Unsealed Trump Search Warrant - Trump had classified Documents

Not really retard he signs an order but the stamp may never get changed on the papers themselves I know I handled classified material in the service
Nah, that's not how it works at all. There is a formal process. It would be documented. No, he can't just look at a box of documents and declare them "unclassified" by royal decree.
Someone should face prosecution regardless.

US4CC.meme.Good_Fellas - corruption.png
Nah, that's not how it works at all. There is a formal process. It would be documented. No, he can't just look at a box of documents and declare them "unclassified" by royal decree.
Trump has stated he declassified them, tissue? Another Dem swing and a miss. Meanwhile Trump is raking in record cash as his supporters are outraged. Good plan Dems :auiqs.jpg:
All Garland and his Nazi goons have to do is prove Trump didn't.

Hey, Maggie Haberman was at the bottom of Trump's toilet every time he took a shit; maybe she heard him say "I didn't declassy nothing, cuz I want to give Nazis something on me..."


Trump says he declassified them - he was president and had the power.

But even if he did declassify them, it was still illegal to steal them. It would have been even worse if it’s determined he destroyed any.
It doesn't make sense that someone in his position would do what they are accusing him of, What benefit would he gain from it? There has to be more to the situation.
All presidents carry their security clearance to his grave.

So, did Trump lose his security clearance?​

In short: Yes, Donald Trump has lost his security clearance, but this didn’t happen yesterday.

Political analysis website Palmer Report tweeted on 12 April, expressing confusion as to why Twitter was buzzing with the news when the information was actually two months old.The tweet read: “Why is everyone suddenly posting a two month old article tonight about Biden taking away Trump’s security briefings due to his erratic behavior, as if it were breaking news?“A reminder to always check the date on an article before tweeting it.

The article referenced in the tweet was a New York Times piece from February which detailed President Joe Biden’s decision to take away Trump’s security clearance that allowed access to intelligence briefings.

President Biden said there was “no need” for the former head of state to get the briefings, traditionally given to ex-presidents as “a courtesy and to keep them informed if their advice is needed,” according to the article.

According to federal law, Trump would actually have lost his security clearance after the last day of his presidency. Biden just took away his access to intelligence meetings.
But he didn’t do that

Yes, he did
If he had declassified them before he left office, they would be listed as Unclassified NOT Top Secret

Listed by whom?

Cross out classified, initial - viola
Top Secret SCI documents do not go to unclassified at the whims of a lazy President

In fact they do.

From Nazi site Politifraud,


They relate to National Security

Lying won't change reality
Because they did not want to tell us that they were also marked as "declassified."

You cannot remove the "Top Secret" stamp.

There's no chance in hell they are marked as declassified but the FBI is claiming they are not declassified.
Well YOU brought up the Mafia. Did you forget? Memory problems?
Bringing something up is automatically comparing them> I did not even reference Trump... The FBI was the topic. Damn you guys are dumb!

Trump got mentioned once..sort of..when i said that the FBI had caught a lot of them breaking the law. That's a comparison to you?

Explains a lot actually~
Which is an obvious lie. They were not marked declassified. No documentation of this formal process exists. He lied, and you are a moron to believe him.


All he needed to do was cross out the word classified.

Normally this would be initialed and dated, but that isn't necessary since he can attest that he declassified the documents.

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