This is Poland

You have not presented a cogent argument supporting your position.

I am not fluent in German and have no intention of watching your childish video op-ed.

If you cannot briefly summarize your reinforcing criteria and serve it up in plain English then you still lose.

You are not very good at this online posting business, are you? :itsok:

And, based on your grammar, I doubt that English is your primary language.

Perhaps you ought to stick to Euro-centric discussion boards where random teenage angst is more welcome.

Seems to me you did not understand what I said - so let me repeat what I said:

The USA sold not only Poland but whole Eastern Europe to Russia under Stalin. Now a new Stalinist governs Russia. That's why you fight "Nazis" like me, perverted asshole. Be happy when god on his own will not speak some serios words with you.

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Seems to me you did not understand what I said - so let me repeat what I said:

The USA sold not only Poland but whole Eastern Europe to Russia under Stalin. Now a new Stalinist governs Russia. That's why you fight "Nazis" like me, perverted asshole. Be happy when god on his own will not speak some serios words with you.

You did not tell us HOW the US sold Poland (and Eastern Europe) to Stalin.

If you cannot describe the mechanism (the how-and-why-and-when) then you cannot advance your argument.

Few people are going to watch your videos.

But you DO have an opportunity to summarize your argument and to present it in plain, simple-to-understand English.
Ich hab jetzt wirklich langsam die Schnauze voll von allen verlogenen Europäern, Asiaten, Amerikanern und Afrikanern. Hat irgendeiner von euch Idioten ein Raumschiff für etwa 100 Millionen Passagiere zu verkaufen?

In English:

I'm really getting fed up with all the lying Europeans, Asians, Americans and Africans. Do any of you idiots have a spaceship for sale for about 100 million passengers?

Etwas besseres als den Tod finden wir überall
Die Bremer Stadtmusikanten
We can find something better than death anywhere.
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Many elements of the Nazis came from the USA and from GB - namely racism and Darwinism - so I could call you an anti-German Nazi, genocider of so many nations and tribes in America and Europe.
You sound like a German trying to blame Nazism on similar thinking (which never took root) in other parts of the world.

Typical Liberal Hive-Mind... blame your own failings on everybody else EXCEPT yourself.

Nazism took root because of the servile semi-feudal traditions and defeat-triggered blame-shifting extant amongst you.

The rise and flourishing of Nazism in Germany is all on you-and-yours... nothing to do with us or others across the world.
You sound like a German trying to blame Nazism on similar thinking (which never took root) in other parts of the world.

Typical Liberal Hive-Mind... blame your own failings on everybody else EXCEPT yourself.

Nazism took root because of the servile semi-feudal traditions and defeat-triggered blame-shifting extant amongst you.

The rise and flourishing of Nazism in Germany is all on you-and-yours... nothing to do with us or others across the world.

¿Russian? Are you a Russian? ... By the way: It should not be a complex problem to find a weapon which will destroy the whole planet. How long do you think will we need to find such a weapon? 1 week? 2 weeks?
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Yes - and why? - simply because those migrants (no matter what religion) prefer RICH countries with solid social welfare packages as their haven.
If you were to pay attention as to what has been going on along Poland's border, you would have seen the masses of Muslims trying to get into Poland, but were stopped by the fencing, concertina wire, being hosed, armed border guards and military. So, it wasn't for the lack of trying to invade Poland. Having experienced hordes of Islamists under Sultan Suleiman laying siege to Europe and Poland's Hussars successfully throwing the Islamists out in the Battle of Vienna, they know very well the danger of Islam and are not going to allow it to conquer their nation.
If you were to pay attention as to what has been going on along Poland's border, you would have seen the masses of Muslims trying to get into Poland, but were stopped by the fencing, concertina wire, being hosed, armed border guards and military. So, it wasn't for the lack of trying to invade Poland. Having experienced hordes of Islamists under Sultan Suleiman laying siege to Europe and Poland's Hussars successfully throwing the Islamists out in the Battle of Vienna, they know very well the danger of Islam and are not going to allow it to conquer their nation.

Or with other words: The Poles once had helped to defend Vienna against the Ottoman Empire - what nearly went wrong if not a shoemaker ... or was it a tailor? ... would have heard faint digging noises under his cellar where the Ottomans dug a tunnel to collapse the walls with explosives.

Prinz Eugen, der edle Ritter,
wollt dem Kaiser wied'rum kriegen
Stadt und Festung Belgerad.
Er ließ schlagen eine Brukken,
daß man kunt hinüberrucken
mit d’r Armee wohl vor die Stadt.

Als die Brucken nun war geschlagen,
daß man kunnt mit Stuck und Wagen
Frei passir'n den Donaufluß,
Bei Semlin schlug man das Lager,
Alle Türken zu verjagen,
Ihn'n zum Spott und zum Verdruß. ...
Prince Eugene, the noble knight,
wanted to get back for the emperor again
the city and fortress of Belgerad.
He had a bridge built,
so that one could cross over
with the army well outside the city.

