UK Lockdown laws

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras
Nobody really understands what the government are asking us to do. The rules are very confusing.

But in any case the government lost its authority on this some time ago and people are now doing what they think is appropriate rather than what the government mandates.

The rules only seem to apply to the peasantry whilst the elites can do whatever they please. Conservatism in action.
Seems about the same in the US. Here, it's elites of all stripes who seem immune to the government lockdown rules, though. Oh, and domestic terrorists. They seem to be also exempted from lockdown and covid-control rules and regulations.
Well all those terrorists should be brought before a court for refusing a mask and social distancing.
Seems about the same in the US. Here, it's elites of all stripes who seem immune to the government lockdown rules, though. Oh, and domestic terrorists. They seem to be also exempted from lockdown and covid-control rules and regulations.
Well all those terrorists should be brought before a court for refusing a mask and social distancing.
Are you in a hotspot Oz ?
Seems about the same in the US. Here, it's elites of all stripes who seem immune to the government lockdown rules, though. Oh, and domestic terrorists. They seem to be also exempted from lockdown and covid-control rules and regulations.
Well all those terrorists should be brought before a court for refusing a mask and social distancing.
Are you in a hotspot Oz ?
I had listened to everything Boris said and had an appointment with my Cancer consultant at the Royal Lancaster Thurs.
On the way back I thought I'd drop in at my brothers who lives in a rural area.
When I walked in, my sister in law looked shocked and said households can't mix.
No, silly woman, that's in the North East I told her, Boris never mentioned any where else.
When I got home I googled my area and she was right, but all I'd heard from Boris, was the North East & perhaps Liverpool, and a few North West towns if things got worse. Nowhere near where I live.
Anyway I'm going to have to google every morning now as you can't go on anything the Gov tell us. They don't friggin' now themselves;
Seems about the same in the US. Here, it's elites of all stripes who seem immune to the government lockdown rules, though. Oh, and domestic terrorists. They seem to be also exempted from lockdown and covid-control rules and regulations.
Well all those terrorists should be brought before a court for refusing a mask and social distancing.
Are you in a hotspot Oz ?
I had listened to everything Boris said and had an appointment with my Cancer consultant at the Royal Lancaster Thurs.
On the way back I thought I'd drop in at my brothers who lives in a rural area.
When I walked in, my sister in law looked shocked and said households can't mix.
No, silly woman, that's in the North East I told her, Boris never mentioned any where else.
When I got home I googled my area and she was right, but all I'd heard from Boris, was the North East & perhaps Liverpool, and a few North West towns if things got worse. Nowhere near where I live.
Anyway I'm going to have to google every morning now as you can't go on anything the Gov tell us. They don't friggin' now themselves;
My Mam lives just over the border and there are different rules there. She is 78 and sheltering.

Having gone through a couple of months of no contact we think we are safer seeing her than sitting in a pub with various groups of 6. So we take an eye test drive a couple of times a week. Dont know which laws we are breaking and dont really care any more.

You have done well to actually see a Consultant. Most of my appointments recently have been telephone appointments and I am not sure what value they have.
Seems about the same in the US. Here, it's elites of all stripes who seem immune to the government lockdown rules, though. Oh, and domestic terrorists. They seem to be also exempted from lockdown and covid-control rules and regulations.
Well all those terrorists should be brought before a court for refusing a mask and social distancing.
Are you in a hotspot Oz ?
I had listened to everything Boris said and had an appointment with my Cancer consultant at the Royal Lancaster Thurs.
On the way back I thought I'd drop in at my brothers who lives in a rural area.
When I walked in, my sister in law looked shocked and said households can't mix.
No, silly woman, that's in the North East I told her, Boris never mentioned any where else.
When I got home I googled my area and she was right, but all I'd heard from Boris, was the North East & perhaps Liverpool, and a few North West towns if things got worse. Nowhere near where I live.
Anyway I'm going to have to google every morning now as you can't go on anything the Gov tell us. They don't friggin' now themselves;
My Mam lives just over the border and there are different rules there. She is 78 and sheltering.

Having gone through a couple of months of no contact we think we are safer seeing her than sitting in a pub with various groups of 6. So we take an eye test drive a couple of times a week. Dont know which laws we are breaking and dont really care any more.

You have done well to actually see a Consultant. Most of my appointments recently have been telephone appointments and I am not sure what value they have.
Na Tommy, I've given the wrong impression. My Chemo, stopped on the 3rd Feb. all subsequent appointments were cancelled. I had a telephone consultation with my consultant on the 16 June. I felt fine (the ball of cancer in my liver had been dormant for 4 years and was the size of a walnut). So I asked if I could have a scan before proceeding with Chemo. He agreed and booked me in for one. Normally what happens is I'd get an appointment letter after about 3 weeks. and have a fortnight wait for the scan. That should be around the 24 July, I knew there would be a delay with Corona.

