Unvaccinated People Should Expect To Catch COVID-19 Every 16 Months

Ok I need to get the flu shot every 12 months.

At least half of the people of America gets that shot every 12 months.

What's your point?

Indeed, they act like a booster is a big ass deal. It isn't. We also don't know whether it will be necessary annually like the flu shot. If it is, we're talking one trip to the pharmacy. :rolleyes:
Indeed, they act like a booster is a big ass deal. It isn't. We also don't know whether it will be necessary annually like the flu shot. If it is, we're talking one trip to the pharmacy. :rolleyes:

Yes we will.

The anti vaxxers will make sure of it.

They will keep the virus alive to mutate to new and more lethal variants so we will have to get a covid shot every 16 to 18 months.

All because the anti vaxxers refuse to do the right thing.
Indeed, they act like a booster is a big ass deal. It isn't. We also don't know whether it will be necessary annually like the flu shot. If it is, we're talking one trip to the pharmacy. :rolleyes:
This started from lies and they are still lying. And one of the main perpetrators is a hero to the Progs.
Yes we will.

The anti vaxxers will make sure of it.

They will keep the virus alive to mutate to new and more lethal variants so we will have to get a covid shot every 16 to 18 months.

All because the anti vaxxers refuse to do the right thing.
You mean to say the vaxxed are super spreaders right?
Vaccinated people should also expect to continue to catch the virus.

The mRNA Vaxxes do not work - they are making Covid worse by accelerating mutations.
Vaccinated people should also expect to continue to catch the virus.

The mRNA Vaxxes do not work - they are making Covid worse by accelerating mutations.
Yes. The vaxxed are super spreaders and should be isolated.
Wrong. The vaccines were a miracle. Now please go get yours!
They may someday be one once they are researched thoroughly but the ongoing human experimentation is showing the vacs are not durable thus ineffective. Try experimenting in another vein other than human which is the course that has always been taken previously and there is nothing so dire about the killer of 38,000 that the hit and miss human lab rat method needs to continue.
They may someday be one once they are researched thoroughly but the ongoing human experimentation is showing the vacs are not durable thus ineffective. Try experimenting in another vein other than human which is the course that has always been taken previously and there is nothing so dire about the killer of 38,000 that the hit and miss human lab rat method needs to continue.

The vaccines are quite durable and extremely efficacious. Go get yours please.
People can get pneumonia from bad-contaminated food which starts the body to dump the toxins often through the nose and down the throat. Get that stuff out of you before it goes to your lungs or gets recirculated via stomach.
No one has really proven that this Covid thing is anything more than a toxic phlegm crisis.
So all the lies and hoopla about it have a secret agenda which is smelling like de-population.

In Russia the "clergy" of Putin's Russian Orthodox Church
are pushing Russians to get the "mark of the beast"... and to do that they have usurped Christ's authority as Lawgiver to invent their own humanistic laws by calling NOT getting the mark of the beast a "sin"
WOW! That's like humanistic usurpers here who claim "racism is a sin"

Not only that... but the Russian clergy are basically saying the "sin" is against "each of us" and "our loved ones"...
so they even admit this is NOT a sin against God... it's a humanistic "sin" they have totally invented to deceive people to take the mark of the beast that
The King of kings warned His people against!
In the Bible, YahShua, the Perfect Man, said
those who love their own family more than Him are not worthy.

The current evil humanistic usurptions
of authority is what Paul talked about when he said the lawless
man of sin [who rejects God's divine laws] will replace God in the temple
[NT tells us the bodies of God's people are God's temple where God's
Holy Spirit dwells] and instead of God's Holy Spirit, evil atheist humanistic
lawlessness will sit in body temples pretending to be God and inventing
their own humanistic rules/sins !! Russian Orthodox Metropolitan Hilarion
has become the poster boy for that abomination !!
The vaccines are quite durable and extremely efficacious. Go get yours please.
Already did pearl clutcher, now they say it didn’t work and I need more
That’s not officious and we are not lab rats.
Please seek your safe space and find your refuge. I am not your refuge.
The study was done at Yale School of Public Health.

They found that immunity through infection doesn't last forever. In fact, it lasts somewhat of a short time.

So those who aren't vaccinated but had the virus can get expect to get it every 16 to 17 months.

Bull shit... Over 39 studies show Acquired immunities lasting in excess of 20 years... Persons who had SARS 17-20 years ago still have immunities today...
Already did pearl clutchers, now they say it didn’t work and need more
That’s not officious and we are not lab rats.
Please seek your safe space and find your refuge. I am not your refuge.

Oh good for you. So there is a BFD about a ten minute stop at your local CVS or Walgreens for a booster 8 months after your second dose? I don't get it, and nobody with half a brain is saying that the vaccines didn't work.
People can get pneumonia from bad-contaminated food which starts the body to dump the toxins often through the nose and down the throat. Get that stuff out of you before it goes to your lungs or gets recirculated via stomach.
No one has really proven that this Covid thing is anything more than a toxic phlegm crisis.
So all the lies and hoopla about it have a secret agenda which is smelling like de-population.

In Russia the "clergy" of Putin's Russian Orthodox Church
are pushing Russians to get the "mark of the beast"... and to do that they have usurped Christ's authority as Lawgiver to invent their own humanistic laws by calling NOT getting the mark of the beast a "sin"
WOW! That's like humanistic usurpers here who claim "racism is a sin"

Not only that... but the Russian clergy are basically saying the "sin" is against "each of us" and "our loved ones"...
so they even admit this is NOT a sin against God... it's a humanistic "sin" they have totally invented to deceive people to take the mark of the beast that
The King of kings warned His people against!
In the Bible, YahShua, the Perfect Man, said
those who love their own family more than Him are not worthy.

The current evil humanistic usurptions
of authority is what Paul talked about when he said the lawless
man of sin [who rejects God's divine laws] will replace God in the temple
[NT tells us the bodies of God's people are God's temple where God's
Holy Spirit dwells] and instead of God's Holy Spirit, evil atheist humanistic
lawlessness will sit in body temples pretending to be God and inventing
their own humanistic rules/sins !! Russian Orthodox Metropolitan Hilarion
has become the poster boy for that abomination !!

So tell us Sergei - How much is Vlado paying you per post? :)

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