Unanswered Questions By The Media


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
One crisis after another is constantly coming at us. We've had so many in such a short period of time that it's difficult to keep track of them all. Before we can find out what caused one....another one pops up. The latest is a school shooting that has tied every media outlet up for almost a week. The big questions everyone was asking each other last month are now being thrown in the trash heap of all of the other questions that went unanswered. Questions like the following:

  • Where did COVID really come from
  • What is the definition of a woman
  • Can men become pregnant
  • Who leaked Roe vs Wade
  • What is Biden doing about the food shortages Biden says are coming this Summer
  • Who is responsible for baby formula shortages
  • What was Biden doing in Davos and what is the WHO up to
  • Monkeypox is going to be the next reason for us to lock you in your homes. Why?
Seems that every time we need questions answered....something happens in the news to take media focus off of it. The latest slip-up by the left has been totally erased by a shooting in TX. My.....how convenient.

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It is all a part of the system.
Every major media, down to your local TV/Radio/Newspaper - well over 90% are all corporate owned. Only a handful of corporations at that.
Keep them fat and stupid.
It is all about the next thing to be outraged about. Must be outraged!!... let's get outraged!!!
They are engineering major crises to stack on top of each other.
A scared population is a compliant population, at least at first.
A compliant population is needed for their NWO reset plans to succeed.
They can only enslave us if we let them & most people don't really care as long as TicToc is still up

We are in our decline.

Spengler saw the media as the mechanism for money expressing its power and as we have become increasingly globalized in the 100 years since he wrote Decline Of The West, the media expressing the power of the money has become more globalized as well.

We no longer live in a world where the media of nation states is dominated by the money within those individual nation states, but one where the globalist technocrats control all to an ever increasing degree
We are in our decline.

Spengler saw the media as the mechanism for money expressing its power and as we have become increasingly globalized in the 100 years since he wrote Decline Of The West, the media expressing the power of the money has become more globalized as well.

We no longer live in a world where the media of nation states is dominated by the money within those individual nation states, but one where the globalist technocrats control all to an ever increasing degree
As it is with virtually every industry, commercial or retail.
Economic ownership hasn't been this concentrated in the history of the world. Ever.
It is all a part of the system.
Every major media, down to your local TV/Radio/Newspaper - well over 90% are all corporate owned. Only a handful of corporations at that.
Keep them fat and stupid.
It is all about the next thing to be outraged about. Must be outraged!!... let's get outraged!!!
Also profitable for LSM to enflame and encourage divisions. Headlines can be pure fabrication yet accepted by the gullible as factual. It’s bad enough when a person decides to live a corrupt life knowingly harming others, but mass media corruption impacting the nation at large should mean jail time. Fines for stated falsehoods are ineffective, they don’t lack any money.

It’s past time to take LSM down. The question that remains is how to do it. There are too many sheeple who will continue to believe everything and anything in print without doing any research of their own.

My favorite meme political cartoon of all time.
Most folks don't see the most important aspect of the drawing. And the real message.
No one is looking at the real cause of their troubles.
As it is with virtually every industry, commercial or retail.
Economic ownership hasn't been this concentrated in the history of the world. Ever.
I am not at all religious, and view the stories in the O.T. as folk tales and parables, but the story of the Tower of Babble sure does come to mind. If I were religious, I might point to it as indication that God didn't really go for a one-world thing.

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