By Aug. I still hadn't heard a thing. To make things worse I had started to get pains in my abdomen (These started about a week after my phone consultation) I rang the day centre and they said they would phone my cons secretary, and she would get back to me. Nothing happened. After two weeks I rang back and they said that they could not explain why the secretary had not made contact. They said they were all struggling with the work load but they would try again and I should hear something soon. After another two weeks, nothing!
I couldn't understand it. The few times I'd found I needed to speak to the sec. she had always returned my call within hours. By now the pains had spread to my chest and into my gut.

Two days before my birthday on 4 Sept I was in bed working on my laptop, I got a call from a mate who's wife works in the scanning debt at the hospital, and she told him to tell me that I had zero chance of a scan this side of xmas.
O fuck I thought. There is no way I am going to last till then - I'll be a goner.
I started to get a bit angry, cos I was thinking that, that is the reason they haven't contacted me, cos they can't tell me anything. It is a bit irresponsible as I could have gone private, though they may be in the same situation. Or I could have gone to France and tried there.

It was then I sensed that if I didn't do something pro-active now. I'd run out of time and I couldn't blame anyone but myself.

Go right to the top I decided. Boris, Hancock and one of the Chief Medicals had sent me letters to self isolate for three months at the start of the Pand. So I decided to e-mail Matt Hancock, with copies to my local MP, and several of the
Daily papers.

The e-mail was quite critical of the Gov, but was also as funny as fuck. I will PM you a copy.
Anyway next day I got a reply from Neil Hudson - my local MPs Sec. down in London. She asked for more details and said though he was under an avalanche of work. He'd be taking up my case.
A few days later I got a call from the Hospital Scanning Debt. They said they could not do the scan but they had arranged for a Private Hospital near Blackburn to do it.
Bit of a trek but I'm now desperate. They would get back in a few days with appointment details.
Everything I was eating was now turning to bloody liquid. I was also now getting pain in my bowels.

I decided I could not now wait even for a scan. I called the day unit and told them that this was now an emergency and I needed immediate Chemo. She said she would send emergency e-mails to my Cons. Sec. and the Chief Staff Nurse
Macmillon on their personal numbers and I would definitely hear back soon.

And low and behold 2 days later my Consultant rang me. He told me I was booked in for Chemo on 15 Sept. I had a blood test on 14 Sept and a scan? - I said I thought no scans were available till after Xmas, He said with the help of our MP they were able to pull a few strings a get me to the top of the list.

Last Thurs I had a face to face with my cons.
Seems about the same in the US. Here, it's elites of all stripes who seem immune to the government lockdown rules, though. Oh, and domestic terrorists. They seem to be also exempted from lockdown and covid-control rules and regulations.
Well all those terrorists should be brought before a court for refusing a mask and social distancing.
Are you in a hotspot Oz ?
I had listened to everything Boris said and had an appointment with my Cancer consultant at the Royal Lancaster Thurs.
On the way back I thought I'd drop in at my brothers who lives in a rural area.
When I walked in, my sister in law looked shocked and said households can't mix.
No, silly woman, that's in the North East I told her, Boris never mentioned any where else.
When I got home I googled my area and she was right, but all I'd heard from Boris, was the North East & perhaps Liverpool, and a few North West towns if things got worse. Nowhere near where I live.
Anyway I'm going to have to google every morning now as you can't go on anything the Gov tell us. They don't friggin' now themselves;
My Mam lives just over the border and there are different rules there. She is 78 and sheltering.

Having gone through a couple of months of no contact we think we are safer seeing her than sitting in a pub with various groups of 6. So we take an eye test drive a couple of times a week. Dont know which laws we are breaking and dont really care any more.

You have done well to actually see a Consultant. Most of my appointments recently have been telephone appointments and I am not sure what value they have.
Na Tommy, I've given the wrong impression. My Chemo, stopped on the 3rd Feb. all subsequent appointments were cancelled. I had a telephone consultation with my consultant on the 16 June. I felt fine (the ball of cancer in my liver had been dormant for 4 years and was the size of a walnut). So I asked if I could have a scan before proceeding with Chemo. He agreed and booked me in for one. Normally what happens is I'd get an appointment letter after about 3 weeks. and have a fortnight wait for the scan. That should be around the 24 July, I knew there would be a delay with Corona.

