Universal Basic Income: Biden's Best Bet?

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Government dependency is always used to control people.
When others get it and I don't, I am also deprived of what I worked for and is rightfully mine.

You think I can get a job and "get" or "keep" wages for my own work if I can't have a dividend which by the letter of the law I am entitled to, notwithstanding the extreme hate and denialism of government workers who have unlimited access and privileges over all my money and property?
No one is making you work in any at-will employment State. Employment is voluntary as a social transaction involving mutually beneficial trade. It is unethical and not very moral to complain about being able to be better off towards the less fortunate.
Government dependency is always used to control people.
When others get it and I don't, I am also deprived of what I worked for and is rightfully mine.

You think I can get a job and "get" or "keep" wages for my own work if I can't have a dividend which by the letter of the law I am entitled to, notwithstanding the extreme hate and denialism of government workers who have unlimited access and privileges over all my money and property?
No one is making you work in any at-will employment State. Employment is voluntary as a social transaction involving mutually beneficial trade. It is unethical and not very moral to complain about being able to be better off towards the less fortunate.
We really do need a hand-jerking-off emoji.
A one time payment is not a consistent income for planning purposes. I did get into some more garden hoses though.
Why didn't you invest it in the stock market?

With all the advances in modern textile technologies I was surprised better products at lower prices still don't always happen due to advances in production technologies.
Irrelevant babble.
We really do need a hand-jerking-off emoji.
I built this one for people like Dani.
Government dependency is always used to control people.
When others get it and I don't, I am also deprived of what I worked for and is rightfully mine.

You think I can get a job and "get" or "keep" wages for my own work if I can't have a dividend which by the letter of the law I am entitled to, notwithstanding the extreme hate and denialism of government workers who have unlimited access and privileges over all my money and property?
No one is making you work in any at-will employment State. Employment is voluntary as a social transaction involving mutually beneficial trade. It is unethical and not very moral to complain about being able to be better off towards the less fortunate.
We really do need a hand-jerking-off emoji.
lol. Sure, we can "blame the right wing" for requiring a (manual) work ethic. Because of the Right Wing, I learned how to use not Only a Hammer, but also a Sickle.
A one time payment is not a consistent income for planning purposes. I did get into some more garden hoses though.
Why didn't you invest it in the stock market?

With all the advances in modern textile technologies I was surprised better products at lower prices still don't always happen due to advances in production technologies.
Irrelevant babble.
I don't want to brag about not understanding the subject matter.
A little more seriously though, why does the right wing have a problem with solving for simple poverty in our Republic when it means we can declare victory on our "war on poverty" and end that regime?
A little more seriously though, why does the right wing have a problem with solving for simple poverty in our Republic when it means we can declare victory on our "war on poverty" and end that regime?

Because "solving for simple poverty" is nonsense babble. What the fuck does it even mean? Keep in mind, the rest of us aren't on drugs (at the moment).
A little more seriously though, why does the right wing have a problem with solving for simple poverty in our Republic when it means we can declare victory on our "war on poverty" and end that regime?
I fully support individuals who solve their poverty through self-improvement, perseverance, and smart work. Redistributing wealth doesn't solve poverty, it promotes it and creates resentment from those forced to fund it.
A little more seriously though, why does the right wing have a problem with solving for simple poverty in our Republic when it means we can declare victory on our "war on poverty" and end that regime?

Because "solving for simple poverty" is nonsense babble. What the fuck does it even mean? Keep in mind, the rest of us aren't on drugs (at the moment).
lol. How droll. There is no provision for excuses in our federal doctrine. It really is that simple.

I want special dispensation for having to repeat myself so often; I keep forgetting my audience keeps forgetting their arguments.

In our case, it mean equal protection of our at-will employment laws for unemployment compensation in our at-will employment States.

The legal and physical infrastructure already exists in our Republic and merely needs to be upgraded to accomplish the End with those existing Means.
Why didn't you invest it in the stock market?

What you'll find is people who complain about the wealthy or their less than satisfactory earnings have never made any investments in their life. A house, perhaps an 401K from work they put a few bucks in every week, but nothing beyond that.

They never took a swing at the stock market, open up their own business, learn about bonds or real estate, or even take a stab in the commodities market. Furthermore they never did anything to learn a new trade or profession. They seldom work more than 40 hours a week, have the newest iPhone, newest video games, 400 channel cable or satellite, and bitch when their employer doesn't may them enough to have all these things and have anything left over.
A little more seriously though, why does the right wing have a problem with solving for simple poverty in our Republic when it means we can declare victory on our "war on poverty" and end that regime?
I fully support individuals who solve their poverty through self-improvement, perseverance, and smart work. Redistributing wealth doesn't solve poverty, it promotes it and creates resentment from those forced to fund it.
Prove you are not merely all Talk that seems like Hoax and abolish the outright socialism of our alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror first, right wingers. There is no general warfare clause, there is a general welfare clause.
What you'll find is people who complain about the wealthy or their less than satisfactory earnings have never made any investments in their life.
Dani says he needs OPM to invest in the stock market and become a self-sufficient adult, but when he got a $1200 windfall, he bought garden hoses. Some people are just destined to fail.
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