Universal Health Care Is Just Around the Corner


Senior Member
Jan 2, 2008
1.85 million Americans go bankrupt every year because of catastrophic medical bills.

The greatest country in the world should have the greatest healthcare system in the world with the best medical outcomes achieved at the lowest costs.
1.85 million Americans go bankrupt every year because of catastrophic medical bills.

The greatest country in the world should have the greatest healthcare system in the world with the best medical outcomes achieved at the lowest costs.

I settle for merely adaquate, to be honest.
1.85 million Americans go bankrupt every year because of catastrophic medical bills.

The greatest country in the world should have the greatest healthcare system in the world with the best medical outcomes achieved at the lowest costs.

I think you will find there is a bit of a trade off there. I don't whether it is intentional or not but you use the same word - system - that the WHO uses in it's report in ranking countries. In it the U.S. is rated rather low however it and you place an inordinate emphasis on cost of services when ranking the quality of health care systems.

Under the current system one for UHC might argue what good is a top notch technology, physicians, resources etc. if people can't afford them? The other side of that is what good is cheap healthcare if it is of poor quality?

Your other interesting argument is money. The notion that because we have money we should be able to fix everything is pretty ridiculous. it is a notion that totally disregards human behavior and absolves people of responsibility. Such a system has to be paid for somehow. So how much out of your paycheck are you willing to turn over to be babysat all your life?
Can't see it.

Too much opposition to universal healthcare.

The doctors are for it, and the people are for it.

The truth of the matter is we already have universal healthcare, just an expensive, bloated, inefficient, crappy version of it.
I think you will find there is a bit of a trade off there. I don't whether it is intentional or not but you use the same word - system - that the WHO uses in it's report in ranking countries. In it the U.S. is rated rather low however it and you place an inordinate emphasis on cost of services when ranking the quality of health care systems.

Under the current system one for UHC might argue what good is a top notch technology, physicians, resources etc. if people can't afford them? The other side of that is what good is cheap healthcare if it is of poor quality?

Your other interesting argument is money. The notion that because we have money we should be able to fix everything is pretty ridiculous. it is a notion that totally disregards human behavior and absolves people of responsibility. Such a system has to be paid for somehow. So how much out of your paycheck are you willing to turn over to be babysat all your life?

Every other Western democracy has universal healthcare, and they pay HALF per capita what we pay for healthcare. Why? Because a single payer system has inherent cost savings.
you guys should do some research. universal health care is failing in canada and england. of course none of you have the mental aptitude to actually research the negatives of an issue you believe in, but hey, love is blind(aww 0bama is soooooo pretty, isn't he?).
Can't see it.

Too much opposition to universal healthcare.

Really? Doesn't the majority back universal health care?


NYT said:
Nearly 8 in 10 said they thought it was more important to provide universal access to health insurance than to extend the tax cuts of recent years; 18 percent said the tax cuts were more important.

ABC News: Majority of Americans Want Massachusetts-Style Health Law

ABC News said:
With Gov. Mitt Romney set to sign Massachusetts' new universal health care coverage law today, a new ABC News/Washington Post poll finds the idea a popular one: Fifty-five percent of Americans say they'd support similar legislation in their own states.

The law, described by its supporters as a national model, requires all residents of the state to have health insurance. It includes a tax penalty for people who don't buy insurance, a $295 per-worker fee for businesses that don't provide it, and subsidies to help poor and low-income residents pay premiums.

Poll: The Politics Of Health Care, Most Americans Favor Universal Health Care, Give Democrats Edge On Improving System - CBS News

CBS News said:

Providing health insurance for all
Keeping health care costs down

Poll Shows Strong Public Support For Range of Health Practices - WSJ.com

Wall Street Journal said:
The poll also showed high support for policies or practices that are considered more controversial. Eighty-seven percent of those polled say they support funding of international HIV prevention and treatment programs, while 75% favor universal health insurance, compared with 17% who oppose it. Another 70% support embryonic stem-cell research, compared with about 19% who oppose it.

Maybe somtimes it's worth it to listen to the polls?
1.85 million Americans go bankrupt every year because of catastrophic medical bills.

The greatest country in the world should have the greatest healthcare system in the world with the best medical outcomes achieved at the lowest costs.

Let's look at McCain's healthcare plan:

Today's issue: health insurance. John McCain wants to tax your employer-provided health care benefits. He wants to replace those benefits with an insufficient tax credit--$2500 for individuals and $5000 for families (the average cost per family for health insurance is $12000).

McCain's Health Care Tax Increase - Swampland - TIME

The Tax Increase McCain Doesn't Want To Talk About, By Steve Benen - CBS News

So you will pay taxes on an additional $7K every year. Nice!

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