By Aug. I still hadn't heard a thing. To make things worse I had started to get pains in my abdomen (These started about a week after my phone consultation) I rang the day centre and they said they would phone my cons secretary, and she would get back to me. Nothing happened. After two weeks I rang back and they said that they could not explain why the secretary had not made contact. They said they were all struggling with the work load but they would try again and I should hear something soon. After another two weeks, nothing!
I couldn't understand it. The few times I'd found I needed to speak to the sec. she had always returned my call within hours. By now the pains had spread to my chest and into my gut.

Two days before my birthday on 4 Sept I was in bed working on my laptop, I got a call from a mate who's wife works in the scanning debt at the hospital, and she told him to tell me that I had zero chance of a scan this side of xmas.
O fuck I thought. There is no way I am going to last till then - I'll be a goner.
I started to get a bit angry, cos I was thinking that, that is the reason they haven't contacted me, cos they can't tell me anything. It is a bit irresponsible as I could have gone private, though they may be in the same situation. Or I could have gone to France and tried there.

It was then I sensed that if I didn't do something pro-active now. I'd run out of time and I couldn't blame anyone but myself.

Go right to the top I decided. Boris, Hancock and one of the Chief Medicals had sent me letters to self isolate for three months at the start of the Pand. So I decided to e-mail Matt Hancock, with copies to my local MP, and several of the
Daily papers.

The e-mail was quite critical of the Gov, but was also as funny as fuck. I will PM you a copy.
Anyway next day I got a reply from Neil Hudson - my local MPs Sec. down in London. She asked for more details and said though he was under an avalanche of work. He'd be taking up my case.
A few days later I got a call from the Hospital Scanning Debt. They said they could not do the scan but they had arranged for a Private Hospital near Blackburn to do it.
Bit of a trek but I'm now desperate. They would get back in a few days with appointment details.
Everything I was eating was now turning to bloody liquid. I was also now getting pain in my bowels.

I decided I could not now wait even for a scan. I called the day unit and told them that this was now an emergency and I needed immediate Chemo. She said she would send emergency e-mails to my Cons. Sec. and the Chief Staff Nurse
Macmillon on their personal numbers and I would definitely hear back soon.

And low and behold 2 days later my Consultant rang me. He told me I was booked in for Chemo on 15 Sept. I had a blood test on 14 Sept and a scan? - I said I thought no scans were available till after Xmas, He said with the help of our MP they were able to pull a few strings a get me to the top of the list.

Last Thurs I had a face to face with my cons.
My wifes hospital cancelled all surgery expecting thousands of covids. Then they farmed out the essential stuff to the private sector - which couldnt cope and then they started taking in nhs patients from the private sector , if that makes sense. I have just come off 6 weeks of daily IV and it has been a really surreal experience walking down empty corridors.
Third day in and I bumped into the wife who works there. Went over for a cuddle and she gave me a bollocking for getting too close. I told her we were a bit closer the night before and of course that was a bit mistake which took some time to make right.
Hope it goes well for you matey.
Seems about the same in the US. Here, it's elites of all stripes who seem immune to the government lockdown rules, though. Oh, and domestic terrorists. They seem to be also exempted from lockdown and covid-control rules and regulations.
Well all those terrorists should be brought before a court for refusing a mask and social distancing.
Are you in a hotspot Oz ?
I had listened to everything Boris said and had an appointment with my Cancer consultant at the Royal Lancaster Thurs.
On the way back I thought I'd drop in at my brothers who lives in a rural area.
When I walked in, my sister in law looked shocked and said households can't mix.
No, silly woman, that's in the North East I told her, Boris never mentioned any where else.
When I got home I googled my area and she was right, but all I'd heard from Boris, was the North East & perhaps Liverpool, and a few North West towns if things got worse. Nowhere near where I live.
Anyway I'm going to have to google every morning now as you can't go on anything the Gov tell us. They don't friggin' now themselves;
My Mam lives just over the border and there are different rules there. She is 78 and sheltering.

Having gone through a couple of months of no contact we think we are safer seeing her than sitting in a pub with various groups of 6. So we take an eye test drive a couple of times a week. Dont know which laws we are breaking and dont really care any more.

You have done well to actually see a Consultant. Most of my appointments recently have been telephone appointments and I am not sure what value they have.
Na Tommy, I've given the wrong impression. My Chemo, stopped on the 3rd Feb. all subsequent appointments were cancelled. I had a telephone consultation with my consultant on the 16 June. I felt fine (the ball of cancer in my liver had been dormant for 4 years and was the size of a walnut). So I asked if I could have a scan before proceeding with Chemo. He agreed and booked me in for one. Normally what happens is I'd get an appointment letter after about 3 weeks. and have a fortnight wait for the scan. That should be around the 24 July, I knew there would be a delay with Corona.