When the bridge had been ready ,
so that one could cross with wagons and horses
Freely pass the Danube river,
The camp was set up at Semlin,
To chase away all the Turks,
To mock and annoy them. ...

Here the more modern version so you are able to understand: Whether we are Muslims or Christians or Jews or Humanists or Atheists or ... this should never be any real problem.

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If you were to pay attention as to what has been going on along Poland's border, you would have seen the masses of Muslims trying to get into Poland, but were stopped by the fencing, concertina wire, being hosed, armed border guards and military. So, it wasn't for the lack of trying to invade Poland.
Obviously you got no clue about those EU treaties governing the migrant issue.

It was enacted that the 'FIRST country of entry" is responsible to harbor migrants - and not as before to push them e.g. from Poland to Germany or to let migrants in e.g. Poland to simply continue walking into Germany or elsewhere. Thus Poland finally started to fend off Migrants.

Therefore now the German Border-police is continuously patrolling to prevent "ILLEGAL" migrants to enter Germany from e.g. Poland.
Having experienced hordes of Islamists under Sultan Suleiman laying siege to Europe and Poland's Hussars successfully throwing the Islamists out in the Battle of Vienna, they know very well the danger of Islam and are not going to allow it to conquer their nation.
What does this have to do with Poland previously having pushed off/allowed it's migrants to enter it's neighbor countries.??

BTW: Sultan Suleiman I. ruled around 150 years (first siege of Vienna) before the battle of Kahlenberg, where Polish Hussaria valiantly participated.
Can Trump sacrifice Poland (in the same way as Obama and Biden sacrificed Ukraine) just to kill some more Russian soldiers and buy some more time for his reforms (both in the USA and NATO)?
I believe he can.
Obviously you got no clue about those EU treaties governing the migrant issue.

It was enacted that the 'FIRST country of entry" is responsible to harbor migrants - and not as before to push them e.g. from Poland to Germany or to let migrants in e.g. Poland to simply continue walking into Germany or elsewhere. Thus Poland finally started to fend off Migrants.

Therefore now the German Border-police is continuously patrolling to prevent "ILLEGAL" migrants to enter Germany from e.g. Poland.

What does this have to do with Poland previously having pushed off/allowed it's migrants to enter it's neighbor countries.??

BTW: Sultan Suleiman I. ruled around 150 years (first siege of Vienna) before the battle of Kahlenberg, where Polish Hussaria valiantly participated.
I'm just trying to point out that, per Poland's president, his people want to keep their national identity and culture, not endanger it.
I'm just trying to point out that, per Poland's president, his people want to keep their national identity and culture, not endanger it.

Warum klauen Russen immer 2 Autos?
Ist doch klar. Sie müssen auf ihrem Heimweg noch durch Polen.

German Joke
Why do Russians always steal 2 cars?
That's obvious. They have to drive through Poland on their way home.
And in the both cases Poland wasn't a prize. Poland was a pawn in the bigger game.

Then the Brits played an extremely stupid game. What is called "British policy of appeasement" meant that the Brits tried to avoid to go directly into the second part of World War 1+2. Reason for: To save the rest of their empire. But what was called in the foreground "British appeasement" meant in the background they tried to bring Germany and Russia into a war with each other - what was anyway unevitable for Hitler. In this case Poland had to fall. And when Poland fell GB did not do nothing but declared war on Germany - and so the Brits lost the rest of their empire. Okay - they wan the war - but who cares? Now are the Russians nearly directly in front of their island - and also in many other countries all over the world.
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Churchill did save Greece. And yes.

Greece? Nice. My father was a German soldier in Greece. He was 16 or 17 years old and volunteered for military service to come to Greece. He loved Greece. I love Greece too. He never told me he met Brits there. Could be this was because he had to fight in Russia when Winston Churchill came and made no sports there. :lol:

Oh by the way: I remember I was in Greece once and an old Graec told me how they killed German parachuters. He told me also the Germans had been fine and brave soldiers. From Brits he told me nothing.
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Aside from WW1 and 2 - no one.
NATO until today has never blocked the Baltic sea for Russian Naval units - it would amount to getting WW3 started.

Take a look into a good history book. I would say Sweden was about every 50 years since the 13th up to the 19th century in war with Russia. In World War 1+2 they had been on the side of Russia. Now they are a part of the NATO - same is Finland and whole Scandinavia now - because you Russians forced them all to do so. I'm very sure we together can stop every Russian ship in the Baltic sea. Or do you really think we let transport you weapons all over the world only because you are doing a stupid, senseless and criminal war in the Ukraine? Leave the Ukraine with all of your soldiers. Yesterday!
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