Unsealed Trump Search Warrant - Trump had classified Documents

And more importantly, one must presume that those items were returned to the oval office the next day, so Trump could use them the next day.

I wouldn't presume that,

If he brought them to the office the next day, they would still be unclassified, and remain so until Trump classified them again.
This is where Trumps "taking homework" back to the residence fails. His declassification would have been just a temporary measure allowing him to do so legally.
If Trump didn't reclassify them, when their declassification was no longer needed, shows that Trump intended to permanently declassify them.
Which is contrary to the temporary nature of taking them to study at home. But instead to permanently possess them, and to be able to give them to our enemies, or sell them to the highest bidder.
This is where Trumps "taking homework" back to the residence fails. His declassification would have been just a temporary measure allowing him to do so legally.
Show me where he said, "temporarily."
If Trump didn't reclassify them, when their declassification was no longer needed, shows that Trump intended to permanently declassify them.
Which is contrary to the temporary nature of taking them to study at home. But instead to permanently possess them, and to be able to give them to our enemies, or sell them to the highest bidder.
If you can prove Trump's intent to do anything like that, please forward the proof to AG Garland. It'd be a big help. He's getting a little desperate, obviously.

Remember . . . no intent, no crime.
Show me where he said, "temporarily."

If you can prove Trump's intent to do anything like that, please forward the proof to AG Garland. It'd be a big help. He's getting a little desperate, obviously.

Remember . . . no intent, no crime.

This is no different than a blockbuster movie, with a surprise ending. So to keep it secret they keep all the scripts on set. But occasionally allow an actor to take their script home to study. Of course they have to bring it right back the next day, where it would again be locked up when they weren't using it.

Now picture one of the actors taking their script home and not returning it. The director would be accusing them of stealing the script for the purpose of selling the script to make money.
President Trump declassified all the documents.

Just because the FBI calls something “classified” when logging it doesn’t make it so.
So says Trump. Apparently Garland expected Trump to make this claim which would probably end up going to supreme court so he included the espionage act which does not reference security classification but rather concentrates on handing military secrets.
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Does the president of the United States have to the power to declassify documents at will?

Yes, or no?
Yes, but only when he is president and when he makes the declassification know. Thinking about declassifying them after he leaves the presidency and is caught with the documents doesn't count.
They already sent the National Archives to retrieve classified documents.
When it was apparent, not all such documents had been given to the National Archives
they sent Trump a subpoena to turn over the remaining classified documents.
Even though Trumps lawyers assured them, that all such documents had been turned over, it was discovered Trump still possessed classified documents.
That's when the FBI got a search warrant. The first time that law enforcement was called upon to retrieve the stolen documents.
You're making stuff up. How would they even know if not all the documents were turned over?
But he would still….need to say it. At that time. As president.
The general rule is the president has the authority to declassify material. However, there are some exceptions to that. First, that authority only lasts while the person is actually president. Second, another president can reverse that decision. And then there's also another category of material that cannot be declassified, and that's anything related to nuclear power, nuclear weapons, and those go back to Atomic Energy Acts from the late 40s and 50s. And so, even if the president wants to declassify that material, the president cannot.

The authority the president has to declassify documents goes back to a Supreme Court case in the 80's. There are some people who argue that case has been misinterpreted, and said that it doesn't actually give the president as much authority as later interpreters have said. But that's generally how courts have treated it that is, the president has this very substantial authority and can just kind of wave a magic wand and make a document declassified if he chooses to do so. The bottom line here is if Trump is actually charged and his defense is that he spoke the magic words, the case would end up in the Supreme Court which is where the presidents declassification power came.
The general rule is the president has the authority to declassify material. However, there are some exceptions to that. First, that authority only lasts while the person is actually president. Second, another president can reverse that decision. And then there's also another category of material that cannot be declassified, and that's anything related to nuclear power, nuclear weapons, and those go back to Atomic Energy Acts from the late 40s and 50s. And so, even if the president wants to declassify that material, the president cannot.

The authority the president has to declassify documents goes back to a Supreme Court case in the 80's. There are some people who argue that case has been misinterpreted, and said that it doesn't actually give the president as much authority as later interpreters have said. But that's generally how courts have treated it that is, the president has this very substantial authority and can just kind of wave a magic wand and make a document declassified if he chooses to do so. The bottom line here is if Trump is actually charged and his defense is that he spoke the magic words, the case would end up in the Supreme Court which is where the presidents declassification power came.
This is great info. I hope Trump is fucked. Some things are too good to be true though.
You're making stuff up. How would they even know if not all the documents were turned over?
Because unlike the white house, the various intelligence and diplomatic agencies keep track of their classified documents.
They know what documents they sent to the white house, and which ones they got back.
When the national archives didn't get all of them back when they confiscated 15 boxes of documents at Mar-a-lago, they sent a subpoena for Trump to return the rest of the documents with classifications markings on them, in his possession.
The first place for law enforcement to look for the remaining missing documents was Mar-a-lago. If there are any additional one's still missing after the 11 boxes the FBI got, i'm sure they'll start looking who Trump may have illegally transferred them to.
All presidents carry their security clearance to his grave.
The President of the United States actually does not have any security clearance per se. As the chief of state, the President doesn’t need a security clearance because the President is the underlying authority from which clearance flows in the first place. Conversely, that authority rests with the office rather than the office-holder, so former Presidents do not retain it once they have left office.
The President of the United States actually does not have any security clearance per se. As the chief of state, the President doesn’t need a security clearance because the President is the underlying authority from which clearance flows in the first place. Conversely, that authority rests with the office rather than the office-holder, so former Presidents do not retain it once they have left office.
There was another national security crisis that Trump created. Trump went to Mar-a-logo before inauguration day, instead of joining the ceremony with the new president. This required a nuclear football to accompany Trump in florida, and a different nuclear football with Biden in washington DC. This was the first time two footballs were needed, and it put the military in the position of having to decide when the Trump football authority ended and the Biden football authority began?
Previously there was only one football, good for the whole day.

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