By Aug. I still hadn't heard a thing. To make things worse I had started to get pains in my abdomen (These started about a week after my phone consultation) I rang the day centre and they said they would phone my cons secretary, and she would get back to me. Nothing happened. After two weeks I rang back and they said that they could not explain why the secretary had not made contact. They said they were all struggling with the work load but they would try again and I should hear something soon. After another two weeks, nothing!
I couldn't understand it. The few times I'd found I needed to speak to the sec. she had always returned my call within hours. By now the pains had spread to my chest and into my gut.

Two days before my birthday on 4 Sept I was in bed working on my laptop, I got a call from a mate who's wife works in the scanning debt at the hospital, and she told him to tell me that I had zero chance of a scan this side of xmas.
O fuck I thought. There is no way I am going to last till then - I'll be a goner.
I started to get a bit angry, cos I was thinking that, that is the reason they haven't contacted me, cos they can't tell me anything. It is a bit irresponsible as I could have gone private, though they may be in the same situation. Or I could have gone to France and tried there.

It was then I sensed that if I didn't do something pro-active now. I'd run out of time and I couldn't blame anyone but myself.

Go right to the top I decided. Boris, Hancock and one of the Chief Medicals had sent me letters to self isolate for three months at the start of the Pand. So I decided to e-mail Matt Hancock, with copies to my local MP, and several of the
Daily papers.

The e-mail was quite critical of the Gov, but was also as funny as fuck. I will PM you a copy.
Anyway next day I got a reply from Neil Hudson - my local MPs Sec. down in London. She asked for more details and said though he was under an avalanche of work. He'd be taking up my case.
A few days later I got a call from the Hospital Scanning Debt. They said they could not do the scan but they had arranged for a Private Hospital near Blackburn to do it.
Bit of a trek but I'm now desperate. They would get back in a few days with appointment details.
Everything I was eating was now turning to bloody liquid. I was also now getting pain in my bowels.

I decided I could not now wait even for a scan. I called the day unit and told them that this was now an emergency and I needed immediate Chemo. She said she would send emergency e-mails to my Cons. Sec. and the Chief Staff Nurse
Macmillon on their personal numbers and I would definitely hear back soon.

And low and behold 2 days later my Consultant rang me. He told me I was booked in for Chemo on 15 Sept. I had a blood test on 14 Sept and a scan? - I said I thought no scans were available till after Xmas, He said with the help of our MP they were able to pull a few strings a get me to the top of the list.

Last Thurs I had a face to face with my cons.
My wifes hospital cancelled all surgery expecting thousands of covids. Then they farmed out the essential stuff to the private sector - which couldnt cope and then they started taking in nhs patients from the private sector , if that makes sense. I have just come off 6 weeks of daily IV and it has been a really surreal experience walking down empty corridors.
Third day in and I bumped into the wife who works there. Went over for a cuddle and she gave me a bollocking for getting too close. I told her we were a bit closer the night before and of course that was a bit mistake which took some time to make right.
Hope it goes well for you matey.
Thanks, Tommy, I didn't get home till 21.10 Tues after my 113 Chemo session. Had to wait over an hour cos staff are now expected to give all pre-meds that normally take half an hour in just 15 minutes. So they were running over.
Good news is that my blood cancer reading that had gone from 7 to 27 is now down to 13. so hopefully this session will get it back down to where it was.

The staff now have to work till after 8 pm and I was on my own for the last two hours. Like you say its strange walking through corridors I'd only ever seen packed before Carona.

Still I'm feeling a lot better than Trump looked on that balcony. Wonder how he will fare after the steroids ware off?
Seems about the same in the US. Here, it's elites of all stripes who seem immune to the government lockdown rules, though. Oh, and domestic terrorists. They seem to be also exempted from lockdown and covid-control rules and regulations.
Well all those terrorists should be brought before a court for refusing a mask and social distancing.
Are you in a hotspot Oz ?
I had listened to everything Boris said and had an appointment with my Cancer consultant at the Royal Lancaster Thurs.
On the way back I thought I'd drop in at my brothers who lives in a rural area.
When I walked in, my sister in law looked shocked and said households can't mix.
No, silly woman, that's in the North East I told her, Boris never mentioned any where else.
When I got home I googled my area and she was right, but all I'd heard from Boris, was the North East & perhaps Liverpool, and a few North West towns if things got worse. Nowhere near where I live.
Anyway I'm going to have to google every morning now as you can't go on anything the Gov tell us. They don't friggin' now themselves;
My Mam lives just over the border and there are different rules there. She is 78 and sheltering.

