt compelled to comment that it was not true.

Mentally unbalanced people, and crazy people, and cultists will simply believe anything that's put in front of them, especially when their continued membership in the group hinges on accepting and believing it.

It's like we are entering a new dark ages.

Mentally unbalanced people, and crazy people, ( scum demonRATS) will simply believe anything that's put in front of them, especially when their continued membership in the group hinges on accepting and believing it.
I already knew that.

The real insurrectionists are the people accusing them of insurrection. They, the accusers who are demanding a “commission” be formed to study this non-existent insurrection, are the ones taking over our country and imposing their will on the people.

And they’re doing this after an election that has never had its fairness investigated and about which no one can say—other than pronouncing an opinion as fact—who was victorious.

They have, as the courts would say, no standing.
If there was no insurrection, then you should be welcoming the commission as it would therefore prove you correct.
If there was no fraud in the election, then you should be welcoming the recount, as it would therefore prove one way or the other
From your RWI friends, this is NOT a reCount, it (in AZ) is an audit.
You clearly don't understand the difference, because your RWI friends have mentioned this MANY, MANY, MANY times, but still cannot comprehend. So Sad.

There has ALREADY been (R) led (ReCounts) that led to No Conclusion.
Do you remember the 19 Benghazi Failed Investigations.
When this 'Fake Audit, not a ReCount' proves nothing, I'm expecting 10+ more FAKE investigations.

Get a grip, trump lost.
get a grip...you are a shit stain that believes LIES
They can't seem to believe the truth, even when a roadmap is provided.
That's because they literally have their own separate reality now. Their own, proprietary "truth". They're not lying or playing games. They literally believe this stuff. Jan 6th was no big deal, just a few rowdy tourists. It meant nothing.

I admit, it took me some time to get my head around this. This isn't bizarre, transparent, absurd partisan rhetoric. That's why they're so emotional about it. They're serious.
What a ridiculous claim. You understand that the Epoch Times is a batshit crazy conspiracy theory site, don't you?
No I don't realize and that and not about to take your word on it. The people who stole the election are the insurrectionists.
And yet no court believed that anyone stole the election including the USSC...

Which speaks volumes about Zionist Jews, black bigots, and homos, and their "role" in the treason that was the steal.

Those judges are all traitors.

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