One crisis after another is constantly coming at us. We've had so many in such a short period of time that it's difficult to keep track of them all. Before we can find out what caused one....another one pops up. The latest is a school shooting that has tied every media outlet up for almost a week. The big questions everyone was asking each other last month are now being thrown in the trash heap of all of the other questions that went unanswered. Questions like the following:
- Where did COVID really come from
- What is the definition of a woman
- Can men become pregnant
- Who leaked Roe vs Wade
- What is Biden doing about the food shortages Biden says are coming this Summer
- Who is responsible for baby formula shortages
- What was Biden doing in Davos and what is the WHO up to
- Monkeypox is going to be the next reason for us to lock you in your homes. Why?
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