Having gone through a couple of months of no contact we think we are safer seeing her than sitting in a pub with various groups of 6. So we take an eye test drive a couple of times a week. Dont know which laws we are breaking and dont really care any more.

You have done well to actually see a Consultant. Most of my appointments recently have been telephone appointments and I am not sure what value they have.
Na Tommy, I've given the wrong impression. My Chemo, stopped on the 3rd Feb. all subsequent appointments were cancelled. I had a telephone consultation with my consultant on the 16 June. I felt fine (the ball of cancer in my liver had been dormant for 4 years and was the size of a walnut). So I asked if I could have a scan before proceeding with Chemo. He agreed and booked me in for one. Normally what happens is I'd get an appointment letter after about 3 weeks. and have a fortnight wait for the scan. That should be around the 24 July, I knew there would be a delay with Corona.

By Aug. I still hadn't heard a thing. To make things worse I had started to get pains in my abdomen (These started about a week after my phone consultation) I rang the day centre and they said they would phone my cons secretary, and she would get back to me. Nothing happened. After two weeks I rang back and they said that they could not explain why the secretary had not made contact. They said they were all struggling with the work load but they would try again and I should hear something soon. After another two weeks, nothing!
I couldn't understand it. The few times I'd found I needed to speak to the sec. she had always returned my call within hours. By now the pains had spread to my chest and into my gut.

Two days before my birthday on 4 Sept I was in bed working on my laptop, I got a call from a mate who's wife works in the scanning debt at the hospital, and she told him to tell me that I had zero chance of a scan this side of xmas.
O fuck I thought. There is no way I am going to last till then - I'll be a goner.
I started to get a bit angry, cos I was thinking that, that is the reason they haven't contacted me, cos they can't tell me anything. It is a bit irresponsible as I could have gone private, though they may be in the same situation. Or I could have gone to France and tried there.

It was then I sensed that if I didn't do something pro-active now. I'd run out of time and I couldn't blame anyone but myself.

Go right to the top I decided. Boris, Hancock and one of the Chief Medicals had sent me letters to self isolate for three months at the start of the Pand. So I decided to e-mail Matt Hancock, with copies to my local MP, and several of the
Daily papers.

The e-mail was quite critical of the Gov, but was also as funny as fuck. I will PM you a copy.
Anyway next day I got a reply from Neil Hudson - my local MPs Sec. down in London. She asked for more details and said though he was under an avalanche of work. He'd be taking up my case.
A few days later I got a call from the Hospital Scanning Debt. They said they could not do the scan but they had arranged for a Private Hospital near Blackburn to do it.
Bit of a trek but I'm now desperate. They would get back in a few days with appointment details.
Everything I was eating was now turning to bloody liquid. I was also now getting pain in my bowels.

I decided I could not now wait even for a scan. I called the day unit and told them that this was now an emergency and I needed immediate Chemo. She said she would send emergency e-mails to my Cons. Sec. and the Chief Staff Nurse
Macmillon on their personal numbers and I would definitely hear back soon.

And low and behold 2 days later my Consultant rang me. He told me I was booked in for Chemo on 15 Sept. I had a blood test on 14 Sept and a scan? - I said I thought no scans were available till after Xmas, He said with the help of our MP they were able to pull a few strings a get me to the top of the list.

Last Thurs I had a face to face with my cons.
My wifes hospital cancelled all surgery expecting thousands of covids. Then they farmed out the essential stuff to the private sector - which couldnt cope and then they started taking in nhs patients from the private sector , if that makes sense. I have just come off 6 weeks of daily IV and it has been a really surreal experience walking down empty corridors.
Third day in and I bumped into the wife who works there. Went over for a cuddle and she gave me a bollocking for getting too close. I told her we were a bit closer the night before and of course that was a bit mistake which took some time to make right.
Hope it goes well for you matey.
Thanks, Tommy, I didn't get home till 21.10 Tues after my 113 Chemo session. Had to wait over an hour cos staff are now expected to give all pre-meds that normally take half an hour in just 15 minutes. So they were running over.
Good news is that my blood cancer reading that had gone from 7 to 27 is now down to 13. so hopefully this session will get it back down to where it was.

The staff now have to work till after 8 pm and I was on my own for the last two hours. Like you say its strange walking through corridors I'd only ever seen packed before Carona.

Still I'm feeling a lot better than Trump looked on that balcony. Wonder how he will fare after the steroids ware off?
Tidy. Keep on top of it.

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